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Data Architecture and Modeling with DataWharf - Early Access
 Auteur: Eric Lendvai     
Table of Contents
Early Access
What makes DataWharf different from other modeling tools?
Technical Notes
Installing DataWharf with Docker
Initial Settings
Customizing DataWharf
Setting up Applications and Projects - Planned
Column/Field Types - Composing
Custom Fields - Planned
Setting up and Testing Single Sign On - Planned
DataWharf Repo and dependency - Planned
Extending DataWharf with APIs - Planned
User Access Rights - Planned
Exporting and Importing Data Dictionaries and Models - Planned
Monitoring DataWharf
Installing DataWharf For Development - Planned
Early Access
Since this article is the primary documentation for the DataWharf application, it is released before it is complete, and will be updated as DataWharf evolves as well.
Articles are structured as a collection of sections. Several incomplete, or not even in progress, sections will be listed to help you see what are the upcoming topics to be covered.

DataWharf is available at ( which will redirect to ).
Please also review the file displayed  as you first visit the repo.
  • Understanding how to setup a FastCGI Harbour web application or use Docker to build and run a container.
  • Setup a PostgreSQL database version 14 or above. Even though DataWharf can manage multiple type of SQL backends, it use PostgreSQL itself to store all of its data.
There are many definitions for Data Architecture and Data Modeling. Major evolution occurred in the domain of data management these last few decades, and so did the definition of those terms. 
Some of us started our journey in data management using COBOL, which was created in 1959, and was one of the first computer languages that introduced the concept or rows and columns. 
Starting in 1970 the new concept of data normalization was introduced and refined in the following years.
There are many articles and books about data normalization, and as an architect it should be second nature to follow at least the 3rd Normal Form.

Currently the most common definition for Normalization,  Data Architecture and Data Modeling are (Using ChatGPT):

"Normalization is a technique used to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity by organizing data into tables and establishing relationships between them."

"Data architecture is a high-level approach that deals with the overall design of data structures, systems, and processes. It defines the standards, policies, and practices that govern the collection, storage, retrieval, and use of data in an organization. Data architecture aims to ensure that data is managed in a consistent and coherent manner across the organization."

"Data modeling, on the other hand, is a more detailed approach that focuses on creating specific representations of data structures and relationships. It involves the creation of data models, which are diagrams or visual representations of the data elements, their attributes, and the relationships between them. Data modeling helps to clarify the meaning and relationships of data elements, and enables the creation of more accurate and efficient databases".

Another set of definitions exists for Conceptual, Logical and Physical data models. And again we can not find a single precise definitions of those terms. So here is what I would consider the most up to date definition (Using ChatGPT):

Conceptual, logical, and physical data models are different levels of abstraction used to represent data and information in a structured way.
  1. Conceptual Data Model: A conceptual data model represents high-level business concepts and their relationships, without getting into the technical details of implementation. It is a conceptualization of the real-world entities and relationships between them. It describes the overall structure of the data, including entities, attributes, and relationships between them, without going into too much detail about the database structure.
  2. Logical Data Model: A logical data model is a detailed representation of the data and how it is organized in a particular database system. It defines the structure of data elements and their relationships, such as entities, attributes, and relationships between them, and also includes data constraints and business rules. It is a representation of data that is independent of any particular database management system or hardware implementation.
  3. Physical Data Model: A physical data model specifies the physical implementation of a database on a particular hardware platform, including storage structures, access methods, and security constraints. It represents the actual data structure and how it is stored in the database management system. It includes details such as table structures, indexes, keys, and data types. The physical data model is optimized for performance and storage efficiency, and is specific to a particular database management system and hardware platform.
Up to this point, it is all theories and definitions. As a long time architects I used to use Microsoft Visio and some desktop database documentation tool to create the Conceptual and Logical/Physical models.It was always very difficult to share diagrams and documentation and to not be concerned about which version of the models are out there. This became even harder in the enterprise worlds, when several hundred architects, engineers and product managers had to cooperate together on multiple projects and applications.

Starting first as an example of a FastCGI web app, than moved out to its own github repo, I created DataWharf, an enterprise grade web application, that can be used to created Conceptual, Logical and Physical models. 
Initially it was a simple data dictionary tool with some visualization, but then with help from Thomas Goldschmidt, it became a full modeling tool with even more advanced visualization and Single Sign On support.

DataWharf has two major sections: Projects and Applications.

A Project in DataWharf, is collection of Models, conceptual and/or logical. Projects could be used before applications even exists. Usually a team of architects would be creating one or more models to design an entire project. 
The Models are made of Entities, Associations, Attributes, Packages, Datatypes, ... and many of those concepts can be renamed at the level of a project. 
Custom access rights can be managed at the level of projects, and most components of a model can have an unlimited number of custom fields as well.

When using DataWharf to document itself; the following is a physical model of the core tables used to support projects:

And the following is a conceptual model of projects:

The grey zone of conceptual and logical modeling; where one ends and the other begins?

Some people state that a conceptual model should not have defined attributes.
Others that logical models should already represent many to many relationships with actual entities.

DataWharf will not force the level of details or lack of in your models. Basically models are to be used to express your intent of your data structure.

For seasoned architects, models are used to simplify a physical model, to help during training and to explain an application, and therefore are sometimes created after the physical tables already exists.

Sometimes models are used during the exploration of what an applications should do, but is that case maintaining the model as the application grows is recommended.

An Application in DataWharf, is in between a logical and physical model for a single database, represented as an actual Data Dictionary
But unlike most data dictionaries, the ones defined in DataWharf are backend independent, hence the "logical model like" behavior.

The data dictionary is defined with its own column types, that can be converted for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and MS SQL (currently).
Most data types will work for any backends. Some data types will be converted to strings if not supported natively, and to not restrict an application's implementation, some field types can be PostgreSQL specific, like arrays.
By the way, using array column types violates the 1st Normal Form (Normalization).
An entire section of this article will describe the mapping for DataWharf column types to all supported backends.

Another concept DataWharf supports are Namespaces, equivalent to "Schema" in PostgreSQL and MS SQL. MariaDB and MySQL do not include such concept and therefore if multiple Namespaces exists, their names will be prepended to the table names.

When using DataWharf to document itself; the following is a physical model of the core tables used to support data dictionaries:

Custom access rights can be managed at the level of applications, and most components of a data dictionary can have an unlimited number of custom fields as well.

Deployments can also be recorded for each Data Dictionary (Application), making it easier to compare the specification of a data dictionary with the actual implementation of them. 
For example, an Application could have a Develop, Beta, QA and Production installation.
What makes DataWharf different from other modeling tools?
Most data modeling tools are proprietary desktop applications with potentially expensive monthly and per user licensing fees.

DataWharf is 100% open-source, free, and is a web application that can be accessed using any modern web browser like Firefox, Chrome, Safari and any other browser supported by Bootstrap 5+ and jQuery 3+.
  • DataWharf can be configured for an unlimited number of users. Project and Application level access rights can be configure for each users.
  • DataWharf can also be configured to register new users via Single Sign On. 
  • Most entities can have an unlimited number of custom fields.
  • Multiple tags can be used to flag Tables and Columns, making it even easier to filter down lists.
  • Multi text searches can be done on description fields.
  • The concept of life cycle and documentation completion exists on most entities.
  • Users with the proper access rights, can export and import any Models and Data Dictionary.
  • An unlimited number of Diagrams/Visualization can be done for Models and Data Dictionaries. Those diagrams directly related to elements entered in the Models and Data Dictionaries.
  • Diagrams are living documents with color coding, tooltips and a detail panel that reflects additional information about any highlighted elements.
  • All information in DataWharf has a unique URL, allowing user to include those in any external documentation.
  • DataWharf has an API engine that can be enhanced to support any external application.
  • Except for passwords, all information stored by DataWharf could be used by accessing its own PostgreSQL database (access rights restrictions to be set by your own DBA).
  • DataWharf is also compatible with AWS RDS services.
  • Support for CyanAudit can be enabled to track any changes made by any users.
  • Easily compare your physical model to actual deployments, or sync/load already existing databases.
  • For Harbour developers, an export to a Hash Array ready for use by the Harbour_ORM is available.

Technical Notes
The following is a list of notes specific to DataWharf.

  • Names of Namespaces, Tables, Columns, Enumerations, Enumeration Values, Indexes, Tags, Diagrams and all Modeling elements, can be be created by combining lower and upper case letters, but the ordering and uniqueness is case insensitive. Meaning for example, you can not create two Columns in the  same Table where they would have the same name regardless of their casing.
  • Dots (periods) are not allowed, and will be automatically removed, in Namespaces, Tables, Columns, Enumerations, and Indexes.

Installing DataWharf with Docker
If you plan do develop / enhance or simply run DataWharf locally, install Docker Desktop.
If you are on MS Windows you can use the following article to install Docker Desktop:

Using GIT to clone the DataWharf repo available at (which will redirect you to

If you don't already have access to a PostgreSQL server, install version 14 or above on your local machine.
Create an empty database "DataWharfDemo" for example.

There are two methods to run DataWharf with Docker:
  1. Run as pre-built / pre-compiled web application 
  2. Run by compiling locally and for the purpose of enhancing/extending DataWharf
The first method (pre-built) will use a base image of DataWharf always up to date from DockerHub.
Update the file "config_demo.txt" with PostgreSQL connection and login information to the "DataWharfDemo" database created earlier.

Run the following Docker commands from the root folder of your local repo:
docker build . -f Dockerfile_Demo_Using_DockerHub_Ubuntu_22_04 -t datawharf_demo_using_dockerhub_baseimage:latestdocker run -d -p 8080:80 datawharf_demo_using_dockerhub_baseimage:latest
Open a browser to "http://localhost:8080"
The initial login ID is "main" and the password is "password".
Once you logged in, to see DataWharf's own data dictionary use the following steps:

1. Go to "Settings" and add an "Application", "DataWharf".
2. Go to "Data Dictionary", select "DataWharf", use the "Import" option, and from the repo use the latest ExportDataDictionary_DataWharf_*.zip.
   You can do the same for "Projects" and "Models" by using ExportModel_DataWharf_Design-Projects_*.zip

Expended instructions are also available at

The second method (local compilation) will allow you to compile directly in Windows or Docker, via Dev Containers.
If you are using Mac OS, currently, you will need to use Dev Containers.

Some features, like SSO (Single Sign On) will only function while running in Linux, meaning Docker.

If you intend to develop on Windows natively, use the following article to setup your local environment:
All the instructions for developing DataWharf are requiring the use if VSCode.

Regardless if you develop in Windows or Docker (Ubuntu), please install the following two VSCODE extensions:
1. aperricone.harbour
2. actboy168.tasks

Developing DataWharf will also required to clone the following repos locally:

Please update your local .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file to mount those repos inside your dev container.

Initial Settings
DataWharf use a PostgreSQL database to store all of its own information. Currently around 50 tables are maintained by DataWharf. You only need to create an empty database, point to it, and the DataWharf web app will create and maintain all of its own tables, including dealing with its own schema migrations. 

DataWharf is a self contained FastCGI executable. Wherever it is installed, you need to create or simply update a config.txt file.

The config.txt file is simply a list of name/value entries, one per line.
The names are defined by DataWharf, and the values can be entered directly or as a reference to environment variables, see example at line 8

Here is an example of a config.txt with the description of each possible settings.
ReloadConfigAtEveryRequest=true                   //"true" or "false". If false the web server or at least the FastCGI executable needs to be restarted for settings changes to be detected.MaxRequestPerFCGIProcess=0                        //0 for Unlimited.POSTGRESPORT=5432                                 //Useful if installing multiple versions of PostgreSQL.POSTGRESHOST=localhost                            //Could also refer to an AWS RDS, host.docker.internal (if using docker and accessing PostgreSQL server of host OS.POSTGRESID=datawharf                              //PostgreSQL User id.POSTGRESPASSWORD=${DataWharf_Database_Password}   //Password for POSTGRESID. Instead of entering the password as plain text, you can specify the name of an environment variablePOSTGRESDATABASE=DataWharf                        //Database NamePOSTGRESDRIVER=PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)    //ODBC Drive name might be different depending of ODBC client version or OS used.ShowDevelopmentInfo=No                            APPLICATION_TITLE=DataWharf Development           //Main menu branding. Optional.COLOR_HEADER_BACKGROUND=E3F2FD                    //Optional.COLOR_HEADER_TEXT_WHITE=No                        //Yes or No.LOGO_THEME_NAME=Blocks_003                        //Images available from Repo: Earth_001, Blocks_001, Blocks_002, Blocks_003, RainierKayak, RainierSailBoat. You may also add your own image files in the images folder and specify the name.SECURITY_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=password                //Used when creating the initial user in DataWharf "main"SECURITY_SALT=0123456789ABCDEFG                   //To encrypt DataWharf user's passwords. Not used if use Single Sign-onDEPLOYMENT_CRYPT_KEY=1234                         //Used to encrypt password entered when defining application deployments.CYANAUDIT_TRAC_USER=No                            //Yes or No. If Cyanaudit is used, the pk field value from the User table will be used, enabling full audit of what any DataWharf user is doing.ODBC_DRIVER_POSTGRESQL=PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)   //Most likely same as POSTGRESDRIVER. Used during Load/Delta of data dictionaries.// The following would be setting Under Ubuntu 22:04. The list of driver can be viewed using:  cat /etc/odbcinst.ini//ODBC_DRIVER_POSTGRESQL=PostgreSQL Unicode//ODBC_DRIVER_MARIADB=MariaDB Unicode//ODBC_DRIVER_MYSQL=MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver//ODBC_DRIVER_MSSQL=ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
Customizing DataWharf
There are multiple customization that can be done to DataWharf. Since DataWharf is an open-source project, you are free to modify as you desire.
But most users/companies will only need to make minor changes to rebrand / customize DataWharf, and all of this can be done by editing a config.txt file, or possibly

Please refer to the previous section to see an example of a config.txt file.

To rebrand DataWharf, meaning renaming it something your company would identify with, or if you have multiple instance of DataWharf and want to make it obvious which one you are accessing, update the "APPLICATION_TITLE" setting.

If you want to change the background color of the top navigation bar, or change the text from black to white, set the following two settings:
  • "COLOR_HEADER_BACKGROUND"                  A RGB color as set via hex values (standard html color setting).
  • "COLOR_HEADER_TEXT_WHITE"                     Yes or No.

To change the logo image and picture used on the home page, set the follow setting:
  • "LOGO_THEME_NAME"                                     A name of a pair of image files in the "images" folder under the "website" folder.
The web sites favicon  (also known as a shortcut icon) is the file named as "favicon_<LOGO_THEME_NAME>.ico"    (64x64 pixels)
The logo in the navigation bar, and the image on the home page is the file named as"Logo_<LOGO_THEME_NAME>.png"    (1024x1024 pixels)

A few sets of images files are provided in the repo. Add your own images with the same file name structure if needed.
The following is a view of what is available by default. These were generated using "midjourney", an AI service that generates images based on some text prompts. These were generate using the paid service, and I (Eric Lendvai) grant use of them to the public when used for any deployment of DataWharf.

The "" file, located in the "src" folder will have some default settings and settings used to set colors of elements used in diagrams.
Editing that file will require a recompilation, since it behaves as an .h file for programs written in C.

DataWharf is written using the Harbour computer language, which in turn is converted to pure C code. For more information about Harbour, go to the web site
Setting up Applications and Projects - Planned
Column/Field Types - Composing
As mentioned in the introductions, DataWharf has its own datatypes (actually from the Harbour_ORM repo)

Type CodeType Name
Field Type
MariaDB and MySQL
Field Type

IBBig Integer

YMoney (4 decimal)

Comment field: 'Type=Y'

character(<len>)CHAR(<len>)Uses UTF8 encoding
CVVariable length char (with max length value)X
character varying(<len>)VARCHAR(<len>)Uses UTF8 encoding
BBinary (Same as "R")X
Comment field: 'Type=B|Length=<len>'
BINARY(<len>)No code page/encoding.
BVVariable length Binary (Sace as "R" with max length value)X
Comment field: 'Type=BV|Length=<len>'
VARBINARY(<len>)No code page/encoding.
MLongtext (memo)

textLONGTEXTUses UTF8 encoding
RLong blob (binary) (Same as "B")



TOZTime with time zone

time with time zone
time(<dec>) with time zone
Comment field: 'Type=TOZ'

TOTime without time zone

time without time zone
time(<dec>) without time zone

DTZDate Time with time zone

timestamp with time zone
timestamp(<dec>) with time zone

Date Time without time zone

timestamp without time zone
timestamp(<dec>) without time zone

UUIUUID (Universally Unique Identifier)

Comment field: 'Type=UI'
MySQL/MariaDB36 Character Length (32 digits and 4 dashes).
PostgreSQL requires pgcrypto extension to be installed.

Comment field: 'Type=JS'

Object Identifier


  • In PostgreSQL a "bit" type also exists, which is a string series for "0" and "1", not the Binary type. For now we do not support the field type.
  • On PostgreSQL to allow the generation of UUID values, install the extension "pgcrypto".
Custom Fields - Planned
Setting up and Testing Single Sign On - Planned
DataWharf Repo and dependency - Planned
Extending DataWharf with APIs - Planned
User Access Rights - Planned
Exporting and Importing Data Dictionaries and Models - Planned
Monitoring DataWharf
Simply access the /heath web page to see if your instance of DataWharf is running and to review the versions of several of its components.

Additionally, check the table ORM.SchemaAndDataErrorLog to see review any errors created by the application itself.

The following is an example of the information provided by the /health page.
{    "message": "OK",    "zulu_time": "2023-04-19T09:03:14.501Z",    "application_version": "2.53",    "data_schema_version": "20",    "build Info":    {    "datawharf": "mingw64 release 04/19/2023  2:02:45.90",    "harbour_orm": "mingw64 release 02/17/2023  2:09:56.08",    "harbour_vfp": "mingw64 release 02/17/2023  2:09:50.19"    },    "data_server": "PostgreSQL 14.5, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit"}
Installing DataWharf For Development - Planned