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How to install Harbour on Ubuntu
Auteur: Alain Aupeix 
Table of Contents
Download Harbour Core
Compiling Harbour under Linux
Installing Harbour on Linux
Testing the installation for Harbour, Hello World
Some Improvements to the Basic Install
Installation Script Source Code
An Additional Improvement
Source Code of hbit1
Source Code of hbit2
Source Code of hbv1
Source Code of hbv2

You can find a generic description of how to build Harbour from source at its master GitHub repository:

Essentially, the Harbour compiler takes PRG files, creates C source code equivalent files, and then uses a C compiler and linker to create the actual binaries.

While there are many benefits of using Harbour, In this article I would rather not focus on the benefits of Harbour in the way it generates C code and produces executables that are protected from decompilation.  Additionally, while I enjoy free programs and free code, these are not the reasons for which I have decided to use Harbour.

Harbour is the only xBase compiler that is completely open source, 100% free, is both 32 and 64 bit, and runs on all platforms that C can run on, to include Windows, DOS, MacOS, Unix, and Linux. Aside from the fact that it is an xBase compiler, the main reason for me to use Harbour is that it runs on Linux.

There are many C compilers available under Linux, but the easiest way is to build with gcc (The GNU Compiler Collection) which is already present in all Linux distributions. So, for Linux, there is no need to search around for other C compilers and linkers.

Quite simple, don’t you think?

You can build for both 32 bit and 64 bit, but honestly, I think 32 bit could eventually be completely abandoned as Ubuntu will abandon it for the 19.10 build and other distributions may too. 

Download Harbour Core

You have two ways to keep the Harbour source.

The first way which is often typical for Windows, and is usable under Linux, is to download the Zip file.  In our case, there is no need to install something to extract it, as Linux has already tools to do that.

The second way is to use git and clone the source. You just need to install Git, which is a very simple thing to do.

To Install Git in Ubuntu type the following in a terminal:

sudo apt install git

You can then clone the Harbour repository (code) in any directory you want. The simplest location is under your home directory, but you can locate it anywhere you want. 

Perhaps, due to my special way of thinking, I place it under /opt/TuxPrograms/trunks/.

I create a folder and change the owner and group to the user by running the following commands:

sudo mkdir /opt/TuxPrograms

cd /opt

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER TuxPrograms

chmod -R 775 TuxPrograms

After having created your folders, you can clone the source as such:

git clone harbour

Before explaining how to build the Harbour source, I must explain the advantage of using git. When you use git, you only have to update the local folder, and not download a Zip file, which is faster.

Compiling Harbour under Linux

Before compiling Harbour, you must install some prerequisites to be able to build Harbour.  To do so, execute the following command.

sudo apt install autoconf automake intltool build-essential

Additionally, If you want to use some contribs you must also install them. 

Here is the command that I use to install them (a maximum of the available contribs). Some packages are perhaps out of date due to Linux update.

To install contribs:

sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libslang2-dev libx11-dev libgpml-dev liballego4.2-dev libcairo2-dev libcups2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev firebird2.1-dev libfreeimage-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libgs-dev libmagic-dev libmysqlclient15-dev unixodbc-dev libpq-dev libqt5-dev libexpatl-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite-dev | tee pre-hb.log

Then, you can build located in the Harbour root folder.

As you can see, its just a simple command line : make.


Installing Harbour on Linux

Before testing Harbour, we will install it in the system. Here too, it’s just a simple command line :

sudo make install

Testing the installation for Harbour, Hello World

An easy way to verify your installation was successfully done, is to try to compile and run a very simple "Hello World" program.

Change into the Harbour tests directory and run the following command:

hbmk2 hello

Some Improvements to the Basic Install

Before using this script, there are some prerequisites to install :

  1. To be able to create Harbour deb, you need to install, if not already made by the program which allows us to bypass root rights to create a deb (fakeroot)

  2. To be able to install HwGui and build using HwGui, you need to install some packages : lintian to build HwGui deb and libgtk2.0-dev to build using HwGui (not too sure, as I often refer here to Ubuntu 12.04, which is a little out of date).

sudo apt install fakeroot lintian libgtk2.0-dev

The first one is just a complete script bash to update (or install) a local Harbour installation and local HwGui installation . It also allows us to build Debian installation packages (debs) for Harbour and/or HwGui.

Next, copy and save the following script to your Desktop as jharbour

Set the Mypath parameter at the beginning of the script by editing the file if you have chosen a different folder from mine. :

The value assigned to Mypath is the folder location of your Harbour source folder. If you have chosen the same folder as me, the parameter is already set.

Once the Mypath parameter is correct, change the rights, and move it into /usr/local/bin

chmod +x jharbour

sudo mv jharbour /usr/local/bin

Installation Script Source Code

Now you can run jharbour from where you are located when opening the terminal. You will be asked for your password in order to install Harbour.
File: jharbour
#!/bin/bash# A script to clean, build and install Harbour and Hwgui under Linux in /usr# Just set the variable MyPath to be able to use this shell# -- Chemin d'accès au répertoire local de Harbour ------------------------#export MyPath="/opt/TuxPrograms/trunks"# -- nom utilisateur ------------------------#export MyName=$USER# -- harbour --------------------------------#export HB_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr"export HB_WITH_PCRE=localexport HB_WITH_ZLIB=localexport HB_WITH_LIBHARU=local# -- hwgui  ---------------------------------#export HB_ROOT="$MyPath/harbour"export HRB_BIN="/usr/bin"export HRB_INC="/usr/include/harbour"export HRB_LIB="/usr/lib/harbour"#------------------------#export jversion="4.21"export jdate="2019/01/13"#------------------------## Test bureauif [[ `ps aux | grep -e "[g]nome-settings-daemon"` ]]; then        MyEditor="gedit"        MyExplorer="nautilus"elif [[ `ps aux | grep -e "[k]ded4" ` && ! `ps aux | grep -e "[g]nome-settings-daemon" ` ]]; then        MyEditor="kate"        MyExplorer="dolphin"elif [[ `ps aux | grep -e "[x]fsettingsd" ` ]]; then        MyEditor="mousepad"        MyExplorer="thunar"elif [[ `ps aux | grep -e "[l]xsession" ` ]]; then        MyEditor="leafpad"        MyExplorer="pcmanfm"else        MyEditor="gedit"        MyExplorer="nautilus"fieditsh="No"if test -z $MyPath;then    export editsh="";else    if test -z $MyExplorer;then        export editsh="";    else        if test -z $MyEditor;then            export editsh="";        fi    fifiif test -z $editsh;then    clear    echo "jHarbour v $jversion - JujuLand - $jdate"    echo " "    echo "Vous avez oublié de paramétrer une variable nécessaire poue exécuter ce script."    echo "Veuillez procéder à ce paramétrage, avant de relancer ce script."    echo " "    echo "Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer ..."    read    echo "Après, vous pourrez lancer jharbour de nouveau ..."    echo " "    if test -z $(which jharbour); then        nano $0    else        sudo nano $(which jharbour)    fi    exitficlearbegin=$(date)echo jHarbour v $jversion - JujuLand - $jdate                                |tee $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "echo "Harbour version is : $(hbmk2 --version|grep '3.2'|cut -f1,2,3,4|awk '{print $1"  "$4" "$5")"}')"echo "Hwgui version is   : $(dpkg -l|grep hwgui|cut -f1,2,3,4|awk '{print $2"    "$3}')"echo " "echo -n "Do you want to clean previous builds (default=no) (y/n)? "read cleanif test -z $clean;then    export clean="n";fiif test $clean = "n"; then    export clean="no"else    export clean="yes"fiecho "=> Clean = "`echo $clean`                                                                         |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "echo -n "Do you want to build dynamic libs contribs (default=no) (y/n)? "read HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYNif test -z $HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN;then    export HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN="n";fiif test $HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN = "n"; then    export HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN="no"else    export HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN="yes"fiecho "=> HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN = "`echo $HB_BUILD_CONTRIB_DYN`                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "echo -n "Do you want to generate an Harbour deb packet (default=no) (y/n)? "read HB_BUILD_DEBif test -z $HB_BUILD_DEB; then    export HB_BUILD_DEB="n";fiif test $HB_BUILD_DEB = "n"; then    export HB_BUILD_DEB="no"else    export HB_BUILD_DEB="yes"    # removing last deb files    cd $MyPath    for var in `ls -1 *harbour*.deb 2>/dev/null`        do        rm $var 2>/dev/null    donefiecho "=> Build Harbour DEB = "`echo $HB_BUILD_DEB`                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "if test $HB_BUILD_DEB = "yes"; then    echo -n "Do you want to install Harbour deb packet (default=no) (y/n)? "    read HB_INSTALL_DEB    if test -z $HB_INSTALL_DEB; then        export HB_INSTALL_DEB="n";    fi    if test $HB_INSTALL_DEB = "n"; then        export HB_INSTALL_DEB="no"    else        export HB_INSTALL_DEB="yes"    fi    echo "=> Install Harbour DEB = "`echo $HB_INSTALL_DEB`                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo " "fiecho -n "Do you want to generate an Hwgui deb packet (default=no) (y/n)? "read HW_BUILD_DEBif test -z $HW_BUILD_DEB; then    export HW_BUILD_DEB="n";fiif test $HW_BUILD_DEB = "n"; then    export HW_BUILD_DEB="no"else    export HW_BUILD_DEB="yes"    # removing last deb files    cd $MyPath    for var in `ls -1 hwgui*.deb 2>/dev/null`        do        rm $var 2>/dev/null    donefiecho "=> Build Hwgui DEB = "`echo $HW_BUILD_DEB`                                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "if test $HW_BUILD_DEB = "yes"; then    echo -n "Do you want to install Hwgui deb packet (default=no) (y/n)? "    read HW_INSTALL_DEB    if test -z $HW_INSTALL_DEB; then        export HW_INSTALL_DEB="n";    fi    if test $HW_INSTALL_DEB = "n"; then        export HW_INSTALL_DEB="no"    else        export HW_INSTALL_DEB="yes"    fi    echo "=> Install Hwgui DEB = "`echo $HW_INSTALL_DEB`                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo " "fiecho -n "Are-you sure you want to continue (default=yes) (y/n)? "read confirmif test -z $confirm; then    export confirm="y";fiif test $confirm = "n"; then    exitfi# We build Harbour & HwguibuildHarbour="yes"buildHwgui="yes"clearif test -d $MyPath/harbour/.git; then    if !(test -e $MyPath/hbv1); then        # hbv1        echo "/*"                                             > $MyPath/hbv1        echo "* Harbour Project source code:"                >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo "* Header file to help catch reserved keywords" >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo "*"                                             >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo "* Copyright 2015-2019 Alain Aupeix"            >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo "*/"                                            >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo ""                                              >> $MyPath/hbv1        echo "#ifndef Harbour_Version   "                    >> $MyPath/hbv1        # hbv2        echo "#endif /* Harbour_Version */"                   > $MyPath/hbv2        # hbit1        echo "/*"                                             > $MyPath/hbit1        echo "* Harbour Project source code:"                >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo "* Header file to help catch reserved keywords" >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo "*"                                             >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo "* Copyright 2015-2019 Alain Aupeix"            >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo "*/"                                            >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo ""                                              >> $MyPath/hbit1        echo "#ifndef Harbour_Version   "                    >> $MyPath/hbit1        # hbit2        echo "#endif /* Harbour_Version */"                   > $MyPath/hbit2    fi    if !(test -e $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1); then        # hbg1        echo "/*"                                             > $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "* Harbour Project source code:"                >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "* Header file to help catch reserved keywords" >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "*"                                             >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "* Copyright 2015-2019 Alain Aupeix"            >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "*/"                                            >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo ""                                              >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        echo "#ifndef HwGui_Rev   "                          >> $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1        # hbg2        echo "#endif /* HwGui_Rev */"                         > $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg2    fi    if test $clean = "yes"; then        cd $MyPath/harbour        echo "###########################"                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "#  Cleaning .hbmk folder  #"                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "###########################"                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        if test -d $MyPath/harbour/lib/linux/gcc/; then            echo "# Cleaning gcc lib folder $MyPath/harbour/lib/linux/gcc"                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            sudo rm $MyPath/harbour/lib/linux/gcc/* 2>/dev/null        fi        if test -d $MyPath/harbour/lib/linux/gcc/.hbmk; then            sudo rm -R $MyPath/harbour/lib/linux/gcc/.hmbk 2>/dev/null        fi        if test -d $MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/hhmk2; then            echo "# Cleaning gcc bin folder $MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc"                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            sudo rm $MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/* 2>/dev/null            sudo rm -R $MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/.hmbk 2>/dev/null        fi    fi    echo "####################################"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Updating local Harbour sources  #"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "####################################"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour    git pull 2>&1                                                                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    # test if updated    noHarbour=$(head -n20 $MyPath/jharbour.log |grep 'Already up-to-date'|wc -l)    if [ "$noHarbour" = "1" ] && [ "$clean" != "yes" ]; then        buildHarbour="no"    fi    if [ $buildHarbour = "yes" ]; then        if test $clean = "yes"; then            cd $MyPath/harbour            echo "######################"                                                                  |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            echo "#  Cleaning harbour  #"                                                                  |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            echo "######################"                                                                  |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            make clean 2>&1                                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        else            rm include/hbverbld.h        fi        rm $MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/hbmk2        if test -e $MyPath/; then        echo Updating hbmk2.po                                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log            cp $MyPath/ $MyPath/harbour/utils/hbmk2/po        fi    fielse    cd $MyPath    echo "####################################"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Creating local Harbour sources  #"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "####################################"                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    git clone harbour                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logfi#fiecho "##################################"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "#  Updating local hwgui sources  #"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "##################################"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logif !(test -e $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/.svn/entries); then    mkdir $MyPath/harbour/addons    mkdir $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo mkdir /usr/lib/hwgui                                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo mkdir /usr/include/hwgui                                                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logficd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-srcsvn co . 2>&1                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logexport HW_REV=$(cat $MyPath/jharbour.log|grep vision|awk {'print $2'})export HW_VERS=$(head -n7 hwgui/whatsnew.txt | grep HWGUI | grep -v Win32 | sed 's/HWGUI //'|sed 's/ build /-/'|awk '{print $1}')if !(test -e $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/obj); then    mkdir $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/objfiif !(test -e $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/lib); then    mkdir $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/libfiif test $clean = "yes"; then    echo "####################"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Cleaning Hwgui  #"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "####################"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui 2>/dev/null    rm -fR lib/* obj/* 2>/dev/null    cd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    rm -fR lib/ obj/ 2>/dev/nullfiif [ $buildHarbour = "yes" ]; then    echo "####################"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Making harbour  #"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "####################"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour    make 2>&1                                                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "# Creating include file for harbour rev"                                                       |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    if !(test -e ../hbv1); then        # hbv1        echo "/*"                                             > ../hbv1        echo "* Harbour Project source code:"                >> ../hbv1        echo "* Header file to help catch reserved keywords" >> ../hbv1        echo "*"                                             >> ../hbv1        echo "* Copyright 2015-2019 Alain Aupeix"            >> ../hbv1        echo "*/"                                            >> ../hbv1        echo ""                                              >> ../hbv1        echo "#ifndef Harbour_Version"                       >> ../hbv1        # hbv2        echo "#endif /* Harbour_Version */"                   > ../hbv2    fi    if !(test -e ../hbit1); then        # hbit1        echo "/*"                                             > ../hbit1        echo "* Harbour Project source code:"                >> ../hbit1        echo "* Header file to help catch reserved keywords" >> ../hbit1        echo "*"                                             >> ../hbit1        echo "* Copyright 2017-2019 Alain Aupeix"            >> ../hbit1        echo "*/"                                            >> ../hbit1        echo ""                                              >> ../hbit1        echo "#ifndef Harbour_bits"                          >> ../hbit1        # hbit2        echo "#endif /* Harbour_bits */"                      > ../hbit2    fi    cat ../hbv1 >    echo '   #define Harbour_Version               "'$(hbmk2 --version|grep "(r" |sed 's/Make (hbmk2) //')'"'>>    cat ../hbv2 >>    sudo cp /usr/include/harbour/    echo "# Creating include file for harbour bits"                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cat ../hbit1 >    echo '   #define Harbour_bits                  "'$(uname -p|sed 's|\x010||g')'"'>>    cat ../hbit2 >>    sudo cp /usr/include/harbour/    echo "########################"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Installing Harbour  #"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "########################"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo -E make install 2>&1                                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logfiecho "##################"                                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "#  Making Hwgui  #"                                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "##################"                                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logcd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/source/gtkmake -e -fMakefile.linux 2>&1                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logcd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui# test if updatednoHwgui=$(tail $MyPath/jharbour.log |grep 'make: Rien à faire pour « all ».'|wc -l)if [ "$noHwgui" = "1" ] && [ "$clean" != "yes" ]; then    buildHwgui="no"fiif [ $buildHwgui = "yes" ]; then    echo "######################"                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Installing Hwgui  #"                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "######################"                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/lib    if !(test -d /usr/share/hwgui); then        sudo mkdir /usr/share/hwgui    fi    if !(test -d /usr/lib/hwgui); then        sudo mkdir /usr/lib/hwgui    fi    echo "# Copying libs from $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/lib"                                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib/hwgui    cd ../include    echo "# Creating include file for hwgui rev"                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    if !(test -d /usr/include/hwgui); then        sudo mkdir /usr/include/hwgui    fificat $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg1 > hwgui_rev.checho '   #define HwGui_Rev               "'$HW_REV'"'>>hwgui_rev.chcat $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hbg2 >> hwgui_rev.chif [ $buildHwgui = "yes" ]; then    echo "# Copying h and ch files from $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/include"                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp *.h /usr/include/hwgui    sudo cp *.ch /usr/include/hwgui    sudo cp sudo cp $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/utils/editor/ /usr/include/hwgui    echo "# Copying hwgrun from $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/util/tutorial"                       |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui/utils/tutorial    hwbuild hwgrun 2>&1                                                                                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    hwbuild tutor 2>&1                                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp hwgrun /usr/binfiif test $HB_BUILD_DEB = "yes"; then    echo "###############################"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Creating harbour packages  #"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "###############################"                                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour    fakeroot debian/rules binary 2>&1                                                                    |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    retour=$?    if test $retour -gt 0;then        echo " "                                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "################################################# #"                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  #"                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# |  Warning : Error creating Harbour deb files | #"                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  #"                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "###################################################"                                        |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        exit    fi    cd $MyPath    if !(test -d hb_debs); then        mkdir hb_debs    fi    echo " "                                                                                             |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "=> Preserving harbour deb files in $PWD/hb_debs"                                               |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    export rev=`$MyPath/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/hbmk2 --version|grep "(r" |sed 's/Harbour Make (hbmk2) 3.2.0dev (//;s/)//;s/ /-/'`    for var in `ls -1 *.deb`        do        cp $var hb_debs/$rev"_"$var    done    cd $MyPath    rm harbour*dbg*.deb    if test $HB_INSTALL_DEB = "yes"; then        echo "########################"                                                                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "#  Installing Harbour  #"                                                                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "########################"                                                                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        sudo dpkg -i harbour*.deb 2>&1                                                                    |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        $MyExplorer $MyPath &    fifiif test $HW_BUILD_DEB = "yes"; then    echo " "                                                                                             |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#############################"                                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#  Creating hwgui packages  #"                                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    echo "#############################"                                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd $MyPath/harbour/addons/hwgui-src/hwgui    if !(test -d debian); then        echo "=> Creating structure"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        mkdir debian 2>&1        mkdir debian/hwgui        mkdir debian/hwgui/DEBIAN        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/bin        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/include        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/include/hwgui        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/lib        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/lib/hwgui        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples        mkdir debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/hwgui        chmod -R 755 debian/hwgui        cd debian        # hwgui.hbc        echo "#" > hwgui.hbc        echo "# $Id: hwgui.hbc 2076 2013-06-13 15:37:33Z druzus $" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "#" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "# Include this file in hbmk2 command line to build an app:" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "#   'hbmk2 hwgui.hbc test.prg'" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "incpaths=/usr/include/hwgui" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "libpaths=/usr/lib/hwgui" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "{win}gt=gtgui" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "libs=hwgui procmisc hbxml hwgdebug" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "{win&!allmingw}libs=hbactivex" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "" >> hwgui.hbc        echo "{unix}ldflags+=\"`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`\"" >> hwgui.hbc        # changelog        echo "hwgui (2.20-3) stable; urgency=low" > changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.20-3" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Mon, 17 Sep 2016 13:50:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.20-2) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.20-2" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Mon, 12 Sep 2016 14:15:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.20) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.20" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Fri, 08 Sep 2016 12:00:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-6) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19-6" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 01 Feb 2016 14:15:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-5) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19-5" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:56:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-4) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19-4" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:00:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-3) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19-3" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 08 May 2015 14:15:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-2) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19-2" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 27 Jan 2015 14:56:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.19-1) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.19" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 20 Dec 2014 13:00:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.18-2) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.18-2" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:58:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.18) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.18" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 19 Jul 2013 16:58:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.17) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.17" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 07 Oct 2008 13:00:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.16) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.16" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:05:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.15) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.15" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 07 Jun 2006 15:05:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.14) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.14" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 14 Dec 2004 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.13) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.13" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.12) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.12" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 04 Apr 2004 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.11) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.11" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 15 Oct 2003 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.10) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.10" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 22 Sep 2003 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.09) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.09" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 08 Sep 2003 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.08) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.08" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 08 Jul 2003 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.07) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.07" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 21 May 2003 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.06) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.06" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 15 Nov 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.05) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.05" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 15 Sep 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.04) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.04" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 05 Aug 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.03) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.03" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 25 Jul 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.02) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.02" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 23 Jul 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.01) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.01" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 05 Jul 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.00 final) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.00 final" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 26 Jun 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.00b2) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.00b2" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 14 Jun 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "hwgui (2.00b) stable; urgency=low" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo "  * 2.00b" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        echo " -- Alexander Kresin <>  Thu, 04 Jun 2002 14:25:00 +0300" >> changelog_        echo "" >> changelog_        # control        echo "Package: hwgui" > control_        echo "Version: ##v ##r" >> control_        echo "Section: devel" >> control_        echo "Priority: optional" >> control_        echo "Architecture: ##p" >> control_        echo "Installed-Size: ##s" >> control_        echo "Package-type: deb" >> control_        echo "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15), harbour (>= 3.2.0-1)" >> control_        echo "Maintainer: Alexander Kresin <>" >> control_        echo "Homepage:" >> control_        echo "Description: GTK+ wrapper library for Harbour compiler." >> control_        echo " Hwgui is a free software which allowing to build Harbour GUI" >> control_        echo " applications using GTK+ libraries." >> control_        echo " ." >> control_        echo " Harbour is a free software compiler for the xBase superset language" >> control_        echo " often referred to as Clipper (the language that is implemented by the" >> control_        echo " compiler CA-Cl*pper)." >> control_        echo " ." >> control_        echo " Hwgui is a library which can be used on MS Windows, and GNU/Linux" >> control_        echo " and other *nixes" >> control_        echo " ." >> control_        echo " The main advantage of Hwgui over hbQt under Linux is his best and easiest" >> control_        echo " integration in GTK+ environnements, without needing to install a lot of" >> control_        echo " qt packets. Its features may depend from the chosen platform." >> control_        # copyright        echo "Name: hwgui" > copyright        echo "Maintainer: Alexander Kresin <>" >> copyright        echo "Source:" >> copyright        echo "Copyright: 2002-2016, Alexander Kresin <>" >> copyright        echo "License: LGPL-2" >> copyright        echo " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" >> copyright        echo " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" >> copyright        echo " the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" >> copyright        echo " (at your option) any later version." >> copyright        echo "." >> copyright        echo " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," >> copyright        echo " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" >> copyright        echo " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the" >> copyright        echo " GNU General Public License for more details." >> copyright        echo "." >> copyright        echo " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" >> copyright        echo " along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to" >> copyright        echo " the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330," >> copyright        echo " Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site" >> copyright        echo "." >> copyright        echo " As a special exception, you have permission for" >> copyright        echo " additional uses of the text contained in its release of HWGUI." >> copyright        echo "." >> copyright        echo " The exception is that, if you link the HWGUI library with other" >> copyright        echo " files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the" >> copyright        echo " resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License." >> copyright        echo " Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of" >> copyright        echo " linking the HWGUI library code into it." >> copyright        echo "" > hwgui/DEBIAN/md5sums        # postinst        echo "#!/bin/sh"                                                                                         > postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo "set -e"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo 'case "$1" in'                                                                                     >> postinst        echo "    configure)"                                                                                   >> postinst        echo "        cp -r /usr/share/hwgui \$HOME"                                                            >> postinst        echo "        export UTIL=\$(echo \$HOME | sed 's|/home/||g')"                                          >> postinst        echo "        chown -R \$UTIL:\$UTIL \$HOME/hwgui"                                                      >> postinst        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo "    remove)"                                                                                      >> postinst        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo "    abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)"                                                >> postinst        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo "    *)"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo '        echo "postinst called with unknown argument" >&2'                                         >> postinst        echo "        exit 1"                                                                                   >> postinst        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo "esac"                                                                                             >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        echo "exit 0"                                                                                           >> postinst        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postinst        # postrm        echo "#!/bin/sh"                                                                                         > postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo "set -e"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo 'case "$1" in'                                                                                     >> postrm        echo "    remove)"                                                                                      >> postrm        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo "    purge)"                                                                                       >> postrm        echo "        rm -r \$HOME/hwgui"                                                                       >> postrm        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo "    upgrade|failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)"                                >> postrm        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo "    *)"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo '        echo "postinst called with unknown argument" >&2'                                         >> postrm        echo "        exit 1"                                                                                   >> postrm        echo "    ;;"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo "esac"                                                                                             >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        echo "exit 0"                                                                                           >> postrm        echo ""                                                                                                 >> postrm        cd ..    fi    cp debian/hwgui.hbc .    sudo cp utils/editor/ debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui    sudo cp debian/hwgui.hbc debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui    echo "=> Updating utils folder"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.prg debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.c   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.h   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.hb? debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.?h  debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.txt debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.ini debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.ico debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/dbc/*.bmp debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.prg debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.c   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.h   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.hb? debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.?h  debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.txt debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.eng debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/debugger/*.rus debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.prg   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.c     debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.h     debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.hb?   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.?h    debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.txt   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/editor/*.hwge  debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.prg debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.c   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.h   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.hb? debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.?h  debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.txt debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/*.xml debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial 2>/dev/null    sudo cp utils/tutorial/hwgrun debian/hwgui/usr/bin#   sudo strip --strip-debug /usr/bin/hwgrun    echo "=> Updating gtk_samples folder"                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.prg debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.c   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.h   debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.hb? debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.?h  debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.txt debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    sudo cp samples/gtk_samples/*.xml debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples 2>/dev/null    echo "=> Setting rights ..."                                                                         |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo chmod +x debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc/*.sh 2>/dev/null    sudo chmod +x debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger/*.sh 2>/dev/null    sudo chmod +x debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor/*.sh 2>/dev/null    sudo chmod +x debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial/*.sh 2>/dev/null    sudo chmod +x debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples/*.sh 2>/dev/null    echo "=> Updating postinst"                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp -f debian/postinst debian/hwgui/DEBIAN    echo "=> Updating postrm"                                                                            |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp -f debian/postrm debian/hwgui/DEBIAN    echo "=> Updating control"                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cp -f debian/control_ debian/control    perl -i -p -e 's|##v ##r|$ENV{HW_VERS}-r$ENV{HW_REV}|g' debian/control                               |tee -a $MyPath/advanced.log    perl -i -p -e 's|##v|$ENV{HW_VERS}|g' debian/control                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/advanced.log    export HW_PLAT=$(uname -i)    if [ "$HW_PLAT" = "x86_64" ]    then        export HW_PLAT="amd64"    else        export HW_PLAT="i386"    fi    perl -i -p -e 's|##p|$ENV{HW_PLAT}|g' debian/control                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/advanced.log    echo "=> Copying hwgui libs"                                                                         |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp /usr/lib/hwgui/*.a debian/hwgui/usr/lib/hwgui    echo "=> Copying hwgui include"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp /usr/include/hwgui/* debian/hwgui/usr/include/hwgui    echo "=> Copying hwgui doc files"                                                                    |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo chown  $USER:$USER debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui    sudo rm debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui/changelog* 2>/dev/null    sudo gzip -9c Changelog > debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui/changelog.gz                              |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo cp debian/copyright debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui    sudo cp doc/*.html debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui    sudo cp doc/*.txt debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui    sudo cp doc/*.css debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui    HWL_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/include/hwgui|awk '{print $1}')    HWI_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/include/hwgui|awk '{print $1}')    HWS_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/samples/gtk_samples|awk '{print $1}')    HWU1_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc|awk '{print $1}')    HWU2_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/debugger|awk '{print $1}')    HWU3_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor|awk '{print $1}')    HWU4_SIZE=$(du debian/hwgui/usr/share/hwgui/utils/tutorial|awk '{print $1}')    calcul() {    somme=$(($1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + $5 + $6 + $7 ))    }    calcul $HWL_SIZE $HWI_SIZE $HWS_SIZE $HWU1_SIZE $HWU2_SIZE $HWU3_SIZE $HWU4_SIZE    export HW_SIZE=$somme    perl -i -p -e 's|##s|$ENV{HW_SIZE}|g' debian/control                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/advanced.log    sudo cp debian/control debian/hwgui/DEBIAN    sudo chown root:root debian/hwgui/DEBIAN/control    rm debian/control    sudo chown  root:root debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui/*    sudo chmod  644 debian/hwgui/usr/share/doc/hwgui/*    echo "=> Generating md5sums ..."                                                                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    cd debian/hwgui    sudo chown $USER:$USER DEBIAN/md5sums 2>/dev/null    sudo find . -type f ! -regex '.*.hg.*' ! -regex '.*?debian-binary.*' ! -regex '.*?DEBIAN.*' -printf '%P ' | xargs md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums    sudo chown root:root DEBIAN/md5sums    echo "=> Setting rights ..."                                                                         |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    sudo chown -R root:root *    sudo chmod -R 644 DEBIAN/*    sudo chmod 755 DEBIAN/postinst    sudo chmod 755 DEBIAN/postrm    sudo chmod 755 usr/*    sudo chmod 644 usr/include/hwgui/*    sudo chmod 644 usr/lib/hwgui/*    sudo chmod +x usr/share/hwgui/utils/dbc/    sudo chmod +x usr/share/hwgui/utils/editor/    echo "=> Creating hwgui $HW_PLAT deb"                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    if !(test -d $MyPath/hb_debs); then        mkdir $MyPath/hb_debs    fi    cd ..    export HW_NAME=hwgui_$(echo $HW_VERS)_$(echo $HW_REV)_$(echo $HW_PLAT)    dpkg -b hwgui $HW_NAME.deb                                                                           |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    retour=$?    if test $retour -gt 0;then        echo " "                                                                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "############################################### #"                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  #"                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# |  Warning : Error creating Hwgui deb files | #"                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "# \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  #"                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "#################################################"                                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        exit    fi    echo "=> Controlling hwgui $HW_PLAT deb"                                                             |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    lintian $HW_NAME.deb                                                                                 |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    retour=$?    if test $retour -gt 0;then        echo "=> Installing lintian"                                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        sudo apt-get -y install lintian                                                                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "=> Controlling (2) hwgui $HW_PLAT deb"                                                      |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        lintian $HW_NAME.deb                                                                              |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log    fi    echo " "    cp $HW_NAME.deb $MyPath/hb_debs    if test $HW_INSTALL_DEB = "yes"; then        echo "######################"                                                                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "#  Installing HwGui  #"                                                                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        echo "######################"                                                                     |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        cd $MyPath/hb_debs        sudo dpkg -i $HW_NAME.deb 2>&1                                                                    |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.log        $MyExplorer $MyPath &    else        cd $MyPath    fificd $MyPathecho " "                                                                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                    ########################################"       2>&1                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   #            jharbour v $jversion             #" 2>&1                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   ##########################################"      2>&1                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   #       List of the builded versions     #"      2>&1                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   ##########################################"      2>&1                          |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   # Harbour version    : "`hbmk2 --version|grep "(r" |sed 's/Harbour Make (hbmk2) 3.2.0dev (//;s/)//'`" #"|tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                   # HwGui version      : r"`echo $HW_REV`"             #" 2>&1                   |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "                    ########################################" 2>&1                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "                                                |tee -a $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "Script started  "$begin                                                                            >>     $MyPath/jharbour.logecho "Script finished "$(date)                                                                           >>     $MyPath/jharbour.logecho " "cd ~already="no"nautiok="no"if test $HB_BUILD_DEB = "yes";then    if test $HB_INSTALL_DEB = "no";then        already="yes"        $MyExplorer $MyPath/hb_debs &    fifiif test $HW_BUILD_DEB = "yes";then    if test $HW_INSTALL_DEB = "no";then        if test $nautiok = "no";then            if test $already = "no";then            $MyExplorer $MyPath/hb_debs &            fi        fi    fifi$MyEditor $MyPath/jharbour.log 2>/dev/null &
An Additional Improvement

Another improvement to the basic install requires  a pair of files to be placed into the parent folder of the Harbour source. 

In the case you have chosen the same folder as me, it should be : /opt/TuxPrograms/trunks

These files generate two Harbour (CH) files (one for Harbour, and one for HwGui). They give the exact revision of Harbour and HwGui in programs and the build type (32 or 64 bits). 

For example : 

Source Code of hbit1
File: hbit1
/*    * Harbour Project source code:    * Header file to help catch reserved keywords    *    * Copyright 2017 Alain Aupeix    */#ifndef Harbour_bits
Source Code of hbit2
File: hbit2
#endif /* Harbour_bits */
Source Code of hbv1
File: hbv1
/*    * Harbour Project source code:    * Header file to help catch reserved keywords    *    * Copyright 2015 Alain Aupeix    */#ifndef Harbour_Version
Source Code of hbv2
File: hbv2
#endif /* Harbour_Version */
If these files aren’t in place, it’s not a problem as the two (CH) files will simply not be generated, but you obviously won’t be able to use them.

Here is the screen of the script executing :

Please note: If you don’t choose to clean during the install, the script builds only the programs which have been modified. If you clean, the two are completely built. Cleaning is the longest, but necessary, to update correctly the (CH) files of the revision in the case that there is some modification of Harbour. 

Otherwise, don’t worry about it … but, Viktor recommended to clean before building, so …

A log is generated at the end of the script. To help to find errors if there are any …

For future users of HwGui, I have made a script which I have used for a long time which has always worked, but only handles one (PRG) per program. Also, I have recently rewritten and improved the hwmake command of HwGui to make it to work under Linux.

If you're interested, please contact me on the Harbour User’s mailing list.

In this article I helped you setup your computer environment to start your journey into the Harbour language and, if needed, its gui extension HwGui.

 While I don’t think it’s complete, it ought to help beginners …

Harbourly yours …
