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How to compose and publish articles on
 Auteur: Eric Lendvai     
Table of Contents
Becoming an Author
Account Settings
My first Article
Article Basic Information
Sample Article Management
List of Sections
Article Name Translation
Push Notifications
Revision History
Finding and Viewing Articles
Becoming an Author
Unlike wikipedia, where anyone can contribute to articles, you must first apply to get a login account and receive an approval, which is mainly to verify your email address. 
The main reason for this different approach is that our community is much smaller, and we don't have enought people to review each articles. No approvals of the articles you write and publish will be needed. As an Author, you will be responsible to make the content as accurate as possible, and you can assign additional authors to your articles, and specify who could work on translating your documents. Your only real requirement is that you do not use this site to write political, racial, derogative or inappropriate content.  You must ensure your article are about Harbour, or computer technologies that can benefit Harbour developers. If you do not comply to that simple requirement, your account will be suspended and any of your content removed. 
As an Author, you will be able to promote yourself via the Information button visible near each of your articles, allowing you to publish your name, picture, Bio, link to your own site,or linkedin account for example. 
Each article has its own direct link, so you could share it on your own site, or linkedin account for example.
Your email will not be published, but if you allow readers to contact you, a relay system will allow you to communicate back and forth with them. It is purposely done this way to minimize spamming and to leave you on control to choose if you want to continue to let people to contact you.
So to start go to the "Authors" page (1), use the "Request a Login Account" (2). It may take up to 24 hours for approval. You will be contacted back at your email address with login instructions. Then simply come back to the login page and use option (3).

Account Settings
Once you login into the, you should use the "My Account".
As soon as you publish your first article, the information to choose to share with others will be displayed.
It is highly recommended to use the "Set Two Factor Authentication with Google Authentication", to prevent unauthorized logins. You can install the "Google Authenticator" app from the Play Store. will provide you a QR Code that the Authenticator will use to link your account to the app. This will generate a new 6 digit number every 30 seconds, that you will be able to enter in the login screen.
For additional information about the available settings, see the screen below:

The following is the screen you will see if you use the "Set Two Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator"
My first Article
To start with your first article, go to the "Articles" top menu (1). 
Then simply us the "New" button (2)
You will see that you can search for article using "Search" (3), and configure the columns and order for your list of "Articles" (4)
You can always use the "Author" drop down, to search for articles created by other authors. You will be able to share views of your own articles, even before published to the public with others. More on that later.

Article Basic Information
Each article has some basic setting. 
Select the primary language of your article, then enter an article name (1). The status (2) will be used as the main method to mark your article to be visible to the public.
Option (3) is used to specify if and which type of information will be made visible to other authors, even before your article is made public via option (2).
Option (4) is any text your want to have. This field will be visible only to other authors assigned to the current article and the site administrator.
Sample Article Management
The following is an example of an Article that is already published.
You can use the "Preview" button to open a new tab in your browser with a preview of the article you are managing.
You will see multiple tabs that will allow you to manage the current article.
We will do a quick review of each of these tabs.
The main tab you will be working with is the "Sections". That is the area you will be using to actually compose the article.
The numbers above the tabs is an indicator of how many related records exists in each of these areas.
This is the tab where you do all the composing. It is very important to understand how this functions. And please use the "Preview" button to see what your article is going to look like.
A lot of auto formatting is done for you. This is to help create a consistent look for all the articles.
Please use FireFox for now. Chrome seems to have some issues when uploading images.

An article is a sorted list of sections. Use the "New" (1) to create your first section.

At first the entry screen will look very sparse (empty).

The most important decision you will make is to select the "Type". This will automatically add new entry field to this screen. is a preset list of section types. 

Once you select a "Type", a "Content" field will appear, with some information about what kind of "merge" text could be used.
If the "Type" is such that some code could be entered, an optional "File Name" and "Source Code" Field will appear.

The list of types may change in the future, as more options of type of source code will be entered. will automatically format any source code, by adding line numbers, some color highlights, and a "Copy to Clipboard" button.

References between the Content and Source code can be done via merge fields.

The best to see how this could work, is for you to explore how the article "Windows COM Servers in Harbour ..." was actually composed.

The next option to be familiar with is the "Status.
Initially, you will be set as "Planned". This allow you to create you whole list of sections, before you even create your content.
Only sections marked as "Completed" will be published to the public, when the article itself  is marked with a Status "Publish" (Main tab).
The "Not Used" can be done to completely hide a sections from other authors (except current article co-authors), or to simply remind you that a section is not needed anymore.

Here is an example of a more complete sections.
(1) The section name. Optional, if not entered, the name of the section Type will be used.
(2) You could opt to not display a section name. This could be useful if you want the same logical section have multiple source codes.
(3) "Save Changes and Stay" can be used anytime. This will help you reduce the risk of loosing your input. Also every time you save, a version of that section is saved. You could then use the "Preview" (4) to see how your changes are being formatted.
(5) You can stretch the size of the Content entry field. The size will be "remembered" for you. This will not be used to restrict the size of the section being displayed, as is a "responsive" web site.
(6) You may select from a list of predefined fonts. By default sections use a default one. The list of fonts is specified by type of text, not the actual font name. Contact the system administrator to propose additional fonts.
(7) If the type of section requires some source code, optionally you could specify a file name for a user to use.
(8) You can stretch the size of the Source Code entry field. The size will be "remembered" for you. All source code lines will be non-breaking. This is done to help with any line numbers.
(9) The list of instructions will be different for any "Type" you select. Ensure you get familiar with all the options.
(10) The "Save Changes" and "Save Changes and Stay" are listed again at the end of the entry field.

Pasting Print screens.

The editor used in was configured to allow you to "Paste" Images (Use FireFox). The easiest I found is to use a tool like SnagIt to prepare you images, for example, adding "Callouts".
After you paste an image, you could align it Left, add a border, and resize it.

Add a border (1), and resize (2) by garbing a corner

List of Sections
The following is a typical list of sections.
Use the option (1) to setup different ways to view the list of sections. You could setup multiple "Profiles". Some that display the content also, and some with just the minimum information. 
If you setup multiple grid profiles, the option (2) will appear.
Some grid columns can show the sections in a particular language. Use option (3) for that purpose.
You can always add more sections using the "New" option (4).
You can also set your grid to let you view your revisions and translations (5).
Article Name Translation
This tab is used to translate the title of this article in different languages. You could use google translate as a starting point, but like with most technical articles, those automatic translation fall a little short. Especially the word "Harbour" gets translated into the location where boats and ships are parked.

Use the option (1) to select the languages you would like to update article names for. The "Mine" comes from the list of languages you did set in your "My Account" setup screen.
Use option (2) to save your changes and/or view different languages.
By the the way the list of "Common" Languages is driven by the languages most commonly used by the core developers of Harbour. Please contact the system administrator if addition languages should be added to that list. 
But please note that at this time the management of articles is done in English. Only the publishing of article is really multilingual.
This tab is used to let you select the list of Topics this article should be filed under. This is to help readers find your article. Please do not select too many topics, since it would overwhelm the readers.
The list of Topics will most likely change in the future. Please contact the site administrator to request any changes in the list of available topics.
Remember to use the "Save Changes" button after you select the Topics.
Push Notifications
Only Lead authors will be able to request the system to send Web Push Notifications to all the subscribers.
You should most likely subscribe yourself first as well, so to see what others receive. Subscribe here.
Please only use this option once you are certain you would like to advertise the presence of your article.
You could resend notifications, but this should only be done if a lot of revisions were done to your article.

Example of the subscription page.

Example of this articles own push message

This tab is used to manage who can edit the current article. As the person who created the article, will will automatically be set as a Lead author. You will be able to manage co-authors. Only the site administrator can remove or edit Lead authors. 

Use the "New" option on the upper left corner of the grid to add other authors.
Click in the field (1) to select other authors registered in  You could also enter "**" to see all possible  authors.
Only mark a person as "Lead" if you intend to make the other person a permanent co-author.
Revision History
This tab is used to tell readers about any changes that may have been done post publishing the article.
The revision history will be display before any article sections are listed.
You may also use the "Grid Setup" to change the column order.

Example of entering a new revision information.
(1) Revision are language specific. So people making translations may not have the same revisions.
(2) Only "Active" entries will be published.
(3) Only plain text entry is allowed, no font formatting or images. Please be brief.
Remember to use the "Save Changes" button
Finding and Viewing Articles
Use option (1) to search for articles created and shared by other authors. Use (2) to trigger the search.
As described in the Sections list screen, you may alter how the grid is displayed.

This is a web site and tool that is still evolving. Please contact the site administrator to suggest any enhancements.

I hope you will be interested and willing to share your knowledge of Harbour and help others discover all the wonders of this language.

Remember, one of the best way to learn, is to teach.