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Python procedural language in PostgreSQL
 Itthon: Eric Lendvai     
Table of Contents
Target Audience
Examples of Stored Functions
Examples of Stored Procedure
Examples of Anonymous Code Block
The plpy object
The SD and GD global dictionary
Reference Material
Target Audience
Developers interested in developing and debugging PostgreSQL stored procedures, functions and triggers.
  • Basic understanding of SQL concepts and PostgreSQL servers.
  • Setting up and configuring PostgreSQL servers.
  • Basic knowledge of Python.
  • Root access to a PostgreSQL server.
As per:

PostgreSQL allows user-defined functions to be written in other languages besides SQL and C. These other languages are generically called procedural languages (PLs). For a function written in a procedural language, the database server has no built-in knowledge about how to interpret the function's source text. Instead, the task is passed to a special handler that knows the details of the language.

There are currently four procedural languages available in the standard PostgreSQL distribution: pgSQL, Tcl, Perl, and Python.
pgSQL is only for PostgreSQL, Tcl and Perl are hardly used anymore, and Python is currently one of the most popular programming languages.

It is also possible to create stored procedures, triggers and anonymous code blocks in Python.

One of the main reasons to create stored functions and procedures is performance. Data can remain on the server, and only results have to be transferred to a local connection. But this could also create a bottleneck, since all processing would occur on the server itself. Debugging and version control can also be challenging. 

In this article, we are going to cover how to install support for Python on the PostgreSQL server running on MS Windows and review some examples of stored functions, procedures and anonymous code blocks. In the reference section, you can also find a link for how to install on Linux.
The following instructions are valid for a MS Windows PostgreSQL install (tested on Windows 10 Pro) and will also require the use of pgAdmin.
  1. Create a new database, for example "test001"
  2. For that database, open a "Query Tool" tab and run the following:
    "select * from pg_language;"
    unless you already see Python listed, do the following steps:
  3. Locate and open (with a web browser) the file installation-notes.html in the "doc" folder wherever python is installed.
    On Windows 10, the PostgreSQL install defaults to the "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13" folder.
  4. In the in installation-notes.html, locate the version of Python that is compatible with your version of PostgreSQL. For PostgreSQL 13, we will need to install Python 3.7.
  5. For MS Windows, download the 64 bit version of Python 3.7:
    As of March 25, 2021:
  6. Install Python but use the "Add Python 3.7 to PATH" ! Otherwise, you will have to start PostgreSQL not as a service and wrap the path in a batch file that will launch PostgreSQL.  
    To avoid access issues, use the "Install for all users" option, since PostgreSQL will run as a service.
  7. Restart the postgresql-x64-13 Windows Service, or simply reboot first.
  8. To back to pgAdmin, open the database you would like to add Python support to and run: "create extension plpython3u;"
  9. Re-run for the "test001" database "select * from pg_language;" to confirm Python is available.
    Only plpgsql is a "trusted" language, meaning no code can be created to get root access to the PostgreSQL machine itself. The "u" in plpython3u, stands for "untrusted."
  10. Run "create extension plpython3u;" for any database you would like to create procedures in Python.
When you create Python code, the PL/Python language module automatically imports a Python module called plpy. The functions and constants in this module are available to you in the Python code as
Examples of Stored Functions
Using pgAdmin, open a "Query Tool" tab and run all the following examples:
To Add/Update a stored function GetPythonVersion:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetPythonVersion() RETURNS textAS $$import sysreturn sys.version$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
To test run the following:
DO $$DECLARE    v_cVersion Text;BEGIN    SELECT GetPythonVersion() INTO v_cVersion;    RAISE NOTICE 'Python Version = %',v_cVersion;END; $$
To Add/Update a stored function pythonmax:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pythonmax (a integer, b integer) RETURNS integerAS $$    if (a is None) or (b is None):        return None    if a > b:        return a    return b$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
To test run the following:
DO $$DECLARE    v_iMaxValue integer;BEGIN    SELECT pythonmax(2,5) INTO v_iMaxValue;    RAISE NOTICE 'Python Max of 2 and 5 is %',v_iMaxValue;END; $$
Let's create a function to UDP send a message.
Run the following to Add/Update the stored function SendMessage(...):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SendMessage (par_message text)    RETURNS textAS $$    import socket    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)    address = ('', 49152)    sock.sendto(bytes(par_message, 'utf-8'), address)    sock.close()    return par_message$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
To call it:
SELECT SendMessage('hello');
Or use the following anonymous code block:
DO $$BEGIN    PERFORM SendMessage('hello');END; $$
The following is a plain program to view the message transmitted from the PostgreSQL server:
import socketfrom datetime import datetimedef main():    UDP_IP = ""    UDP_PORT = 49152    nCounter = 0    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet                        socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP    sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))    while True:        try:            nCounter += 1            data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024*1024) # buffer size is 1Mb            dt =            print("{0:05d}|{1}|{2}".format(nCounter,dt,data.decode("utf-8")) )        except:            print("Overflow")if __name__ == "__main__":    main()
Examples of Stored Procedure
The following is an example of a stored function in Python, also using the plpy object.

Let's first create a table in the test001 database. In pgAdmin, run the following:
CREATE TABLE product(    pk integer NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1),    name text,    CONSTRAINT product_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk))
To add and test the stored procedure AddManyProducts:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE AddManyProducts()LANGUAGE plpython3uAS $$for i in range(1, 11):    plpy.execute("INSERT INTO product (name) VALUES ('Thing {}')".format(i))$$;CALL AddManyProducts();
Examples of Anonymous Code Block
Ensure you have the running first.
DO $$    # PL/Python code    from datetime import datetime    cCurrentTime ="%H:%M:%S")    plpy.execute("INSERT INTO product (name) VALUES ('Thing {}')".format(cCurrentTime))    plpy.execute("SELECT SendMessage('Added a record in product table at {}')".format(cCurrentTime))$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
The plpy object
Any Python that runs on the PostgreSQL server will have access to a plpy object. The following is a list of possible methods and properties:

As per
plpy.execute(query [, max-rows])
plpy.prepare(query [, argtypes])
plpy.execute(plan [, arguments [, max-rows]])
plpy.cursor(plan [, arguments])
plpy.SPIError   # Trapping Errors

As per
plpy.log(msg, **kwargs), **kwargs)
plpy.notice(msg, **kwargs)
plpy.warning(msg, **kwargs)
plpy.error(msg, **kwargs)
plpy.fatal(msg, **kwargs)

plpy.error and plpy.fatal

The SD and GD global dictionary
As per

The global dictionary SD is available to store private data between repeated calls to the same function. The global dictionary GD is public data that is available to all Python functions within a session; use it with care.
Reference Material
The best source of information is the official PostgreSQL documentation:

For Linux install:
(Not a verified set of instructions)
Even though the native PostgreSQL procedural language is very powerful and quite fast, having the option to use Python code will open the list of features you can implement on your server. Being able to import virtually any Python packages will give you lots of features, but remember to be careful with security-related issues.