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Web Scraping Harbour Google Groups
 Autor: Eric Lendvai     
Target Audience
  • Harbour developer interested in learning about Python and VFP (Visual FoxPro)
  • Python developer interested in web scraping with Selenium
  • VFP developer interested in calling VFP code from Python
In this article, we are going to learn how to scrape the content of Google Groups, in particular the two Google Groups dedicated to the Harbour programming language.

There are multiple solutions for web scraping. The first decision you have to make is which computer language and toolset to use to accomplish the task.

In the past, I used a VFP-only solution, controlling the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) WebBrowser ActiveX control from a VFP form, and navigating to the web sites, or by using third party controls to request a web page and then parsing the returned HTML content.

Many sites, including the Google Groups web site, are now using delayed loading techniques to progressively display the content you are looking for. 
Also, IE is rapidly losing market share, and will probably not be supported much longer by Microsoft.

One of the safest and completely reliable ways to fetch web site contents is to control a web browser itself, like Firefox or Chrome. 
For that reason, most developers now turn to Selenium to automate browsers. For more information, visit

The Selenium web drivers, provided by most modern web browsers, are the "glue" needed to control the browsers. Those are free to use, and allow you to programmatically control all aspects of web browsers. 

Now that we decided to use Selenium, which computer language should we use?  Selenium has bindings for the following computer languages: Ruby, Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, Haskell, Objective-C, PHP, R ...  as you can see, no Harbour, VFP or pure C. 

My other requirement is to store the scraped data in DBF/FPT tables that can be accessed directly by VFP. The current site is still using VFP. We also could have used any other ODBC-compliant database, since VFP has a SQLConnect engine. But, still, the good old DBF tables are the fastest and take up the least amount of space.

For that reason, the easiest solution would be to create a VFP COM server that can be consumed (called) from one of the other computer languages. 
Luckily for me, Python has one of the best bindings and most documented solutions for using Selenium, and also allows us to call VFP COM objects, as long as we use the Python 32-bit interpreter. I could have created a Harbour COM server (object) instead but, to be certain the indexes are 100% compatible with VFP, it was easiest to develop with VFP. Also, VFP, has a phenomenal local SQL syntax. More on that later.

In addition, this scraper is designed to progressively re-scrape Google Groups and add new content on a regular basis. 
Data Storage
Before we do the actual coding, let's review the data structure I chose to store all the data we are going to scrape. The following diagram illustrates the 4 tables needed. The table names are a little cryptic, since I wanted to stay with 8 character long names (this is due to wanting to include the parent table name in the referential field name, and free VFP tables can only handle 10-character field names). Also, originally, I was referring to Forums, instead of Groups, hence GF (Google Forum) instead of GG (Google Groups). The leading "HBW" stands for Harbour Wiki. By the way, I use the word "Thread" interchangeably with "Topic" and  "Post" with "Message".

In our case, the "Google Group Sites" table (HBWGFST) will have 2 records: one for the User Group, and one for the Developer Group. Having this table allows us to have additional groups if needed, and also makes it easier when issuing SELECT SQL statements to report the data. 

The other 3 tables will be populated by the web scraper.
The "Google Group Users" (HBWGFUS) table is a child table of the Site table (HBWGFST), since users are allowed to name themselves differently in each group they belong to (meaning, if there is a member of the Developer group that wants to post a message in the User group, he/she could use a different name).

When a Topic (Thread) is read for the first time, a record will be added to HBWGFTH, and also the first message in HBWGFMS. Both will point to the same user record (HBWGFUS). Additional messages (HBWGFMS) in the topic will be linked to the topic record in HBWGFTH, and will most likely point to a different record in HBWGFUS, unless it is a message from the same person that created the Topic.
Every table has the following fields: KEY, SYSC and SYSM.
KEY contains a unique Integer. To make it easier to interface with other systems (databases), I did not use the Auto Increment property.
SYSC has the creation time stamp. SYSM has the last modified time. These two fields are used by a custom transaction log system.
All the field starting the "P_" are used as foreign keys to the table of the same name.

The following is the exact table and index specification:
Table HBWGFST: Google Forum Sites==============   Index Tags   ----------      Tag Name: KEY         Expression:  KEY      Tag Name: NAME        Expression:  NAME   Fields   ------      KEY                4  Integer      SYSC                  DateTime      SYSM                  DateTime      NAME              60  Character      URL              200  Character      STATUS             1  Numeric           1 = Active           2 = InactiveTable HBWGFUS: Google Forum Users==============   Index Tags   ----------      Tag Name: KEY         Expression: KEY      Tag Name: P_HBWGFST   Expression: P_HBWGFST      Tag Name: NAME        Expression: NAME   Fields   ------      KEY                4  Integer      SYSC                  DateTime      SYSM                  DateTime      P_HBWGFST          4  Integer      NAME             200  CharacterTable HBWGFTH: Google Forum Threads / Topics==============   Index Tags   ----------      Tag Name: KEY         Expression: KEY      Tag Name: P_HBWGFST   Expression: P_HBWGFST      Tag Name: P_HBWGFUS   Expression: P_HBWGFUS      Tag Name: ID          Expression: ID      Tag Name: FSTMESSDT   Expression: FSTMESSDT      Tag Name: LSTMESSDT   Expression: LSTMESSDT   Fields   ------      KEY                4  Integer      SYSC                  DateTime      SYSM                  DateTime      P_HBWGFUS          4  Integer      P_HBWGFST          4  Integer      SUBJECT          200  Character      ID                30  Character         Help:  Google Thread ID      LSTMESSDT             DateTime         Help:  Last Message Date and Time      FSTMESSDT             DateTime         Help:  First Message Date and Time      GLGMESSDT             DateTime         Help:  Thread Time as per Google. Should have been the latest message                time, but sometimes, the thread time is off by a few seconds. This                 is important since this is one of the elements used to decide                if should rescan the thread.      CURMESSCNT         4  Integer         Help:  Number of Current Messages (non-deleted)      DELMESSCNT         4  Integer         Help:  Number of Deleted Messages      VIEWCNT            4  Integer         Help:  Number of ViewsTable HBWGFMS: Google Forum Messages==============   Index Tags   ----------      Tag Name: KEY         Expression: KEY      Tag Name: P_HBWGFTH   Expression: P_HBWGFTH      Tag Name: P_HBWGFUS   Expression: P_HBWGFUS      Tag Name: DATI        Expression: DATI   Fields   ------      KEY                4  Integer      SYSC                  DateTime      SYSM                  DateTime      P_HBWGFUS          4  Integer      P_HBWGFTH          4  Integer      DATI                  DateTime      HTML                  Memo      DELETED               Logical      ID                20  Character         Help:  Google ID, detected using .//div[contains(@id,'b_action_')]
Setting Up Python Environment
Since we are also using VFP, all development will be done in Windows. All the code was tested under Microsoft Windows 10 Pro.

I am currently using Python 3.6.3 32-bit. Feel free to use any newer version of Python, as long as you use the 32-bit version.
I am also using the Python virtual environment system introduced in Version 3.3, see
To make it easier on me, I created a few batch files to automate the creation of the Python virtual environment (a local copy of Python with local PATH value), and to download the necessary Python Packages.
For this project, I placed the Python source code in the folder r:\PythonPlayground\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups\, and the batch files in r:\PythonPlayground\
Feel free to modify the batch files to match your needs.

Starting the CMD_ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups.bat file from Windows/File Explorer leaves you in a command shell that is ready for your project.
File: CMD_ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups.bat
r:cd \PythonPlaygroundmd \PythonPlayground\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroupscall Setvenv ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups   call pip3_ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups   call pip3_list.bat   cd R:\PythonPlayground\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroupscmd   
The following batch file is used to create and "Activate" the Python virtual environment:
File: SetVenv.bat
@echo offclsecho.IF "%~1"=="" GOTO LabelMissingParameterIF NOT "%~2"=="" GOTO LabelTooManyParametersecho %1R:cd \PythonPlayground"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\python" -m venv %1call %1\scripts\activatepython --versionrem ** The following commands will fail in Windows since cannot update a currently running exe.rem ** See -m pip install --upgrade pipcall pip3_list.bat   goto LabelEnd:LabelMissingParameterecho Missing Parametergoto LabelEnd:LabelTooManyParametersecho Too Many Parametersgoto LabelEnd:LabelEndecho.
File: pip3_ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups.bat
pip install --upgrade selenium   pip install --upgrade comtypes   pip install --upgrade python-dateutil   
To list the current list of installed Python packages.
File: pip3_list.bat
@Echo .@pip3 list --format=columns
Python IDE
There are many ways you can edit, run and debug Python programs. I will simply document how I personally develop in Python, specifically my setting for this project.
I use the IDE Wing from wingware: it is a commercial IDE (see Many other Python developers use PyCharm. Cost-wise, they are very similar. There are more learning materials for PyCharm, but Wing is coded in Python itself (as opposed to PyCharm, which is developed in Java). I personally wanted an editor I can extend using Python. And you can get the source of of Wing (with NDA requirement).  The following are print screens of my Wing environment:

I am going to use Firefox as the browser used by the web scraper. So ensure you download and install the latest Firefox 64-bit if you are on Windows 64-bit.

You will also need to download the Selenium driver for Firefox. See and place the file geckodriver.exe in R:\PythonPlayground\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups\geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64, for example. Even though we are using Python 32-bit, you need to download the 64-bit driver if you are developing in Windows 64-bit.

It is always best to use the latest version of the Firefox browser and geckodriver.exe file!
Python Program
Place the following file in the folder R:\PythonPlayground\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups\
I will not explain the entire source code separately. Please go over the  icons to see extra explanations.
from selenium import webdriverfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom comtypes.client import CreateObjectimport timeimport sysimport dateutil.parser as DateTimeParserfrom import Byfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom import expected_conditions as ECfrom selenium.common.exceptions import *v_MaxNumberOfTopics     = 90  #At first did set this to 10000.v_NumberOfTopicsToSkip  = 0class ScrapeWebSite():    p_geckodriverPath = "R:\\PythonPlayground\\ScrapeGoogleHarbourGroups\\geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64\\geckodriver.exe"       def __init__(self):        self.p_driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=self.p_geckodriverPath)           self.p_driver.implicitly_wait(5)        self.p_wait = WebDriverWait(self.p_driver, 30)        self.p_HarbourForumAgent = CreateObject("HarbourForumAgent.HarbourForumAgent")           self.p_HarbourForumAgent.OpenData("r:\\waf\\hbw\\data\\")           #sys._wing_debugger.Break()    If used, this call pauses the WingWare debugger.        print("Instantiated HarbourForumAgent COM object version: {}".format(self.p_HarbourForumAgent.version))        self.p_WaitPageLoad = WebDriverWait(self.p_driver, 120, poll_frequency=1,                                           ignored_exceptions=[NoSuchElementException,                                                               ElementNotVisibleException,                                                               ElementNotSelectableException])        self.p_ForumURLTopics    = "Not Set"        self.p_ForumURLMessages  = "Not Set"        self.p_ForumName         = "Not Set"    def __del__(self):        #===== Closed Browser =====        self.p_driver.quit()       def SelectUserForum(self):        self.p_ForumURLTopics    = "!forum/harbour-users"        self.p_ForumURLMessages  = "!topic/harbour-users"        self.p_ForumName         = "Harbour Users"    def SelectDeveloperForum(self):        self.p_ForumURLTopics   = "!forum/harbour-devel"        self.p_ForumURLMessages = "!topic/harbour-devel"        self.p_ForumName        = "Harbour Developers"    def ProcessTopic(self,par_TopicCounter,par_NumberOfTopics,par_TopicID,par_Subject,par_By,par_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime,par_NumberOfMessages,par_NumberOfViews):        #Determine if thread is already on file with the complete number of messages. Also fix the View count if needed.        l_COMResult = self.p_HarbourForumAgent.UpdateTopicStart(self.p_ForumName,                                                                   par_TopicID,                                                                par_Subject,                                                                par_By,                                                                par_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime,     #Used to help detect if should even scan the message.                                                                par_NumberOfMessages,         #Used to help detect if should even scan the message.                                                                par_NumberOfViews)            #Used to update the View Count        l_hbwgfth_key = l_COMResult[7]  #The return value is after the passed parameters        if l_hbwgfth_key != 0:  #0 means thread already on file with the same number of messages.            print("Forum = {} -- Processing Topic {} / {}. Topic Name = {} -- TopicID = {} -- By = {} -- Topic Time = {}".format(self.p_ForumName,par_TopicCounter,par_NumberOfTopics,par_Subject,par_TopicID,par_By,par_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime))            l_URL = "{}/{}".format(self.p_ForumURLMessages,par_TopicID)            l_URL += "%5B1-{}%5D".format(1000)   #Since the number of Posts/Messages do not include the hidden ones, will fake we should load 1000 messages for the current topics            self.p_driver.get(l_URL)               try:                l_element = self.p_WaitPageLoad.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'tm-tl')))               except:                pass            l_ListOfDeletedMessages   = self.p_driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[contains(.,'This message has been deleted.')]")            l_NumberOfDeletedMessages = len(l_ListOfDeletedMessages)            l_ListOfMessages = self.p_driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='tm-tl']/div")            l_NumberOfMessages = len(l_ListOfMessages)            print('Number of Current Messages = {} -- Number of Deleted Messages = {}'.format(l_NumberOfMessages,l_NumberOfDeletedMessages))            if l_NumberOfMessages > 0:                for l_Message in l_ListOfMessages:                    #Try to find the Message ID.                    l_Elements = l_Message.find_elements_by_xpath(".//div[contains(@id,'b_action_')]")   #Search for span child of l_Message that as the exact matching class                    if len(l_Elements) >= 1:                        l_MessageID = l_Elements[0].get_attribute("id")                        l_MessageID = l_MessageID[9:]  #Remove first 9 characters "b_action_"                    else:                        l_MessageID = ""                    #Try to find the location of the Author of the message                    l_Elements = l_Message.find_elements_by_class_name("F0XO1GC-F-a")                    if len(l_Elements) >= 1:   #Get the first 'Written By' location. Will only care about the last person who edited the message                        l_MessageBy = l_Elements[0].text                        #Try to find the location of the message time.                        l_Elements = l_Message.find_elements_by_xpath(".//span[@class='F0XO1GC-nb-Q F0XO1GC-b-Eb']")   #Search for span child of l_Message that as the exact matching class                        if len(l_Elements) == 1:                            l_MessageTime        = l_Elements[0].get_attribute("title")                            l_DatiMessageTime    = DateTimeParser.parse(l_MessageTime)  #Will be local time-based                            l_VFPTTOCMessageTime = l_DatiMessageTime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")                            print("Message By = {} -- Time = {} -- ID = {}".format(l_MessageBy,l_VFPTTOCMessageTime,l_MessageID))                            l_MessageHTML = ""                            l_Elements = l_Message.find_elements_by_xpath(".//div[@dir='ltr']")                            if len(l_Elements) > 0:                                l_MessageHTML = l_Elements[0].get_attribute('innerHTML')     #It is possible multi block exists, but they are simply reference to other text.                            else:                                l_Elements = l_Message.find_elements_by_xpath(".//div[@class='F0XO1GC-ed-a']")   #Search for span child of l_Message that as the exact matching class                                for l_Element in l_Elements:                                    l_MessageHTML += l_Element.get_attribute('outerHTML')                            if len(l_MessageHTML) > 0:                                l_COMResult = self.p_HarbourForumAgent.RecordMessage(l_MessageID,                                                                                        l_MessageBy,                                                                                     l_VFPTTOCMessageTime,                                                                                     l_MessageHTML)                            else:                                print("failed to find HTML")                        else:                            print("failed to find Message Time")                    else:                        pass   #Message was deleted probably            #When there is at least 1 Message               l_COMResult = self.p_HarbourForumAgent.UpdateTopicEnd(l_NumberOfDeletedMessages)           else:            print("Processed Forum {}, Topic {} / {}. No Change.".format(self.p_ForumName,par_TopicCounter,par_NumberOfTopics))    def RunGetAllTopics(self):           l_driver = self.p_driver        l_driver.get(self.p_ForumURLTopics)        #===== Get List of Topics =====        l_NumberOfTopics = 0        l_FetchCounter   = 0        l_PreviousLoadingStatus = "Initial Load"        while True:            l_FetchCounter += 1            try:                l_Element = l_driver.find_element_by_class_name('F0XO1GC-q-P')                l_CurrentLoadingStatus = l_Element.get_attribute('innerHTML')            except:                l_CurrentLoadingStatus = ""            if (l_CurrentLoadingStatus == l_PreviousLoadingStatus):                break            else:                l_PreviousLoadingStatus = l_CurrentLoadingStatus            #Extract the number of topics from l_CurrentLoadingStatus            l_Numbers = [int(s) for s in l_CurrentLoadingStatus.split() if s.isdigit()]            if len(l_Numbers) > 0:                l_NumberOfTopics = l_Numbers[0]            else:                l_NumberOfTopics = 0            if l_NumberOfTopics >= v_MaxNumberOfTopics:                break            print("Loading Status = {}".format(l_CurrentLoadingStatus))            #Change the text of the loading info, so to ensure it does not contain ' of '            l_Elements = l_driver.find_elements_by_class_name('F0XO1GC-q-P')            if len(l_Elements) != 1:                break            for l_Element in l_Elements:                #Use JavaScript to change the DOM, since Selenium does not provide that functionality                l_driver.execute_script("arguments[0].innerHTML = 'waiting';", l_Element)            #Scroll the DIV that has the list of topics. Has to be done by calling JavaScript            l_Elements = l_driver.find_elements_by_class_name('F0XO1GC-b-F')            if len(l_Elements) != 1:                break            for l_Element in l_Elements:                l_driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollHeight', l_Element)            #Wait for the loading status to have the text ' of '            try:                l_element = self.p_WaitPageLoad.until(EC.text_to_be_present_in_element((By.CLASS_NAME, 'F0XO1GC-q-P'), ' of '))            except:                l_Elements = l_driver.find_elements_by_class_name('F0XO1GC-q-P')                if len(l_Elements) == 1:                    for l_Element in l_Elements:                        l_CurrentLoadingStatus = l_Element.get_attribute('innerHTML')                        if l_CurrentLoadingStatus == "waiting":                            print("Still marked as waiting, so the scrolling failed to update the status")                            break                        else:                            print("Unknow status {}.".format(l_CurrentLoadingStatus))                            break                else:                    print("Failed to find status.")                    break        #endwhile        #Process the entire loaded page        l_ListOfTopics = {}        l_ListOfTopicRows = l_driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[contains(@id,'topic_row_')]")        l_NumberOfTopics = len(l_ListOfTopicRows)        l_TopicCounter = 0        for l_TopicRows in l_ListOfTopicRows:            l_TopicCounter += 1            if l_TopicCounter > v_MaxNumberOfTopics:                break            if l_TopicCounter > v_NumberOfTopicsToSkip:                print("Queuing Topic {} / {} in Forum {}.".format(l_TopicCounter,l_NumberOfTopics,self.p_ForumName))                l_Elements = l_TopicRows.find_elements_by_class_name("F0XO1GC-q-Q")                if len(l_Elements) == 1:                    l_ElementTopicName = l_Elements[0]                    l_TopicName = l_ElementTopicName.text                    l_TopicHREF = l_ElementTopicName.get_attribute("href")                    l_pos = l_TopicHREF.rfind('/')                    l_TopicID = l_TopicHREF[l_pos+1:]                    l_Elements = l_TopicRows.find_elements_by_class_name("F0XO1GC-rb-b")                    if len(l_Elements) == 1:                        l_ElementTopicBy = l_Elements[0]                        l_TopicByText = l_ElementTopicBy.text[3:]                        l_Elements = l_TopicRows.find_elements_by_class_name("F0XO1GC-rb-g")                        if len(l_Elements) == 1:                            l_ElementDivLastTopicTime = l_Elements[0]                            l_ElementSpanLastTopicTime = l_ElementDivLastTopicTime.find_element_by_xpath("span")                            l_TextLastTopicTime    = l_ElementSpanLastTopicTime.get_attribute("title")                            l_DatiLastTopicTime    = DateTimeParser.parse(l_TextLastTopicTime)  #Will be local time based                            l_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime = l_DatiLastTopicTime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")                            #Get the number of Views                            l_NumberOfViewsText = ""                            l_Elements = l_TopicRows.find_elements_by_xpath(".//span[@class='F0XO1GC-rb-r']")   #Search for span child of l_Message that as the exact matching class                            if len(l_Elements) >= 2:                                l_NumberOfMessagesText = l_Elements[0].text                                l_NumberOfViewsText    = l_Elements[1].text                                l_Numbers = [int(s) for s in l_NumberOfMessagesText.split() if s.isdigit()]                                if len(l_Numbers) > 0:                                    l_NumberOfMessages = l_Numbers[0]                                else:                                    l_NumberOfMessages = 0                                l_Numbers = [int(s) for s in l_NumberOfViewsText.split() if s.isdigit()]                                if len(l_Numbers) > 0:                                    l_NumberOfViews = l_Numbers[0]                                else:                                    l_NumberOfViews = 0                            l_ListOfTopics[l_TopicID] = [l_TopicName, l_TopicByText, l_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime, l_NumberOfMessages, l_NumberOfViews]        #===== Process List of Topics =====        l_TopicCounter = 0        for l_Topic_key,l_Topic_value in l_ListOfTopics.items():            l_TopicCounter += 1            l_TopicID              = l_Topic_key            l_TopicName            = l_Topic_value[0]            l_TopicByText          = l_Topic_value[1]            l_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime = l_Topic_value[2]            l_NumberOfMessages     = l_Topic_value[3]            l_NumberOfViews        = l_Topic_value[4]            self.ProcessTopic(l_TopicCounter, l_NumberOfTopics, l_TopicID, l_TopicName, l_TopicByText, l_VFPTTOCLastTopicTime, l_NumberOfMessages, l_NumberOfViews)        print("Done. Detected {} topics.".format(l_NumberOfTopics))if __name__ == "__main__":    l_Scraper = ScrapeWebSite()    l_Scraper.SelectUserForum()    l_Scraper.RunGetAllTopics()    del l_Scraper       l_Scraper = ScrapeWebSite()       l_Scraper.SelectDeveloperForum()    l_Scraper.RunGetAllTopics()    del l_Scraper
Using at least VFP 9 Service Pack 1, create a project HarbourForumAgent, for example, and include the HarbourForumAgent.prg listed below.
Since this will be a DLL, and building the project will register it on your computer, you can place the project file and source PRG file anywhere.

I will not explain the entire source code separately. Please go over the  icons to see extra explanations.
File: HarbourForumAgent.prg
define class HarbourForumAgent AS session OLEPUBLICversion        = "1.2.5"ErrorMessage   = ""NumberOfErrors = 0DataPath       = ""LastForumName  = ""   LastForum_hbwgfst_key = 0* Used between Start/End of processing Topic Messagesp_hbwgfst_key        = 0p_hbwgfth_key        = 0p_hbwgfth_fstmessdt  = dtot({})p_hbwgfth_lstmessdt  = dtot({})p_hbwgfth_glgmessdt  = dtot({})p_hbwgfth_curmesscnt = 0p_hbwgfth_delmesscnt = 0*====================================================================================================================================function GetForumKey(par_ForumName)local l_ForumNamelocal array l_SQLResult(1,1)local l_resultl_ForumName = lower(alltrim(par_ForumName))if this.LastForumName == l_ForumName       l_result = this.LastForum_hbwgfst_keyelse    * Since there is no index on the "name" field, do a case-insensitive search    select hbwgfst.key;        from  hbwgfst;        where lower(trim( == l_ForumName;        and   hbwgfst.status = 1;        into array l_SQLResult    if _tally = 1        this.LastForum_hbwgfst_key = l_SQLResult[1,1]        l_result = this.LastForum_hbwgfst_key    else        l_result = 0    endifendifreturn l_resultendfunc*====================================================================================================================================procedure OpenData(par_Path)* Parameters have to be listed in the declaration above and not via "lparameter"this.DataPath = addbs(par_Path)this.CloseData()use (par_Path+"hbwgfus") alias hbwgfus in 0 again shareduse (par_Path+"hbwgfst") alias hbwgfst in 0 again shareduse (par_Path+"hbwgfth") alias hbwgfth in 0 again shareduse (par_Path+"hbwgfms") alias hbwgfms in 0 again sharedendproc*====================================================================================================================================procedure CloseDatause in select("hbwgfus")use in select("hbwgfst")use in select("hbwgfth")use in select("hbwgfms")use in select("ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile")endproc*====================================================================================================================================function GetNextKey(par_tablename)   local l_keyuse in select("GetLastKey")use (dbf(par_tablename)) again alias GetLastKey in 0 order tag key   goto bottom in GetLastKeyif eof("GetLastKey")    l_key = 1else    l_key = GetLastKey.key+1endifuse in select("GetLastKey")return l_keyendfunc*====================================================================================================================================function GetForumUserRecordKey(par_hbwgfst_key,par_UserName)   local l_hbwgfus_keylocal l_UserNamelocal array l_SQLResult(1,1)l_UserName = padr(allt(par_UserName),len(  &&Since index exist on the "name" field, will ensure search string is padded to the same length as the field in the table. This also increases performance in hbwgfus.key;    from  hbwgfus;    where = l_UserName;    and   hbwgfus.p_hbwgfst = par_hbwgfst_key;    into array l_SQLResultif empty(_tally)    * Add user    l_hbwgfus_key = this.GetNextKey("hbwgfus")    l_now         = datetime()    insert into hbwgfus (key,;                                sysc,;                                sysm,;                                p_hbwgfst,;                                name;                                ) value (;                                l_hbwgfus_key,;                                l_now,;                                l_now,;                                par_hbwgfst_key,;                                l_UserName)else    l_hbwgfus_key = l_SQLResult[1,1]endifreturn l_hbwgfus_key*====================================================================================================================================function UpdateTopicStart(par_ForumName,par_TopicID,par_TopicSubject,par_TopicUserName,par_TopicDatetime,par_MessageCount,par_ViewCount)   &&Called at the beginning of processing a topicprivate all like l_*   && Crude method to avoid having to declare all variables as "local"l_hbwgfst_key = this.GetForumKey(par_ForumName)l_TopicID = padr(allt(par_TopicID),len(hbwgfth.ID))l_hbwgfus_key_Topic  = this.GetForumUserRecordKey(l_hbwgfst_key,par_TopicUserName)l_TopicDatetime = ctot(par_TopicDatetime)this.p_hbwgfth_glgmessdt = l_TopicDatetime  && Should simply use the value reported by Google Forum, since it is buggy to start with. Will be used in the UpdateTopicEnd method if called.l_now = datetime()this.p_hbwgfst_key = l_hbwgfst_keyselect hbwgfth.key,;            hbwgfth.p_hbwgfus ,;            hbwgfth.viewcnt,;            hbwgfth.fstmessdt,;            hbwgfth.lstmessdt,;            hbwgfth.glgmessdt,;            hbwgfth.delmesscnt,;            hbwgfth.curmesscnt,;            hbwgfth.subject;    from  hbwgfth;    where hbwgfth.p_hbwgfst = l_hbwgfst_key;    and = l_TopicID;    into array l_SQLResultif _tally = 1    l_hbwgfth_key        = l_SQLResult[1,1]    l_hbwgfth_p_hbwgfus  = l_SQLResult[1,2]    l_hbwgfth_viewcnt    = l_SQLResult[1,3]    l_hbwgfth_fstmessdt  = l_SQLResult[1,4]    l_hbwgfth_lstmessdt  = l_SQLResult[1,5]    l_hbwgfth_glgmessdt  = l_SQLResult[1,6]    l_hbwgfth_delmesscnt = l_SQLResult[1,7]    l_hbwgfth_curmesscnt = l_SQLResult[1,8]    l_hbwgfth_subject    = allt(l_SQLResult[1,9])    if l_hbwgfth_p_hbwgfus <> l_hbwgfus_key_Topic or ;        l_hbwgfth_subject   <> par_TopicSubject or ;        l_hbwgfth_viewcnt   <> par_ViewCount        if seek(l_hbwgfth_key,"hbwgfth","key")            replace hbwgfth.sysm      with l_now               in hbwgfth            replace hbwgfth.p_hbwgfus with l_hbwgfus_key_Topic in hbwgfth            replace hbwgfth.subject   with par_TopicSubject    in hbwgfth            replace hbwgfth.viewcnt   with par_ViewCount       in hbwgfth        endif    endif    if l_hbwgfth_curmesscnt = par_MessageCount and ;        l_hbwgfth_glgmessdt  = l_TopicDatetime and ;        l_hbwgfth_p_hbwgfus  = l_hbwgfus_key_Topic                 &&Number of non-deleted Messages and Last Message Time did not change and User key.        l_hbwgfth_key = 0    else        * Check fields did not change        this.p_hbwgfth_key        = l_hbwgfth_key        this.p_hbwgfth_fstmessdt  = l_hbwgfth_fstmessdt        this.p_hbwgfth_lstmessdt  = l_hbwgfth_lstmessdt        this.p_hbwgfth_delmesscnt = l_hbwgfth_delmesscnt        this.p_hbwgfth_curmesscnt = l_hbwgfth_curmesscnt        * Cursor with the list of current topic messages, to help detect deleted ones        select hbwgfms.key,;                    hbwgfms.deleted,;                    hbwgfms.dati,;                    hbwgfms.p_hbwgfus,;                    .f. as OnFile;            from  hbwgfms;            where hbwgfms.p_hbwgfth = this.p_hbwgfth_key;            order by hbwgfms.dati;            into cursor ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile readwrite    endifelse    * Add missing Topic Record    l_hbwgfth_key = this.GetNextKey("hbwgfth")    l_NoDateTime  = dtot({})    this.p_hbwgfth_key        = l_hbwgfth_key    this.p_hbwgfth_fstmessdt  = l_NoDateTime    this.p_hbwgfth_lstmessdt  = l_NoDateTime    this.p_hbwgfth_delmesscnt = 0    this.p_hbwgfth_curmesscnt = 0    insert into hbwgfth (key,;                                sysc,;                                sysm,;                                p_hbwgfst,;                                p_hbwgfus,;                                id,;                                subject,;                                fstmessdt,;                                lstmessdt,;                                glgmessdt,;                                curmesscnt,;                                viewcnt;                                ) value (;                                l_hbwgfth_key,;                                l_now,;                                l_now,;                                l_hbwgfst_key,;                                l_hbwgfus_key_Topic,;                                trim(l_TopicID),;                                par_TopicSubject,;                                l_NoDateTime,;                                l_NoDateTime,;                                l_NoDateTime,;                                0,;                                par_ViewCount)    * Create an empty cursor    select hbwgfms.key,;                hbwgfms.deleted,;                hbwgfms.dati,;                hbwgfms.p_hbwgfus,;                .f. as OnFile;        from  hbwgfms;        where .f.;        into cursor ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFileendifreturn l_hbwgfth_key   && Return -1 if Topic is missing, 0 if nothing to change, the Topic key, if message count mismatchendfunc*====================================================================================================================================function RecordMessage(par_MessageID,par_MessageUserName,par_MessageDatetime,par_MessageHTML)private all like l_*   && Crude method to avoid having to declare all variables as "local"this.ErrorMessage = ""l_select = iif(used(),select(),0)l_hbwgfth_key         = this.p_hbwgfth_keyl_MessageID           = allt(par_MessageID)l_MessageDatetime     = ctot(par_MessageDatetime)l_hbwgfus_key_Message = this.GetForumUserRecordKey(this.p_hbwgfst_key,par_MessageUserName)if !empty(l_hbwgfth_key)    * Check if Message not already on file    if !empty(l_MessageID)        l_MessageIDForSearch = padr(l_MessageID,len(        select hbwgfms.key,;          ,;                    hbwgfms.html;            from  hbwgfms;            where hbwgfms.p_hbwgfth = l_hbwgfth_key;            and   (( = l_MessageIDForSearch) or ((hbwgfms.dati = l_MessageDatetime) and (hbwgfms.p_hbwgfus = l_hbwgfus_key_Message) and empty(;            into array l_SQLResult    else        select hbwgfms.key,;          ,;                    hbwgfms.html;            from  hbwgfms;            where hbwgfms.p_hbwgfth = l_hbwgfth_key;            and   hbwgfms.dati = l_MessageDatetime;            and   hbwgfms.p_hbwgfus = l_hbwgfus_key_Message;            into array l_SQLResult    endif    if empty(_tally)        * Need to append Message        l_hbwgfms_key = this.GetNextKey("hbwgfms")        l_now         = datetime()        insert into hbwgfms (key,;                                    sysc,;                                    sysm,;                                    p_hbwgfth,;                                    p_hbwgfus,;                                    id,;                                    dati,;                                    html;                                    ) value (;                                    l_hbwgfms_key,;                                    l_now,;                                    l_now,;                                    l_hbwgfth_key,;                                    l_hbwgfus_key_Message,;                                    l_MessageID,;                                    l_MessageDatetime,;                                    par_MessageHTML)    else        l_hbwgfms_key  = l_SQLResult[1,1]        l_hbwgfms_id   = allt(l_SQLResult[1,2])        l_hbwgfms_html = l_SQLResult[1,3]        if (l_hbwgfms_id <> l_MessageID) or (l_hbwgfms_html <> par_MessageHTML)            if seek(l_hbwgfms_key,"hbwgfms","key")                replace with l_MessageID in hbwgfms                if hbwgfms.html <> par_MessageHTML                    replace hbwgfms.html with par_MessageHTML in hbwgfms                endif            endif        endif        select ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile        locate for ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->key = l_hbwgfms_key        if found()            replace ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->OnFile with .t.        endif    endifendifselect (l_select)return ""endfunc*====================================================================================================================================function UpdateTopicEnd(par_NumberOfDeletedMessages)private all like l_*   && Crude method to avoid having to declare all variables as "local"l_NoDateTime = dtot({})l_now = datetime()l_select = iif(used(),select(),0)* Fix deleted flag of previously on file messagesselect ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFilescan all for ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->deleted = ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->OnFile    if seek(ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->key,"hbwgfms","key")        replace hbwgfms.sysm    with l_now                                  in hbwgfms        replace hbwgfms.deleted with !ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile->OnFile in hbwgfms    endifendscanuse in select("ListOfPreUpdateMessagesOnFile")* Fix non-normalized fields fstmessdt and lstmessdt, and also field delmesscnt in hbwgfthselect hbwgfms.key,;            hbwgfms.deleted,;            hbwgfms.dati,;            hbwgfms.p_hbwgfus;    from  hbwgfms;    where hbwgfms.p_hbwgfth = this.p_hbwgfth_key;    and   !hbwgfms.deleted;    order by hbwgfms.dati;    into cursor ListOfMessagesOnFilel_NumberOfMessages = _tallyif empty(l_NumberOfMessages)    * All messages of current topic are deleted. Should not be possible.    l_hbwgfth_fstmessdt = l_NoDateTime    l_hbwgfth_lstmessdt = l_NoDateTimeelse    goto top in ListOfMessagesOnFile    l_hbwgfth_fstmessdt = ListOfMessagesOnFile.dati    goto bottom in ListOfMessagesOnFile    l_hbwgfth_lstmessdt = ListOfMessagesOnFile.datiendif* Since there was at least the curmesscnt or glgmessdt field that did not match, will have to update fieldsif seek(this.p_hbwgfth_key,"hbwgfth","key")    replace hbwgfth.sysm       with l_now                       in hbwgfth    replace hbwgfth.curmesscnt with l_NumberOfMessages          in hbwgfth    replace hbwgfth.fstmessdt  with l_hbwgfth_fstmessdt         in hbwgfth    replace hbwgfth.lstmessdt  with l_hbwgfth_lstmessdt         in hbwgfth    replace hbwgfth.glgmessdt  with this.p_hbwgfth_glgmessdt    in hbwgfth    replace hbwgfth.delmesscnt with par_NumberOfDeletedMessages in hbwgfthendifuse in select("ListOfMessagesOnFile")select (l_select)return 0endfunc*====================================================================================================================================enddefine
All source code presented in this article is Copyright (c) 2019 EL SoftWare, Inc.  MIT License, see

Due to the nature of the Google Group web site, it took a lot of research to determine how to find/scrape all the data. 

But, luckily, relying on VFP (Harbour in the future) to store the data, it made the entire project fairly straightforward.

The initial scrape run-time took almost 20 hours on a fast computer with broadband access. Subsequent scanning is very fast, since Google Groups always lists the changed topics at the beginning of the main group web page, and we can therefore limit our scanning to the first 100 topics.

Due to the nature of DBF / FPT files, the entire 55,000+ messages takes around 150 MB. If this was stored in a PostgreSQL or MySQL database, you may want to multiply the storage size by 3 to 5 times.

To make it easier to search this database, I also created a search screen at

Special Thanks to Art Bergquist for technical editing,