Open Help | Type | Name | Syntax | Description | Conversion To Harbour | Convertion Notes |
| Error | "cursor" must be created with SELECT ... INTO TABLE (Error 1815) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "field | variable" is not unique and must be qualified (Error 1832) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "field" is not related to the current work area (Error 1165) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "field" phrase is not found (Error 1130) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "file" is not a table (Error 15) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "file" is not a Visual FoxPro .EXE file (Error 1196) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "file" is not an object file (Error 1309) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" band is too large to fit on page (Error 1298) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" can only be used within a method (Error 1929) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" cannot be closed while suspended (Error 1932) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" cannot be enumerated (Error 1794) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" internal consistency error (Error 1462) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is a method, event, or object (Error 1737) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is a read-only property (Error 1740) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not a file variable (Error 226) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not a function, procedure or program (Error 1992) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not a valid resource file (Error 1294) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not a variable (Error 225) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not a Visual FoxPro event (Error 1745) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not an array (Error 232) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" is not an object (Error 1924) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "name" objects cannot return a value (Error 1983) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | "OLE error" (Error 1429) | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #DEFINE ... #UNDEF Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #IF ... #ENDIF Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #IFDEF | #IFNDEF ... #ENDIF Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #INCLUDE Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #INSERT Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| Preprocessor | #NAME Preprocessor Directive | | | Undetermined | |
| | $ Operator | | | Undetermined | |
| | % Operator (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | & | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | && | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | * | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ** or ^ domain error (Error 78) | | | Undetermined | |
| | *bad date* | | | Undetermined | |
| | *Interrupted* | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .DBC internal consistency error (Error 1550) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .DIF file header is invalid (Error 115) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .DIF type indicator is invalid (Error 117) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .DIF vector is invalid - .DBF field mismatch (Error 116) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .SYLK file dimension bounds are invalid (Error 120) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .SYLK file format is invalid (Error 121) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | .SYLK file header is invalid (Error 119) | | | Undetermined | |
| | :: Scope Resolution Operator | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | = | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ? | ?? | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ??? | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | @ ... BOX | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... CLASS | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... CLEAR | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... EDIT - Edit Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... FILL | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Check Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Combo Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Command Buttons | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - List Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Option Buttons | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Spinners | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Text Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... GET - Transparent Buttons | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... MENU | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... PROMPT | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... SAY | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... SAY - Pictures & OLE Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... SCROLL | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | @ ... TO | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | A .DBF-style Help file is required (Error 1727) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A Key cannot be specified when adding an item to this collection. (Error 2064) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A Key must be specified when adding an item to this collection. (Error 2063) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A member object with this name already exists (Error 1771) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A sharing violation occurred. (Error 2024) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A stored procedure is executing (Error 1538) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A subdirectory or file "name" already exists (Error 1961) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | A table in multiple relationships can only have one child order (Error 1889) | | | Undetermined | |
| | About Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | About Microsoft Visual FoxPro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ABS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ACCEPT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accepting Numeric Input in a Given Range | | | Undetermined | |
| | Access and Assign Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Access to system Registry denied (Error 1640) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Access to Variables | | | Undetermined | |
| | Access to Visual FoxPro Variables and Fields | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessibility Browser Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessibility for People with Disabilities (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessing APIs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessing External Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessing Remote Data Using Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Accessing the Visual FoxPro API | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ACLASS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ACOPY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ACOS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Activate Event (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | ACTIVATE MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ACTIVATE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ACTIVATE SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ACTIVATE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | ActivateCell Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveColumn Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveControl Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveForm Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActivePage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveProject Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveRow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ActiveX Calendar Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ActiveX Controls Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| | ActiveX Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ADATABASES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ADBOBJECTS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add a Data-Bound Calendar Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add and Remove Items in a Treeview Control Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ADD CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Class to Project Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Data Lookup Combo Boxes Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Data Querying to Forms Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Data Sorting and Filtering to Forms Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Dynamic Style Condition Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Encryption to Applications Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Files to Source Control Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Items Interactively to a List Box Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Menu Items at Run Time Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Method (Collection Class) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Method (File Object) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Miscellaneous Form Buttons Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Navigation to Forms Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add New Items to a Combo Box Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Personalized Menus Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Property Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Shortcut Menus to Objects Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ADD TABLE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Add Table or View Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Add Web Hyperlinks to a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ADDBS( ) | | | Undetermined | Equivalent to hb_DirSepAdd() |
| | AddColumn Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Adding Objects to a Container Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Adding Objects to Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Adding Report Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | AddItem Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AddLineFeeds Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AddListItem Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AddObject Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AddProperty Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ADDPROPERTY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | AddTableSchema Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AddToSCC Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ADEL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ADIR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | AdjustObjectSize Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ADLLS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ADOCKSTATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ADOCodePage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | ADODB.Command is already opened. (Error 2081) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ADODB.Recordset is already opened. (Error 2080) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ADODB.Recordset is not opened. (Error 2143) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Advanced Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Advanced Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Advanced Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Advanced Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Advantages of More Power | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AELEMENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AERROR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AEVENTS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AFIELDS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AFONT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | AfterBand Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterBuild Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCloseTables Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorAttach Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorClose Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorDetach Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorFill Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorRefresh Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterCursorUpdate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterDelete Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterDock Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterInsert Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterRecordRefresh Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterReport Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterRowColChange Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AfterUpdate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | AGETCLASS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AGETFILEVERSION( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AINS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AINSTANCE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ALANGUAGE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ALEN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Alias is not found (Error 13) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Alias name is already in use (Error 24) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Alias Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ALIAS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Align Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Aligning Controls in Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Alignment Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ALINES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Allow Users to Choose List Values Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Allow Users to Drag and Drop Controls Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | AllowAddNew Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowAutoColumnFit Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowCellSelection Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowDelete Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Allowed DO nesting level exceeded (Error 103) | | | Undetermined | |
| | AllowHeaderSizing Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowInsert Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowModalMessages Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowOutput Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowRowSizing Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowSimultaneousFetch Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowTabs Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AllowUpdate Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ALLTRIM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ALTER TABLE - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ALTER TABLE operation interrupted (Error 1870) | | | Undetermined | |
| | AlwaysOnBottom Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AlwaysOnTop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Ambiguous Date/DateTime constant (Error 2032) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AMEMBERS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AMOUSEOBJ( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | An IF | ELSE | ENDIF statement is missing (Error 1211) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | An object's control source cannot be set to its Value property (Error 1781) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Analyzing Data Requirements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Anchor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ANETRESOURCES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ANSITOOEM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | API call caused an exception. (Error 2028) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | API function _UserError( ) was called (Error 1098) | | | Undetermined | |
| | API Library Construction | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | API library is not found (Error 1726) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | API library revision mismatch. Rebuild library (Error 1711) | | | Undetermined | |
| | API Library Routines A-Z | | | Undetermined | |
| | API Library Routines by Category | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | APPEND | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | APPEND FROM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | APPEND FROM ARRAY | | | Undetermined | |
| | Append From Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Append From Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | APPEND GENERAL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | APPEND MEMO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | APPEND PROCEDURES | | | Undetermined | |
| | Appending Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Architecture | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Creation with Accuracy and Data Integrity | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Creation with Double-Byte Character Sets | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Development with Several Developers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Distribution Process | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Error Handling Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Application file "file" is not closed (Error 1178) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Framework Files | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Object | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Application object not initialized (Error 1936) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Application Planning | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Application Registry Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Application Wizard Object Members | | | Undetermined | |
| | ApplyDiffgram Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | APRINTERS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | APROCINFO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Arrange Tables and Views Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Array "name" is in use (Error 1972) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Array dimensions are invalid (Error 230) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Array Handler Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Array is not a member of the parent object (Error 1764) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Array Manipulation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Arrays | | | Undetermined | |
| | Arrays and SELECT - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Arrays cannot be assigned to array elements (Error 1974) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASC( ) | | | Undetermined | Same as hb_BCode(hb_BLeft(xxx,1)) |
| Function | ASCAN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASELOBJ( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASESSIONS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASIN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASORT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASQLHANDLES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ASSERT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Assignment Statements (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ASSIST | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASTACKINFO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ASUBSCRIPT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATAGINFO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATAN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATCC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATCLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ATN2( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Attach Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | AT_C( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | AUSED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Auto-Update Tab, CursorAdapter Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | AutoActivate Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoCenter Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoCloseTables Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoComplete Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoCompSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoCompTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoFit Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoFormat Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | AutoHideScrollBar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoIncrement Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Autoincrementing Field Values in Tables | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automate a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automate a Microsoft Word Document in a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automate Microsoft Word and Excel Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automated Test Harness Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automating Keystroke Tasks with Macros | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automation and COM Servers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automation Server Programming Notes | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automation Servers in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Automation Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | AutoOpen Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoOpenTables Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoRelease Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoVerbMenu Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | AutoYield Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | AVCXCLASSES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | AVERAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| | BackColor, ForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BackStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Backward-Compatible Language Elements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Band Tab, Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | BAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BARCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BARPROMPT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Base Classes in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Base table fields have been changed and no longer match view fields. View field properties cannot be set (Error 1542) | | | Undetermined | |
| | BaseClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Basic Programming Concepts | | | Undetermined | |
| | BatchUpdateCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Beautify Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeBand Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeBuild Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorAttach Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorClose Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorDetach Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorFill Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorRefresh Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeCursorUpdate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeDelete Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeDock Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeInsert Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeOpenTables Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeRecordRefresh Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeReport Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeRowColChange Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BeforeUpdate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | BEGIN TRANSACTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | BEGIN TRANSACTION command failed. Nesting level is too deep (Error 1590) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Beginning of file encountered (Error 38) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Behavior of Null Values in Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Behavior of Null Values in Logical Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BETWEEN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Bind, Raise, Unbind, and Retrieve Events Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BindControls Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | BINDEVENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Binding Type Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BINTOC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITAND( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITCLEAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITLSHIFT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITNOT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITRSHIFT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITSET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITTEST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BITXOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | BLANK | | | Undetermined | |
| | Blob Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | BOF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | BorderColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BorderStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BorderWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Both Unicode and IsBinary properties can not be set to .T.. (Error 2140) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Bound Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BoundColumn Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BoundTo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Box dimensions are invalid (Error 227) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Box Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BreakOnError Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Breakpoints Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | BROWSE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Browse Button, Query Destination Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Browse structure has changed (Error 1164) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Browse table is closed (Error 1163) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Browse Window | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Buffer manager internal consistency error (Error 2202) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Buffering Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | BufferMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | BufferModeOverride Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | BUILD APP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | BUILD DLL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | BUILD EXE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Build Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | BUILD MTDLL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Build Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | BUILD PROJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| | BuildDateTime Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Builders | | | Undetermined | |
| | Building Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | ButtonCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Buttons Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Buttons Tab, Command Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Buttons Tab, Option Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CALCULATE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Calculate Field Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Calculate Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | CALL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Call Stack Window (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CallAdjustObjectSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CallEvaluateContents Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Calling OpenTables or CloseTables is not allowed while either of those methods are in the process of executing. (Error 2147) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CANCEL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cancel Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CANCEL or SUSPEND is not allowed (Error 1651) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cancel Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CancelReport Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CANDIDATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot access characters beyond string (Error 62) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot access file "file"; transaction is in progress. (Error 1106) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot access the selected table (Error 1152) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot activate the OLE server (Error 1421) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot add "name". Class definition is cyclical (Error 1741) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot add an object to this class (Error 1755) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot add this object to a Column (Error 1769) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot add this object to a Grid (Error 1768) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot add this table: it belongs to database "name" (Error 1537) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot allocate screen map | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot append from password protected file (Error 1672) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot arrange an untransported form (Error 1795) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot assign a class value to this member (Error 2070) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot base a view on itself (Error 1952) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot build a DLL without OLE public classes (Error 2002) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot build without a main program (Error 1689) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot call SetFocus from within a When, Valid, RangeHigh or RangeLow event (Error 2012) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot change MemberClass because existing member objects have outstanding references (Error 2073) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot change modality of a visible form (Error 1573) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot change property "name" in SetAll method (Error 1758) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot clear a menu that is in use (Error 176) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot clear a popup that is in use (Error 177) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot clear class "class" because it is in use. (Error 1770) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot clear the object "object" because it is in use. (Error 1951) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot close or detach extended cursor because it is currently in design mode. (Error 2079) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot close table during execution of a table-bound expression (Error 1546) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot close this database because it is being used by a project (Error 1535) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot compile until the current COMPILE command has completed (Error 1971) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot create file "file" (Error 102) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot create file "file" (Error 1102) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot create offline view on a currently modified view (Error 2019) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot create program workspace. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot define menu item (Error 169) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot delete a database object while it is open in a designer (Error 1572) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot delete file "name". (Error 2030) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot determine data type of the expression (Error 2201) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot divide by 0 (Error 1307) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot DROP all existing columns (Error 1871) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find entry point "name" in the DLL (Error 1754) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find object "name" in the database (Error 1562) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot find spell check program. | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot find the beautify program. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find the builder program (Error 1944) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find the converter program (Error 1798) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find the menu-generation program (Error 1693) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot find the spell check program. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find the text generation program (Error 1791) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot find the wizard program. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot find view "name" in the current database (Error 1563) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot GROUP by aggregate field (Error 1846) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot import from password-protected file (Error 1671) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot insert an empty row from a view into its base table(s) (Error 1547) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot issue the PACK command on a database while its objects have open cursors (Error 1566) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot issue the SET FORMAT command while a READ command is in progress on a format file (Error 1720) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot load 32-bit DLL "name" (Error 1753) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot locate ODBC library, ODBC32.DLL (Error 1527) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot locate the COMSPEC environment variable (Error 1412) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot locate your Web browser (Error 2006) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot modify a base class (Error 1731) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot modify a class that is in use (Error 1948) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot nest aggregate functions (Error 1844) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot nest class definitions (Error 1926) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot nest key labels (Error 1254) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot nest the PRINTJOB command (Error 1337) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cannot open configuration file. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot open file "file". (Error 101) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot open persistent table buffer directly (Error 2013) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot redefine "name" (Error 1930) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot redefine a menu that is in use (Error 174) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot redefine popup that is in use (Error 175) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot refresh record from ADODB.Recordset because FOX cursor does not have an ADOBookmark column (Error 2170) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot refresh record from ADODB.Recordset because it does not support a Bookmark property (Error 2169) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot release menu item (Error 170) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot release object (Error 2054) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot rename the current directory (Error 1253) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot rename the file to different device (Error 1153) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot reopen project file "name" (Error 1970) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot resolve backlink (Error 1976) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot reuse offline view in different mode (Error 2017) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot save form: an object has an invalid name (Error 1191) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot set DBCEventFile property when DBCEvents is off. (Error 2045) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Cannot sort .IDX files in descending order (Error 1706) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update ADODB.Recordset because FOX cursor does not have an ADOBookmark column. (Error 2085) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update ADODB.Recordset because it does not support a Bookmark property. (Error 2084) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update ADODB.Recordset because it is read-only. (Error 2083) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update ADODB.Recordset while cursor, created by CursorAdapter.CursorFill method, is not attached to a CursorAdapter object. (Error 2082) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update project from project metafile (Error 1909) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update the cursor "cursor", since it is read-only. (Error 111) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot update the file "file" (Error 1157) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot use 0 or negative as the argument for LOG10( ) (Error 292) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot visually modify a class based on a nonvisual class (Error 1979) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot visually modify a class of this type (Error 1978) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cannot write to the record because it is in use (Error 1502) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CAPSLOCK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Caption Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Case Sensitivity (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CASE Statements | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CAST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Catalog Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Catalogs Tab, Component Gallery Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | CD | CHDIR | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CDOW( ) | | | Undetermined | if the parameter is of type Date, may call CDow() |
| Function | CDX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CEILING( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Centered Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Century Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | CHANGE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Change Font Attributes Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Change Icon Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Change Pages When a User Chooses a Button Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Change the Number of Tabs at Run Time Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Changes in Functionality for the Current Release | | | Undetermined | |
| | ChangesToCursor Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Character Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | Character Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Character Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| | Check In Files Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Check Out Files Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CheckBox Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | CheckBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CheckIn Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CheckOut Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ChildAlias Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ChildOrder Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ChildTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Choose Field/Variable Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CHR( ) | | | Undetermined | Same as hb_BChar() |
| Function | CHRSAW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CHRTRAN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CHRTRANC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Circle Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Class "name" already exists (Error 1761) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" has not been registered (Error 1434) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" is in use (Error 1776) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" is in use by MODIFY CLASS (Error 1752) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" is not a Form class. (Error 2029) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" is not found (Error 1762) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class "name" is not found in the class library (Error 1576) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class and Object Error Handling | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class and Object Manipulation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Browser Buttons | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Browser Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Class Browser Object Members | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Browser Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Class Browser Window | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class cannot be instantiated because member "name" does not exist (Error 1441) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class cannot be instantiated because member "name" has wrong # of parameters (Error 1442) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class creation canceled (Error 1313) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class definition "name" is not found (Error 1733) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class definition "name" is recursive (Error 1950) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Enhancements | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class file "name" is invalid (Error 1747) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class file name for "name" is not valid (Error 1746) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class file version is greater than the current version (Error 1751) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Info Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Class library file "name" is not found (Error 1993) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Class name is invalid (Error 1949) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Class Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Class Tab, Class Info Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Classes in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | ClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CleanUp Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CLEAR Commands | | | Undetermined | |
| | Clear Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ClearData Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CLEARRESULTSET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ClearStatus Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Click Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Client/Server Design for High Performance | | | Undetermined | |
| | Client/Server Solution Development | | | Undetermined | |
| | ClipControls Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Clock Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | CloneObject Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Closable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CLOSE Commands | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CLOSE MEMO | | | Undetermined | |
| | Close Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CloseTables Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Cls Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CLSID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CMONTH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CNTBAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CNTPAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code Analyzer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code Page Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Code page for the field "field name" doesn't match cursor's code page (Error 2184) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Code page number is invalid (Error 1914) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code Pages in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code Pages Supported by Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code References Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Code Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | CodePage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | COL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Collating sequence "name" is not found (Error 1915) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Collection Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Collection Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Color scheme is reserved (Error 1728) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Color set resource is not found (Error 1642) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ColorScheme Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ColorSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Column number must be between 0 and 255 (Error 223) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Column number must be between 0 and the right margin (Error 1657) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Column Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Column Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | COLUMN | FORM | ALIAS | NOOVERWRITE | WIDTH are only allowed with the FROM clause (Error 1695) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | COLUMN | ROW | ALIAS | NOOVERWRITE | SIZE | SCREEN are only allowed with the FROM clause (Error 1698) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ColumnCount Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ColumnLines Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ColumnOrder Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Columns Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ColumnWidths Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | COM Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | COM+ Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | COMARRAY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Combo Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | ComboBox Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | ComboBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | COMCLASSINFO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command cannot be issued on a table with cursors in table buffering mode (Error 1579) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command cannot be issued within a transaction (Error 1593) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command contains invalid character (Error 1220) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword (Error 36) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Command Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command is allowed only in interactive mode (Error 1297) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Command is missing required clause (Error 1221) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Command Window (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CommandButton Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | CommandButton Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CommandClauses Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CommandGroup Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | CommandGroup Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Commands (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Commands that Scope to a Data Session | | | Undetermined | |
| | Comment Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Comment Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Comments | | | Undetermined | |
| | Common Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Common System Folders Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Compact Index File Structure (.idx) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CompareMemo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | COMPILE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Compile Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Compile error in file "name" (Error 1981) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Compiled code for this line is too long (Error 1252) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Compiling an Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Compiling Source Code | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | COMPOBJ( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Component Gallery Catalogs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Component Gallery Class Library (Vpfgallery.vcx) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Component Gallery Object Members | | | Undetermined | |
| | Component Gallery Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Component Gallery Properties Dialog Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Component Gallery Table Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| | Component Gallery Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Compound Index File Structure (.cdx) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | COMPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | COMRETURNERROR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Configure Dynamic Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Configuring an Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Configuring Help Files for Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Configuring Report Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Conflict Catcher Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ConflictCheckCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ConflictCheckType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Connection "connection name" is in manual commit mode (Error 2176) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Connection "name" is busy (Error 1541) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Connection Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Connection handle is invalid (Error 1466) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Connection name is invalid (Error 1497) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Connections Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Connectivity error: "name" (Error 1526) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Connectivity internal consistency error (Error 1522) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Conserving Disk Space During Coverage Runs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for Creating Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for Creating Index Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for Creating New Report Output Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for Creating Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for Event Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Considerations for Linking or Embedding Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Considerations for SQL SELECT Statements | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Constant is already created with #DEFINE (Error 1725) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Constant Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Constants | | | Undetermined | |
| | Container Hierarchy Object Referencing | | | Undetermined | |
| | Container Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Container Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | CONTINUE | | | Undetermined | |
| | ContinuousScroll Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Control MSN Messenger Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Control Object (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Control Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ControlBox Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ControlCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Controlling Access to Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controlling Call Blocking | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controlling Data in Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controlling Form Behavior | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controlling Visual FoxPro from Other Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls and Data Concepts | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls and Objects Created in Earlier Versions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Accepting Input | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Allowing Specific Actions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Displaying Information | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Displaying Lists | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Extending Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls for Manipulating Rows of Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Controls Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Controls Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ControlSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Conversion canceled. Adjust the memo BLOCKSIZE (Error 1509) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Conversion from Unicode has failed. (Error 2136) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Conversion is canceled (Error 1799) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Conversion to Unicode has failed. (Error 2135) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ConversionFunc Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Converting Between XML and Visual FoxPro Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cookies Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coordinate Menu Items and Toolbar Buttons Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY FILE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY INDEXES | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY MEMO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY PROCEDURES | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY STRUCTURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY TAG | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY TO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COPY TO ARRAY | | | Undetermined | |
| | Copyright | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | COS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Could not add icon to executable file (Error 1168) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Could not add version resource to executable file (Error 1181) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | COUNT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Count Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Engine Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Preprocessor Directives | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Add-Ins | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Add-Ins Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Profiler Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Exit Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Profiler Find Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Profiler Log File | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Modification | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Profiler Statistics Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Coverage Profiler Tool Buttons | | | Undetermined | |
| | Coverage Profiler Window | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CPCONVERT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CPCURRENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CPDBF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cpzero.prg | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a Cursor from an XML DataSet Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a Default Unique ID Value for a Field Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a One-To-Many Data Entry Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a Query-By-Example Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a Single Table Data Entry Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create a Visual FoxPro Web Browser Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create an Irregularly Shaped Window Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create an SDI Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE CLASSLIB | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE COLOR SET | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE CONNECTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE CURSOR - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Create Dynamic Shortcut Menus Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE FORM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE FROM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE LABEL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create One-To-Many Relationships Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | CREATE PROJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE QUERY | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create Record Bound Graphs Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE REPORT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE REPORT - Quick Report | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE SCREEN - Quick Screen | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create Small Indexes Using BINTOC( ) Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE SQL VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE TABLE - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Create Toolbar Control Effects Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE TRIGGER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | CREATE VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CREATEBINARY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CREATEOBJECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CREATEOBJECTEX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CREATEOFFLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating a Custom Preview Container | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Applications with the Application Framework | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Character Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Custom Toolbars | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Date Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Drag-and-Drop Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Logical Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Menus, Shortcut Menus, Menu Items, and Submenus | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Numeric Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Objects from Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Table Navigation Buttons | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Tables | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating the User Interface | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Visual FoxPro Dynamic-Link Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creating Visual FoxPro Names | | | Undetermined | |
| | Creation of Single- and Multiple-Document Interfaces | | | Undetermined | |
| | Credits Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cross Tab Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cross-Tab Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Crypto API Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CTOBIN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CTOD and CTOT can produce incorrect results. (Error 2033) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CTOD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CTOT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CURDIR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Currency Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Currency value is out of range (Error 1988) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CurrentControl Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CurrentDataSession Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CurrentPass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CurrentX, CurrentY Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Cursor "cursor name" is in use and cannot be closed (Error 2173) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cursor "name" does not have a valid table or view reference (Error 2067) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cursor "name" is attached to another CursorAdapter object. (Error 2112) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cursor Button, Query Destination Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Cursor cannot be modified because it contains an unsaved record (Error 2072) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cursor doesn't support ADOBookmark property (Error 2188) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cursor is corrupt or in wrong format (Error 1166) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cursor Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Cursor Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | CursorAdapter "name" cannot be loaded for design. (Error 2078) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CursorAdapter and XMLTable objects do not belong to the same data session. (Error 2125) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorAdapter Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CursorAdapter cannot locate current record in the buffer. The record may have been reverted. (Error 2092) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorAdapter Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CursorAdapter does not have an associated cursor. (Error 2090) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CursorAdapter internal error (Error 2175) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | CursorAdapter is unable to determine DataSourceType for the operation. (Error 2138) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorAdapter Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CursorAttach Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CursorDetach Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CursorFill Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CURSORGETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorRefresh Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Cursors Tab, DataEnvironment Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorSchema Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | CursorSchema property is not specified. (Error 2075) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CURSORSETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | CursorSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | CursorStatus Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | CURSORTOXML( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | CURVAL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Curvature Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Custom Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Custom Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Customize the Open Dialog Box Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Customize Toolbar Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Customize Toolbox Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Customizing Documenting Wizard Output | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing IntelliSense in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing Microsoft Windows for Accessibility | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing the Environment of a Data Session | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing the Task List Manager | | | Undetermined | |
| | Customizing the Visual FoxPro Environment | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Cyclic relation (Error 44) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Access Management Using CursorAdapters | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Access Tab, CursorAdapter Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data and Field Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data and XML Feature Enhancements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Conversion Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Edit Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data environment "name" does not contain a cursor object. (Error 2068) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Environment Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data environment is already loaded (Error 1966) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data environment is already unloaded (Error 1967) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Environment Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Data Explorer Task Pane | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Formatting Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Grouping Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Data Grouping Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Data Groups in Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Location on the Optimal Platform | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Manipulation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Navigation Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Navigation Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Selection with Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data session #number cannot be released with open transaction(s) (Error 1549) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data session #number was forced to ROLLBACK all transactions to avoid deadlock (Error 1599) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Session Manager Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Session Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Source Tab, DataEnvironment Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Storage Containers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Storage with Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Data Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Data Transfer and Arrays | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Transfer from a Table to an Array | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Transfer from an Array to a Table | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Type Conversion Control | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data type is invalid for this property (Error 1732) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Data type mismatch (Error 9) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Data Validation Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database "alias" is not open (Error 1534) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database "name": File access denied (Error 1569) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Database Container Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Database Creation with Upsizing Wizards | | | Undetermined | |
| | Database Design Process | | | Undetermined | |
| | Database Designer (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database is invalid. Please validate (Error 1561) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database is read-only (Error 1570) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Database Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database object is being used by someone else. (Error 1709) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Database object type is invalid (Error 1773) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Database Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Database Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Database Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | Databases in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Databases Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | DataEnvironment Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | DataEnvironment Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | DataEnvironment Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataEnvironment Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataObject Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | DataObject Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataSession Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataSessionID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataSource Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataToClip Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DataType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | DataType property for field "name" is invalid (Error 1544) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Date and Time Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Date and Time Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| | Date Data Type (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Date/DateTime contains illegal characters (Error 2035) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Date/DateTime evaluated to an invalid value (Error 2034) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DateFormat Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DateMark Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DateTime Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DATETIME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DAY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DBALIAS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DBC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | dbc_Activate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterAddRelation Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterAddTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterAppendProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCloseTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCopyProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCreateConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCreateOffline Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCreateTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterCreateView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDBGetProp Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDBSetProp Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDeleteConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDropOffline Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDropRelation Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDropTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterDropView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterModifyConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterModifyProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterModifyTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterModifyView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterOpenTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterRemoveTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterRenameConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterRenameTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterRenameView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_AfterValidateData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeAddRelation Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeAddTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeAppendProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCloseTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCopyProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCreateConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCreateOffline Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCreateTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeCreateView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDBGetProp Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDBSetProp Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDeleteConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDropOffline Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDropRelation Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDropTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeDropView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeModifyConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeModifyProc Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeModifyTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeModifyView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeOpenTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeRemoveTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeRenameConnection Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeRenameTable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeRenameView Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_BeforeValidateData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_CloseData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_Deactivate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_ModifyData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_OpenData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | dbc_PackData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DBF to HTML Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DBF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DBGETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DblClick Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DBSETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DBUSED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DDE Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEAbortTrans( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEAdvise( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEEnabled( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEExecute( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEInitiate( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDELastError( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDEPoke( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDERequest( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDESetOption( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDESetService( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDESetTopic( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DDETerminate( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Deactivate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DEACTIVATE MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEACTIVATE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEACTIVATE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEBUG | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debug Output Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debug Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Debug Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Debugger Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debugger Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debugging and Error-Handling Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debugging Before Bugs Exist | | | Undetermined | |
| | Debugging Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEBUGOUT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DECLARE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DECLARE - DLL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Declare DLL call caused an exception. (Error 2027) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DeclareXMLPrefix Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | DEClass cannot be loaded. (Error 2086) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DEClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Default Data Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Default Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DEFAULTEXT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DefaultFilePath Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DEFINE BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEFINE BOX | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEFINE CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - ADD OBJECT Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - DEFINE CLASS Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - Function or Procedure Definition Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - IMPLEMENTS Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - PEMName_COMATTRIB Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | DEFINE CLASS Command - Property Definition Clause | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DEFINE MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEFINE PAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEFINE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DEFINE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | Define Window Layout Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Defining a Grid Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | DefOLELCID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DelayedMemoFetch Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DELETE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Delete (Records) Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DELETE - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE CONNECTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE FILE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE TAG | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE TRIGGER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DELETE VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| | DeleteCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DeleteCmdDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DeleteCmdDataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DeleteColumn Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Deleted Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DELETED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DeleteMark Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Deploying XML Web Services (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DESCENDING( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Description Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Description Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Design Considerations | | | Undetermined | |
| | Design-Time OLE Drag-and-Drop Support | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designing an OLE Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designing Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designing for Localization | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designing Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | Designing Menus and Toolbars | | | Undetermined | |
| | Desktop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Destroy Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Details Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Determining the Fields You Need | | | Undetermined | |
| | Developing and Modifying Databases in Teams | | | Undetermined | |
| | Developing Class Libraries in Teams | | | Undetermined | |
| | Developing Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | Developing International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Developing Visual FoxPro Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Development Productivity Tools | | | Undetermined | |
| | Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DIFFERENCE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DIMENSION | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | DIMENSION contains variable declaration without required subscript arguments (Error 1232) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DIR or DIRECTORY | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Directory is not found (Error 1963) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DIRECTORY( ) | | | Undetermined | Almost like hb_DirExists() |
| | Disable or Display a Check beside a Menu Item Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | DisabledBackColor, DisabledForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DisabledItemBackColor, DisabledItemForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DisabledPicture Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DisableEncode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DISKSPACE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display a Stop Watch Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display a System Clock Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Calculated Values in a Column Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Child Records from a Relationship Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY CONNECTIONS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Controls in a Grid Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Data Reporting Output Options Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Different Pages without Tabs Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY DLLS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY FILES | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Line Animation on a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY MEMORY | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Display mode is not available (Error 216) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Multiple Columns in a List Box Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY OBJECTS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Pictures in a List Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Pictures in an Image Control Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY PROCEDURES | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display Shortcut Menus Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY STATUS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY STRUCTURE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Display System Information Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY TABLES | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DISPLAY VIEWS | | | Undetermined | |
| | DisplayCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Displaying Data in Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | DisplayOrientation Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DisplayPath( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DisplayValue Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Distinct Values Combo Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Distributable and Restricted Visual FoxPro Features and Files | | | Undetermined | |
| | Distributing Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Distributing Reports with Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DMY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DO CASE ... ENDCASE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Do Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | DO FORM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DO WHILE ... ENDDO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DOCK | | | Undetermined | |
| | Dock Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Dockable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Docked Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Docking Forms | | | Undetermined | |
| | DockPosition Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DoCmd Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Document Properties Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Document View Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | DocumentFile Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Documenting Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DODEFAULT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DOEVENTS | | | Undetermined | |
| | DoMessage Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DoScroll Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DoStatus Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Double Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | DoVerb Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DOW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | DownClick Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DownPicture Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Drag Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DragDrop Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Dragging and Dropping Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | DragIcon Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DragMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DragOver Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Draw Lines and Shapes on a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Draw Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DrawMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DrawStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DrawWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Drive specifier is invalid (Error 1907) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DRIVETYPE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DROP TABLE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | DROP VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| | DropDown Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | DROPOFFLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DTOC( ) | | | Undetermined | See hb_DtoC |
| Function | DTOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DTOS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | DTOT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Duplicate field names (Error 1156) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Dynamic Information Sharing | | | Undetermined | |
| | Dynamic Script Preview Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Dynamic Views Tab, Component Gallery Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicAlignment Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Dynamically Format Grid Columns Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | DynamicBackColor, DynamicForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicCurrentControl Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicFontBold, DynamicFontItalic, DynamicFontStrikethru, DynamicFontUnderline Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicFontName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicFontOutline Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicFontShadow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicFontSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicInputMask Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | DynamicLineHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Dynamics Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Early (vtable) and Late (IDispatch) Binding | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | EDIT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Edit a Memo Field or Text File Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Edit Bands Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Edit Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Edit Links Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Edit Macro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Edit Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Edit Property/Method Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Edit Relationship Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | EditBox Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | EditBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Editing Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Editor Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | EditorOptions Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | EDITSOURCE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | EJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | EJECT PAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Embedding Hyperlinks | | | Undetermined | |
| | Empty Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Empty Index Entry | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | EMPTY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Enabled Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | EnableHyperlinks Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Encrypted Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | End of file encountered (Error 4) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | END TRANSACTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | END TRANSACTION command cannot be issued without a corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION command (Error 1591) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ENDTEXT does not have corresponding TEXT statement (Error 1214) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Enforcing Business Rules | | | Undetermined | |
| | Enhancements to Visual FoxPro Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Enhancing Applications Using SQL Pass-Through Technology | | | Undetermined | |
| | Environment (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Environment Manager Task Pane | | | Undetermined | |
| | Environment Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Environment-level property is invalid (Error 1473) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | EOF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ERASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ERROR | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error accessing printer spooler (Error 1957) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error adding "name" to the object. Duplicate member/property name (Error 1779) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error building key for index "name". (Error 2199) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error building sort key (Error 2186) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error closing the file (Error 1112) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error code is not valid (Error 1941) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error copying the OLE object to Clipboard (Error 1424) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error creating table: "name" (Error 1973) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error creating the OLE object (Error 1423) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Event (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Error Handler Priority | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Handling Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error in the class definition. "Details" (Error 1735) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error in the PICTURE clause (Error 1258) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error initializing Application object (Error 1574) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error initializing OLE (Error 1508) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error instantiating cursor. Table "alias" cannot be opened. Object will be ignored (Error 1554) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error instantiating the object "object". (Error 1736) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error loading file - record number n. "object" . "Issue": "error" (Error 1881) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error loading HtmlHelp 2.0 collection. (Error 2049) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error loading printer driver (Error 1958) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error loading the data environment. Table is in use (Error 1995) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Messages | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Messages Listed Alphabetically | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Messages Listed Numerically | | | Undetermined | |
| | Error Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error occurred in conversion (Error 1797) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error reading a property from the database. The property is ignored (Error 1584) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error reading file "file" (Error 1104) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error reading the resource (Error 1296) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error saving the OLE object (Error 1422) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error with "name" - "property": "error" (Error 2005) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Error writing to file "file" (Error 1105) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ERROR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ErrorMessage Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ErrorNo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Eval Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | EVALUATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | EvaluateContents Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Binding for COM Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Binding for Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Binding for Visual FoxPro Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Handler Registry Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Handlers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Handling Routines | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Sequence in Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Event Tracking Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | EventHandler object "name" does not IMPLEMENT an interface (Error 1445) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | EVENTHANDLER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Events (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Events in Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | EVL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Example of Manipulating Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Exception Class (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Exception Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Exclude Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Excluding Modifiable Files from Builds | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Exclusive open required to update this file. Please reopen (Error 1977) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Exclusive Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | EXE Version Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | EXECSCRIPT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Execute Commands at Specified Intervals Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Execution of ODBC Extensions to SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Execution Throttle Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Execution was canceled by the user (Error 1523) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | EXIT | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | EXP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Expanding the SetAll Method Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | EXPORT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Export Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Export Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Exporting Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Expression Builder Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Expression Builder Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Expression evaluated to an illegal value (Error 46) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression evaluator failed (Error 67) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression has been re-entered while the filter is executing (Error 1148) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression is invalid. Use a valid expression for "name" property (Error 1759) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression is not valid outside of WITH/ENDWITH (Error 1940) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression is too complex (Error 1947) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression used with ACOS( ) is out of range (Error 293) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Expression used with ASIN( ) is out of range (Error 291) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Projects in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Report Functionality in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Report Output Functionality | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Report Preview Functionality | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Reports at Design Time | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Reports at Run Time | | | Undetermined | |
| | Extending Visual FoxPro with External Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | EXTERNAL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Failed to create recordset (Error 2039) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fatal error nExpr reporting error nExpr. | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FCHSIZE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FCLOSE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FCREATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FDATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Feature is not available (Error 1001) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Feature is not supported for non-.DBC tables (Error 1580) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Feature is only available if the object is in design mode (Error 1953) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FEOF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FERROR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FetchAsNeeded Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Fetching canceled; remote table is closed (Error 1530) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FetchMemo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FetchMemoCmdList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FetchMemoDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FetchMemoDataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FetchSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FFLUSH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FGETS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field "field name" is not associated with a base table (Error 2174) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field "field name" is not fetched (Error 2172) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field "name" does not accept null values (Error 1581) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field "name" is read-only. (Error 2088) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field "name" validation rule is violated (Error 1582) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field and Record Manipulation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field and Record Validation Rules | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field expression contains an invalid data type (Error 1647) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field for Unicode value should not use code page translation. (Error 2142) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field Mapping Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Field mismatch (Error 2040) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field Mover Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field must be a General field (Error 1913) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field must be a Memo field (Error 350) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field name is a duplicate or invalid (Error 1712) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Field Picker Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Field Selection Tab, Form Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field size for Unicode value can not be odd number. (Error 2141) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Field width or number of decimal places is invalid (Error 1713) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FIELD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fields | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fields Collection (XMLTable) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Fields marked as update keys will be cleared (Error 2014) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fields Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fields Tab, Table Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" already exists as part of a database (Error 1529) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" does not exist (Error 1) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is a database (Error 1553) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is an invalid database (Error 1551) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is not a database (Error 1552) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is not closed (Error 1933) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is not part of a database (Error 1558) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is part of a database (Error 1565) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is read-only (Error 1718) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File "name" is too large (Error 1190) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File access is denied (Error 1705) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File already exists (Error 7) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File cannot be closed because outstanding references exist (Error 1184) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File cannot be locked (Error 1503) | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Extensions and File Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Finder Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | File Input and Output Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is in use (Error 3) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is in use by another user (Error 108) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is in use in another data session (Error 2191) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is not open (Error 1113) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is open in another work area (Error 1708) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File is the wrong version (Error 1338) | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Locations Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | File Management | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File must be opened exclusively (Error 110) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File must be opened exclusively to convert the Memo file (Error 1637) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File name is too long (Error 1918) | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Object (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | File Structures | | | Undetermined | |
| | File Version Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File was created in a later version of Visual FoxPro than the current version (Error 1750) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | File was not placed in memory using the LOAD command (Error 91) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FILE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FileClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FileClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Filer.dll | | | Undetermined | |
| | Files Collection (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Files Collection Properties and Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Files Tab, Project Information Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FILETOSTR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Fill a List with Values from Different Sources Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | FillColor Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FillStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Filter Conditions for Queries and Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Filter Dialog Box Button Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Filter Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Filter Expression Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | FILTER expression exceeds allowed size (Error 1140) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Filter expression is not allowed for a Binary index (Error 2157) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Filter Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Filter Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FILTER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Find (Findnext) Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Find Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FIND Command (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Find Component Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Find Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Find Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Find Files/Text Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Find Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Find Table or View Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FirstElement Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FirstNestedTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FKLABEL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FKMAX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Flags Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FLDCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FLDLIST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Float Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FLOCK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FLOOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | FLUSH | | | Undetermined | |
| | Folder Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Font Combobox Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Font Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FontBold, FontItalic, FontStrikethru, FontUnderline Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | FontCharSet number is invalid (Error 2190) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FontCharSet Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FontCondense, FontExtend Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FONTMETRIC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FontName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FontOutline Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Fonts Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| | FontShadow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Fontsize Combobox Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FontSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FOPEN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | FOR ... ENDFOR | | | Undetermined | |
| | FOR Clauses | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | FOR EACH ... ENDFOR | | | Undetermined | |
| | FOR Loops (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ForceCloseTag Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FORCEEXT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FORCEPATH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Form (.SCX) file must contain at least one Form (Error 1749) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Form Acceleration | | | Undetermined | |
| | Form Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Form Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Form file "name" is from a previous version of FoxPro. It must be converted to the current format before it can be executed (Error 1991) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Form file "name" is invalid (Error 1686) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Form Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Form Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Form Set Template Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Form Template Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Form Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Format (Field) Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Format Expressions for Field Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Format Input and Validate Data in a Text Box Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Format Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Format Tab, Edit Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Format Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Format Tab, Text Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Format Toolbar Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FormattedOutput Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Formatting Grids | | | Undetermined | |
| | FormCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Forms or Form classes that specify a DEClass and DEClassLibrary cannot be converted to or used with a FormSet. (Error 2069) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Forms Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Forms Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Forms Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Forms Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FormSet Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | FormSet Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FOUND( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Foundation Class Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxCode Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Foxcode script "name" failure. (Error 2043) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Foxcode table not found, is not correct version or is incompatible. (Error 2042) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxInfo Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxIs, a Visual FoxPro Internet Server | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxISAPI Automation Server Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxTable Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Foxtask table is corrupted or not the correct version. (Error 2046) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxUser Resource File Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| | FoxWeb, a Simplified Visual FoxPro Internet Automation Server | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FPUTS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FractionDigits Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FREAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | FREE TABLE | | | Undetermined | |
| | FRX Cursor Browser Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | FRX Cursor Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FRX Device Helper Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FRX to HTML Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | FRXDataSession Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FSEEK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FSIZE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FTIME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | FullName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | FULLPATH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | FUNCTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function argument value, type, or count is invalid (Error 11) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function is not implemented (Error 1999) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function is not supported on native tables (Error 1536) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function is not supported on remote tables (Error 1525) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function name is missing (Error (Error 1304) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function name is missing ) (Error 1300) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function not supported for SQL pass-through cursors (Error 1504) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Function requires row or table buffering mode (Error 1586) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FV( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | FWRITE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | GATHER | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | GDI memory is low, close one or more windows and try again (Error 1986) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus API Wrapper Foundation Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Base Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Bitmap Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Brush Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Color Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Font Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus FontFamily Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Graphics Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus HatchBrush Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Image Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Pen Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Point Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Rectangle Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus Size Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus SolidBrush Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDI Plus StringFormat Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | GDIPlusGraphics Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Gendbc.prg | | | Undetermined | |
| | General Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | General Field Window | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | General fields cannot be used in the WHERE condition of an update statement. Change the WhereType property of the view (Error 1489) | | | Undetermined | |
| | General Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | General Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| | General Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | General Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | General Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | General Tab, Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | General Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Generate HTML Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Generate Menu Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Genhtml.prg | | | Undetermined | |
| | Get Application Information from the Windows Registry Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Get File and Directory Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Get Latest Version of Files Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Get Version Information Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETAUTOINCVALUE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETBAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETCOLOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETCP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETCURSORADAPTER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GetData Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | GETDIR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GetDockState Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | GETENV( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | GETEXPR | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETFILE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETFLDSTATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETFONT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GetFormat Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | GETINTERFACE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GetKey Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GetLatestVersion Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | GETNEXTMODIFIED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETOBJECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETPAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GetPageHeight Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GetPageWidth Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | GETPEM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETPICT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETPRINTER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETRESULTSET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Getting Started with Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETWORDCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GETWORDNUM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Go To Definition Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Go To Line Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Go To Record Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | GO | GOTO | | | Undetermined | |
| | Goals for Prototyping | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | GOMONTH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | GotFocus Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GoTo Dialog Box Button Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GoTo Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Graph By Record Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Graph Equations on a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Graph Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Graph Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Graphics Support in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Grid Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Grid Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Grid Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Grid Highlighting, Column Resizing, and Header Images Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Grid Items Tab, Grid Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | GridHitTest Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GridLineColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GridLines Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | GridLineWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Group By Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | GroupBy clause is too long. (Error 2053) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Guide to Reporting Improvements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | HalfHeightCaption Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Handle Application Environment Tasks Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handle Common Windowing Tasks Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handle Data Conflicts Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handler Code Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Handling Database Errors | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handling Errors During Report Runs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handling Run-Time Errors | | | Undetermined | |
| | Handling SQL Pass-Through Errors | | | Undetermined | |
| | Having Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Header Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Header Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | HEADER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | HeaderClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HeaderClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HeaderHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Height Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | HELP | | | Undetermined | |
| | Help Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Help for this topic/context not implemented. (Error 2050) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Help Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HelpContextID Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HexEdit | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | HIDE MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hide Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | HIDE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | HIDE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | HideSelection Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Hierarchies Tab, Code Analyzer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Highlight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HighlightBackColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HighlightForeColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HighlightRow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HighlightRowLineWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HighlightStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | HOME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | HomeDir Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HostName Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Hot Tracking and Hover Effects Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | HOUR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hours Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How the SQL Server Upsizing Wizard Works | | | Undetermined | |
| | How to: Access a Visual FoxPro Library | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access ActiveX Controls and Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access Dynamic-Link Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access Stored Procedures on Remote Servers with SQL Pass-Through Functions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access Visual FoxPro Data in Microsoft Office | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access Visual FoxPro Data in Visual Studio | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Access XML Web Services | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Activate or Disable IntelliSense | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add a Coordinated Toolbar and Menu to a Form Set | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add a Label Definition Using | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add a Menu to a Top-Level Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Bands to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Classes and Subclasses to Class Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Classes to Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Classes to Visual FoxPro Tools | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Cleanup Code to a Menu System | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Code to a DBC Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Code to Methods and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Comments to Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Comments to Report Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Comments to Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Comments to Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Context Sensitive Help to Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Controls to a Form with the Component Gallery | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Controls to a Wizard-Generated Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Controls to Forms with the Class Browser | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Custom Toolbars to Form Sets | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Data Groups to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Data to Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Databases to Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Design-time Captions to Field Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Document Properties to a Report | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Field Controls to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Fields to Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Files to a Project | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Files to a Source-Controlled Project | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add General Fields to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Graphics to Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Help Buttons to Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Indexes to Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Label Controls to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Methods to Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Objects to a Control or Container Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Objects to a Custom Toolbar Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add OLE Objects to Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Pictures to Items in a List | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Pictures to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Properties and Methods to a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Properties to Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Records to Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Setup Code to a Menu System | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Shapes and Lines to Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Shapes to Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Tables to Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Tooltips to Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add User Data to Report Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add User Data to Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add User-Defined Objects to a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Visual FoxPro API Calls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Visual FoxPro Containers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Visual FoxPro Controls to a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Add Your Own Handler to the Report Builder's Registry | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Adjust Report Control Position | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Align Report Controls Within the Layout | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Allow Users to Add Items to a List Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Allow Users to Select Multiple Items in a List Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Append and Delete Records in Table Buffers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Append Data to Existing Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Append Data with the Import Wizard | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Arrange Tables and Views in Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Assign Access Keys and Keyboard Shortcuts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Assign an Icon to a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Assign Structured Metadata to Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Associate Tables with a Database | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build a Function Expression | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build a Local Prototype of an Application | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build a Variable Expression | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build and Debug Libraries and ActiveX Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build Automation Servers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Build Referential Integrity Between Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Call Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Call Procedures and Functions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Colors in Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Configuration Settings in the Windows Registry | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Detail Band Order | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Font Settings in Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Line Styles of Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Opacity of Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change or Break Links to Data in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Page Settings for Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Report Band Height | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Report Variable Order | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Change Text Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Check for Differences in Forms, Reports, and Other Table Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Check In Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Check Out Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Choose a Query Output Destination | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Choose Data Types | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Choose the Type of Data for a List or Combo Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Clear Macro Definitions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Close Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Close Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Close Tables in Work Areas | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Collect User Input with Queries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Compare Files or Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure Browse Windows or Grids | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure Output for Data Groups | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure Output for Report Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure the Page Layout Grid for Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure the Report Builder's Event Handling | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Configure Visual FoxPro Toolbars | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control Menus at Run Time | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control Record Selection in Report Output | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control Record Selection with Joins | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control the Event Loop | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control the Record Export Process | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Control Transactions Manually | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Convert Earlier Visual FoxPro Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Coordinate Toolbars and Forms Using Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Copy and Delete Form Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Copy Classes Between Class Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Copy Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create a Basic ActiveX Object | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create a Configuration File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create a Framework | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create a New Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create a Parameterized Query | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Access and Assign Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create and Manage Stored Procedures | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create and Use Table Aliases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Automation Servers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Bookmarks and Task List Shortcuts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Class Libraries (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Classes and Subclasses | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Controls by Dragging and Dropping Fields or Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Database Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Default Field Values | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Default Values for View Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Field Validation Rules | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Files in Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Forms with Local and Remote Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Free Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Indexes (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Instances of Classes with the Class Browser | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create IntelliSense Scripts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Labels | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Less Frequently Used Indexes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Local Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Menu Items | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Menus and Submenus | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Multicolumn List Boxes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Offline Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Parameterized Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Persistent Relationships Between Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Procedures and Functions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Queries (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Quit Routines | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Record Validation Rules | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Remote Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Reports (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Shortcut Menus | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create the Coordinated Menu | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Triggers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Validation Rules for Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create Views with Stored SQL Statements | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Create, Save, and Restore Macro Sets | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize a Menu System | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize Queries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize Queries Using SQL SELECT Statements | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize the Appearance of Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize the Class Browser | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize the Component Gallery | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize the Toolbox | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Customize Visual FoxPro for Accessibility | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define a Constant | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define a Toolbar Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define Columns in Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define Connections to Remote Data Sources | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define Query Results | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define Report Variables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define Toolbar Actions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Define User Input Characteristics | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Bands from Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Data Groups in Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Indexes (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Records in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Delete Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Detach a Project from Source Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Detect Updating Conflicts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Determine the Code Page of a Project File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Discard Changes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display a Child Form Inside a Top-Level Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display and Print Source Code in Color | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Child Records in a List | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Controls in Grid Columns | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Embedded or Linked Data from Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Embedded or Linked Data on Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display File and Project Information | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Inherited Code for Objects, Events, and Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Items in Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Query Results in a Window | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display Records in Descending Order | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display the Report Builder Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Display View Structure | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Distribute XML Web Services | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Dock Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Dock Toolbars | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Dock Windows | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Dynamically Format Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Data Groups in Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Event and Method Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Files in Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit IntelliSense Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Macros (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit OLE Objects in Forms and Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Table Structure | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Edit Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enable and Disable Menu Items | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enable Buffering | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enable or Disable DBC Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enable Source Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enhance Control Display | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enhance the Efficiency of Indexes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Enter International Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Examine Application Coverage and Profile | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Exclude Files from Builds | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Export a Quantity or Range of Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Export Data to New Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Export Numeric or Currency Values | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Export Records That Match Conditions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Export Text Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Extend Database Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Extend Forms with Form Sets | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Extend or Replace the Report Builder | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Filter Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Filter Records in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Filter Records in Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Filter the Class Browser Class List | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Find Tables or Views in Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Format Code in Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Format Output for Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Generate Forms and Reports with Application Builder | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Generate Output for Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Generate Results for Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Get the Latest Versions of Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Group Menu Items | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Group Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Hide a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Hide the Main Visual FoxPro Window | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Implement "What's This?" Help | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Implement Intrinsic and Manual OLE Drag-and-Drop Modes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Implement Strong Typing for Class, Object, and Variable Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Import Data into New Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Import Data with the Import Wizard | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Import from Lotus 1-2-3 | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Import from Microsoft Excel | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Include Files with Applications for Distribution | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Include Menus in an Application | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Initialize the Environment | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Insert Data in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Install Additional Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Install Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Join an Existing Source-Controlled Project | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Load Data Environments for Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Log Code Coverage | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Make Controls Easier to Use | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manage Documents with Application Builder | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manage Memory | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manage Multiple Instances of a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manage Persistent Relationships Between Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manage Projects with the Component Gallery | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manipulate Objects with OLE Container Control and OLE Bound Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Manually Adjust Grid Display at Design Time | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Modify Class and Class Member Attributes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Modify Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Modify Triggers (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Name Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Name Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Navigate Records in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Class Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Reports and Labels | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Tables (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Tables in Work Areas | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Open Views in Work Areas | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Operate the Command Window | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Optimize Filters and Joins | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Optimize View Performance | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Organize Query Results | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Pass Data to Parameters by Reference | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Pass Data to Parameters by Value | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Pass Parameters to a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Perform Calculations in Field Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Perform Tasks with Commands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Perform Tasks with Procedures | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Perform Updates Using Buffers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Permit Null Values in Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Populate Query Results in a Form Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Prevent Translation of Data in Character or Memo Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Preview Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Print Query Results in a Report or Label | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Protect Report Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Protect Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Protect Report Layouts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Put Projects Under Source Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Query Multiple Tables and Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Record Macros (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Redefine Parent Class Relationships | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Refresh a One-to-Many Display Based on a List Value | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Register Automation Servers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Register Custom ReportListeners and Custom OutputTypes in the Report Output Registry Table | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Reinstall Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove a Table from a Database | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Classes from Class Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Databases from Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Deleted Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Files from a Source-Controlled Project | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Files from Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove or Delete Triggers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Properties and Methods from Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Remove Validation Rules | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Rename Classes in Class Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Rename Views (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Replace Code References | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Replace Linked or Embedded Data with Static Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Replace the Report Builder's Expression Builder Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Reset Report Variables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Resize Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Resolve SQL Server Upsizing Wizard Errors | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Restore Deleted Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Restore the Default IntelliSense Table | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Restrict Access to Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Return a Value from a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Return Multiple Result Sets | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Return Values from ActiveX Controls and FLL Libraries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run Applications | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run Queries (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run the Class Browser | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Run Visual FoxPro Solution Samples | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save a Form as HTML | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save a Menu as HTML | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save a Table as HTML | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save Report Data Environments as Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Save the Printer Environment for Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Search For Code References | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: See Stored Values | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select Fields for Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select Fields to Append | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select Indexes at Run Time | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select Multiple Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select Records to Append | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Select, Move, and Resize Form Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set a Default Macro Set | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Alignment of Report Control Contents | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Autoincrementing Field Values | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Controlling Indexes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Data Access | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Date, Time, and Currency Formats | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Default Classes for Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Editor Options | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Field Properties for Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Form Colors | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Form Templates | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set IntelliSense Options | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Properties at Run Time | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Properties for Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Stretching Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Tab Order for Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Temporary Relationships Between Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Current Database | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Data Environment | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Design Area for a Form | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Maximum Number of Records Downloaded | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Number of Option Buttons in an Option Button Group | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Source of the Data Displayed in the Grid | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set the Starting Point | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Timeout Intervals for Connections | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Up a One-to-Many Form Using the Grid Control | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Set Up an ODBC Data Source | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Share Connections for Multiple Remote Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Share Files Between Source-Controlled Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Show Properties with Modified Settings | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify a Builder Application with Builder.dbf | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify a Form Type | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify a Report's Data Session | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify a Sort Order | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify an Alternate Report Event Handler Table | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify an Alternate Report Output Registry Table | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify and Distribute Report Output Application Components | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify and Distribute ReportBuilder.App | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify and Distribute ReportPreview.App | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Captions for Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Conditional Output for Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Data Types for Field Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Design-Time Appearance for Classes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Expressions in Field Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Expressions to Evaluate When Processing Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Input Masks for Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify Target Aliases for Detail Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify the Code Page of a .dbf File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify the Code Page of a Text File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify the Configuration File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Specify the Location of Temporary Files | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Start the SQL Server Upsizing Wizard | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Store Query Results in a Table, Array, or Cursor | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Store User Choices to a Table Using Option Buttons | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Suppress Blank Lines in Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Suppress Repeated Values for Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Suspend Program Execution | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Test a Connection for Availability | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Test a Project | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Test and Debug a Menu System | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Track Event Sequences | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Translate Lotus Date Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Trim and Concatenate Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Update a Table in a View | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Update Data in a View | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Update Multiple Tables in a View | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Update Table and Database Links | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Update the Project List | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use ActiveX Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Automatic Transaction Mode | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Builders | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Check Boxes to Specify States | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Command-Line Options When Starting Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Data Sessions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Grid Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use SQL Pass-Through Asynchronously | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use SQL Pass-Through Functions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use Tables from Other Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use the Accessibility Browser | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use the Automated Test Harness | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use the Debugger | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use the Report Output Application's Reference Collection | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Use the Task List Manager | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: Validate a Database | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View and Change Environment Settings | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View and Edit SQL Statements for Views | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View and Save Build Messages | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View and Set Database Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Class Definition Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Class Hierarchies | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Code Definitions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Database Structure | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View IntelliSense When Writing Code | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Open Tables in Data Sessions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Properties for Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Records in Tables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | How to: View Type Library Information | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HScrollSmallChange Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | HTML Item Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | hWnd Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Hyperlink Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hyperlink Image Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hyperlink Label Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hyperlink Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Hyperlink Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ICASE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Icon is corrupt or in wrong format (Error 1167) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Icon Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ID( ) Function - Network Machine Information | | | Undetermined | |
| | IDE Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Identifying Fields | | | Undetermined | |
| | Identifying Relationships | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | IDXCOLLATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | IF ... ENDIF | | | Undetermined | |
| | IF Statements | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | IIF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal nested OLDVAL( ) or CURVAL( ) (Error 1587) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal operation for a table with pending changes (Error 2192) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal operation in rule evaluation (Error 2193) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal printer driver recursion (Error 1910) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal recursion in rule evaluation (Error 1887) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal redefinition of variable "name" (Error 1960) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks (Error 1594) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Image Control (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Image Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IMEMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | IMESTATUS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | IMPORT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Import Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Import only Worksheet A for Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0 files (Error 1679) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Import Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Importing and Exporting Concepts | | | Undetermined | |
| | Importing and Exporting Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Importing Data | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Improper data type in the group expression (Error 1241) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Include file "name" is not found (Error 1994) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Include File Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IncludePageInOutput Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Including Report Files for Distribution | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Incorrect column format (Error 1471) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Incorrect property name (Error 1470) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Increment Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IncrementalSearch Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | INDBC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | INDEX | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index "name" is in use and cannot be closed (Error 2200) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Index Creation Based on Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index does not accept NULL (Error 1886) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index (Error 114) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index expression exceeds maximum length (Error 23) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index file "file" is corrupted. Please rebuild it (Error 2066) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index file does not match table (Error 19) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Index File Structure (.idx) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Index Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Index on Expressions Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index or expression does not match an existing member of the collection. (Error 2061) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index tag is not found (Error 1683) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index tag is not found for Cursor object "cursor name" (Error 2198) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Index tag or file name must be specified (Error 1684) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Index-related Functions and Commands | | | Undetermined | |
| | Indexes Based on Deleted Records | | | Undetermined | |
| | Indexes Tab, Table Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | INDEXSEEK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | IndexToItemID Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | INI Access Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Init Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Init event failed (Error 1730) | | | Undetermined | |
| | InitialSelectedAlias Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | INKEY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | INLIST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Inner and outer XMLTable objects are not associated with the same XMLAdapter object (Error 2177) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | INPUT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Input and Output (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Input/output operation failure (Error 1002) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | INPUTBOX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | InputMask Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | INSERT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | INSERT - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | INSERT cannot be issued when row or table buffering is enabled or when integrity constraints are in effect (Error 1588) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Insert Object Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Insert Object Reference Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Insert System Menu Bar Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmdDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmdDataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmdRefreshCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmdRefreshFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | InsertCmdRefreshKeyFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | INSMODE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Installing Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Instancing Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Insufficient GDI resources (Error 2203) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Insufficient stack space (Error 1308) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | INT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Integer Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntegralHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Integrating Reports with Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Activator, Navigation, and Terminator Keys | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Auto MRU (Most Recently Used) Files | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Auto Table, Field, and Variable Names | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Support in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Syntax Completion | | | Undetermined | |
| | IntelliSense Table Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| | Interaction with Other Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Interactive Development Environment (IDE) Enhancements | | | Undetermined | |
| | InteractiveChange Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Interactively Build a SELECT Statement Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Interface "name" not found (Error 1443) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Internal consistency error (Error 1000) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Internal error: Too many characters in the report (Error 1243) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Interoperability and the Internet | | | Undetermined | |
| | Interval Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Invalid argument used with the SET function (Error 231) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid call issued while executing a SQLCOLUMNS( ) sequence (Error 1477) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid call issued while executing a SQLEXEC( ) sequence (Error 1474) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid call issued while executing a SQLMORERESULTS( ) sequence (Error 1475) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid call issued while executing a SQLTABLES( ) sequence (Error 1476) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid character entered (Error 2047) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid class specified for @...Class command (Error 1783) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid collation sequence (Error 2153) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid COMATTRIB value for "name" (Error 2048) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Invalid compact EXE file. Rebuild EXE. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid coordinates (Error 1959) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid data source type for RecordRefresh operation (Error 2168) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid database table name (Error 1578) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid element in XMLTable.Fields collection. (Error 2098) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid expression in label definition file (Error 1245) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid file descriptor (Error 1111) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid file format. If this is a dBASE file, it must be converted first. To convert it, type MODIFY LABEL file (Error 1510) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid index expression for a Binary index (Error 2156) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid Insert refresh column name "column name" (Error 2161) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid Insert refresh key column name "column name" (Error 2162) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid key column name "name". (Error 2146) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid key length (Error 112) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid locale ID. (Error 2026) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid operation for offline view (Error 2011) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid operation for offline view while being used online (Error 2008) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid operation for offline view while offline (Error 2007) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid operation for the cursor (Error 1115) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Invalid or duplicate field name. | | | Undetermined | |
| | Invalid or missing EXE file. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid path or file name (Error 202) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid refresh ignore column name "column name" (Error 2171) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid seek offset (Error 1103) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid subscript reference (Error 31) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid timestamp column name "column name" (Error 2160) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid update column name "name" (Error 1479) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid Update refresh column name "column name" (Error 2163) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid Update refresh key column name "column name" (Error 2164) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid use of a Visual FoxPro function as an array (Error 1652) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Invalid variable reference (Error 1223) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISALPHA( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | IsAttribute Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IsBase64 Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IsBinary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ISBLANK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISCOLOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | IsDiffGram Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ISDIGIT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISEXCLUSIVE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISFLOCKED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISLEADBYTE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | IsLoaded Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ISLOWER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISMEMOFETCHED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISMOUSE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | IsNull Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ISNULL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISPEN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISREADONLY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISRLOCKED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISTRANSACTABLE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ISUPPER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Item Locator Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Item Method (Collection Class) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Item Method (File Object) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Item Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ItemBackColor, ItemForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ItemData Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ItemIDData Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ItemIDToIndex Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ItemTips Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | IXMLDOMElement Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | JOIN | | | Undetermined | |
| | Join Condition Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Join Conditions for Tables, Queries, and Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Join Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | JUSTDRIVE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | JUSTEXT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | JUSTFNAME( ) | | | Undetermined | Same as hb_FNameNameExt() |
| Function | JUSTPATH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | JUSTSTEM( ) | | | Undetermined | Same as hb_FNameName() |
| Error | Key exceeds allowed size (Error 1124) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Key field length does not match (Error 1117) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Key label "label" is invalid (Error 1255) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Key string is too long (Error 1257) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | KEY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | KEYBOARD | | | Undetermined | |
| | Keyboard and Mouse Input | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Keyboard macro file format is invalid (Error 356) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Keyboard Shortcuts (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | KeyboardHighValue, KeyboardLowValue Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Keyfield Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | KeyFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | KEYMATCH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | KeyPress Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | KeyPreview Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | KeySort Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Keywords Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | LABEL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Label Control (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Label Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Label Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Label Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Label file is invalid (Error 54) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Label nesting error (Error 1653) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Label Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Language Categories | | | Undetermined | |
| | Language Enhancements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Language Reference (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Language Reference for OLE DB Development | | | Undetermined | |
| | Language Supported in Run-Time Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | LanguageOptions Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LASTKEY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LastModified Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Launch Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Layout Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Layout Tab, Combo Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Layout Tab, Command Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Layout Tab, Grid Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Layout Tab, List Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Layout Tab, Option Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Left margin including indent must be less than the right margin (Error 221) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Left Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LEFT( ) | LEFT(cExpression, nExpression) | | Undetermined | Same as hb_BLeft() |
| Function | LEFTC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LeftColumn Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LEN( ) | | | Undetermined | Similar to hb_BLen() |
| Function | LENC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Length of variable strings exceeds amount of memory (Error 21) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Leveraging the Default Preview Container | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Library file "name" is invalid (Error 1691) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Library or ActiveX Object Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LIKE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LIKEC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Line Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Line Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Line is too long (Error 18) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Line Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Line number must be less than page length (Error 222) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LineContents Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | LineNo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LINENO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LineSlant Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Link command failed (Error 1194) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LinkMaster Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | List Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | LIST Commands | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST CONNECTIONS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST DLLS | | | Undetermined | |
| | List Items Tab, Combo Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | List Items Tab, List Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST OBJECTS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST PROCEDURES | | | Undetermined | |
| | List Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | LIST TABLES | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LIST VIEWS | | | Undetermined | |
| | ListBox Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | ListBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ListCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ListenerType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ListIndex Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ListItem Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ListItemID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | LOAD | | | Undetermined | |
| | Load and Generate XML Using the XMLAdapter Class Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Load Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LOADPICTURE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LoadReport Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | LoadXML Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | LOCAL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Local View Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Localized product is required for this environment (Error 1911) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Locals Window (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LOCATE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Locate Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Locate Database Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Locate File Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Locate Record Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Locating Readme Files (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LOCFILE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LOCK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | LockColumns Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | LockColumnsLeft Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Locking Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | LockScreen Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | LOG( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | LOG( ): Zero or negative used as argument (Error 58) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LOG10( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Logical Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | Logical expression required | | | Undetermined | |
| | Logical Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| | Look Up Reference Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Look Up Reference Dialog Box, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Lookup Combobox Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LOOKUP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LOOP | | | Undetermined | |
| | LostFocus Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Lotus 1-2-3 version 1.0 file format is invalid (Error 1662) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.0 file format is invalid (Error 297) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0 file format is invalid (Error 1678) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Low-Level File Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LOWER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | LPARAMETERS | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LTRIM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | LUPDATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MacDesktop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Macro File Format (.fky) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Macro is not defined (Error 355) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Macro Substitution (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Macros Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Mail Merge Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Mail Merge Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Main Files in Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | MainFile Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MAKETRANSACTABLE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manage Data Access Using CursorAdapters Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Classes and Class Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Conflicts When Updating Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Connections with SQL Pass-Through | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Files in a Source-Controlled Project | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Files in an International Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Report Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Tables | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Tables in Data Sessions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Updates by Using Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Updates Using Transactions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Managing Visual FoxPro Projects Under Source Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulate Display Characteristics of a Graph Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulate Objects Programmatically Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulate Text Programmatically Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulating Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulating Objects with Automation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Manipulating Offline Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | MapBinary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MapN19_4ToCurrency Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Mapping Visual FoxPro Databases to SQL Server Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | MapVarchar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Margin Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MAX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MaxButton Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MaxHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Maximum menu item length (50) is exceeded (Error 1609) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Maximum menu items allowed (128) is exceeded (Error 1607) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Maximum menus allowed (Error 25) is exceeded (Error 1608) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Maximum number of OLE arguments is exceeded (Error 1431) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Maximum record length exceeded in the import file (Error 392) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MaxLeft Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MaxLength Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MaxRecords Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MaxTop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MaxWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MCOL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MD | MKDIR | | | Undetermined | |
| | MDIForm Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MDOWN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MDX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MDY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Member "name" does not evaluate to an object (Error 1943) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Member "name" is a class member (Error 1760) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Member Classes (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Member Classes Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Member object "name" has not been instantiated (Error 1975) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Member object removed – cannot complete Save operation (Error 1756) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MemberClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MemberClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MemberData Editor | | | Undetermined | |
| | MemberData Extensibility | | | Undetermined | |
| | Members Tab, Class Info Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MEMLINES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Memo Field Input and Output Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Memo Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Memo file "name" is missing or is invalid (Error 41) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Memo File Structure (.FPT) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Memory file is invalid (Error 55) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Memory is low, so streaming output updating has been disabled (Error 2000) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Memory Management Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Memory Management Using the Visual FoxPro API | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MEMORY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MemoWindow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menu and Shortcut Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu file is invalid (Error 1687) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu has not been activated with ACTIVATE MENU (Error 178) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu has not been activated with ACTIVATE POPUP (Error 179) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu has not been defined with DEFINE MENU (Error 168) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu has not been defined with DEFINE POPUP (Error 165) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu item position must be a positive number (Error 167) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu item's conditional statement is too long. (Error 2051) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu items and titles must be type Character (Error 1611) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menu Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Menu Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu size is too small (Error 287) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu specified in ACTIVATE MENU is already in use (Error 181) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu specified in ACTIVATE POPUP is already in use (Error 182) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menu System Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menu System Design Guidelines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu title has not been defined with DEFINE PAD (Error 164) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MENU TO | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Menu was not pushed (Error 279) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MENU( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menus and Menu Bars | | | Undetermined | |
| | Menus and Toolbars Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Message Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Message Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MESSAGE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Messagebox Handler Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MESSAGEBOX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Method contains syntax errors. Method is not saved (Error 1765) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Methods (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Microsoft Agent Utility Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Microsoft Documentation in Alternative Formats (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Microsoft Excel file format is invalid (Error 1661) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Microsoft Visual FoxPro doesn't support and cannot open this format of recordset (Error 2038) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Technical Support | | | Undetermined | |
| | MiddleClick Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MIN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MinButton Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MinHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MINUTE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MinWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Miscellaneous Enhancements | | | Undetermined | |
| | Miscellaneous Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Miscellaneous Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Mismatched #IF/#ELSIF/#ELSE/#ENDIF (Error 1723) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Mismatched braces in key label (Error 1256) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Missing #ENDIF (Error 1724) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Missing .RTT section (Error 1193) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Missing comma (,) (Error 1306) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Missing expression (Error 152) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Missing operand (Error 1231) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MOD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY COMMAND | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY CONNECTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Modify Field Mapping Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | MODIFY FILE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY FORM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY GENERAL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY LABEL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY MEMO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Modify Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | MODIFY PROCEDURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY PROJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY QUERY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY REPORT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY STRUCTURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MODIFY WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | Modifying International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MONTH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | More Windows Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | MOUSE | | | Undetermined | |
| | MouseDown Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseEnter Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseIcon Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseLeave Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseMove Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseOver Effects Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | MousePointer Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseUp Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MouseWheel Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Movable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Move Item Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Move Items Between List Boxes Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Move Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | MOVE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | MOVE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | Moved Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | MoveItem Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Mover Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | MoverBars Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | MRKBAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MRKPAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MROW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MTON( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Multiplan version 4.0 file format is invalid (Error 1670) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Multiple Selection Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Multiple warnings occurred performing the requested index modifications (Error 1875) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Multiselect Items in a List Box Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | MULTISELECT or MOVER clause is not supported for PROMPT style menus (Error 1710) | | | Undetermined | |
| | MultiSelect Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Must be a character or numeric key field (Error 1145) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Must be a file variable (Error 1226) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Must be a variable or array (Error 1225) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Must specify additional parameters (Error 94) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | MWINDOW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Name Expression Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Name Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Navigation Shortcut Menu Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Navigation Toolbar Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | NDX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Nest Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Nest Transactions Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Nested XML format is incompatible with "Changes Only" mode (Error 2179) | | | Undetermined | |
| | NestedInto Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Nesting error (Error 96) | | | Undetermined | |
| | New Class Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New File Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Label Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Local View Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Macro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Method Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Property Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Remote View Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | New Table Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | NewIndex Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | NewItemID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | NewObject Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | NEWOBJECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | NextSiblingTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | No connection associated with this cursor (Error 1488) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No database is open or set as the current database (Error 1520) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No default value to DROP (Error 1878) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No fields found to process (Error 47) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No fields were found to copy (Error 138) | | | Undetermined | |
| | No Help Available | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No key columns specified for the update table "name". Use the KeyFieldList property of the cursor (Error 1492) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No menu is defined (Error 1605) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No menu item is defined (Error 1604) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No menu items have been defined for this menu (Error 166) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No menu titles have been defined for this menu (Error 1621) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No PageFrame or Page is found in FormSet or Form with WindowType set to READ or READ MODAL (Error 1964) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No PARAMETER statement is found (Error 1238) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No previous PRINTJOB command to correspond to this command (Error 1649) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No primary key (Error 1879) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No records are found for the current platform (Error 1796) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No result set has been returned by the server (Error 1463) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No rule to DROP (Error 1877) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No sheet is found (Error 1774) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No such menu or menu item is defined (Error 1612) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No table is open in the current work area (Error 52) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | No update tables are specified. Use the Tables property of the cursor (Error 1491) | | | Undetermined | |
| | NoCpTrans Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | NoData Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | NoDataOnLoad Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | NODEFAULT | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | NORMALIZE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a character expression (Error 45) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a numeric expression (Error 27) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a ProjectHook class. (Error 1439) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a user-defined window (Error 1682) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a valid Framework II database/spreadsheet (Error 256) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not a valid RapidFile database (Error 255) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not enough memory for buffer (Error 1149) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not enough memory for file map (Error 1150) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not enough memory for filename (Error 1151) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Not enough memory to open a table with the USE command (Error 1600) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | NOTE | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | NOWAIT/SAVE/NOENVIRONMENT/IN/WINDOW clauses are not allowed with the FROM clause (Error 1696) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | NTOM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | NULL as a Parameter | | | Undetermined | |
| | NULL as a Value | | | Undetermined | |
| | Null Value Handling | | | Undetermined | |
| | NullDisplay Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Number of affected rows is not available (Error 2155) | | | Undetermined | |
| | NumberOfElements Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Numeric Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | Numeric Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Numeric Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Numeric overflow. Data was lost (Error 39) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | NUMLOCK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | NVL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object "name" is not found (Error 1766) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object "name" is not found (Error 1923) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object already has a data environment; cannot use another one with the SaveAs method (Error 1985) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object and Data Integration | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object and Member Arrays | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object Browser Window | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object class is invalid for this container (Error 1744) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object file "file" was compiled in a previous version of FoxPro (Error 1195) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object file "name" is in use and cannot be removed from memory (Error 1719) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object is not an offline view (Error 2009) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object is not contained in a "name" (Error 1938) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Object name is invalid (Error 1575) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Object Reference Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object State Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object-Oriented Programming | | | Undetermined | |
| | Object-Oriented Programming Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Objects cannot be assigned to arrays (Error 1942) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Objects cannot be programmatically added to the Form Designer's FormSet (Error 1987) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Objects cannot be programmatically deleted from the Class Designer (Error 1919) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Objects cannot be programmatically deleted from the Form Designer (Error 1989) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Objects Collection | | | Undetermined | |
| | Objects in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Objects, Collections, and Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OBJNUM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OBJTOCLIENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OBJVAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OCCURS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ODBC entry point missing, "name" (Error 1528) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ODBC Registry Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OEMTOANSI( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Offline Switch Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Offline view must be used online for this command (Error 2015) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Offline views must be used exclusively when being used online (Error 2010) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OK Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OLDVAL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Bound Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Bound Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | OLE Changed Properties stream is the wrong version. Subclassed properties ignored. (Error 2003) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLE Container Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Container Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Drag-and-Drop | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Drag-and-Drop Data Formats Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLE Drag-and-Drop Events Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | OLE error code 0x"name" (Error 1426) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | OLE exception error "name". OLE object may be corrupt. (Error 1440) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | OLE IDispatch exception code "name" (Error 1427) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | OLE IDispatch exception code "number" from "name": "name" (Error 1428) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | OLE object is invalid or corrupted (Error 1420) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OLEClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLECompleteDrag Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDrag Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDragDrop Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDragMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDragOver Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDragPicture Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDropEffects Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDropHasData Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDropMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEDropTextInsertion Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEGiveFeedback Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLELCID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLERequestPendingTimeout Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEServerBusyRaiseError Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEServerBusyTimeout Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLESetData Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLEStartDrag Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OLETypeAllowed Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | ON BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON ERROR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON ESCAPE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON EXIT BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON EXIT MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON EXIT PAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON EXIT POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON KEY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON KEY = | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON KEY LABEL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON PAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON PAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON READERROR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON SELECTION BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON SELECTION MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON SELECTION PAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON SELECTION POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ON SHUTDOWN | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ON( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | One of the members of this class is based on a nonvisual class. Cannot write .VCX file (Error 1965) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | One of the members of this Form or FormSet is based on a nonvisual class. Cannot write .SCX file (Error 1968) | | | Undetermined | |
| | One-To-Many Form Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | One-To-Many Report Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | OneToMany Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Only a single SQL SELECT statement can be enclosed in parentheses (Error 2196) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Only insertable objects are allowed in General fields (Error 1436) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Only structural tags can be defined as candidate (Error 1885) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OnMoveItem Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OnPreviewClose Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Open Catalog Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | OPEN DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Open Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Open Multiple Files Interactively Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Open Picture Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Opening Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | OpenTables Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OpenViews Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OpenWindow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Operating the Class Browser | | | Undetermined | |
| | Operating the Expression Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operation is invalid for a General field (Error 1912) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operation is invalid for a Memo, Blob, General, or Picture field (Error 34) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operation is not allowed for CursorAdapter at this time. (Error 2077) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operation is not allowed for CursorAdapter. (Error 2076) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operation requires that SET MULTILOCKS is set to ON (Error 2183) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Operations Tab, XML Web Service Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Operator/operand type mismatch (Error 107) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Operators (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimize Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Optimizing Access to Remote Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing ActiveX Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Applications in Multiuser Environments | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Client/Server Performance | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Connections | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Forms and Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Programs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Tables and Indexes | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing the Operating Environment | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Visual FoxPro in a Multiuser Environment | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Visual FoxPro Startup Speed | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optimizing Your System | | | Undetermined | |
| | Option Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Optional Bands Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Optional Bands Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OptionButton Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | OptionButton Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OptionGroup Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | OptionGroup Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Options Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Options Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Order By Tab, Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Order Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ORDER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | OrderBy clause is too long. (Error 2052) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OrderDirection Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Organizing Requirements into Tables | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | OS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Other Tab, Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Other Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Other Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Output Control Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Output Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Output Display | | | Undetermined | |
| | Output Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Output page "page" is not available (Error 2194) | | | Undetermined | |
| | OutputPage Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OutputPageCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | OutputType Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Overriding and Calling Parent Class Code | | | Undetermined | |
| | Overriding Default Property Settings | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Overview of Visual FoxPro Features | | | Undetermined | |
| | Overwrite Macro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | PACK | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PACK DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | PADL( ) | PADR( ) | PADC( ) Functions | | | Undetermined | padl() is equivalent to hb_BPadL(). padr() is equivalent to hb_BPadR(). padc() is equivalent to hb_BPadC(). |
| Function | PADPROMPT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Page frame cannot be sized that small (Error 1413) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Page Layout Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Page Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Page Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Page Setup Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageCount Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageFrame Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | PageFrame Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageNo Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageOrder Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Pages Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageTotal Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PageWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Paint Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Panel Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PanelLink Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Paradox file format is invalid (Error 1688) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PARAMETERS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Parameters in External Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Parameters in Procedures and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PARAMETERS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Parent Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Parent object will not allow this property setting for "name" (Error 1767) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ParentAlias Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ParentClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ParentTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Partition Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Pass Parameters Between Forms Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Pass Strongly Typed Arrays Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Passing Arrays to Automation Servers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Passing Data to Parameters | | | Undetermined | |
| | Passing Data to Parameters in Other Programming Languages | | | Undetermined | |
| | Passing Parameters to Dynamic-Link Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Passing Parameters to Visual FoxPro API Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Password Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PasswordChar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Paste Special Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | PAYMENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PCOL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PEMSTATUS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Performance Enhancement through Set-Based Data Access | | | Undetermined | |
| | Performance Improvement on Updates and Deletes | | | Undetermined | |
| | Performing Specific Actions at Given Intervals | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PI( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Picture error in GET statement (Error 1217) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Picture Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Picture too big, corrupt, or in wrong format (Error 1108) | | | Undetermined | |
| | PictureMargin Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PicturePosition Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PictureSelectionDisplay Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PictureSpacing Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PictureVal Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Pivot Table Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | PivotTable Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Planning an International Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Planning Client/Server Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Planning Enterprise Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Planning for Team Development Projects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Play an AVI File in an ActiveX Control Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PLAY MACRO | | | Undetermined | |
| | Play Multimedia Files Using MCI Commands Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Point Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PolyPoints Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Pool Manager Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Pool Manager Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | POP KEY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | POP MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | POP POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| | Popup too big, first nExpr entries shown. | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | POPUP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Preparation for Distributing Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Prepared Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Preparing to Update Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Preprocessor Directives (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Preprocessor expression is invalid (Error 1722) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Present a User with Multiple Choices Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | PreserveWhiteSpace Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Preventing Duplicate Values in Fields | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | PREVIEW clause is not allowed with OFF/NOCONSOLE or TO PRINT/FILE (Error 1681) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Preview Report Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | PreviewContainer Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Primary key already exists (Error 1883) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Primary key property is invalid; please validate database (Error 1567) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PRIMARY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print a Percent of Total in a Report Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print an Invoice Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print Customer Mailing Labels Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print Data Dictionary Information Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Print File Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Print in Catalog Format Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Print Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Print Product Orders By Quarter Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print Report Details in a Ledger Style Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Print When Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Print When Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PrintCachedPages Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Printer access denied (Error 1956) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Printer driver is corrupted (Error 1643) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Printer driver is not found (Error 1644) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Printer is not ready (Error 125) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Printer redirection is invalid (Error 124) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Printing (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PRINTJOB ... ENDPRINTJOB | | | Undetermined | |
| | PrintJobName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | PRINTSTATUS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PRIVATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PRMBAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PRMPAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Procedural Error Handling | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PROCEDURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Procedure "name" is not found (Error 1162) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Procedure file "name" is not found (Error 1937) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Procedure Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | PROCESSID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Processing Multiple Result Sets | | | Undetermined | |
| | Product has not been properly installed. | | | Undetermined | |
| | Product Support (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ProgID Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Program Execution | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Program is too large (Error 1202) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PROGRAM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Programmatically Check Table Properties Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ProgrammaticChange Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Programming | | | Undetermined | |
| | Programming for Shared Access | | | Undetermined | |
| | Programming in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Programming Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Project file "name" is in the wrong version (Error 1946) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Project file is invalid (Error 1685) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Project file is read-only (Error 1169) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Information Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Project Manager Hooks | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Manager Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Object (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Object Architecture | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Object Hierarchy | | | Undetermined | |
| | Project Object Properties, Methods, and Events (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Project Tab, Project Information Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ProjectHook Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | ProjectHook Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ProjectHook Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ProjectHookClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ProjectHookLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Projects Collection (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Projects Collection Properties, Methods, and Events (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Projects Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Prompt Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | PROMPT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PROPER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Properties (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Properties Tab, CursorAdapter Builder | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Properties Tab, Multiple Selection Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Properties Window (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" already exists (Error 1763) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" has invalid value. (Error 2145) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" is not a method or event (Error 1738) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" is not found (Error 1734) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" is protected (Error 1757) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "name" is read-only (Error 1743) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property "property name" value is too long (Error 2197) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property does not have a default value. (Error 1138) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property is invalid for local cursors (Error 1467) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property is invalid for table cursors (Error 1468) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property is not found (Error 1559) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property setting will not take effect until data environment reloaded (Error 1739) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property value is invalid (Error 1560) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Property value is out of bounds (Error 1469) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Protecting and Hiding Class Members | | | Undetermined | |
| | Protection Tab, Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Protection Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Protection Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Provide a Hierarchical Display of Items Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Provide What's This? Help on a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PROW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PRTINFO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | PSet Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | PUBLIC | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PUSH KEY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PUSH MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | PUSH POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PUTFILE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | PV( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | QBF Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | QUARTER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Query and View Acceleration | | | Undetermined | |
| | Query and View Designers | | | Undetermined | |
| | Query Destination Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Query Parse Error - try rebuilding in Query Wizard or by using View Designer Join Tab (Error 2055) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Query Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | QueryAddFile Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QueryModifyFile Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QueryNewFile Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QueryRemoveFile Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QueryRunFile Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QueryUnload Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Queue "queue" is not found (Error 1716) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Quick Report Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | QuietMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | QUIT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Quit Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | RAISEEVENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RAND( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RangeHigh Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RangeLow Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Rapid Application Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Rapid Application Development | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RAT( ) | | | Undetermined | If nOccurrence is not used, could use hb_BRAt() with only the first 2 parameters. |
| Function | RATC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RATLINE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RD | RMDIR | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RDLEVEL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | READ | | | Undetermined | |
| | Read and Write Visual FoxPro Registry Values Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | READ EVENTS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | READ MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Read ODBC Registry Values Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReadActivate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadBackColor, ReadForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadCycle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadDeactivate Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadExpression Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | READKEY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReadLock Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadMethod Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadMouse Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadObject Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadOnly Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadSave Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadShow Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadTimeout Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadValid Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReadWhen Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | RECALL | | | Undetermined | |
| | Recall (Records) Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | RECCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RECNO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Reconnect of offline view failed (Error 2018) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record is in use by another user (Error 109) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record is not in index (Error 20) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record is not locked (Error 130) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record is out of range (Error 5) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record is too long (Error 1126) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Record Macro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Record Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Record validation rule is violated (Error 1583) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RecordMark Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RecordRefresh Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Records | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Recordset does not exist (Error 2041) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RecordSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RecordSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | RECSIZE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Rectangle/Line Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Recursive macro definition (Error 1206) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Recursive XMLTable nesting is not allowed (Error 2187) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reference (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Referencing Data Types in COM Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Referential Integrity Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Refining the Design | | | Undetermined | |
| | Refresh a Graph in a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Refresh Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | REFRESH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RefreshAlias Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RefreshCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RefreshCmdDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RefreshCmdDataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RefreshIgnoreFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RefreshTimeStamp Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Regional Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Registry Access Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Regular Expressions and Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| | Regular Expressions Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | REINDEX | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Related table is not found in current database (Error 1880) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Related tag is not found or not primary or candidate (Error 1882) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Relation already exists. (Error 1183) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Relation Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Relation Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Relation Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | RELATION( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Relational expression is not valid (Error 1555) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Relational Operators | | | Undetermined | |
| | RelationalExpr Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Relationship Tab, Grid Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | RelativeColumn Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RelativeRow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | RELEASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE CLASSLIB | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE LIBRARY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE MENUS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Release Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | RELEASE PAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE POPUPS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE PROCEDURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RELEASE WINDOWS | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReleaseType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReleaseXML Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Remote Data Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Remote View Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | REMOVE CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| | Remove Files from Source Control Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Remove Method (Collection Class) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Remove Method (File Object) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | REMOVE TABLE | | | Undetermined | |
| | RemoveFromSCC Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RemoveItem Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RemoveListItem Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RemoveObject Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | REMOVEPROPERTY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Removing a class member is not allowed (Error 2016) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RENAME | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RENAME CLASS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RENAME CONNECTION | | | Undetermined | |
| | Rename File Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | RENAME TABLE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RENAME VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| | Render Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | REPLACE Command (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Replace Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Replace Field Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | REPLACE FROM ARRAY | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | REPLICATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report and Label Print Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Band Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Bands | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Builder Debug Event Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Builder Event Handler Registry Table | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Builder Options Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Report contains a nesting error (Error 1645) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Expression Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Report file "name" is invalid (Error 50) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | REPORT FORM | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Layout and Design | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Output Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Page Setup Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Picture Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Protection Flags | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report Variables Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Report Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Report XML MemberData Extensions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reporting Features for International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Base Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Debug Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Foundation Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener FXListener Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener HTML Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ReportListener User Feedback Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener Utility and File-handling Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener XML Display-Style Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | ReportListener XML Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reports and Labels | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reports in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reports Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reports Tab, Application Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reports Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Requery Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | REQUERY( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RequestData Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Requirements for Installing Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reserved Words (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Reset Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ResetToDefault Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Resizable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Resize and Reposition Controls at Run Time Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Resize Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Resize Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Resource Files in Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | RespectCursorCP Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RespectNesting Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | RESTORE FROM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RESTORE MACROS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RESTORE SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RESTORE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | Restoring the Visual FoxPro Interactive Environment | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Result is incompatible with cursor schema. (Error 2074) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RESUME | | | Undetermined | |
| | Retrieve Project Location and Name Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RETRY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RETURN | | | Undetermined | |
| | Return a Value from a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | RETURN/RETRY statement not allowed in TRY/CATCH. (Error 2060) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Returning Data from Procedures and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RGB( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RGBSCHEME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RIGHT( ) | | | Undetermined | Equivalent to hb_BRight() |
| Function | RIGHTC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RightClick Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RightToLeft Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | RLOCK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ROLLBACK | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | ROLLBACK command cannot be issued without a corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION command (Error 1592) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RotateFlip Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Rotation Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Round Rectangle Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | ROUND( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Routines to Return Results to Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Row or column position is off the screen (Error 30) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | ROW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | RowColChange Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RowHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RowSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RowSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | RTF Controls Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RTOD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | RTRIM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Rule and trigger code must balance transaction usage (Error 1598) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Ruler/Grid Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Rules for Deleting Tab, RI Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Rules for Inserting Tab, RI Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Rules for Updating Tab, RI Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Run Form Button Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Run Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Run Multiple Instances of a Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Run Word, Excel, and Graph Automation Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | RUN | ! | | | Undetermined | |
| | Run-time Extensions Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Run-Time OLE Drag-and-Drop Support | | | Undetermined | |
| | Running Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | RUN|! Command failed. "Details" (Error 1405) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | RUN|! command string is too long (Error 1411) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sample Class Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sample Database Diagrams | | | Undetermined | |
| | Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Samples and Walkthroughs | | | Undetermined | |
| | Save As Class Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Save As Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Save As HTML Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SAVE MACROS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SAVE SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SAVE TO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SAVE WINDOWS | | | Undetermined | |
| | SaveAs Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SaveAsClass Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SAVEPICTURE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Saving a converted form as a class is not supported (Error 1490) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Scalability and Multithreading | | | Undetermined | |
| | ScaleMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SCAN ... ENDSCAN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SCATTER | | | Undetermined | |
| | SCATTER NAME...ADDITIVE Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | SCCDestroy Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SCCInit Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SCCProvider Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SCCStatus Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SCHEME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SCOLS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Scope Clauses | | | Undetermined | |
| | Scope Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Screen Button, Query Destination Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Screen code is too large for available memory (Error 1507) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Script error: "name" (Error 1917) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SCROLL | | | Undetermined | |
| | ScrollBars Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Scrolled Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SCX to HTML Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Search Text Using Regular Expressions Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SEC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Seconds Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SECONDS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Security Considerations (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Security Planning | | | Undetermined | |
| | Security Risks for Visual FoxPro Developers | | | Undetermined | |
| | See Check Box Design Options Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | See Command Button Design Options Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SEEK | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SEEK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SELECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SELECT - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - Additional Display Options | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - FROM Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - GROUP BY Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - HAVING Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - INTO or TO Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - ORDER BY Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - SELECT Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - UNION Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - WHERE Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | SELECT - SQL Command - WITH Clause | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Connection or Data Source Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Select Customers in a Specific Country Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Select Directory Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Select Records from a Full Outer Join Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Records from a Left Outer Join Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Records from a Nested Join Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Records from a Right Outer Join Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Records from an Inner Join Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select Records from Both Inner and Outer Joins Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select the 10 Worst-Selling Products Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Select the Top 10 Best-Selling Products Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SELECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SelectCmd is empty. (Error 2139) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SelectCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Selected Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectedBackColor, SelectedForeColor Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectedID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectedItemBackColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectedItemForeColor Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Selecting a Run-Time Library | | | Undetermined | |
| | Selecting an Efficient SQL Pass-Through Processing Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| | Selecting Process Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | Selecting the Right Methods | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Selection Tab, Multiple Selection Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectionNamespaces Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelectOnEntry Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | SELECTs are not UNION compatible. "Details" (Error 1851) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SelLength Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelStart Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SelText Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Send Mail Sample (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SendGDIPlusImage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SendMail Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | SendUpdates Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Separator Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Separator Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Server "server" is not found (Error 1715) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Server Design Considerations and Limitations | | | Undetermined | |
| | Server Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Server Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Server Samples (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ServerClass Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ServerClassLibrary Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ServerHelpFile Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ServerName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ServerProject Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Servers Collection | | | Undetermined | |
| | Servers Collection Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Servers Tab, Project Information Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Services Tab, XML Web Service Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Session number is invalid (Error 1540) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Session Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Session Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SET ALTERNATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ANSI | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ASSERTS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET AUTOINCERROR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET AUTOSAVE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET BELL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET BLOCKSIZE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET BORDER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET BROWSEIME | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET BRSTATUS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CARRY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CENTURY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CLASSLIB | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CLEAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CLOCK | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COLLATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COLOR OF | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COLOR OF SCHEME | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COLOR SET | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COLOR TO | | | Undetermined | |
| | SET Command Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COMPATIBLE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CONFIRM | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CONSOLE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET COVERAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CPCOMPILE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CPDIALOG | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CURRENCY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET CURSOR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DATASESSION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DEBUG | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DEBUGOUT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DECIMALS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DEFAULT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DELETED | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DELIMITERS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DEVELOPMENT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DEVICE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DIRECTORY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DISPLAY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET DOHISTORY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ECHO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ESCAPE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET EVENTLIST | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET EVENTTRACKING | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET EXACT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET EXCLUSIVE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FIELDS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FILTER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FIXED | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FORMAT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FULLPATH | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FUNCTION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET FWEEK | | | Undetermined | |
| | Set Grid Scale Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SET HEADINGS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET HELP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET HOURS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET INDEX | | | Undetermined | |
| | Set Index Order Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SET INTENSITY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET KEY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET KEYCOMP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET LIBRARY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET LOCK | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET LOGERRORS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MACKEY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MARGIN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MARK OF | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MARK TO | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MEMOWIDTH | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MESSAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET MULTILOCKS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET NEAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET NOCPTRANS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET NOTIFY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET NULL | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET NULLDISPLAY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ODOMETER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET OLEOBJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET OPTIMIZE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET ORDER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET PALETTE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET PATH | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET PDSETUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET POINT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET PRINTER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET PROCEDURE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET READBORDER | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET REFRESH | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET RELATION | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET RELATION OFF | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET REPORTBEHAVIOR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET REPROCESS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET RESOURCE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SAFETY | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SECONDS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SEPARATOR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SKIP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SKIP OF | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SPACE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SQLBUFFERING | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET STATUS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET STATUS BAR | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET STEP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET STRICTDATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SYSFORMATS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET SYSMENU | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TABLEPROMPT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TABLEVALIDATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TALK | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TEXTMERGE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TEXTMERGE DELIMITERS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TOPIC | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TOPIC ID | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TRBETWEEN | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET TYPEAHEAD | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET UDFPARMS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET UNIQUE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET VARCHARMAPPING | | | Undetermined | |
| | Set VFP Shell Open Commands Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET VIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET VOLUME | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SET WINDOW OF MEMO | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SetAll Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SetAllX Extension Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | SetData Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SETFLDSTATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SetFocus Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SetFormat Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SetMain Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SETRESULTSET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Setting Configuration Options at Startup | | | Undetermined | |
| | Setting Cursor Properties for Remote Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Setting Option Button Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Setting Protection for Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| | Setting Query Output Destinations | | | Undetermined | |
| | Setting View and Connection Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SetVar Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SetViewPort Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Shape Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Shape Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Shared Access to Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Shared Access to Data Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sharing Connections for Remote Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sharing Information and Adding OLE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Shell Execute Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Shortcut Menu Class Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SHOW GET | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SHOW GETS | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SHOW MENU | | | Undetermined | |
| | Show Method (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SHOW OBJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SHOW POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SHOW WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | ShowInTaskbar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ShowTips Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ShowWhatsThis Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ShowWindow Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | SIGN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Simple Edit Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Simple Navigation Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Simple Picture Navigation Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SIN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sizable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SIZE POPUP | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SIZE WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | SizeBox Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SKIP | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SKPBAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SKPPAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | SOM Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SORT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sort Dialog Box Button Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Sort Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Sort List Box Items Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sort Mover Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sort Object Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sort or Order a Table at Run Time Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sort Selector Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sorted Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Sorting Data in International Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sound Player Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SOUNDEX( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Source code not found. | | | Undetermined | |
| | Source code out of date. | | | Undetermined | |
| | Source Control Features | | | Undetermined | |
| | Source Control Software in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Source field for refresh is not found (Error 2167) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SPACE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Sparse Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Special Terms for Configuration Files | | | Undetermined | |
| | SpecialEffect Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Specification of Code Pages for Variables | | | Undetermined | |
| | Speeding Up Data Retrieval | | | Undetermined | |
| | Spinner Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Spinner Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SpinnerHighValue, SpinnerLowValue Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Splash Screen Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | SplitBar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | SQL Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL expression is too complex (Error 1845) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SQL Language Improvements | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL parameter "name" is invalid (Error 1499) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL parameter is missing (Error 1493) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SQL Pass Through Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL pass-through internal consistency error (Error 1465) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL SELECT statement is invalid (Error 1498) | | | Undetermined | |
| | SQL Server Upsizing Process Completion | | | Undetermined | |
| | SQL Server Upsizing Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | SQL Server Upsizing Wizard Preparation | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL statement parameter is required for non-prepared SqlExec( ) calls (Error 1472) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Aggregate on non-numeric expression (Error 1811) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Cannot determine data type of SQL column "column" (Error 1890) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Cannot locate table (Error 1802) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Cannot UPDATE or DELETE from subquery (Error 2151) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Column "field | variable" is not found (Error 1806) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: DISTINCT is invalid (Error 1819) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Error building temporary index (Error 1831) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Error correlating fields (Error 1801) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: FROM clause is required (Error 1818) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: GROUP BY clause is invalid (Error 1807) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: HAVING clause is invalid (Error 1803) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Illegal GROUP BY in subquery (Error 1828) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Index is not found (Error 1830) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Internal error (Error 1800) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Invalid aggregate field (Error 1822) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Invalid SET expression in UPDATE (Error 1865) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Invalid SET expression in UPDATE, "table name" is not a target table (Error 2149) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Invalid TOP specification (Error 1866) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Invalid use of subquery (Error 1810) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Operation was canceled (Error 1839) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: ORDER BY clause is invalid (Error 1808) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Out of memory (Error 1809) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Queries of this type are not supported (Error 1814) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: SELECT contains invalid * (Error 1820) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: SELECT is invalid (Error 1826) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Statement is invalid (Error 1804) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Statement too long (Error 1812) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Subquery is invalid (Error 1825) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Subquery nesting is too deep (Error 1842) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Table for UPDATE or DELETE cannot be outer joined (Error 2150) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: The ORDER BY clause is invalid in subqueries, unless TOP is also specified (Error 2148) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Too many columns referenced (Error 1841) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Too many fields in final or intermediate result have the same name (Error 2189) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Too many fields in UPDATE (Error 1864) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Too many subqueries (Error 1805) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Too many UNIONs (Error 1834) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: TOP requires an ORDER BY (Error 1867) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: Use of UNION in subquery is invalid (Error 1813) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQL: WHERE clause is invalid (Error 1833) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLCANCEL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLCOLUMNS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLCOMMIT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLCONNECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLDISCONNECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLEXEC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLGETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLIDLEDISCONNECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLMORERESULTS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLPREPARE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLROLLBACK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLSETPROP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLSTRINGCONNECT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQLTABLES( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SQRT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | SQRT( ) argument cannot be negative (Error 61) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SROWS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | StackLevel Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Standard and Custom OLE DB Properties | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Standard Tab, Component Gallery Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | StartMode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Statement and Expression Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Statement is not allowed in interactive mode (Error 95) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Statement is not in a procedure (Error 1931) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Statement is not valid in a class definition (Error 1927) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Statement is only valid within a class definition (Error 1928) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Statement only valid within a method (Error 1934) | | | Undetermined | |
| | StatusBar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | StatusBarText Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Stop Recording Macro Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Stop Watch Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | STORE | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STRCONV( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Stretch Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | STREXTRACT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | StrictDateEntry Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | String and Value Comparison in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | String is too long to fit (Error 1903) | | | Undetermined | |
| | String Library Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | String Manipulation Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STRTOFILE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STRTRAN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Structural .CDX file is not found (Error 1707) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Structure is invalid (Error 1235) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Structure nesting is too deep (Error 1212) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Structured Error Handling | | | Undetermined | |
| | Structured Exception Handling Sample (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Structured Programming | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STUFF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | STUFFC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Style Tab, Combo Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Tab, Edit Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Tab, Form Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Tab, Grid Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Tab, List Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Style Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Style Tab, Text Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Subclasses in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Subquery returned more than one record (Error 1860) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Subscript is outside defined range (Error 1234) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SUBSTR( ) | | | Undetermined | Same as hb_BSubStr(), but nStartPosition in VFP is >= 0. |
| Function | SUBSTRC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | SUM | | | Undetermined | |
| | Super Mover Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Supported OLE DB Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Supported Visual FoxPro Commands and Functions in OLE DB Provider | | | Undetermined | |
| | SupportsListenerType Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | SUSPEND | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Suspend program before using RESUME (Error 1236) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Symbols Tab, Code Analyzer | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Symphony version 1.0 file format is invalid (Error 1673) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Symphony version 1.1 file format is invalid (Error 1674) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Syntax error (Error 10) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Syntax error in the field expression (Error 1242) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Syntax error: "name" is not allowed in the view script or is in the wrong place (Error 2093) | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS( ) Functions Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(0) - Network Machine Information | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1) - Julian System Date | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(10) - String from Julian Day Number | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(100) - Console Setting | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1001) - Visual FoxPro Memory | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(101) - Device Setting | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1011) - Number of Memory Handles | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1016) - User Object Memory Use | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(102) - Printer Setting | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1023) - Enable Help Diagnostic Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1024) - Disable Help Diagnostic Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(103) - Talk Setting | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1037) - Page Setup Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(11) - Julian Day Number | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1104) - Purge Memory Cache | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(12) - Available Memory in Bytes | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1269) - Property Information | | | Not to Convert | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1270) - Object Location | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1271) - Object's .SCX File | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1272) - Object Hierarchy | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(13) - Printer Status | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(14) - Index Expression | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(15) - Character Translation | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(1500) - Activate a System Menu Item | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(16) - Executing Program File Name | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(17) - Processor in Use | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(18) - Current Control | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2) - Seconds Since Midnight | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(20) - Transform German Text | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2000) - File Name Wildcard Match | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2001) - SET ... Command Status | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2002) - Turn Insertion Point On or Off | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2003) - Current Directory | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2004) - Visual FoxPro Start Directory | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2005) - Current Resource File | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2006) - Current Graphics Card | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2007) - Checksum Value | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2010) - CONFIG.SYS File Settings | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2011) - Current Lock Status | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2012) - Memo Field Blocksize | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2013) - System Menu Name String | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2014) - Minimum Path | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2015) - Unique Procedure Name | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2016) - SHOW GETS WINDOW Name | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2017) - Record Checksum Value | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2018) - Error Message Parameter | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2019) - Configuration File Name and Location | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2020) - Default Disk Free Space | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2021) - Filtered Index Expression | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2022) - Disk Cluster Size | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2023) - Temporary Path | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2024) - Detect Report Cancellation | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2029) - Table Type | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2030) - Debug | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2040) - Detect Report Status | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2060) - Mouse Wheel Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(21) - Controlling Index Number | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(22) - Controlling Tag or Index Name | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(23) - FoxPro EMS Memory Usage | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2300) - Add or Remove Code Page | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2325) - WCLIENTWINDOW from Visual FoxPro WHANDLE | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2326) - WHANDLE from a Window's hWnd | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2327) - Window's hWnd from Visual FoxPro WHANDLE | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2333) - ActiveX Dual Interface Support | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2334) - Automation Server Invocation Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2335) - Unattended Server Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2336) - Critical Section support | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2339) - Call CoFreeUnusedLibraries when COM object is released | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2340) - NT Service Support | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(24) - EMS Memory Limit | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2410) - Error Handler | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2450) - Application Search Path Order | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2600) - Return Pointer as String | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2700) - Enables Windows XP Themes | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2800) - Accessibility Support | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2801) - Event Tracking Support | | | Not to Convert | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(2910) - List Display Count | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3) - Legal File Name | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3004) - Return Locale ID | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3005) - Set Locale ID | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3006) - Set Language and Locale IDs | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3007) - ToolTipText Property Font Language Script | | | Not to Convert | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3008) - Hyperlink Tooltips | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3009) - Bidirectional Text Justification for ToolTips | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3050) - Set Buffer Memory Size | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3051) - Set Lock Retry Interval | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3052) - Override SET REPROCESS Locking | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3053) - ODBC Environment Handle | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3054) - Rushmore Query Optimization Level | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3055) - FOR and WHERE Clause Complexity | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3056) - Read Registry Settings | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3065) - Internal Program Cache | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3092) - Output Rushmore Query Optimization Level | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3095) - IDispatch Pointer | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3096) - IDispatch Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3097) - Add Reference to Object | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3098) - Release Object reference | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3099) - SQL Data Engine Compatibility Mode | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(3101) - COM Code Page Translation | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(5) - Default Drive | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(6) - Current Printer Device | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(602) - Bitmap Configuration | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(7) - Current Format File | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(9) - Visual FoxPro Serial Number | | | Undetermined | |
| SYS Functions | SYS(987) - Map Remote Data to ANSI | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | SYSMETRIC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | System Menu Names | | | Undetermined | |
| | System Metrics Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | System Toolbar Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | System Variables | | | Undetermined | |
| | System Variables Overview | | | Undetermined | |
| | Tab Order Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Tab stops must be in ascending order (Error 228) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TabIndex Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Table "alias" has one or more non-structural indexes open. Please close them and retry the Begin Transaction (Error 1548) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table "name" already exists in the database (Error 1564) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table "name" has a file length / record number inconsistency (Error 2065) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table "name" has become corrupted. The table will need to be repaired before using again. (Error 2091) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table "name" is referenced in a relation (Error 1577) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table buffer for alias "name" contains uncommitted changes (Error 1545) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table buffering is not enabled (Error 1596) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Button, Query Destination Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Table cannot be browsed because cursor object is no longer valid. (Error 1556) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Designer (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Field Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table File Structure (.dbc, .dbf, .frx, .lbx, .mnx, .pjx, .scx, .vcx) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table has no index order set (Error 26) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Input and Output Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Manipulation Language | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Mover Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table number is invalid (Error 17) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table operation is invalid during indexing (Error 1690) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Table or row buffering requires that SET MULTILOCKS is set to ON (Error 1589) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Structures of Table Files (.dbc, .frx, .lbx, .mnx, .pjx, .scx, .vcx) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Tab, Table Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Table Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TABLEREVERT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Tables Collection (XMLAdapter) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Tables Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TABLEUPDATE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TabOrientation Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Tabs Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TabStop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TabStretch Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TabStyle Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Tag name is too long (Error 1888) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Tag Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TAG( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TAGCOUNT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TAGNO( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TAN( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Target table is already engaged in a relation (Error 1147) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TARGET( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Task List Manager Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Task Pane Manager | | | Undetermined | |
| | Task Pane Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Taskbar Icon Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Team Development Concepts (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Temporary Relationships Between Tables | | | Undetermined | |
| | TerminateRead Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Testing and Debugging Applications | | | Undetermined | |
| | Testing and Rebuilding COM Servers for XML Web Services | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | TEXT ... ENDTEXT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Text Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | TEXT does not have corresponding ENDTEXT statement (Error 2131) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Text Editor and Clipboard Manipulation Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Text generation is canceled (Error 1792) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Text Preview Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Text Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TextBox Control (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TextBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TextHeight Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Textmerge is recursive. (Error 2044) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TEXTMERGE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TextWidth Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | The "name" event has failed (Error 2089) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The ActiveX control module failed to register correctly (Error 1438) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The builder program is already running (Error 1954) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The ChildOrder property of a relation object in the data environment is no longer valid. The relation is being removed (Error 1478) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The class file associated with this field cannot be found - class association cleared. (Error 2020) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The clipboard contained one or more objects that could not be added to the container. Those objects were not pasted (Error 1969) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The current Help file is empty. (Error 2036) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The current object does not inherit from class "name" (Error 1935) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The current object has been released (Error 1945) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The cursor is already associated with a record set (Error 2195) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The data source for this object must be a variable reference (Error 1742) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The database must be opened exclusively (Error 1557) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The DataObject cannot be modified in the OLEDragOver or OLEDragDrop event. (Error 2021) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The default value for field "name" does not evaluate to the correct type for the field (Error 1997) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The directory is not empty (Error 1962) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The Dockable property cannot be enabled possibly due to conflicting properties (Error 2152) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The fields in table "name" did not match the entries in the database (Error 1984) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The file specified in the FROM clause is empty (Error 1131) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The IN clause is not supported for this window (Error 1699) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The index expression for index "name" contains an invalid reference to a Memo, General, or Picture field (Error 1998) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The LOCATE command must be issued before the CONTINUE command (Error 42) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The name "name" is already used for another object. Please choose a different name (Error 1571) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The name of the object file for "file" is already used by another program in the project (Error 2001) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The network request is not supported (Error 1793) | | | Undetermined | |
| | The Preview Container API | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The refresh key defined for table "table name" is not found (Error 2166) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The refresh key defined for table "table name" is not unique (Error 2165) | | | Undetermined | |
| | The Remote View Wizard was unable to obtain column information for this remote table. This may be the result of an ODBC error, or the remote table may not be owned by the current user. | | | Undetermined | |
| | The Report Builder Event Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | The selected printer driver does not support direct access (Error 1524) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The specified class library does not exist or does not contain a valid member class. (Error 2057) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The specified file or path was not found. (Error 2022) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The specified Key already exists. (Error 2062) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The specified member class does not exist or is of wrong type. (Error 2056) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The SQL Statement is too complex for the View/Query Designer (Error 2025) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The table changes cannot be performed as the index or filter expression for index name would be invalid (Error 1531) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The table file "name" has moved. Please validate database "name" and try again (Error 2004) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The table has memo fields that cannot be converted while open read-only (Error 1659) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The table must be converted before appending (Error 1778) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The TO clause can only be used with modal Forms and FormSets (Error 1982) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | The validation rule for field "name" does not evaluate to a logical or NULL type (Error 1996) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Themes Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | There is a duplicate field "name" in XML schema. (Error 2105) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is a duplicate table "name" in XML schema. (Error 2104) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is a missing keyword in the FOR ... ENDFOR or DO CASE ... ENDCASE command structure (Error 1213) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is no application associated with the given filename extension. (Error 2023) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is no relation to the nested table "table name" (Error 2178) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is not enough disk space for "name" (Error 56) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | There is not enough memory to complete this operation (Error 43) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Thermometer Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This array element has been defined as an object and cannot be redefined in the class definition (Error 1780) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This command is not supported for views (Error 1777) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This feature requires MSXML4 SP1 or later. (Error 2116) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This file is incompatible with the current version of Visual FoxPro (Error 1748) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This object is derived from a base class and does not have a parent class. (Error 1784) | | | Undetermined | |
| | THIS Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This OLE property cannot be an expression (Error 1782) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This operation not supported for class member objects (Error 1521) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | This property is read-only (Error 1533) | | | Undetermined | |
| | THISFORM Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| | THISFORMSET Object Reference | | | Undetermined | |
| | ThreadID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TIME( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Timer Control | | | Undetermined | |
| | Timer Control Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Timer Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TimestampFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Tips for the Windows 2000 Logo Program Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | TitleBar Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | To use this feature, set CODEPAGE=AUTO in your CONFIG.FPW file and restart Visual FoxPro (Error 1916) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ToCursor Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Too few arguments (Error 1229) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many arguments (Error 1230) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many characters are specified in the PICTURE clause (Error 1310) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many columns (Error 1872) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many extensions are specified (Error 1694) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many files open (Error 6) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many names used (Error 1201) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many PROCEDURE commands are in effect (Error 1250) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many READ commands are in effect (Error 1249) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many variables (Error 22) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Too many windows open (Error 1116) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ToolBar Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | ToolBar Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Toolbars Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Toolbox (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ToolTipText Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Top Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Topic Not Found | | | Undetermined | |
| | TopIndex Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TopItemID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | TOTAL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Total field type must be Date or Numeric (Error 1646) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Total label width exceeds allowed size (Error 1246) | | | Undetermined | |
| | ToXML Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Trace Aware Timer Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Trace Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Track Activities in a Project Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Transform Data Tab, Pane Customization Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TRANSFORM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Transparent Forms Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Treeview/Listbox Drag and Drop Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Trigger failed in "cursor". (Error 1539) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Trigger Usage | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TRIM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Trimming and Concatenating Expressions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Troubleshooting Installation | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | TRY...CATCH...FINALLY | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | TRY/CATCH/FINALLY/ENDTRY mismatch or error (Error 2058) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TTOC( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TTOD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TwoPassProcess Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TXNLEVEL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | TXTWIDTH( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | TYPE | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Type conversion is not supported (Error 1532) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Type conversion is not supported for output parameters (Error 1501) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Type conversion required by the DataType property for field "name" is invalid (Error 1543) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Type Library "name" not found (Error 1444) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Type Library Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Type Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | TYPE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | TypeLibCLSID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TypeLibDesc Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | TypeLibName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UIEnable Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Unable to attach object with empty XMLName property. (Error 2101) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to cast NULL value to a NOT NULL data type (Error 2159) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to change XMLName property while XMLField object belongs to XMLTable object. (Error 2103) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to change XMLName property while XMLTable object belongs to XMLAdapter object. (Error 2102) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to close offline view in ADMIN/ONLINE mode inside a transaction. (Error 2122) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to create temporary work files (Error 1410) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to emit XML, two or more cursors use different code pages. (Error 2133) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to generate a printer driver (Error 1717) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to infer cursor's code page from XML document (Error 2185) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to infer XML schema. (Error 2120) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unable to locate desired version of Visual FoxPro. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to locate target record in ADODB.Recordset (Error 2158) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to open offline view in ADMIN/ONLINE mode inside a transaction. (Error 2121) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unable to process error. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to register the ActiveX control (Error 1437) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unable to set external schema location when inline schema is used. (Error 2123) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | UNBINDEVENTS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding and Extending Report Structure | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding Code Pages in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding Container and Control Objects | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding Report Builder Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Understanding Sort Orders | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding the Event Model | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Understanding the Report Output Application | | | Undetermined | |
| | Understanding Visual FoxPro Object-Assisted Reporting | | | Undetermined | |
| | Undo Check Out of Files Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UndoCheckOut Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UnDock Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Unhandled Structured Exception (Error 2059) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unicode Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | UNIQUE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Uniqueness of index "name" is violated (Error 1884) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unknown error code nExpr. | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unknown function key (Error 104) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unknown member "name" (Error 1925) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unknown member object "object name" (Error 2154) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unload Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UnloadReport Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | UNLOCK | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unnest Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Unrecognized command verb (Error 16) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Unrecognized index file revision. Re-create the index (Error 1141) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Unsupported Visual FoxPro Commands and Functions in OLE DB Provider | | | Undetermined | |
| | UpClick Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdatableFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | UPDATE | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | UPDATE - SQL | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Update conflict (Error 1585) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Update conflict. Some of your changes in the current row batch were committed (Error 1595) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Update Criteria Tab, View Designer | | | Undetermined | |
| | Update Project List Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmdDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmdDataSourceType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmdRefreshCmd Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmdRefreshFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateCmdRefreshKeyFieldList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | UPDATED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | UpdateGram Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateGramSchemaLocation Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateNameList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateStatus Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UpdateType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Updating Data | | | Undetermined | |
| | Updating Data in Views | | | Undetermined | |
| | Updating Data Using Multiple Form Instances | | | Undetermined | |
| | Updating Data Using Transactions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Updating Remote Data with SQL Pass-Through | | | Undetermined | |
| | Upgrading from Earlier Versions | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | UPPER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Upsizing Visual FoxPro Databases | | | Undetermined | |
| | URL Combo Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | URL Open Dialog Box Foundation Class | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | USE | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Access/Assign Methods on a Form Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Use an Enhanced Openfile Dialog Box Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Use API Functions that Require a STRUCT Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use API Functions That Require Pointers to Arrays Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Array Handling Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Common Application Dialog Boxes Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Use Conditional Formatting in a Report Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use DBC Events Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Use Edit Buttons for a Complex Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Edit Buttons for a Simple Form Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Mover List Boxes for Selecting Data Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Progress Thermometer Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Slider and Status Bar Controls Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use Style Toolbars Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | Use the RichText Control Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | UseCodePage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UseCursorSchema Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | USED( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | UseDeDataSource Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UseMemoSize Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | User Input in Combo Boxes | | | Undetermined | |
| | User Input in Edit Boxes | | | Undetermined | |
| | User Input in Text Boxes | | | Undetermined | |
| | User Interface Creation without Programming | | | Undetermined | |
| | User Interface Reference (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | User Privileges Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | User Thrown Error (Error 2071) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | User-defined functions are not allowed (Error 1097) | | | Undetermined | |
| | User-Defined Procedures and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | User-interface operation not allowed at this time. (Error 2031) | | | Undetermined | |
| | UserValue Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | UseTransactions Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Using Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Controls | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Form Templates | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using GDI+ in Reports | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Primary Key Fields | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Result Sets | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Rushmore Query Optimization to Speed Data Access | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using SQL Pass-Through Technology | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using SQL Server Input/Output Parameters | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using the Component Gallery | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using the Debugger | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using the Object Browser | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using VFP Report Output XML | | | Undetermined | |
| | Using Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | UTF8Encoded Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Utilities and Resources for Enhancing Accessibility | | | Undetermined | |
| | Utility Programs | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | VAL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Valid Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | VALIDATE DATABASE | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Value of XMLField.XMLName must be used as key value for collection. (Error 2100) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Value of XMLName, XMLNamespace or XMLPrefix property should be a Unicode string. (Error 2134) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Value of XMLTable.XMLName must be used as key value for collection. (Error 2099) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Value Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Value Tab, Combo Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Value Tab, Edit Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Value Tab, List Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Value Tab, Option Group Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Value Tab, Text Box Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | Varbinary Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| | Varchar Field Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Variable "variable" is not found (Error 12) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variable and Array Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variable Declaration (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variable Manipulation | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Variable must be in the selected table (Error 1134) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variable Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variables (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Variables Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Variant Data Type | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | VARREAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | VARTYPE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | VCR Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | VCR Picture Navigation Buttons Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Verifying Data Passed to Procedures and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Version Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | VERSION( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | VersionComments Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionCompany Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionCopyright Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionDescription Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionLanguage Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionNumber Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionProduct Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VersionTrademarks Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VFP 9 SP2 Help file updates and additions, by the VFPX Community | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | vfp.VFPXMLProgId doesn't support cSchemaLocation parameter for XMLUpdateGram(). (Error 2137) | | | Undetermined | |
| | VFP9R.DLL Run-Time Library | | | Undetermined | |
| | VFP9T.DLL Run-Time Library | | | Undetermined | |
| | VFPXMLProgID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Video Player Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | View Creation | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | View definition has been changed (Error 1494) | | | Undetermined | |
| | View Field Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | View fields have been changed. The Update and Key field properties have been reset to the default values (Error 1568) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | View file is invalid (Error 127) | | | Undetermined | |
| | View Parameters Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | View Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | View Tab, Options Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | View Type Library Information Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | ViewPortHeight Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ViewPortLeft Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ViewPortTop Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ViewPortWidth Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Views and Queries Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Views require either DB_BUFOPTROW or DB_BUFOPTTABLE (Error 1597) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visible Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro and Advanced COM | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro and Other Programming Languages | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro and XML Schema Data Type Mapping | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro as an Application Back End | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro as an Application Front End | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro cannot start | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Configuration | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Converter Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro Data Access Using the OLE DB Provider | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Data and Field Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Environment | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Environment Settings | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Framework Application Object | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Index Files | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Index Types | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro IntelliSense Manager Window | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Key Codes (API Library Construction) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro New Reserved Words | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider Data Support | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Run-Time Libraries | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro SQL Pass-Through Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro System Capacities | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro System Events (API Library Construction) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro System Windows | | | Undetermined | |
| | Visual FoxPro Transporter Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro XML Web Service Location Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro XML Web Services Publisher Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Visual FoxPro XML Web Services Registration Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | VisualEffect Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Volume does not exist (Error 1922) | | | Undetermined | |
| | VScrollSmallChange Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | WAIT | | | Undetermined | |
| | Walkthrough: Creating a Visual FoxPro Application Setup Program Using InstallShield | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Walkthrough: Creating Applications with Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Walkthrough: Creating Reports with Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Walkthrough: Creating XML Web Services with Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Walkthrough: Retrieving Data from Different Data Sources | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Walkthroughs | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: Invalid data conversion(s) starting at record "number" (Error 1485) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: Invalid memo field conversion(s) starting at record "number" (Error 1486) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts (Error 1496) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The connection packet size cannot be set (Error 1483) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The connection sync/async mode cannot be set (Error 1480) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The connection timeout cannot be set (Error 1481) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The connection transaction mode cannot be set (Error 1487) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The key defined by the KeyField property for table "alias" is not unique (Error 1495) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The next "cExpr" modified records have already been updated remote (Error 1484) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Warning: The query timeout cannot be set (Error 1482) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Watch Window (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WBORDER( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WCHILD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WCOLS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WDOCKABLE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Web Browser Control Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| | Web Publishing Wizard | | | Undetermined | |
| | Web Services and Components | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WEEK( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WEXIST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WFONT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | What's New in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | WhatsThisButton Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WhatsThisHelp Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WhatsThisHelpID Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WhatsThisMode Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | When Event | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WhereType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WHILE Clauses | | | Undetermined | |
| | WHILE Loops (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Width or decimal place argument is invalid (Error 1908) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Width Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | WIN.INI/registry is corrupted (Error 1955) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window "name" has not been defined (Error 1714) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window "name" is not a dockable window. (Error 2087) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window file format is invalid (Error 1632) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Window Handler Foundation Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window has not been activated with ACTIVATE WINDOW (Error 215) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window has not been defined with DEFINE WINDOW (Error 214) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Window Manipulation Routines | | | Undetermined | |
| | Window Naming Conventions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Window specified in DEFINE WINDOW has invalid coordinates (Error 332) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WINDOW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | WindowList Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Windows (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Windows API Solution Samples | | | Undetermined | |
| | Windows Commands and Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Windows XP Themes Support Sample | | | Undetermined | |
| | WindowState Property (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WindowType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | WITH ... ENDWITH | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | WITH/ENDWITH mismatch (Error 1939) | | | Undetermined | |
| | Wizard Selection Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Wizards (Visual FoxPro) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WLAST( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WLCOL( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WLROW( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WMAXIMUM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WMINIMUM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WONTOP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | WordWrap Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Work Area Properties Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Work Areas in Data Sessions | | | Undetermined | |
| | Working with Automation Servers | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Classes in Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Data | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Data in Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Database Container Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Fields | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Forms | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Items in Databases | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Microsoft Agent Sample | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Multi-File Components | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Objects in Visual FoxPro | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with OLE Objects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Page Layouts | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Procedures and Functions | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Programs | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Projects | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Queries | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Records | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Related Tables using Multiple Detail Bands in Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Remote Data Using SQL Pass-Through | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Report Bands | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Report Controls | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Report Data Groups | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Report Variables | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Reports | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Table Indexes | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Tables (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with the Project File and Project List File | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Validation Rules | | | Not to Convert | |
| | Working with Views (Visual FoxPro) | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | Worksheet "name" is not found (Error 1775) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | Worksheet A for Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0 file is hidden (Error 1680) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WOUTPUT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WPARENT( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | WrapCharInCDATA Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WrapInCDATA Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WrapMemoInCDATA Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | WREAD( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | WriteExpression Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| | WriteMethod Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | WROWS( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WTITLE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | WVISIBLE( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Data in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML document does not have a root element. (Error 2124) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML document is not a DiffGram. (Error 2126) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML document is not loaded. (Error 2096) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML Error: "error" (Error 2110) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Functionality Using XMLAdapters | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Functions | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML node does not belong to MSXML4.DOMDocument. (Error 2128) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML Parse Error (Error 1435) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XML Schema is too complex. (Error 2094) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Web Service - Client Detail Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XML Web Service - Complex Types Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XML Web Service - Operation Detail Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XML Web Service - Parameter Values Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XML Web Service Builder | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Web Services Foundation Classes | | | Undetermined | |
| | XML Web Services in Visual FoxPro | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLAdapter Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLAdapter object doesn't have associated tables. (Error 2129) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLAdapter Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLAdapter Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | XMLAdapter XMLName property is an XPath expression (Error 2180) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLAdapter.ToXML cannot be called while there is a loaded XML document. (Error 2107) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLAdapter.XMLName is empty. (Error 2127) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLAdapter: fractionDigits must not be greater than or equal to maxLength. (Error 2118) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLConstraints Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLField Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLField object is already associated with XMLTable object. (Error 2144) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLField Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLName Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | XMLName property contains illegal symbol(s) (Error 2182) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLNameIsXPath Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLNamespace Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLPrefix Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLSchemaLocation Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XMLTable Class | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLTable has child table. (Error 2109) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLTable object already has parent or is associated with XMLAdapter object. (Error 2132) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLTable object does not have associated fields. (Error 2097) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLTable object does not have associated XMLAdapter object. (Error 2095) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLTable Object Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | XMLTable object with XMLName "name" does not have associated fields. (Error 2130) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLTable Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Error | XMLTable XMLName property is an XPath expression (Error 2181) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | XMLTable.Alias is empty. (Error 2108) | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | XMLTOCURSOR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XMLType Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| Function | XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | XSDfractionDigits Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XSDmaxLength Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XSDtotalDigits Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XSDtype Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | XSource Folder | | | Undetermined | |
| Function | YEAR( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | You may not change the RecordSource of a BROWSE object (Error 1772) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | You must use a logical expression with a FOR or WHILE clause (Error 1127) | | | Undetermined | |
| Error | You must use a logical expression with FILTER (Error 37) | | | Undetermined | |
| Command | ZAP | | | Undetermined | |
| | Zoom Dialog Box | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | ZOOM WINDOW | | | Undetermined | |
| | ZoomBox Property | | | Not to Convert | |
| | ZOrder Method | | | Not to Convert | |
| Command | \ | \\ | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ActivateHandler( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ActivateIdle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ActivateMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ALen( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _ALIGNMENT | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Alloca( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _AllocHand( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _AllocMemo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _ASCIICOLS | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _ASCIIROWS | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _ASSIST | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _BEAUTIFY | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _BOX | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _BreakPoint( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _BROWSER | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _BUILDER | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CALCMEM | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CALCVALUE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CLIPTEXT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CODESENSE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CONVERTER | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _CountItems( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _COVERAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _CUROBJ | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBAppend( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _DBLCLICK | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBLock( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBRead( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBRecCount( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBRecNo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBReplace( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBRewind( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBSeek( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBSkip( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBStatus( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBUnlock( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBUnwind( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DBWrite( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DeActivateHandler( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DeActivateIdle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DeActivateMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DefaultProcess( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Dialog( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _DIARYDATE | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DisposeItem( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _DisposeMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _DOS | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdActive( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdCloseFile( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdCopy( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdCut( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdDelete( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetChar( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetEnv( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetLineNum( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetLinePos( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetPos( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdGetStr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdIndent( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdInsert( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdLastError( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdOpenFile( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdPaste( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdPosInView( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdRedo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdRevert( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSave( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdScrollToPos( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdScrollToSel( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSelect( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSendKey( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSetEnv( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSetPos( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdSkipLines( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdUndo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _EdUndoOn( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Error( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ErrorInfo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Evaluate( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Execute( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FCHSize( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FClose( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FCopy( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FCreate( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FEOF( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FError( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FFlush( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FGets( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FindMemo( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FindVar( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FindWindow( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FindWindowP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FOpen( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _FOXCODE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _FOXDOC | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _FOXREF | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _FoxTask | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FPuts( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FRead( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FreeHand( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FreeObject( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FSeek( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _FWrite( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GALLERY | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENGRAPH | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENHTML | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENMENU | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENPD | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENSCRN | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GENXTAB | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetAPIHandle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _GETEXPR | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetHandSize( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetItemCmdKey( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetItemId( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetItemSubMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetItemText( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetNewItemId( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetNewMenuId( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetNextEvent( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetObjectProperty( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GetOSPrompt( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GlobalToLocal( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _GlobalToLocalP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _HandToPtr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _HLock( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _HUnLock( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _INCLUDE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _INCSEEK | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _INDENT | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _InKey( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _LMARGIN | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Load( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _MAC | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemAvail( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| | _MemberData Property | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemCmp( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemFill( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemMove( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemoChan( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MemoSize( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _MENUDESIGNER | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MenuId( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MenuInteract( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _MLINE | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MousePos( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _MousePosP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _NameTableIndex( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _NewItem( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _NewMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _NewVar( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _ObjectBrowser | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ObjectCmp( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ObjectReference( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _ObjectRelease( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _OnSelection( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PADVANCE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PAGENO | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PAGETOTAL | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PBPAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PCOLNO | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PCOPIES | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PDRIVER | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PDSETUP | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PECODE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PEJECT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PEPAGE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PLENGTH | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PLINENO | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PLOFFSET | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PPITCH | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PQUALITY | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PRETEXT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PSCODE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PSPACING | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _PutChr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _PutStr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _PutValue( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _PWAIT | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Release( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _REPORTBUILDER | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _REPORTOUTPUT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _REPORTPREVIEW | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetChar( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetCurrency( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetDateStr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetDateTimeStr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetFloat( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetInt( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetLogical( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _RetVal( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _RMARGIN | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _SAMPLES | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _SCCTEXT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _SCREEN | | | Undetermined | |
| | _SCREEN System Variable Properties, Methods and Events | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetHandSize( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetItemCmdKey( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetItemSubMenu( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetItemText( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetMenuPoint( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetMenuPointP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _SetObjectProperty( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _SHELL | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _SPELLCHK | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _STARTUP | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _Store( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _StrCmp( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _StrCpy( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _StrLen( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TABS | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TALLY | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TASKLIST | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TASKPANE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TEXT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _THROTTLE | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TOOLBOX | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TOOLTIPTIMEOUT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TRANSPORT | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _TRIGGERLEVEL | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _UNIX | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _UserError( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _VFP | | | Undetermined | |
| | _VFP System Variable Properties, Methods, and Events | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WAttr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WBottom( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WBottomP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WClear( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WClearRect( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WClearRectP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WClose( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WFindTitle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WGetCursor( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WGetCursorP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WGetObjectClientWindow( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WGetObjectWindow( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WGetPort( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WHeight( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WHeightP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WHide( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WhToHwnd( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _WINDOWS | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _WIZARD | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WLeft( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WLeftP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WMainWindow( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WMove( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WMoveP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WOnTop( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WOpen( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WOpenP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WPosCursor( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WPosCursorP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WPutChr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WPutStr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| System Variable | _WRAP | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WRight( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WRightP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WScroll( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WScrollP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSelect( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSendBehind( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSetAttr( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSetPort( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSetTitle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WShow( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSize( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WSizeP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WTitle( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WTop( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WTopP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WWidth( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WWidthP( ) | | | Undetermined | |
| API Library Routine | _WZoom( ) | | | Undetermined | |