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This list of harbour feature comes from scraping the source code from and adding description found from multiple places.
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Displaying 10567 items, 7686 APIs.
Folder: extras\
Folder: extras\gfspell\
File: spell.chLines: 17
File: spell.prgLines: 1468
Function: AWordsLines: 1431-1460
Function: DBF2DicLines: 1021-1162
Function: Dic2DBFLines: 1176-1305
Function: fatLines: 1463-1464
Function: Sp_AddLines: 93-127
Function: Sp_CacheLines: 140-150
Function: Sp_CheckLines: 164-247
Function: Sp_ClearLines: 282-286
Function: Sp_ExpandLines: 879-890
Function: Sp_GetSetLines: 298-309
Function: Sp_InitLines: 954-1005
Function: Sp_LoadAuxLines: 314-343
Function: Sp_QuickLines: 751-855
Function: Sp_SplitLines: 860-877
Function: Sp_SuggestLines: 352-743
Function: Sp_WildCardLines: 898-946
Function: WildCardLines: 1380-1429
File: spellc.cLines: 891
Function: BITLines: 773-801
Function: C_METAFONELines: 196-763
Function: SP_LINELines: 826-890
Function: SP_RATELines: 149-182
Function: XFORMLines: 18-72
Function: XUNFORMLines: 82-127
Folder: extras\hbdroid\
File: hbdroid.hLines: 56
File: hvminit.cLines: 70
File: msginfo.cLines: 70
Function: JNI_MSGINFOLines: 50-69
Folder: extras\hbusb\
File: core.cLines: 371
Function: LIBUSB_BULK_TRANSFERLines: 343-355
Function: LIBUSB_CLAIM_INTERFACELines: 245-252
Function: LIBUSB_CLEAR_HALTLines: 275-282
Function: LIBUSB_CLOSELines: 204-207
Function: LIBUSB_EXITLines: 73-76
Function: LIBUSB_FREE_DEVICE_LISTLines: 101-104
Function: LIBUSB_GET_BUS_NUMBERLines: 107-116
Function: LIBUSB_GET_CONFIGURATIONLines: 220-231
Function: LIBUSB_GET_DEVICELines: 210-217
Function: LIBUSB_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESSLines: 119-128
Function: LIBUSB_GET_DEVICE_LISTLines: 88-98
Function: LIBUSB_GET_DEVICE_SPEEDLines: 133-142
Function: LIBUSB_GET_MAX_PACKET_SIZELines: 146-155
Function: LIBUSB_INITLines: 56-70
Function: LIBUSB_OPENLines: 179-191
Function: LIBUSB_REF_DEVICELines: 158-167
Function: LIBUSB_RELEASE_INTERFACELines: 255-262
Function: LIBUSB_RESET_DEVICELines: 285-292
Function: LIBUSB_SET_CONFIGURATIONLines: 234-241
Function: LIBUSB_SET_DEBUGLines: 80-83
Function: LIBUSB_UNREF_DEVICELines: 170-176
File: hbusb.chLines: 12
Folder: extras\hbusb\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 121
Command: MainLines: 3-120
Folder: extras\hbvpdf\
File: core.prgLines: 2588
Function: pdfAtSayLines: 29-97
Function: pdfBoldLines: 100-114
Function: pdfBoldItalicLines: 117-131
Function: pdfBookAddLines: 134-138
Function: pdfBookCloseLines: 141-145
Function: pdfBookOpenLines: 222-226
Function: pdfBoxLines: 269-331
Function: pdfBox1Lines: 335-359
Function: pdfCenterLines: 362-388
Function: pdfCloseLines: 402-542
Function: pdfCloseHeaderLines: 1391-1396
Function: pdfCreateHeaderLines: 1712-1804
Function: pdfDeleteHeaderLines: 1398-1411
Function: pdfDisableHeaderLines: 1426-1437
Function: pdfDrawHeaderLines: 1484-1535
Function: pdfEditOffHeaderLines: 1384-1389
Function: pdfEditOnHeaderLines: 1377-1382
Function: pdfEnableHeaderLines: 1413-1424
Function: pdfHeaderLines: 1446-1482
Function: pdfImageLines: 751-783
Function: pdfImageInfoLines: 1806-1817
Function: pdfInitLines: 10-14
Function: pdfItalicLines: 786-800
Function: pdfJPEGInfoLines: 2370-2404
Function: pdfLenLines: 803-825
Function: pdfMarginsLines: 1537-1710
Function: pdfNewLineLines: 840-850
Function: pdfNewPageLines: 853-883
Function: pdfNormalLines: 886-900
Function: pdfOpenLines: 903-964
Function: pdfOpenHeaderLines: 1354-1375
Function: pdfPageNumberLines: 1056-1063
Function: pdfPageOrientLines: 1037-1044
Function: pdfPageSizeLines: 967-1034
Function: pdfReverseLines: 1066-1067
Function: pdfRJustLines: 1070-1096
Function: pdfSaveHeaderLines: 1439-1444
Function: pdfSetFontLines: 1099-1126
Function: pdfSetLPILines: 1129-1140
Function: pdfStringBLines: 1143-1148
Function: pdfTextLines: 1155-1267
Function: pdfTextCountLines: 1151-1152
Function: pdfTextWidthLines: 24-26
Function: pdfTIFFInfoLines: 1819-2368
Function: pdfUnderlineLines: 1333-1334
Function: pdfWidthLines: 17-21
File: fonts.prgLines: 4
Function: __pdf_fontsdatLines: 1-4
File: hbvpdf.chLines: 227
Folder: extras\hbvpdf\tests\
File: pdf_demo.prgLines: 180
Command: MainLines: 3-179
Folder: extras\hbxlsxml\
File: xlsxml.prgLines: 460
Class: ExcelWriterXMLLines: 54-89
Function: StrToHtmlLines: 351-392
Function: StrToHtmlSpecialLines: 394-414
File: xlsxml_s.prgLines: 335
Class: ExcelWriterXML_SheetLines: 51-81
File: xlsxml_y.prgLines: 779
Class: ExcelWriterXML_StyleLines: 51-124
Folder: extras\hbxlsxml\tests\
File: example.prgLines: 267
Command: MainLines: 51-266
File: example2.prgLines: 157
Command: MainLines: 51-156
File: example3.prgLines: 81
Command: MainLines: 51-80
Folder: extras\httpsrv\
File: uhttpd.prgLines: 2877
Command: HRB_SaveToFileEncryptedLines: 2142-2149
Command: MainLines: 193-645
Command: uhttpd_DelHeaderLines: 1680-1688
Function: uhttpd_GetHeaderLines: 1677-1678
Function: uhttpd_joinLines: 1829-1845
Function: uhttpd_OSFileNameLines: 1643-1649
Command: uhttpd_SetHeaderLines: 1658-1674
Command: uhttpd_SetStatusCodeLines: 1651-1655
Function: uhttpd_splitLines: 1811-1827
Command: uhttpd_WriteLines: 1690-1694
File: _cgifunc.prgLines: 736
Function: uhttpd_AddSecondsToTimeLines: 431-450
Function: uhttpd_AppFullNameLines: 644-648
Function: uhttpd_AppFullPathLines: 628-642
Function: uhttpd_CRLF2BRLines: 493-498
Function: uhttpd_CStrToValLines: 651-698
Function: uhttpd_DateToGMTLines: 395-415
Command: uhttpd_DieLines: 534-567
Function: uhttpd_GetFieldLines: 700-715
Function: uhttpd_GetVarsLines: 57-99
Function: uhttpd_HGetValueLines: 725-735
Function: uhttpd_HtmlConvertCharsLines: 478-491
Function: uhttpd_HtmlEntitiesLines: 522-532
Function: uhttpd_HTMLSpaceLines: 569-571
Function: uhttpd_HtmlSpecialCharsLines: 469-476
Function: uhttpd_OutputStringLines: 452-467
Function: uhttpd_SetFieldLines: 717-723
Function: uhttpd_SplitFileNameLines: 605-626
Function: uhttpd_SplitStringLines: 278-313
Function: uhttpd_SplitUrlLines: 126-257
Function: uhttpd_StrIStrLines: 519-520
Function: uhttpd_StrStrLines: 512-517
Function: uhttpd_TranslateStringsLines: 500-510
Function: uhttpd_URLDecodeLines: 357-382
Function: uhttpd_URLEncodeLines: 318-352
Command: uhttpd_WriteToLogFileLines: 572-601
File: _cookie.prgLines: 188
Function: uhttpd_CookieNewLines: 51-52
File: _session.prgLines: 885
Command: DestroyObjectLines: 878-884
Function: uhttpd_SessionNewLines: 59-60
Folder: extras\httpsrv\modules\
File: cookie.prgLines: 106
Function: HRBMAINLines: 49-105
File: info.prgLines: 137
Function: HRBMAINLines: 49-55
File: showcounter.prgLines: 194
Function: HRBMAINLines: 57-78
File: tableservletdb.prgLines: 390
Class: BasicXMLLines: 369-377
Function: HRBMAINLines: 54-104
Class: TableManagerLines: 105-123
File: testajax.prgLines: 61
Function: HRBMAINLines: 49-60
Folder: extras\rddado\
File: adordd.chLines: 217
File: adordd.prgLines: 1594
Function: ADORDD_GETFUNCTABLELines: 1277-1340
Function: hb_adoRddGetCatalogLines: 1575-1581
Function: hb_adoRddGetConnectionLines: 1567-1573
Function: hb_adoRddGetRecordSetLines: 1583-1593
Command: hb_adoSetEngineLines: 1512-1516
Command: hb_adoSetLocateForLines: 1544-1548
Command: hb_adoSetPasswordLines: 1530-1534
Command: hb_adoSetQueryLines: 1536-1542
Command: hb_adoSetServerLines: 1518-1522
Command: hb_adoSetTableLines: 1506-1510
Command: hb_adoSetUserLines: 1524-1528
Folder: extras\rddado\tests\
File: access1.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 7-18
File: access2.prgLines: 43
Command: MainLines: 9-42
File: mysql1.prgLines: 17
Command: MainLines: 7-16
File: mysql3.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 9-23
Folder: extras\superlib\
File: hbsuper.prgLines: 132
Function: CDIRLines: 49-50
Function: ISPRNLines: 52-53
Command: RAT_AREALines: 82-86
Function: RAT_COLLines: 70-71
Function: RAT_COLLLines: 113-114
Function: RAT_COLRLines: 116-117
Function: RAT_EXISTLines: 79-80
Command: RAT_FORCELines: 102-103
Function: RAT_LEFTBLines: 119-120
Command: RAT_NOMOUSLines: 99-100
Command: RAT_OFFLines: 61-65
Command: RAT_ONLines: 55-59
Command: RAT_POSITLines: 73-77
Command: RAT_RESETLines: 96-97
Function: RAT_RIGHTBLines: 122-123
Function: RAT_ROWLines: 67-68
Function: RAT_ROWLLines: 107-108
Function: RAT_ROWRLines: 110-111
Function: SHIFTYLines: 127-131
Folder: extras\template\
File: core.prgLines: 7
Function: hbtpl_MyPublicFunctionLines: 5-6
File: corec.cLines: 9
File: hbtpl.chLines: 13
Folder: extras\template\tests\
File: sample.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 3-18
File: test.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 4-15
Folder: include\
File: achoice.chLines: 65
File: assert.chLines: 72
File: blob.chLines: 77
File: box.chLines: 74
File: button.chLines: 113
File: clipdefs.hLines: 146
File: color.chLines: 58
File: common.chLines: 80
File: dbedit.chLines: 66
File: dbinfo.chLines: 416
File: dbstruct.chLines: 65
File: directry.chLines: 63
File: error.apiLines: 82
File: error.chLines: 137
File: extend.apiLines: 123
File: extend.hLines: 63
File: fileio.chLines: 158
File: filesys.apiLines: 96
File: fm.apiLines: 67
File: getexit.chLines: 64
File: gt.apiLines: 111
File: hb.chLines: 62
File: hbapi.hLines: 1262
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Extend System
File: hbapicdp.hLines: 519
File: hbapicls.hLines: 143
File: hbapicom.hLines: 95
File: hbapidbg.hLines: 89
File: hbapierr.hLines: 193
File: hbapifs.hLines: 485
File: hbapigt.hLines: 351
File: hbapiitm.hLines: 241
File: hbapilng.hLines: 101
File: hbapirdd.hLines: 1253
File: hbapistr.hLines: 129
File: hbarc4.hLines: 66
File: hbassert.hLines: 61
File: hbatomic.hLines: 586
File: hbbfish.hLines: 83
File: hbcdpreg.hLines: 161
File: hbchksum.hLines: 62
File: hbclass.chLines: 587
File: hbcom.chLines: 128
File: hbcomp.hLines: 399
File: hbcompdf.hLines: 909
File: hbdate.hLines: 178
File: hbdbf.hLines: 113
File: hbdbferr.hLines: 93
File: hbdebug.chLines: 109
File: hbdefs.hLines: 1692
File: hbdyn.chLines: 101
File: hberrors.hLines: 174
File: hbexpra.cLines: 776
File: hbexprb.cLines: 5560
File: hbexprop.hLines: 205
File: hbextcdp.chLines: 54
File: hbextern.chLines: 58
File: hbextlng.chLines: 54
File: hbfloat.hLines: 232
File: hbgfx.chLines: 82
File: hbgfxdef.chLines: 93
File: hbgtcore.hLines: 649
File: hbgtinfo.chLines: 208
File: hbgtreg.hLines: 71
File: hbhash.chLines: 64
File: hbhash.hLines: 93
File: hbhrb.chLines: 82
File: hbiniseg.hLines: 69
File: hbinit.hLines: 324
File: hbinkey.chLines: 343
File: hbiousr.chLines: 92
File: hbjson.hLines: 63
File: hblang.chLines: 62
File: hblpp.chLines: 55
File: hblpp.hLines: 82
File: hbmacro.chLines: 62
File: hbmacro.hLines: 156
File: hbmath.chLines: 77
File: hbmath.hLines: 65
File: hbmather.hLines: 124
File: hbmemory.chLines: 78
File: hbmemvar.chLines: 62
File: hbmsgreg.hLines: 70
File: hboo.chLines: 128
File: hbpcode.hLines: 253
File: hbpers.chLines: 60
File: hbpp.hLines: 695
File: hbrddcdx.hLines: 482
File: hbrdddbf.hLines: 276
File: hbrdddel.hLines: 122
File: hbrddfpt.hLines: 247
File: hbrddnsx.hLines: 592
File: hbrddntx.hLines: 371
File: hbrddsdf.hLines: 108
File: hbregex.hLines: 143
File: hbserial.chLines: 58
File: hbset.hLines: 346
File: hbsetup.chLines: 67
File: hbsetup.hLines: 635
File: hbsix.chLines: 208
File: hbsocket.chLines: 217
File: hbsocket.hLines: 208
File: hbstack.hLines: 506
File: hbstdgen.chLines: 70
File: hbstrict.chLines: 54
File: hbsxdef.chLines: 78
File: hbsxfunc.hLines: 73
File: hbtask.hLines: 88
File: hbthread.chLines: 58
File: hbthread.hLines: 504
File: hbtrace.chLines: 100
File: hbtrace.hLines: 234
File: hbtypes.hLines: 123
File: hbundoc.apiLines: 107
File: hbusrrdd.chLines: 361
File: hbver.chLines: 96
File: hbver.hLines: 63
File: hbvm.hLines: 200
File: hbvmint.hLines: 62
File: hbvmopt.hLines: 66
File: hbvmpub.hLines: 256
File: hbwince.hLines: 171
File: hbwinuni.hLines: 136
File: hbwmain.cLines: 147
File: hbxvm.hLines: 259
File: hbzlib.chLines: 80
File: hbzlib.hLines: 74
File: hbznet.hLines: 101
File: hb_io.hLines: 64
File: inkey.chLines: 372
File: item.apiLines: 88
File: memoedit.chLines: 77
File: ord.chLines: 96
File: rdd.apiLines: 67
File: rddsys.chLines: 58
File: reserved.chLines: 53
File: set.chLines: 138
File: setcurs.chLines: 60
File: simpleio.chLines: 57
File: std.chLines: 694
File: tbrowse.chLines: 70
File: vm.apiLines: 83
Folder: src\
Folder: src\3rd\
Folder: src\3rd\hbdossrl\
File: serial.cLines: 1678
typedef struct: serial_structLines: 306-329
File: serial.hLines: 205
Folder: src\3rd\hbpmcom\
File: com.cLines: 2836
File: com.hLines: 194
File: irq.hLines: 22
File: irqwrap.hLines: 18
File: irq_g.cLines: 300
File: irq_ow.cLines: 320
File: wrap_ow.cLines: 72
Folder: src\3rd\jpeg\
File: cderror.hLines: 137
File: cdjpeg.hLines: 190
File: jaricom.cLines: 154
File: jcapimin.cLines: 289
File: jcapistd.cLines: 163
File: jcarith.cLines: 946
typedef struct: arith_entropy_encoderLines: 23-46
File: jccoefct.cLines: 457
typedef struct: my_coef_controllerLines: 35-56
File: jccolor.cLines: 602
typedef struct: my_color_converterLines: 19-24
File: jcdctmgr.cLines: 467
typedef struct: my_fdct_controllerLines: 23-33
File: jchuff.cLines: 1641
typedef struct: c_derived_tblLines: 42-46
typedef struct: huff_entropy_encoderLines: 81-115
typedef struct: savable_stateLines: 55-59
typedef struct: working_stateLines: 123-128
File: jcinit.cLines: 250
File: jcmainct.cLines: 298
typedef struct: my_main_controllerLines: 29-49
File: jcmarker.cLines: 718
typedef struct: my_marker_writerLines: 88-92
File: jcmaster.cLines: 676
typedef struct: my_comp_masterLines: 28-37
File: jcomapi.cLines: 245
File: jconfig.hLines: 12
File: jcparam.cLines: 592
File: jcprepct.cLines: 359
typedef struct: my_prep_controllerLines: 54-68
File: jcsample.cLines: 546
typedef struct: my_downsamplerLines: 61-74
File: jctrans.cLines: 400
typedef struct: my_coef_controllerLines: 223-218
File: jdapimin.cLines: 413
File: jdapistd.cLines: 277
File: jdarith.cLines: 797
typedef struct: arith_entropy_decoderLines: 23-43
File: jdatadst.cLines: 268
typedef struct: my_destination_mgrLines: 31-36
typedef struct: my_mem_destination_mgrLines: 45-53
File: jdatasrc.cLines: 275
typedef struct: my_source_mgrLines: 26-32
File: jdcoefct.cLines: 745
typedef struct: my_coef_controllerLines: 31-61
File: jdcolor.cLines: 779
typedef struct: my_color_deconverterLines: 25-33
File: jdct.hLines: 410
File: jddctmgr.cLines: 385
typedef struct: my_idct_controllerLines: 44-53
File: jdhuff.cLines: 1560
typedef struct: bitread_perm_stateLines: 79-82
typedef struct: bitread_working_stateLines: 84-96
typedef struct: d_derived_tblLines: 28-48
typedef struct: huff_entropy_decoderLines: 222-255
typedef struct: savable_stateLines: 198-201
File: jdinput.cLines: 658
typedef struct: my_input_controllerLines: 22-26
File: jdmainct.cLines: 512
typedef struct: my_main_controllerLines: 115-133
File: jdmarker.cLines: 1506
typedef struct: my_marker_readerLines: 92-107
File: jdmaster.cLines: 533
typedef struct: my_decomp_masterLines: 22-34
File: jdmerge.cLines: 439
typedef struct: my_upsamplerLines: 51-69
File: jdpostct.cLines: 291
typedef struct: my_post_controllerLines: 26-40
File: jdsample.cLines: 342
typedef struct: my_upsamplerLines: 34-60
File: jdtrans.cLines: 141
File: jerror.cLines: 254
File: jerror.hLines: 305
File: jfdctflt.cLines: 177
File: jfdctfst.cLines: 233
File: jfdctint.cLines: 4416
File: jidctflt.cLines: 239
File: jidctfst.cLines: 352
File: jidctint.cLines: 5241
File: jinclude.hLines: 98
File: jmemansi.cLines: 168
File: jmemdos.cLines: 639
typedef struct: EMScontextLines: 102-105
typedef struct: XMScontextLines: 98-101
typedef struct: XMSspecLines: 321-327
File: jmemmac.cLines: 290
File: jmemmgr.cLines: 1116
typedef struct: my_memory_mgrLines: 117-139
File: jmemname.cLines: 277
File: jmemnobs.cLines: 114
File: jmemsys.hLines: 199
File: jmorecfg.hLines: 456
File: jpegint.hLines: 446
File: jpeglib.hLines: 1184
File: jquant1.cLines: 852
typedef struct: my_cquantizerLines: 143-166
File: jquant2.cLines: 1312
typedef struct: boxLines: 259-268
typedef struct: my_cquantizerLines: 194-210
File: jutils.cLines: 225
File: jversion.hLines: 15
File: rdbmp.cLines: 470
typedef struct: bmp_source_structLines: 52-65
File: rdcolmap.cLines: 254
File: rdgif.cLines: 680
typedef struct: gif_source_structLines: 94-133
File: rdppm.cLines: 502
typedef struct: ppm_source_structLines: 70-79
File: rdrle.cLines: 381
typedef struct: rle_source_structLines: 65-73
File: rdswitch.cLines: 364
File: rdtarga.cLines: 501
typedef struct: tga_source_structLines: 48-73
File: transupp.cLines: 2435
File: transupp.hLines: 231
File: wrbmp.cLines: 438
typedef struct: bmp_dest_structLines: 45-54
File: wrgif.cLines: 567
typedef struct: gif_dest_structLines: 71-67
File: wrppm.cLines: 265
typedef struct: ppm_dest_structLines: 69-77
File: wrrle.cLines: 307
typedef struct: rle_dest_structLines: 54-60
File: wrtarga.cLines: 255
typedef struct: tga_dest_structLines: 44-48
Folder: src\3rd\pcre\
File: chartabs.cLines: 199
File: config.hLines: 352
File: pcre.hLines: 678
File: pcrebyte.cLines: 320
File: pcrecomp.cLines: 9811
typedef struct: verbitemLines: 237-235
File: pcreconf.cLines: 191
File: pcredfa.cLines: 3677
typedef struct: stateblockLines: 284-288
File: pcreexec.cLines: 7174
typedef struct: heapframeLines: 389-448
File: pcrefinf.cLines: 246
File: pcreget.cLines: 670
File: pcreglob.cLines: 87
File: pcreinal.hLines: 2808
File: pcrejitc.cLines: 11914
typedef struct: assert_backtrackLines: 233-236
typedef struct: backtrack_commonLines: 222-225
typedef struct: bracketpos_backtrackLines: 264-266
typedef struct: bracket_backtrackLines: 244-256
typedef struct: braminzero_backtrackLines: 274-271
typedef struct: char_iterator_backtrackLines: 279-291
typedef struct: compare_contextLines: 453-451
typedef struct: compiler_commonLines: 331-417
typedef struct: executable_functionsLines: 179-187
typedef struct: jit_argumentsLines: 160-178
typedef struct: jump_listLines: 189-192
typedef struct: label_addr_listLines: 200-204
typedef struct: recurse_backtrackLines: 309-292
typedef struct: recurse_entryLines: 299-287
typedef struct: ref_iterator_backtrackLines: 293-297
typedef struct: stub_listLines: 194-198
typedef struct: then_trap_backtrackLines: 316-307
File: pcremktb.cLines: 157
File: pcrenewl.cLines: 211
File: pcreoutf.cLines: 95
File: pcreprni.cLines: 835
File: pcrerefc.cLines: 93
File: pcrestud.cLines: 1687
File: pcretabs.cLines: 728
File: pcreucd.cLines: 3645
File: pcrever.cLines: 99
File: pcrevutf.cLines: 302
File: pcrexcls.cLines: 269
File: sjarm32.cLines: 2735
File: sjarm64.cLines: 2036
File: sjarmth2.cLines: 2371
File: sjconf.hLines: 148
File: sjconfi.hLines: 751
File: sjexeca.cLines: 380
File: sjlir.cLines: 2668
File: sjlir.hLines: 1494
File: sjmips32.cLines: 674
File: sjmips64.cLines: 676
File: sjmipsc.cLines: 2287
File: sjppc32.cLines: 279
File: sjppc64.cLines: 500
File: sjppcc.cLines: 2396
File: sjsparcc.cLines: 1537
File: sjsprc32.cLines: 287
File: sjutils.cLines: 340
File: sjx8632.cLines: 897
File: sjx8664.cLines: 901
File: sjx86c.cLines: 2941
File: ucp.hLines: 225
Folder: src\3rd\png\
File: png.cLines: 4608
File: png.hLines: 3248
File: pngconf.hLines: 624
File: pngdebug.hLines: 154
File: pngerror.cLines: 964
File: pngget.cLines: 1261
File: pnginfo.hLines: 268
File: pnglconf.hLines: 228
File: pngmem.cLines: 285
File: pngpread.cLines: 1097
File: pngpriv.hLines: 2144
File: pngread.cLines: 4223
typedef struct: png_image_read_controlLines: 1283-1165
File: pngrio.cLines: 121
File: pngrtran.cLines: 5045
typedef struct: png_dsortLines: 418-407
File: pngrutil.cLines: 4682
File: pngset.cLines: 1794
File: pngstru.hLines: 480
File: pngtrans.cLines: 865
File: pngwio.cLines: 169
File: pngwrite.cLines: 2410
typedef struct: png_image_write_controlLines: 1519-1617
File: pngwtran.cLines: 576
File: pngwutil.cLines: 2782
typedef struct: compression_stateLines: 469-476
Folder: src\3rd\zlib\
File: adler32.cLines: 165
File: compress.cLines: 76
File: crc32.cLines: 1052
File: crc32.hLines: 9447
File: deflate.cLines: 2121
typedef struct: configLines: 102-130
File: deflate.hLines: 347
File: gzclose.cLines: 24
File: gzguts.hLines: 221
File: gzlib.cLines: 587
File: gzread.cLines: 603
File: gzwrite.cLines: 632
File: infback.cLines: 629
File: inffast.cLines: 321
File: inffast.hLines: 12
File: inffixed.hLines: 95
File: inflate.cLines: 1528
File: inflate.hLines: 127
File: inftrees.cLines: 300
File: inftrees.hLines: 63
File: trees.cLines: 1104
File: trees.hLines: 129
File: uncompr.cLines: 86
File: zconf.hLines: 573
File: zlib.hLines: 1941
File: zutil.cLines: 300
typedef struct: ptr_tableLines: 189-207
File: zutil.hLines: 275
Folder: src\codepage\
File: big5.cLines: 4876
File: cp950.cLines: 4810
File: cpbg866.cLines: 56
File: cpbgiso.cLines: 56
File: cpbgmik.cLines: 56
File: cpbgwin.cLines: 56
File: cpcs852.cLines: 56
File: cpcs852c.cLines: 22
File: cpcsiso.cLines: 56
File: cpcskamc.cLines: 20
File: cpcswin.cLines: 56
File: cpde850.cLines: 29
File: cpde850m.cLines: 22
File: cpde858.cLines: 18
File: cpdeiso.cLines: 56
File: cpdewin.cLines: 56
File: cpdk865.cLines: 22
File: cpee775.cLines: 56
File: cpeewin.cLines: 56
File: cpel437.cLines: 22
File: cpel737.cLines: 56
File: cpeliso.cLines: 56
File: cpelwin.cLines: 56
File: cpes850.cLines: 57
File: cpes850c.cLines: 22
File: cpes850m.cLines: 22
File: cpesiso.cLines: 57
File: cpesmwin.cLines: 57
File: cpeswin.cLines: 56
File: cpfi850.cLines: 19
File: cpfr850.cLines: 56
File: cpfr850c.cLines: 30
File: cpfr850m.cLines: 22
File: cpfriso.cLines: 56
File: cpfrwin.cLines: 56
File: cphe862.cLines: 56
File: cphewin.cLines: 56
File: cphr646.cLines: 58
File: cphr852.cLines: 57
File: cphriso.cLines: 57
File: cphrwin.cLines: 57
File: cphu852.cLines: 18
File: cphu852c.cLines: 30
File: cphuiso.cLines: 56
File: cphuwin.cLines: 56
File: cpis850.cLines: 18
File: cpis861.cLines: 18
File: cpit437.cLines: 57
File: cpit850.cLines: 30
File: cpit850m.cLines: 22
File: cpitisb.cLines: 57
File: cpitiso.cLines: 56
File: cpitwin.cLines: 56
File: cplt775.cLines: 56
File: cpltwin.cLines: 56
File: cplv775.cLines: 56
File: cplvwin.cLines: 56
File: cpnl850.cLines: 22
File: cpnl850m.cLines: 22
File: cpno865.cLines: 30
File: cppl852.cLines: 56
File: cppliso.cLines: 56
File: cpplmaz.cLines: 56
File: cpplwin.cLines: 56
File: cppt850.cLines: 56
File: cppt860.cLines: 19
File: cpptiso.cLines: 56
File: cpro852.cLines: 56
File: cproiso.cLines: 56
File: cprowin.cLines: 56
File: cpru1251.cLines: 56
File: cpru866.cLines: 56
File: cpruiso.cLines: 57
File: cprukoi8.cLines: 56
File: cpsk852.cLines: 18
File: cpsk852c.cLines: 22
File: cpskiso.cLines: 18
File: cpskkamc.cLines: 20
File: cpskwin.cLines: 18
File: cpsl646.cLines: 56
File: cpsl852.cLines: 56
File: cpsliso.cLines: 56
File: cpslwin.cLines: 56
File: cpsr646.cLines: 56
File: cpsr646c.cLines: 57
File: cpsrwin.cLines: 56
File: cpsv437c.cLines: 99
File: cpsv850.cLines: 22
File: cpsv850m.cLines: 22
File: cpsviso.cLines: 57
File: cpsvwin.cLines: 56
File: cptr857.cLines: 56
File: cptriso.cLines: 56
File: cptrwin.cLines: 56
File: cpua1125.cLines: 56
File: cpua1251.cLines: 56
File: cpua866.cLines: 67
File: cpuakoi8.cLines: 56
File: cp_950.cLines: 184
File: cp_big5.cLines: 184
File: cp_gbk.cLines: 184
File: cp_tpl.cLines: 79
File: cp_u16le.cLines: 137
File: cp_utf8.cLines: 311
File: gbk.cLines: 6122
File: l_bg.hLines: 5
File: l_cs.hLines: 5
File: l_de.hLines: 5
File: l_ee.hLines: 5
File: l_el.hLines: 5
File: l_es.hLines: 5
File: l_fr.hLines: 5
File: l_he.hLines: 3
File: l_hr.hLines: 6
File: l_hu.hLines: 9
File: l_is.hLines: 3
File: l_it.hLines: 3
File: l_lt.hLines: 5
File: l_lv.hLines: 5
File: l_pl.hLines: 5
File: l_pt.hLines: 5
File: l_ro.hLines: 5
File: l_ru.hLines: 5
File: l_sk.hLines: 6
File: l_sl.hLines: 5
File: l_sr_cyr.hLines: 5
File: l_sr_lat.hLines: 5
File: l_sv.hLines: 16
File: l_tr.hLines: 5
File: l_uk.hLines: 5
File: uc037.cLines: 88
File: uc1006.cLines: 88
File: uc1026.cLines: 88
File: uc1125.cLines: 88
File: uc1250.cLines: 88
File: uc1251.cLines: 88
File: uc1252.cLines: 88
File: uc1253.cLines: 88
File: uc1254.cLines: 88
File: uc1255.cLines: 88
File: uc1256.cLines: 88
File: uc1257.cLines: 88
File: uc1258.cLines: 88
File: uc16def.cLines: 1172
File: uc424.cLines: 88
File: uc500.cLines: 88
File: uc646yuc.cLines: 89
File: uc646_yu.cLines: 88
File: uc737.cLines: 88
File: uc775.cLines: 88
File: uc850.cLines: 88
File: uc852.cLines: 88
File: uc855.cLines: 88
File: uc856.cLines: 88
File: uc857.cLines: 88
File: uc858.cLines: 88
File: uc860.cLines: 88
File: uc861.cLines: 88
File: uc862.cLines: 88
File: uc863.cLines: 88
File: uc864.cLines: 88
File: uc865.cLines: 88
File: uc866.cLines: 88
File: uc869.cLines: 88
File: uc874.cLines: 88
File: uc875.cLines: 88
File: uc885910.cLines: 88
File: uc885911.cLines: 88
File: uc885913.cLines: 88
File: uc885914.cLines: 88
File: uc885915.cLines: 88
File: uc885916.cLines: 88
File: uc88591b.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_1.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_2.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_3.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_4.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_5.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_6.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_7.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_8.cLines: 88
File: uc8859_9.cLines: 88
File: ucascii.cLines: 88
File: ucatari.cLines: 88
File: uckam.cLines: 89
File: uckoi8.cLines: 88
File: uckoi8u.cLines: 88
File: ucmacce.cLines: 88
File: ucmaccyr.cLines: 88
File: ucmacgrk.cLines: 88
File: ucmacice.cLines: 88
File: ucmacrom.cLines: 88
File: ucmactrk.cLines: 88
File: ucmaz.cLines: 88
File: ucmik.cLines: 88
File: ucnext.cLines: 88
File: utf8sort.cLines: 8244
Folder: src\common\
File: expropt1.cLines: 1497
File: expropt2.cLines: 2694
File: funcid.cLines: 211
typedef struct: _HB_FUNCIDLines: 49-55
File: hbarch.cLines: 322
File: hbdate.cLines: 1226
File: hbffind.cLines: 1024
typedef struct: HB_FFIND_INFOLines: 128-81
File: hbfopen.cLines: 147
File: hbfsapi.cLines: 753
File: hbgete.cLines: 274
File: hbhash.cLines: 271
File: hbmem.cLines: 128
File: hbprintf.cLines: 1447
typedef struct: v_paramLines: 244-248
typedef struct: v_paramlstLines: 250-256
File: hbstr.cLines: 1247
File: hbstrbm.cLines: 170
File: hbtrace.cLines: 411
File: hbver.cLines: 1495
typedef struct: OSVERSIONINFOEXWLines: 298-310
File: hbverdsp.cLines: 160
File: hbwin.cLines: 133
File: hbwince.cLines: 294
File: strwild.cLines: 296
Folder: src\compiler\
Doc Topic:The Compiler
File: cmdcheck.cLines: 915
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: compi18n.cLines: 372
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: complex.cLines: 1458
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_LEX_KEYLines: 93-100
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: expropta.cLines: 6
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: exproptb.cLines: 6
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: genc.cLines: 2772
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_GENC_INFOLines: 33-39
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: gencc.cLines: 2434
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: genhrb.cLines: 172
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbcmplib.cLines: 252
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
Function: hb_compileLines: 199-210
Categories:CompilerCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)

More Doc Needed

Function: hb_compileBufLines: 212-228
Categories:CompilerCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)

More Doc Needed
Compiles <cFileName> into pre-compiled harbour binary (p-code) and returns it, to be used by hb_hrb*** functions and can be saved as .hrb file.

Function: HB_CompileFromBufLines: 230-251
Categories:CompilerCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)

More Doc Needed

File: hbcomp.cLines: 366
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbdbginf.cLines: 165
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbdead.cLines: 610
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_CODETRACE_INFOLines: 51-60
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbfix.cLines: 340
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_FIX_INFOLines: 51-54
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbfunchk.cLines: 166
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_FUNCINFOLines: 29-34
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbgenerr.cLines: 281
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbident.cLines: 104
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hblbl.cLines: 390
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbmain.cLines: 4547
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbopt.cLines: 1747
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
typedef struct: HB_OPT_LOCALLines: 949-953
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbpcode.cLines: 691
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbstripl.cLines: 290
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: hbusage.cLines: 272
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
File: ppcomp.cLines: 434
Doc Topic:(The Compiler)
Folder: src\debug\
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Debugger
File: dbgbrwsr.prgLines: 299
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Debugger
Class: HBDbBrowserLines: 58-112
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbColumnLines: 277-288
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: HBDbColumnNewLines: 297-298
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgentry.cLines: 2044
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_BREAKPOINTLines: 90-95
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_CALLSTACKINFOLines: 124-134
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_DBGCOMMONINFOLines: 147-152
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_DEBUGINFOLines: 154-181
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_MODULEINFOLines: 136-145
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_TRACEPOINTLines: 97-101
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_VARINFOLines: 103-113
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
typedef struct: HB_WATCHPOINTLines: 115-122
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGADDBREAKLines: 1936-1942
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGADDWATCHLines: 1971-1977
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGCNTWATCHLines: 1995-2001
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGDELBREAKLines: 1944-1950
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGDELWATCHLines: 1979-1985
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETBREAKPOINTSLines: 1963-1969
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETEXPRVALUELines: 1897-1918
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETMODULENAMELines: 2016-2022
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETSETSLines: 2011-2014
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETSOURCEFILESLines: 1920-1926
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGGETWATCHPOINTSLines: 2003-2009
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGISBREAKLines: 1952-1961
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGISVALIDSTOPLINELines: 1928-1934
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGMODULEMATCHLines: 2024-2037
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSENDMSGLines: 2039-2043
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETCBTRACELines: 1865-1871
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETENTRYLines: 1844-1847
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETGOLines: 1849-1855
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETNEXTROUTINELines: 1873-1879
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETQUITLines: 1881-1887
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETTOCURSORLines: 1889-1895
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETTRACELines: 1857-1863
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGSETWATCHLines: 1987-1993
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbghelp.prgLines: 256
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Command: __dbgHelpLines: 57-86
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgmenu.prgLines: 205
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtarr.prgLines: 254
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbArrayLines: 55-69
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgArraysLines: 240-241
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgthsh.prgLines: 265
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbHashLines: 55-69
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgHashesLines: 248-249
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtinp.prgLines: 201
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbInputLines: 57-81
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtmenu.prgLines: 508
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbMenuLines: 62-102
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgAltToKeyLines: 497-507
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtmitm.prgLines: 98
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbMenuItemLines: 56-72
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtobj.prgLines: 305
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDbObjectLines: 60-75
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgObjectLines: 263-264
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgtwin.prgLines: 382
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dbgwa.prgLines: 380
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Command: __dbgShowWorkAreasLines: 56-159
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: debugger.prgLines: 3798
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBDebuggerLines: 119-338
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgLines: 3523-3524
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgAChoiceLines: 3660-3692
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgAlertLines: 3695-3696
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgColorsLines: 3519-3520
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Command: __dbgEntryLines: 87-117
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgExprValidBlockLines: 3578-3622
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgInkeyLines: 3699-3710
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgInputLines: 3625-3657
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgRestScreenLines: 3723-3730
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgSaveScreenLines: 3713-3720
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgTextToArrayLines: 3733-3734
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgValToExpLines: 3768-3797
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __dbgValToStrLines: 3736-3765
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: tbrwtext.prgLines: 319
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Class: HBBrwTextLines: 52-117
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Folder: src\hbextern\
File: hbextern.prgLines: 56
Folder: src\lang\
File: l_be.cLines: 151
File: l_bg.cLines: 151
File: l_ca.cLines: 151
File: l_cs.cLines: 151
File: l_de.cLines: 151
File: l_de_at.cLines: 151
File: l_ee.cLines: 151
File: l_el.cLines: 151
File: l_en_tpl.cLines: 149
File: l_eo.cLines: 151
File: l_es.cLines: 151
File: l_es_419.cLines: 151
File: l_eu.cLines: 151
File: l_fr.cLines: 151
File: l_gl.cLines: 151
File: l_he.cLines: 151
File: l_hr.cLines: 151
File: l_hu.cLines: 151
File: l_id.cLines: 151
File: l_is.cLines: 151
File: l_it.cLines: 151
File: l_ko.cLines: 151
File: l_lt.cLines: 151
File: l_lv.cLines: 151
File: l_nl.cLines: 151
File: l_pl.cLines: 151
File: l_pt.cLines: 151
File: l_pt_br.cLines: 151
File: l_ro.cLines: 151
File: l_ru.cLines: 151
File: l_sk.cLines: 151
File: l_sl.cLines: 151
File: l_sr_cyr.cLines: 151
File: l_sr_lat.cLines: 151
File: l_sv.cLines: 151
File: l_tr.cLines: 151
File: l_uk.cLines: 151
File: l_zh.cLines: 151
File: l_zh_sim.cLines: 151
Folder: src\macro\
File: macroa.cLines: 12
File: macrob.cLines: 12
File: macrolex.cLines: 776
typedef struct: HB_MACRO_LEXLines: 54-63
Folder: src\main\
File: harbour.cLines: 135
Folder: src\nortl\
File: nortl.cLines: 734
typedef struct: HB_MEMINFOLines: 72-78
Folder: src\pp\
Doc Topic:The PreProcessor
File: hbpp.cLines: 866
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
File: ppcore.cLines: 6384
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
File: pplib.cLines: 279
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_ADDRULELines: 219-255
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_INITLines: 154-189
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_PATHLines: 195-201
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_PROCESSLines: 261-278
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_RESETLines: 207-213
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
File: pplib2.cLines: 60
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Function: __PP_STDRULESLines: 53-59
Doc Topic:(The PreProcessor)
Folder: src\rdd\
Doc Topic:The RDDs
File: dbcmd.cLines: 2419
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: AFieldsLines: 57-157
Categories:DeprecatedPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Deprecated compatibility function! use 'DbSTruct()' which retrieves all structural information in a multi-dimensional array.

Function: AliasLines: 159-174
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the alias of the <nWorkArea> or the alias of the current work area if <nWorkArea> is not provided.
If no database file is opened in current or given work area, it returns null string (zero length string).
NOTE: if no explicit alias specified during opening, the default alias of the opened dbf, is the filename without path and extension.

Function: BofLines: 249-258
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns (.T.) after an attempt to SKIP backward beyond the first logical record in a database file; otherwise, it returns (.F.).
If there is no database open returns (.F.). If the current database file is empty returns true (.T.).

Function: dbAppendLines: 261-277
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Adds a new empty record to the end of the database in the current or aliased work area. By default
[<lUnLockAll>] is .T. which means that all pending locks are released.

Function: dbClearFilterLines: 807-815
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Clears any active filter condition for the current or aliased work area.

Function: dbClearRelationLines: 1772-1778
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Clears all active relations in the current work area.

Function: dbCloseAllLines: 279-282
Categories:Index Function, Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Cose all open databases, associated indexes and format files and moves the work area pointer to the first position.

Function: dbCloseAreaLines: 284-287
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes an open database (if any) in the selected or aliased work area.

Function: dbCommitLines: 289-297
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Physically updates (i.e. writes any changes to disk) a database and all related index buffers for the current or aliased work area only.
NOTE: using this function as soon as possible after updating a database file, ensures that any changes made would be immediately visible to other processes. It's recommended to be invoked before UNLOCK-ing record/file.

Function: dbCommitAllLines: 299-302
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Flushes the memory buffer and performs a hard-disk write for all work areas. IOW, it's same as dbCommit() but affects ALL work areas.

Function: dbCreateLines: 311-376
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Create a database file (a dbf) from a database structure array.
<cFileName> is the name of the database file to be created. If an extension is not specified, .dbf is assumed.
<aStruct> is an array that contains the structure of database as a series of sub-arrays, one per field. Each sub-array contains the definition of each field's attributes and has the following structure:

Position Metasymbol
1 cName DBS_NAME
2 cType DBS_TYPE
3 nLength DBS_LEN
4 nDecimals DBS_DEC

<cRDD> specifies the replaceable database driver (RDD) to use, specified as a character expression. If not specified DBFNTX is used.
4-th argument <lKeepOpen> is Boolean flag indicating if file should stay open (any Boolean value will enable this behavior). 5-th is alias and if not given then the work area will stay open but without any alias, not even the filename of created database (this is a notably different behavior than what happens when USE command or dbUseaArea() function are invoked, where if no alias provided, by default, the name of database file is used as alias).
Note 1: the dbCreate() function does not check for duplicate field names. It could perfectly create fields with the same name, without any warning, with all unpredictable consequences of such an action. Developer alone has the responsibility to not use the same field name twice.
Note 2: If <cRDD> is different than default DBFNTX, it must have been explicitly requested and linked (using a REQUEST statement in source code), before can it be used.
Note 3: Setting lKeepOpen to .f. is sometimes not respected. Instead specify .t., and an alias, than use dbCloseArea().

Function: dbDeleteLines: 508-516
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Mark a record for deletion in a database. In network enabled applications record lock is required before invoke dbDelete().

Function: dbEvalLines: 176-230
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Evaluates <bBlock> for all records in the current work area. A matching scope can be defined with <bFor>/<bWhile> blocks.
This could be represented as SCAN on all records.

Function: DbfLines: 232-247
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the alias name of the currently selected work area.
Compatibility function superseded by the Alias()

Function: dbFilterLines: 817-829
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a character string containing the filter expression of a work area, or a null string ("") when no filter is set.

Function: dbGoBottomLines: 528-536
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Moves to the last logical record in the current work area.

Function: dbGoToLines: 538-552
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Position record pointer to a specific identity which for Xbase .dbfs is record number. In other data formats, <xIdentity> is the unique primary key value.

Function: dbGoTopLines: 554-562
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move to the first logical record.

Function: dbRecallLines: 518-526
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Removes the deletion flag from a record marked as deleted. Requires record lock if shared (network) is enabled.

Function: dbRelationLines: 1742-1755
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a character string containing the relation expression specified with <nRelation>, or a null string ("") when no relation exists for <nRelation>.

Function: dbRLockLines: 658-676
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

If <xRecno> is not given, all active record locks are removed and the current record is locked. When <xRecno> is given, the function places a lock on this record and adds it to the list of active record locks. This list can be retrieved with function 'DbRLockList()'.

Function: dbRLockListLines: 678-691
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a list of locked records in the database work area.

Function: dbRSelectLines: 1757-1770
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the work area number of the relation specified with <nRelation> or zero if no relation is defined.

Function: dbRUnlockLines: 693-701
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases record lock for <nRecno>. If no <nRecno> is passed function, all active record locks are released. (same as 'DbUnlock()').

Function: dbSeekLines: 703-726
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move to the record having the specified key value.

  • <expKey> is a value of any type that will be searched and specifies the key value (index key) associated with the desired record. If such a record is found, it becomes the current record and the function returns .T. (true); _in any other case_ it returns .F. (false).
    Searching is performed on logical records which are considered in indexed order. If a filter is set, only records which meet the filter condition are considered. If the work area has more than one active index, the operation uses the controlling order as set by dbSetOrder() or the SET ORDER command.

  • <lSoftSeek> is an optional logical value which specifies whether a "soft seek" is to be performed or not, and directly affects where the record pointer shall positioned, in case the searched <expKey> value is not found.

    • for a normal not soft seek (i.e. when lSoftSeek==.F.), the record pointer is positioned to LastRec() + 1 and the Eof() returns .T. (true).
    • for a soft seek (i.e. when lSoftSeek==.T.), the record pointer is positioned to the first record whose key value is greater than the specified key value. If no such a record exists, the record pointer is positioned to LastRec() + 1 and the Eof() returns .T. (true), (in other words, result is same as normal (not soft) seek).
      If <lSoftSeek> is omitted, the current global _SET_SOFTSEEK setting is used.
  • <lFindLast> is an optional logical value that can specified as .T. (true) to seek the last occurrence of
    the specified key value. The default is .F. (false), which means to seek the first occurrence. Note: This parameter may not supported in all RDDs.
Function: dbSelectAreaLines: 728-752
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects <nArea> or <cAlias> and set it as current work area.

Function: dbSetDriverLines: 1691-1700
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Retrieves and/or selects the default replaceable database driver.

Function: dbSetFilterLines: 766-805
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Sets a filter condition in form of the code block . If <bCondition> is NIL (empty), it clears any active filter.

Function: dbSetRelationLines: 1780-1828
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Relates a parent work area with the child work area <nArea> or <cAlias>. Existing relations remain active.

Function: dbSkipLines: 842-850
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbStructLines: 852-860
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a two-dimensional array of four columns, filled with structural information of each field in the current database as follow: {cFieldName, cType, nLength, nDecimals}. See also 'DBSTRUCT.CH'.

Function: dbTableExtLines: 862-889
Categories:RDD Removable Data Driver, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the default database file extension of the current RDD, f.e. .dbf.

Function: dbUnlockLines: 891-899
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases all file and record locks, in the current work area.

Function: dbUnlockAllLines: 901-904
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases all file and record locks, in all opened work areas.

Function: dbUseAreaLines: 909-915
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Attempts to open a database file and returns true (.T.) on success, otherwise false (.F.).
This function is same, in functionality, as the standard USE command, yet more flexible.
If <lNewArea> specified true (.T.) the file is opened in a new work area otherwise if is false (.F.) or omitted,
the current area is used, which means any dbf that already is opened in the area will close.
<cRddName> is optional name of the database driver which will be used. If omitted, the current default driver is used.
<cDatabase> is the name of the database (.dbf) file to be opened.
<xcAlias> is optional character value that defines the alias to be associated with the work area. If omitted, the filename without path and extension is used.
<lShared> is optional logical value that specifies whether the file will be shareable to other users or not. If omitted, the current global _SET_EXCLUSIVE setting is used.
<lReadonly> is the optional logical value that specifies whether the work area and the dbf file is writable or not. If omitted, it defaults to false (.F.), i.e., the file can be updated.
<cCodePage> is the Harbour CP to be used by the work area.
<nConnection> Connection handler for RDDs which support it

Function: DeletedLines: 927-935
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns .T. or .F. if the current record is marked for deletion or not.

Function: EofLines: 937-945
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns .T. when the record pointer in a work area has reached the end of file, otherwise .F.
Note: Eof() is always .T. when a database has no records, and is always .F. when there is no work area in use.

Function: FCountLines: 947-955
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of fields in the current work area.

Function: FieldGetLines: 957-969
Categories:Field Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the value of the field in the <nFieldPos> position or NIL for invalid .

Function: FieldNameLines: 971-993
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the name of the field in the position as a character string, or a null string ("") for invalid <nFieldPos>.

Function: FieldPosLines: 995-1003
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the ordinal position of the field <cFieldName> in the work area. If there is no field with this name returns 0.

Function: FieldPutLines: 1005-1023
Categories:Field Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Set the value <expAssign> of the field in the <nFieldPos> position.

Function: FLockLines: 1025-1040
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns .T. if the entire file in a work area successfully locked, otherwise .F.

Function: FoundLines: 1042-1050
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns .T. if the last search operation in a work area was successful. Returns .F. if nothing found or no work area is used.

Function: hb_dbCreateTempLines: 381-431
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Generates and opens a new .dbf file with a temporary filename in exclusive mode, deletes it automatically when closed. All indexes created for this table, should ideally have the temporary flag on, so those get deleted too, when closed.

Function: hb_dbDropLines: 2114-2138
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Deletes database files and/or indexes. To delete a <cIndex> only, <cDbf> must defined as empty string "", otherwise RTE occurs.

Function: hb_dbExistsLines: 2140-2163
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Checks if the given <cDbf> and/or <cIndex> exists. To check the existence of a <cIndex> only, the 1st argument <cDbf> must be specified/passed as empty string "", otherwise, if completely omitted or left uninitialized (i.e., NIL) then a "bad parameter" runtime error occurs. (note : including an extension to <cDbf> or <cIndex> filenames is optional; if no extension defined then assumed the default extension used by the current RDD).

Function: hb_dbGetFilterLines: 832-840
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns codeblock used as work area filter or NIL if no filter is active.

Function: hb_dbRenameLines: 2165-2197
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Renames a .dbf and/or index. To rename a <cIndex> only, <cDbf> must defined as empty string "", otherwise RTE occurs.

Function: hb_FieldDecLines: 2229-2257
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of decimal places of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or 0 for non-existent/empty field reference.

Function: hb_FieldGetLines: 2289-2310
Categories:Field Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the value of the field referenced by <xFieldReference> or NIL for invalid.
Works like FieldGet() but allows to use field name instead of field position.

Function: hb_FieldLenLines: 2199-2227
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the length of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or 0 for non-existent/empty field reference.

Function: hb_FieldPutLines: 2312-2336
Categories:Field Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Set the value <expAssign> of the field referenced by <xFieldReference>.
Works like FieldPut() but allows to use field name instead of field position.

Function: hb_FieldTypeLines: 2259-2287
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a single character indicating the data type of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or "" for non-existent/empty field reference.

Function: HB_RDDGETTEMPALIASLines: 2079-2085
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: hb_rddInfoLines: 2087-2112
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Retrieves and optionally sets configuration settings for RDD used.
For a complete list of settings refer to header file. Not all settings are supported by all RDDs.
Returns the current setting, i.e. the value which is / was current, before the new setting (if any) applied.

Function: hb_WAEvalLines: 2338-2346
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

This function evaluates a given <pBlock> code-block in each used work area (in other words, the given code-block is evaluated _iteratively_ , against _all_ opened work areas). If <pBlock> return .F. (FALSE), the iteration is interrupted otherwise the evaluation continues until all work areas been processed.

Function: HeaderLines: 1052-1064
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of bytes in the header of the current database file or 0 if no file is used.

Function: IndexOrdLines: 1066-1081
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the ordinal position of the controlling index or 0 if no index or database is open in the work area.

Function: LastRecLines: 1083-1092
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of records in a work area or 0 when there is no work area used or if it is empty. (Same as RecCount())

Function: LOCKLines: 1094-1109
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: LUpdateLines: 1111-1124
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the date of the last change to the open database file in the current work area. If no database is in use, returns a blank date.

Function: NetErrLines: 1126-1132
Categories:Warnings and ErrorsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Checks if a database command (like: USE , APPEND et.c.) has failed in a network operation. Optionally, sets error status to <lNewError>.
NetErr() returns .T. when files cannot be opened due to shared access violation. It happens when a process opens a file in shared mode and then an attempt is made to open this same file in exclusive mode,
or when a file already opened in exclusive mode is attempted to be opened in any other mode.

Function: ORDBAGCLEARLines: 1314-1327
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDBAGEXTLines: 1134-1161
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDBAGNAMELines: 1163-1194
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordCondSetLines: 1196-1269
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Set the condition and scope for an order and returns true on success, false on error.

Function: ordCreateLines: 1271-1312
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Creates an order in an order-bag for the database open in the current work area.
<cOrderBagName> is the name of the index file on disk, containing one or more orders. If no extension specified then is used the default extension of the used RDD (f.e.: .ntx for DBFNTX RDD)
<cOrderName> is the name of the order; optional if <cOrderBagName> has specified.
<cKeyExpr> is an expression that returns the key value which identifies the order and can represent character, date, logical, or numeric data types.
<bKeyExpr> optional code block that evaluates to a key value that is placed in the order; it is macro-compiled from cKeyExpr, if omitted.
<lUnique> is an optional logical value that specifies whether a unique order is to be created. If omitted, defaults to the current global _SET_UNIQUE.
NOTE: this function accepts an other four (undocumented) arguments! To the best of my knowledge, they're used for [Relational integrity constraint] (, perhaps intended to RDDs (?) that support such functionality; I've put it here, just as a reference

Function: ORDDESTROYLines: 1329-1343
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDFORLines: 1345-1378
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordKeyLines: 1380-1411
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the key expression of an order.
<cOrderName> is the name of the order or alternatively <nOrder> is the position in the order list.
<cOrderBagName> is the name of index file in the disk that contains one or more orders. Is required only when multiple index files are opened and contain indexes with the same <cOrderName>.

Function: ordListAddLines: 1413-1449
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Opens an index file in a used work area and adds all contained indexes to the list of open indexes.
Does not affect the controlling index, unless it is the first opening index file in the work area.
Not certain of return value if function failed.

Function: ordListClearLines: 1451-1459
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes all indexes opened in a work area.

Function: ordListRebuildLines: 1461-1469
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

This function rebuilds (recreates) all the orders (indexes) in the current or aliased order list.
It is equivalent to _REINDEX_ command. To rebuild a single order, _ordCreate()_ should be used.

Function: ordNameLines: 1471-1503
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the name of the specified order in the current order list or the specified order bag if opened in the current order list.

Function: ordNumberLines: 1505-1527
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns an integer that represents the position of the specified order in the order list.

Function: ORDSCOPELines: 1702-1740
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordSetFocusLines: 1529-1545
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects an index opened in a work area as the controlling index.

Function: RDDLISTLines: 1547-1550
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: RDDNameLines: 1552-1565
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns RDD name in use, RTE if no database is in use.

Function: RDDREGISTERLines: 1567-1591
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: RDDSetDefaultLines: 1680-1689
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Set the RDD to use. (there exist also, DBSetDriver([<cNewDefaultRDD>]) )

Function: RecCountLines: 1596-0
Translates to the function: LastRec
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of records in a work area or 0 when there is no work area used or if it is empty. (Same as RecCount())

Function: RecNoLines: 1596-1606
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the record number of the current record in a work area. If no database is open in the work area, returns zero.

Function: RecSizeLines: 1608-1620
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the record length, or number of bytes required to store a record in a database open in a work area. If no database is open in the work area, the return value is zero.

Function: RLockLines: 1622-1637
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Attempts to lock the focused record in current or aliased work area. Returns true if record lock is successful otherwise false.

Function: SelectLines: 1639-1673
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of workarea with the given <cAlias>. If no <cAlias> specified, the currently selected work area number is returned or 1 if none selected (used). If a <cAlias> is given but it doesn't exist or is invalid, function returns 0 zero.
NOTE: The Select(<cAlias>) function does NOT select the <cAlias> workarea, (i.e., does not change current workarea), it just retrieves and return its number (if any).
Yet, it can be easily confused (but must not!) with SELECT command.

Function: UsedLines: 1675-1678
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns .T. if a database is in use, otherwise .F.

Function: __dbAppLines: 2027-2049
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

This function is the "functionalized" counterpart of APPEND FROM command.
In fact, the APPEND FROM command is transcribed as a call to this function via a #command found into /include/
header file, which file is automatically included/preprocessed by the compiler on every compilation. It has the advantage that it can be used in expressions, where the command cannot.

Function: __DBARRANGELines: 1831-1945
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCONTINUELines: 610-618
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbCopyLines: 2055-2077
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

This function is the "functionalized" counterpart of COPY TO command.
In fact, the COPY TO command is transcribed as a call to this function via a #command found into /include/
header file, which file is automatically included/preprocessed by the compiler on every compilation. It has the advantage that it can be used in expressions, where the command cannot.

Function: __DBLOCATELines: 564-591
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBOPENSDFLines: 445-505
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbPackLines: 620-656
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Packs (i.e. physically removes records marked for deletion) a .dbf opened in current work area. <bBlock> is a code Block to execute after either every record or every <nEvery> group of records have already been processed. (Note: Actual function doing the zapping is the __DBPack() to which is internally "translated" the hb_dbPack())

Function: __DBSETFOUNDLines: 754-764
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETLOCATELines: 593-608
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSKIPPERLines: 2350-2416
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBTRANSLines: 1948-2021
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbZapLines: 917-925
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Unconditional (!) and permanent zapping (i.e., physically clearing all data) of a .dbf file, which is open in current work area. The deletion process includes not only the opened dbf file but any related memo and opened indexes files. (Note: Actual function doing the zapping is the __DBZap() to which is internally "translated" the hb_dbZap())

File: dbcmd53.cLines: 461
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbFieldInfoLines: 347-371
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a field information from the replaceable database driver (RDD).
Refer to and header files for available <nInfoTypes>.

Function: dbFileGetLines: 400-428
Categories:Memo Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Insert the contents of a field (best for memo field types) into a file.
<nFieldPos> is the position of the field in the database file, <cTargetFile> is the name of the file where the field data will be written, including an optional drive, directory and extension. If <cTargetFile> does not exist, it is created. If it exists and can be opened in exclusive mode the file is written to without warning or error. (check NetErr()).
<nMode> can be: 1=APPEND or 0=OVERWRITE (default).

Function: dbFilePutLines: 433-458
Categories:Memo Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Insert the contents of a file into a field (best for memo field types). <nFieldPos> is the position of the field in the database file, <cSourceFile> is the name of the file containing the data to insert, including an optional drive, directory and extension. If the file does not exist, RTE occurs. NetErr() could checked for other errors.

Function: dbInfoLines: 295-316
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Return and optionally change information about a database file opened in a work area.
The <nInfoType> argument determines the type of information, as specified by constants defined in the header file. Worth to note that not all those constants (and the supplied by them info) are supported on all RDDs.

Function: dbOrderInfoLines: 318-345
Categories:Index Function, Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Return and optionally change information about orders and index files. Refer to '' header file for more.

Function: dbRecordInfoLines: 373-395
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Return and optionally change information about a record. See 'dbInfo()' and '' for more.

Function: ORDCUSTOMLines: 275-293
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDDESCENDLines: 235-253
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDFINDRECLines: 133-149
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordIsUniqueLines: 255-273
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

The function returns the status of the indicated order's unique flag as a logical value.
<cOrder> | <nPosition> is either the name of the order or its position in the order list. If omitted or NIL, the controlling order is assumed. Specifying an invalid order will raise a runtime error.
<cIndexFile> is the name of an index file, including an optional drive and directory (no extension should be specified). If <cIndexFile> is not open by the current process, a runtime error is raised. Use this argument with <cOrder> to remove ambiguity when there are two or more orders with the same name in different index files.

Function: ordKeyAddLines: 195-213
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Adds keys to a custom built order which is an order that is not automatically maintained by the DBFCDX driver. You can determine if an order is custom built using DBORDERINFO(DBOI_CUSTOM, ...).
When you create such an order, it is initially empty. You must then manually add and delete keys using ORDKEYADD() and ORDKEYDEL().

Function: ordKeyCountLines: 58-77
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns total number of order keys.

Function: ordKeyDelLines: 215-233
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Deletes a key from a custom built order which is an order that is not automatically maintained by the DBFCDX driver.

Function: ordKeyGotoLines: 99-114
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Moves order key-pointer to a new order position.

Function: ordKeyNoLines: 79-97
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the current key number (positional).

Function: ordKeyRelPosLines: 116-131
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns relative position in index file (in the range from > 0.0 to < 1.0). Returned value is same as the result of division ordKeyNo() / ordKeyCount() but much faster.

Function: ordKeyValLines: 179-193
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the current record's _key value_.
The _data type_ of the value is the same as that of the key expression used to create the order. However, the function returns NIL when:

  • There is no controlling order
  • The record pointer is at the end of file (in which case, the Eof() function returns true .T.)
  • There is no key defined for this record (for example, the record pointer has been moved to a record that does not meet the order's 'for' condition or that lies outside of its specified scope)
    The value returned by ordKeyVal() is retrieved from the controlling order, action which is faster than accessing the actual record into database file.
    NOTE: This function is a new Harbour function (does not exist in the original CA-Cl*pper).
Function: ordSkipRawLines: 151-159
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)


Function: ordSkipUniqueLines: 162-177
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move the record pointer to the next or previous unique key in the controlling order.
<nDirection> specifies whether the function will skip to the next or previous key. If omitted or specified as 1 causes the record pointer to skip forward to the next unique key. A negative value forces a backward move towards previous unique key.
Returns .T. (true) on success or .F. (false) otherwise.
This function allows to make a non-unique order look like a unique order. Each time it's used, record pointer is moving to the next (or previous) unique key exactly as if was skipping through a unique order. This function eliminates the problems associated with maintaining a unique order, while provides fast access to unique keys.

File: dbcmdhb.cLines: 51
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: hb_dbPackLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: __dbPack
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Packs (i.e. physically removes records marked for deletion) a .dbf opened in current work area. <bBlock> is a code Block to execute after either every record or every <nEvery> group of records have already been processed. (Note: Actual function doing the zapping is the __DBPack() to which is internally "translated" the hb_dbPack())

Function: hb_dbZapLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: __dbZap
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Unconditional (!) and permanent zapping (i.e., physically clearing all data) of a .dbf file, which is open in current work area. The deletion process includes not only the opened dbf file but any related memo and opened indexes files. (Note: Actual function doing the zapping is the __DBZap() to which is internally "translated" the hb_dbZap())

File: dbdelim.prgLines: 112
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbDelimLines: 54-109
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbdetach.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: hb_dbDetachLines: 56-90
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

The function detaches a work-area from current thread and move it to special hidden holder.
If no <nWorkArea>|<cAlias> specified, then the current work-area is used by default; if no work-area is in use (i.e. no file is open in area), a runtime error occurs (RTE: DBCMD/2001).
Before detaching, all relations (parent and child) to detached workarea are cleared. Detached work-area can be restored from holder using hb_dbRequest() function (see bellow). For a working sample of "dbDetach/dbRequest" functions, see this sample found into Harbour/tests/mt/ folder).

Function: hb_dbRequestLines: 96-128
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Restores <cAlias> area from the holder (see hb_dbDetach() above) and attach it to calling thread.
If no <cAlias> specified, then the oldest detached area into holder's queue is tried to be restored (FIFO method).
If either the <cAlias> specified cannot be found or there is no area in the queue, the function will fail and return a .F. value. If the function succeeds, returns .T. and the restored work-area becomes current.
The <lFreeArea> argument determines whether a new area or the current one will be used for restore. Default is .F., which means the restore will be done in the current work area, and any other file that might be open in this area, will be closed (worth to note that this closing will be done even if the function fails to restore the requested alias, --presumably because it's always being performed, before the restore attempt).
<@xCargo> can be used to retrieve a possibly transmitted message/data between threads / processes.
4-th parameter <lWait> flag specifies whether the function should wait (when lWait == .T.) until the requested working area becomes available or return immediately, (when lWait == .F., which is the default).
Alternatively, instead of a Boolean flag, this 4-th parameter accepts a numeric value specifying timeout in seconds waiting for the requested area to become available, before returning.

File: dbdrop.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbDropLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbDrop
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Deletes database files and/or indexes. To delete a <cIndex> only, <cDbf> must defined as empty string "", otherwise RTE occurs.

File: dbexists.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbExistsLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbExists
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Checks if the given <cDbf> and/or <cIndex> exists. To check the existence of a <cIndex> only, the 1st argument <cDbf> must be specified/passed as empty string "", otherwise, if completely omitted or left uninitialized (i.e., NIL) then a "bad parameter" runtime error occurs. (note : including an extension to <cDbf> or <cIndex> filenames is optional; if no extension defined then assumed the default extension used by the current RDD).

File: dbf1.cLines: 7012
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
typedef struct: DBSORTRECLines: 4967-4985
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
typedef struct: HB_DBSORTPAGELines: 4957-4965
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbjoin.prgLines: 173
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbJoinLines: 52-112
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dblist.prgLines: 119
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Command: __dbListLines: 49-118
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbnubs.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBAPPENDLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: dbAppend
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Adds a new empty record to the end of the database in the current or aliased work area. By default
[<lUnLockAll>] is .T. which means that all pending locks are released.

Function: __DBCLEARINDEXLines: 67-0
Translates to the function: dbClearIndex
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes all indexes open in the current work area.

Function: __DBCLEARRELATIONLines: 63-0
Translates to the function: dbClearRelation
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Clears all active relations in the current work area.

Function: __DBCLOSELines: 71-0
Translates to the function: dbCloseArea
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes an open database (if any) in the selected or aliased work area.

Function: __DBCLOSEAREALines: 70-0
Translates to the function: dbCloseAll
Categories:Index Function, Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Cose all open databases, associated indexes and format files and moves the work area pointer to the first position.

Function: __DBCOMMITALLLines: 59-0
Translates to the function: dbCommitAll
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Flushes the memory buffer and performs a hard-disk write for all work areas. IOW, it's same as dbCommit() but affects ALL work areas.

Function: __DBCREATINDEXLines: 66-0
Translates to the function: dbCreateIndex
Categories:Deprecated, Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Legacy function that directly does call of ordCreate() function.

Function: __DBDELETELines: 57-0
Translates to the function: dbDelete
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Mark a record for deletion in a database. In network enabled applications record lock is required before invoke dbDelete().

Function: __DBGOBOTTOMLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: dbGoBottom
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Moves to the last logical record in the current work area.

Function: __DBGOTOLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: dbGoTo
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Position record pointer to a specific identity which for Xbase .dbfs is record number. In other data formats, <xIdentity> is the unique primary key value.

Function: __DBGOTOPLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: dbGoTop
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move to the first logical record.

Function: __DBRECALLLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: dbRecall
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Removes the deletion flag from a record marked as deleted. Requires record lock if shared (network) is enabled.

Function: __DBREINDEXLines: 65-0
Translates to the function: dbReindex
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Rebuilds all open indexes in the current work area.

Function: __DBSEEKLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: dbSeek
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move to the record having the specified key value.

  • <expKey> is a value of any type that will be searched and specifies the key value (index key) associated with the desired record. If such a record is found, it becomes the current record and the function returns .T. (true); _in any other case_ it returns .F. (false).
    Searching is performed on logical records which are considered in indexed order. If a filter is set, only records which meet the filter condition are considered. If the work area has more than one active index, the operation uses the controlling order as set by dbSetOrder() or the SET ORDER command.

  • <lSoftSeek> is an optional logical value which specifies whether a "soft seek" is to be performed or not, and directly affects where the record pointer shall positioned, in case the searched <expKey> value is not found.

    • for a normal not soft seek (i.e. when lSoftSeek==.F.), the record pointer is positioned to LastRec() + 1 and the Eof() returns .T. (true).
    • for a soft seek (i.e. when lSoftSeek==.T.), the record pointer is positioned to the first record whose key value is greater than the specified key value. If no such a record exists, the record pointer is positioned to LastRec() + 1 and the Eof() returns .T. (true), (in other words, result is same as normal (not soft) seek).
      If <lSoftSeek> is omitted, the current global _SET_SOFTSEEK setting is used.
  • <lFindLast> is an optional logical value that can specified as .T. (true) to seek the last occurrence of
    the specified key value. The default is .F. (false), which means to seek the first occurrence. Note: This parameter may not supported in all RDDs.
Function: __DBSELECTLines: 73-0
Translates to the function: dbSelectArea
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects <nArea> or <cAlias> and set it as current work area.

Function: __DBSETFILTERLines: 62-0
Translates to the function: dbSetFilter
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Sets a filter condition in form of the code block . If <bCondition> is NIL (empty), it clears any active filter.

Function: __DBSETINDEXLines: 68-0
Translates to the function: dbSetIndex
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Opens an index file, it does not change the controlling index, unless it is the first index to open.

Function: __DBSETORDERLines: 69-0
Translates to the function: dbSetOrder
Categories:Index Function, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects the controlling index.

Function: __DBSETRELATIONLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: dbSetRelation
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Relates a parent work area with the child work area <nArea> or <cAlias>. Existing relations remain active.

Function: __DBSKIPLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: dbSkip
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBUNLALLLines: 61-0
Translates to the function: dbUnlockAll
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases all file and record locks, in all opened work areas.

Function: __DBUNLOCKLines: 60-0
Translates to the function: dbUnlock
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases all file and record locks, in the current work area.

Function: __DBUSELines: 72-0
Translates to the function: dbUseArea
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Attempts to open a database file and returns true (.T.) on success, otherwise false (.F.).
This function is same, in functionality, as the standard USE command, yet more flexible.
If <lNewArea> specified true (.T.) the file is opened in a new work area otherwise if is false (.F.) or omitted,
the current area is used, which means any dbf that already is opened in the area will close.
<cRddName> is optional name of the database driver which will be used. If omitted, the current default driver is used.
<cDatabase> is the name of the database (.dbf) file to be opened.
<xcAlias> is optional character value that defines the alias to be associated with the work area. If omitted, the filename without path and extension is used.
<lShared> is optional logical value that specifies whether the file will be shareable to other users or not. If omitted, the current global _SET_EXCLUSIVE setting is used.
<lReadonly> is the optional logical value that specifies whether the work area and the dbf file is writable or not. If omitted, it defaults to false (.F.), i.e., the file can be updated.
<cCodePage> is the Harbour CP to be used by the work area.
<nConnection> Connection handler for RDDs which support it

File: dbrename.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbRenameLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbRename
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Renames a .dbf and/or index. To rename a <cIndex> only, <cDbf> must defined as empty string "", otherwise RTE occurs.

File: dbsdf.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbSDFLines: 53-56
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbsort.prgLines: 89
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbSortLines: 50-88
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbsql.cLines: 458
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
typedef struct: HB_FILEBUFLines: 61-67
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSQLLines: 349-457
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbstrux.prgLines: 182
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbCopyStructLines: 49-50
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbCopyXStructLines: 52-95
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbCreateLines: 100-157
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbStructFilterLines: 161-181
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbstruxu.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __FLeditLines: 51-52
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbtotal.prgLines: 224
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbTotalLines: 57-189
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbTransRecLines: 222-223
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbupdat.prgLines: 97
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __dbUpdateLines: 47-96
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: delim1.cLines: 1826
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: fieldhb.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: FieldDecLines: 57-0
Translates to the function: hb_FieldDec
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of decimal places of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or 0 for non-existent/empty field reference.

Function: FieldLenLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_FieldLen
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the length of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or 0 for non-existent/empty field reference.

Function: FieldTypeLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: hb_FieldType
Categories:Field FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a single character indicating the data type of <cFieldName> or <nFieldPos> or "" for non-existent/empty field reference.

File: ordcount.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordCountLines: 58-73
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the number of indexes that are open in a work area.
NOTE: This function is a new Harbour function implemented in the original CA-Cl*pper namespace. This should have been marked as HB_EXTENSION, but it's not.

File: ordwldsk.cLines: 108
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ordWildSeekLines: 59-105
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Searches the controlling index for a given string pattern and returns .T. if a record matching the <cWildCardString> was found or .F. if nothing found.
As implied by its name, the searched <cWildCardString> can contain wildcard characters (such as the question mark ?, that matches exactly one character in the position it is placed and the asterisk character *, that matches zero or more characters from the position it is put and forward). Worth to noted that in case of no matching key found, the record pointer is always moved to the ghost record (i.e., beyond end of file) ignoring the SOFTSEEK setting. We'd say that ordWildSeek() performs a "HARDSEEK", unlike the regular dbSeek() function which honors the global SOFTSEEK setting and also offers a separate parameter to suitably adapt the pointer positioning.
Optional parameter <lCurrentRec> specifies whether the search shall start from the current record (when .T.) or from the first (or last, see below <lBackwards>) record. Default is .F., i.e. start from top (or bottom).
<lBackwards> flag determines the direction the lookup is performed. If it's .F. (which is the default value) the search goes forwards up to the end of file, if it's .T., the search is backward, i.e., towards the beginning of file.
NOTE: This function is a Harbour extension (does not exist in the original CA-Cl*pper).

File: rddinfo.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: RDDINFOLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_rddInfo
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Retrieves and optionally sets configuration settings for RDD used.
For a complete list of settings refer to header file. Not all settings are supported by all RDDs.
Returns the current setting, i.e. the value which is / was current, before the new setting (if any) applied.

File: rddord.prgLines: 90
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: dbClearIndexLines: 57-58
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes all indexes open in the current work area.

Function: dbCreateIndexLines: 51-52
Categories:Deprecated, Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Legacy function that directly does call of ordCreate() function.

Function: dbReindexLines: 60-61
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Rebuilds all open indexes in the current work area.

Function: dbSetIndexLines: 54-55
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Opens an index file, it does not change the controlling index, unless it is the first index to open.

Command: dbSetOrderLines: 63-71
Categories:Index Function, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects the controlling index.

Function: IndexExtLines: 73-74
Categories:Index Function, RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the default index extension depending on RDD currently selected/used. f.e. it will return ".ntx" if DBFNTX RDD is in use, ".cdx" for DFBCDX et.c.
It's same as ordBagExt() which, preferably, may be used instead.

Function: IndexKeyLines: 76-86
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the key expression of a specified index.
<nOrder> is the ordinal position of the index in the list of opened index files for the current work area. A 0 (zero) value for <nOrder> denotes the current controlling index. If there is no corresponding index or if no database is in use, a null string ("") returned.

Function: ordSetRelationLines: 88-89
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Creates a relation between the current work area (parent) and a secondary work area (Child) specified with <nArea> or <cAlias>.
Is same as dbSetRelation( xArea, bRelation, cRelation, .T. )

File: rddordu.prgLines: 58
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: _dtxCondSetLines: 51-55
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: rddshort.cLines: 98
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: DBCLEARFILLines: 69-0
Translates to the function: dbClearFilter
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Clears any active filter condition for the current or aliased work area.

Function: DBCLEARINDLines: 70-0
Translates to the function: dbClearIndex
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes all indexes open in the current work area.

Function: DBCLEARRELLines: 71-0
Translates to the function: dbClearRelation
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Clears all active relations in the current work area.

Function: DBCLOSEARELines: 72-0
Translates to the function: dbCloseArea
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes an open database (if any) in the selected or aliased work area.

Function: DBCOMMITALLines: 73-0
Translates to the function: dbCommitAll
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Flushes the memory buffer and performs a hard-disk write for all work areas. IOW, it's same as dbCommit() but affects ALL work areas.

Function: DBFIELDINFLines: 74-0
Translates to the function: dbFieldInfo
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a field information from the replaceable database driver (RDD).
Refer to and header files for available <nInfoTypes>.

Function: DBORDERINFLines: 75-0
Translates to the function: dbOrderInfo
Categories:Index Function, Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Return and optionally change information about orders and index files. Refer to '' header file for more.

Function: DBRECORDINLines: 76-0
Translates to the function: dbRecordInfo
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Return and optionally change information about a record. See 'dbInfo()' and '' for more.

Function: DBRLOCKLISLines: 77-0
Translates to the function: dbRLockList
Categories:Table Functions, Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns a list of locked records in the database work area.

Function: DBSELECTARLines: 78-0
Translates to the function: dbSelectArea
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects <nArea> or <cAlias> and set it as current work area.

Function: DBSETDRIVELines: 79-0
Translates to the function: dbSetDriver
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Retrieves and/or selects the default replaceable database driver.

Function: DBSETFILTELines: 80-0
Translates to the function: dbSetFilter
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Sets a filter condition in form of the code block . If <bCondition> is NIL (empty), it clears any active filter.

Function: DBSETRELATLines: 81-0
Translates to the function: dbSetRelation
Categories:Work AreasPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Relates a parent work area with the child work area <nArea> or <cAlias>. Existing relations remain active.

Function: DBUNLOCKALLines: 82-0
Translates to the function: dbUnlockAll
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Releases all file and record locks, in all opened work areas.

Function: ORDBAGCLEALines: 83-0
Translates to the function: ORDBAGCLEAR
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: ORDISUNIQULines: 84-0
Translates to the function: ordIsUnique
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

The function returns the status of the indicated order's unique flag as a logical value.
<cOrder> | <nPosition> is either the name of the order or its position in the order list. If omitted or NIL, the controlling order is assumed. Specifying an invalid order will raise a runtime error.
<cIndexFile> is the name of an index file, including an optional drive and directory (no extension should be specified). If <cIndexFile> is not open by the current process, a runtime error is raised. Use this argument with <cOrder> to remove ambiguity when there are two or more orders with the same name in different index files.

Function: ORDKEYCOUNLines: 85-0
Translates to the function: ordKeyCount
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns total number of order keys.

Function: ORDKEYRELPLines: 86-0
Translates to the function: ordKeyRelPos
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns relative position in index file (in the range from > 0.0 to < 1.0). Returned value is same as the result of division ordKeyNo() / ordKeyCount() but much faster.

Function: ORDLISTCLELines: 87-0
Translates to the function: ordListClear
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Closes all indexes opened in a work area.

Function: ORDLISTREBLines: 88-0
Translates to the function: ordListRebuild
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

This function rebuilds (recreates) all the orders (indexes) in the current or aliased order list.
It is equivalent to _REINDEX_ command. To rebuild a single order, _ordCreate()_ should be used.

Function: ORDSETFOCULines: 89-0
Translates to the function: ordSetFocus
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Selects an index opened in a work area as the controlling index.

Function: ORDSETRELALines: 90-0
Translates to the function: ordSetRelation
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Creates a relation between the current work area (parent) and a secondary work area (Child) specified with <nArea> or <cAlias>.
Is same as dbSetRelation( xArea, bRelation, cRelation, .T. )

Function: ORDSKIPUNILines: 91-0
Translates to the function: ordSkipUnique
Categories:Index Function, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Move the record pointer to the next or previous unique key in the controlling order.
<nDirection> specifies whether the function will skip to the next or previous key. If omitted or specified as 1 causes the record pointer to skip forward to the next unique key. A negative value forces a backward move towards previous unique key.
Returns .T. (true) on success or .F. (false) otherwise.
This function allows to make a non-unique order look like a unique order. Each time it's used, record pointer is moving to the next (or previous) unique key exactly as if was skipping through a unique order. This function eliminates the problems associated with maintaining a unique order, while provides fast access to unique keys.

Function: RDDREGISTELines: 92-0
Translates to the function: RDDREGISTER
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: RDDSETDEFALines: 93-0
Translates to the function: RDDSetDefault
Categories:RDD Removable Data DriverPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Set the RDD to use. (there exist also, DBSetDriver([<cNewDefaultRDD>]) )

Function: _DTXCONDSELines: 96-0
Translates to the function: _dtxCondSet
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBARRANGLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: __DBARRANGE
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCLEARILines: 50-0
Translates to the function: __DBCLEARINDEX
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCLEARRLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: __DBCLEARRELATION
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCLOSEALines: 52-0
Translates to the function: __DBCLOSEAREA
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCOMMITLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: __DBCOMMITALL
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCONTINLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: __DBCONTINUE
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCOPYSTLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: __dbCopyStruct
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCOPYXSLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: __dbCopyXStruct
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBCREATILines: 57-0
Translates to the function: __DBCREATINDEX
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBGOBOTTLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: __DBGOBOTTOM
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBOPENSDLines: 59-0
Translates to the function: __DBOPENSDF
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBREINDELines: 60-0
Translates to the function: __DBREINDEX
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETFILLines: 61-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETFILTER
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETFOULines: 62-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETFOUND
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETINDLines: 63-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETINDEX
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETLOCLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETLOCATE
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETORDLines: 65-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETORDER
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSETRELLines: 66-0
Translates to the function: __DBSETRELATION
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBSTRUCTLines: 67-0
Translates to the function: __dbStructFilter
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __DBTRANSRLines: 68-0
Translates to the function: __dbTransRec
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: rddsys.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: sdf1.cLines: 1409
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: wacore.cLines: 761
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: wafunc.cLines: 1313
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: workarea.cLines: 2589
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: __RDDPREALLOCATELines: 2567-2581
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Folder: src\rdd\dbfcdx\
File: dbfcdx1.cLines: 10103
File: sixcdx1.cLines: 50
Folder: src\rdd\dbffpt\
File: dbffpt1.cLines: 5478
Folder: src\rdd\dbfnsx\
File: dbfnsx1.cLines: 8284
Folder: src\rdd\dbfntx\
File: dbfntx1.cLines: 7981
Folder: src\rdd\hbsix\
File: sxcompat.prgLines: 593
Function: rdd_CountLines: 401-402
Function: rdd_InfoLines: 417-445
Function: rdd_NameLines: 404-415
Function: sxCharLines: 84-111
Function: sxDateLines: 136-156
Function: sxLogLines: 158-183
Function: sxNumLines: 113-134
Function: sx_AutoOpenLines: 465-466
Function: sx_AutoShareLines: 468-469
Function: sx_Blob2FileLines: 471-472
Function: sx_CompressLines: 185-199
Function: sx_dbCreateLines: 487-510
Function: sx_DecompressLines: 201-215
Function: sx_File2BlobLines: 474-485
Function: sx_FileOrderLines: 393-394
Function: sx_IsDBTLines: 447-448
Function: sx_IsLockedLines: 544-560
Function: sx_KillTagLines: 334-391
Function: sx_LockRetryLines: 462-463
Function: sx_MemoBlkLines: 453-454
Function: sx_MemoExtLines: 450-451
Function: sx_SetFileOrdLines: 396-399
Function: sx_SetMemoBlockLines: 456-457
Function: sx_SetTagLines: 287-332
Function: sx_SetTriggerLines: 562-592
Function: sx_StrXCheckLines: 459-460
Function: sx_TagCountLines: 242-262
Function: sx_TagInfoLines: 217-240
Function: sx_TagsLines: 264-285
Function: sx_VFGetLines: 533-542
Function: sx_VSigLenLines: 512-531
File: sxcompr.cLines: 745
typedef struct: HB_LZSSX_COMPRLines: 167-194
Function: SX_FCOMPRESSLines: 614-647
Function: SX_FDECOMPRESSLines: 649-674
Function: _SX_STRCOMPRESSLines: 676-701
Function: _SX_STRDECOMPRESSLines: 703-744
File: sxcrypt.cLines: 199
Function: SX_DECRYPTLines: 181-198
Function: SX_ENCRYPTLines: 162-179
File: sxdate.cLines: 99
Function: SX_DTOPLines: 88-93
Function: SX_PTODLines: 95-98
File: sxfname.cLines: 97
Function: SX_FNAMEPARSERLines: 52-96
File: sxini.prgLines: 150
Function: sx_IniHeaderLines: 138-149
Function: _sx_IniInitLines: 75-136
File: sxord.cLines: 837
Function: SX_CHILLLines: 218-239
Function: SX_CLRSCOPELines: 284-303
Function: SX_DESCENDLines: 473-492
Function: SX_FREEZELines: 172-193
Function: SX_INDEXCOUNTLines: 413-429
Function: SX_INDEXNAMELines: 431-447
Function: SX_INDEXTYPELines: 449-471
Function: SX_ISMYROXLines: 768-785
Function: SX_ISREINDEXLines: 325-341
Function: SX_ISROXLOCKLines: 787-816
Function: SX_I_INDEXNAMELines: 379-394
Function: SX_I_TAGNAMELines: 396-411
Function: SX_KEYADDLines: 494-512
Function: SX_KEYCOUNTLines: 566-584
Function: SX_KEYDATALines: 534-548
Function: SX_KEYDROPLines: 514-532
Function: SX_KEYGOTOLines: 606-625
Function: SX_KEYNOLines: 586-604
Function: SX_KEYSINCLUDEDLines: 361-377
Function: SX_KEYSKIPLines: 550-564
Function: SX_ROXLOCKLines: 729-748
Function: SX_ROXUNLOCKLines: 750-766
Function: SX_SEEKLASTLines: 642-659
Function: SX_SETSCOPELines: 305-323
Function: SX_SKIPUNIQUELines: 627-640
Function: SX_SORTOPTIONLines: 818-836
Function: SX_STEPLines: 343-359
Function: SX_TAGNOLines: 131-170
Function: SX_TAGORDERLines: 106-125
Function: SX_TAGUNIQUELines: 661-675
Function: SX_THERMOMETERLines: 248-282
Function: SX_WARMLines: 195-216
Function: SX_WILDSEEKLines: 677-727
File: sxredir.cLines: 55
Function: SX_CLEARORDERLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: ORDBAGCLEAR
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: SX_FINDRECLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: ORDFINDREC
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: SX_SETTRIGLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: sx_SetTrigger
File: sxsem.cLines: 215
Function: SX_ISSEMLines: 201-214
Function: SX_KILLSEMLines: 174-198
Function: SX_MAKESEMLines: 136-171
File: sxtable.cLines: 482
Function: SX_DBFDECRYPTLines: 372-385
Function: SX_DBFENCRYPTLines: 356-370
Function: SX_GETLOCKSLines: 71-81
Function: SX_IDTYPELines: 131-145
Function: SX_ISFLOCKEDLines: 83-97
Function: SX_ISREADONLYLines: 99-113
Function: SX_ISSHAREDLines: 115-129
Function: SX_MEMOPACKLines: 387-402
Function: SX_RLOCKLines: 219-254
Function: SX_ROLLBACKLines: 190-217
Function: SX_SETPASSLines: 278-354
Function: SX_SETTURBOLines: 421-444
Function: SX_TABLENAMELines: 163-175
Function: SX_TABLETYPELines: 147-161
Function: SX_TURBOAREALines: 404-419
Function: SX_UNLOCKLines: 256-276
Function: _SXOPENINITLines: 449-481
File: sxtrig.prgLines: 94
Function: sx_DefTriggerLines: 52-93
File: sxutil.cLines: 127
Function: SX_ERRORLines: 122-126
Function: SX_SLIMFASTLines: 54-85
Function: SX_VERSIONLines: 103-120
Function: SX_WILDMATCHLines: 87-96
Folder: src\rdd\hsx\
File: cftsfunc.cLines: 69
Function: CFTSADDLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: HS_ADD
Categories:Fast Text Search (HiPer-SEEK)Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Function: CFTSCLOSELines: 57-0
Translates to the function: HS_CLOSE
Function: CFTSCREALines: 58-0
Translates to the function: HS_CREATE
Function: CFTSDELETELines: 59-0
Translates to the function: HS_DELETE
Function: CFTSIFDELLines: 60-0
Translates to the function: HS_IFDEL
Function: CFTSNEXTLines: 61-0
Translates to the function: HS_NEXT
Function: CFTSOPENLines: 62-0
Translates to the function: HS_OPEN
Function: CFTSRECNLines: 63-0
Translates to the function: HS_KEYCOUNT
Function: CFTSREPLACLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: HS_REPLACE
Function: CFTSSETLines: 65-0
Translates to the function: HS_SET
Function: CFTSUNDELLines: 66-0
Translates to the function: HS_UNDELETE
Function: CFTSVERILines: 67-0
Translates to the function: HS_VERIFY
Function: CFTSVERSLines: 68-0
Translates to the function: HS_VERSION
File: hsx.cLines: 2039
typedef struct: HSXHEADERLines: 289-298
typedef struct: HSXINFOLines: 307-338
typedef struct: HSXTABLELines: 342-348
Function: HS_ADDLines: 1748-1766
Categories:Fast Text Search (HiPer-SEEK)Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Function: HS_CLOSELines: 1726-1732
Function: HS_CREATELines: 1708-1713
Function: HS_DELETELines: 1792-1798
Function: HS_FILTERLines: 1846-1950
Function: HS_IFDELLines: 1782-1788
Function: HS_INDEXLines: 1737-1744
Function: HS_KEYCOUNTLines: 1812-1830
Function: HS_NEXTLines: 1954-1966
Function: HS_OPENLines: 1718-1722
Function: HS_REPLACELines: 1770-1778
Function: HS_SETLines: 1834-1842
Function: HS_UNDELETELines: 1802-1808
Function: HS_VERIFYLines: 1972-2026
Function: HS_VERSIONLines: 2029-2038
Folder: src\rdd\nulsys\
File: nulsys.cLines: 223
Folder: src\rdd\usrrdd\
File: usrrdd.cLines: 4346
typedef struct: USRRDDDATALines: 78-81
typedef struct: USRRDDNODELines: 69-75
Function: USRRDD_AREADATALines: 2963-2980
Function: USRRDD_AREARESULTLines: 2982-3000
Function: USRRDD_GETFUNCTABLELines: 2870-2923
Function: USRRDD_IDLines: 2939-2961
Function: USRRDD_RDDDATALines: 2925-2937
Function: USRRDD_SETBOFLines: 3002-3016
Function: USRRDD_SETBOTTOMLines: 3066-3080
Function: USRRDD_SETEOFLines: 3018-3032
Function: USRRDD_SETFOUNDLines: 3034-3048
Function: USRRDD_SETTOPLines: 3050-3064
Folder: src\rdd\usrrdd\rdds\
File: arrayrdd.prgLines: 2
File: dbtcdx.prgLines: 2
File: fptcdx.prgLines: 2
File: hscdx.prgLines: 2
File: logrdd.prgLines: 2
File: rlcdx.prgLines: 2
File: smtcdx.prgLines: 2
File: vfpcdx.prgLines: 2
Folder: src\rtl\
Doc Topic:The runtime library
File: abs.cLines: 102
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Math functions
Function: AbsLines: 51-101
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Math functions)

Returns the absolute value of the passed argument. The result is always greater than or equal to 0 (zero).

File: accept.cLines: 132
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __ACCEPTLines: 74-131
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __ACCEPTSTRLines: 67-70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: achoice.prgLines: 661
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: AChoiceLines: 20-561
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Displays a Pop-up-like menu with selectable menu items, waiting for a selection by user. Returns the index number of the selected item, which is the ordinal position of the item into the array; if the selection aborted, (when for example, the Esc key pressed) the value returned is 0 (zero).

  • <acMenuItems> is an array of character strings to display as the menu items.
  • <xSelect> is used to determine whether one or more menu items will be selectable or not! It can be either:

    • a parallel array of logical or character values, one element for each item in <acMenuItems>. If the element is a character string, it is evaluated as a macro expression which should evaluate to a logical data type.

    • or a single logical value, in which case all menu items will be either available when .T. or unavailable when .F.; default is .T. (i.e., all items be available).

    • or codeblocks, function pointers or character expression, being supplied both 'as is' or 'as an array'. When passed as a single value and the next parameter <xUserFunction> is empty, it's being used as <xUserFunction> (surrogate), while all the items become selectable. This is a new Harbour extension!

  • <xUserFunction> is the name of a user-defined function or a function Symbol or a Code-block that executes when an unrecognizable key is pressed. Must be noted that the behavior of Achoice() is significantly affected by the presence or not of this argument. Refer to Clipper Reference Guide for more...
  • <nPos> is the position in the <acMenuItems> array of the item that will be highlighted when the menu is initially displayed.
  • <nHiLiteRow> is the zero-based number of the window row on which the initial menu item will appear.
File: adir.prgLines: 122
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ADirLines: 49-121
Categories:DeprecatedPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Deprecated compatibility function! use Directory() or hb_Directory() instead.
No assigned any documentation Category since deprecated.

File: alert.prgLines: 164
Doc Topic:The runtime library / User Interface
Function: AlertLines: 28-80
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Displays a simple modal dialog box with a message and one or more options the user can select.
<cMessage> is the message text displayed. If it contains one or more semicolons ; the text after each semicolon is displayed at the next (new) line.
<aOptions> defines a list of up to 4 possible options.
The function returns a numeric value indicating which option was chosen. If the Esc key was pressed, returns 0 (zero).

Function: hb_AlertLines: 85-153
Categories:Dialog Screens, Warnings and Errors
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the nSelection, which is the ordinal position of the selected option into aOptions[...] array, or 0 if Esc key has pressed, or 1 if the nDelay seconds has passed without user action.
First argument is the displayed message and can be either a string or an 1-dim array filled with values of any type. This way, in the alert message can be displayed data of all valid types, recognized by Harbour (e.g. numbers, dates, et.c.).
The optional cColorNorm is a color pair for painting box, message and options.
The optional nDelay when specified actuates the `time-out` functionality; it defines the number of seconds waiting the user to make a choice and when this time's passing with no response the hb_Alert() aborts!. Please note that if the user do use the right or left arrow key to move between available options, the nDelay shall be reset to 0, which, as mentioned, means "wait forever", that is, the `time-out` functionality is canceled.

Command: __NoNoAlertLines: 157-161
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: altd.prgLines: 73
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: AltDLines: 50-72
Categories:DebuggerPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Invokes debugger. Optional argument [<nAction>] can be 1=enable debugger or 0=disable debugger.
In order the debugger to be activated, the -b compiler switch must have been used during building.
Source code has a bug. It is defined as a procedure instead of a function.
Returns NIL.

File: ampm.cLines: 93
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: AMPMLines: 49-92
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the [<cTime>] time string in 12-hour format HH:MM pm/am or HH:MM:SS pm/am, depending if the SS (seconds) was also provided. The hour (HH) part is displayed as a <= 12 value and an added suffix which is either am if [<cTime>] is an 'ante meridiem' (before midday) hour or pm if it is 'post meridiem' (after midday).
If [<cTime>] is not given the function returns 12 am.

File: arc4.cLines: 681
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: arc4.hLines: 70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: at.cLines: 137
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: AtLines: 117-136
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the position in <cIntoString> where <cSearchFor> is found or 0 (zero) when <cSearchFor> is not found.
NOTE: Search is case sensitive!

Function: hb_AtLines: 55-115
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the position in the string <cIntoString> where the entire (and exact) string <cSearchFor> first occurs, or zero if it does not. Search is case sensitive and starts from <nStart> up to <nEnd>.

File: ati.cLines: 139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_AtILines: 83-138
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as hb_At(), but, as the I suffix hints, this one is case-Insensitive.
Returns the position in the string <cIntoString> where the entire string <cSearchFor> first occurs, or zero if it does not. Search is case-Insensitive and starts from <nStart> up to <nEnd>.

File: base64c.cLines: 121
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_base64EncodeLines: 50-120
Categories:Encoding, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Encodes data into BASE64-encoded format.

File: base64d.cLines: 135
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_base64DecodeLines: 120-134
Categories:Encoding, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decodes and returns a BASE64 encoded binary or string.

File: binnum.cLines: 122
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: Bin2ILines: 68-83
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a two byte binary number (Valtype()=="C") to a numeric value (Valtype()=="N").
The parameter <cSignedInt> is usually the return value of function I2Bin().

Function: Bin2LLines: 85-103
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a four byte binary number (Valtype()=="C") to a numeric value (Valtype()=="N").
The parameter <c32bitSignedLongInteger> is usually the return value of function L2Bin().

Function: Bin2WLines: 51-66
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a two byte binary number (Valtype()=="C") to a numeric value (Valtype()=="N").
The parameter <cUnsignedInt> is usually the return value of function W2Bin().

Function: I2BinLines: 105-112
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a numeric value to a 16bit binary integer. returns a two-byte character string.
<nInteger> is an integer numeric value to be converted. Note: Decimal digits are truncated.

Function: L2BINLines: 114-121
Categories:Conversion Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a four-byte character string formatted as a 32-bit binary integer.

File: box.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DispBoxLines: 51-106
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Display a box on the screen.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: hb_DispBoxLines: 108-128
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Displays a box at <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> drawn using <cBoxChars> or defaults box-chars and optionally colored with <cnColor> which can be either a color template string or numeric color values.

File: browdb.prgLines: 90
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TBrowseDBLines: 47-55
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Create a new TBrowse object to be used with database file.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: __dbSkipperLines: 59-87
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: browse.prgLines: 436
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: BrowseLines: 51-283
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Compatibility function, use DBEDIT() or TBROWSE() instead.

File: cdpapi.cLines: 3313
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: cdpapihb.cLines: 575
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_cdpCharMaxLines: 133-136
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the total characters included in current or given <cCPID> code-page character table. Basically, 65535 for Unicode or 255 for non-Unicode code-pages.

Function: hb_cdpExistsLines: 87-95
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if given <cCPID> exists, otherwise .F..

Function: hb_cdpInfoLines: 105-111
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a short description about the current or the given <cCPID> code-page.

Function: hb_cdpIsCharIdxLines: 113-131
Categories:Codepage Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

It returns .T. when given code-page uses custom character indexes instead of byte indexes. If <cCdpID> is not specified then current HVM code-page is used. Optional logical parameter <lNewMode> allows to enable/disable custom character indexes in code-pages which have such functionality, i.e. UTF8, BIG5, CP950.

Function: hb_cdpIsUTF8Lines: 138-141
Categories:Codepage Functions, String UTF8 FunctionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if the current or the given <cCPID> code page is UTF8 otherwise returns .F.

Function: hb_cdpListLines: 143-162
Categories:Codepage Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array with code-pages registered (linked) in application (via a request <hb_codepage_xxxxx> statement).
Note: in order to get a complete list with all code-pages supported by harbour, the "" must be #include(d) in module that is invoking this function.

Function: hb_cdpSelectLines: 77-85
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Set/get current code-page being used by application.
<cNewCPID> (must be in uppercase!) is an optional code-page ID to become current.
Important: before invoking the function (for set), you must, previously, REQUEST the linkage of proper code-page object you intend to use; this can be done using the statement:
REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_ITWIN (for italian "win" code page.)
The function returns the previous (old) code-page.
NOTE: The hb_cdpSelect() function has the same functionality as Set(_SET_CODEPAGE) function (cited below for convenience).

  • SET(_SET_CODEPAGE, [<cCDP>])--> <cPrevCDP>
    set/get internal HVM codepage which is used in string comparison operation
    functions like UPPER()/LOWER()/ISALPHA()/ISUPPER()/ISLOWER()/ISDIGIT()/...
    and also as default CP for RDD when new table is open and for GT in
    HB_SETTERMCP()/HB_SETDISPCP()/HB_SETKEYCP(). Some GTs also use it even
    without calling above functions.

See also, an interesting post in harbour-users group regarding code-pages.

Function: hb_cdpUniIDLines: 97-103
Categories:Codepage Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns code-page identifier in the form cp<NNN[N]>, that is, the code-page number prefixed by cp.

Function: hb_strToUTF8Lines: 236-266
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts ("translate") <cStr> to UTF-8. It's similar to 'hb_Translate( cStr, cFromCPID, cToCPID )'.
<cCPID> is Harbour codepage id, f.e.: "EN", "ES", "ESWIN" in which <cStr> is currently encoded and will be used as basis for translation and if not given then default HVM codepage (set by hb_cdpSelect()) is used.

Function: hb_TranslateLines: 171-195
Categories:Codepage Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Changes character encoding of given string from one code-page to the other.
If either of <FromCodePageID> or <ToCodePageID> is ommited then current (hb_vmCDP) codepage is used. If none of them is specified or is invalid or not available, an RTE occurs, which means that before invoking the function, the code page module(s) needed for conversion must have been linked (using a REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_XXXXX statement).
For a complete list of code-pages supported by Harbour see hb_cdpList function.

Function: hb_utf8AscLines: 211-234
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Asc()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text. Similar to 'hb_UCode()'.

Function: hb_utf8AtLines: 308-327
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'hb_At()' but Unicode oriented.

Function: hb_utf8ChrLines: 197-209
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Chr()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8LeftLines: 389-410
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Left()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8LenLines: 560-568
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Len()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8PeekLines: 440-456
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns UTF8 value of <n>-th character in given string.

Function: hb_utf8PokeLines: 458-506
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Replace <n>-th character in given string to UTF8 <nVal> one and return modified text.

Function: hb_utf8RAtLines: 335-354
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'hb_RAt()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8RightLines: 412-438
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Right()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8StrTranLines: 574-0
Translates to the function: StrTran
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

It searches into <cString> for any occurrence of <cFindString>, and replaces it with <cReplaceWith>. If <cRepLaceWith> is not specified, a NULL byte will replace the <cFindString> or in other words the <cFindString> will be removed.
<nStart> is the starting occurrence to be replaced (default is 1st occurence). <nOccurrences> is the number of occurrences to be replaced (default is all occurences).

Function: hb_utf8StuffLines: 508-558
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Stuff()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8SubStrLines: 356-387
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'SubStr()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_utf8ToStrLines: 268-306
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

It performs "translation" from UTF-8 to <cCPID> Harbour codepage id, f.e.: "EN", "ES", "ESWIN" etc.
<cUTF8Str> supposed to be a UTF-8 encoded string.
When <cCPID> is not given then the default HVM codepage (i.e. that set by hb_cdpSelect()) is used.

Function: __NATSORTVERLines: 166-0
Translates to the function: hb_cdpInfo
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a short description about the current or the given <cCPID> code-page.

File: cdpbox.cLines: 92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_utf8ToStrBoxLines: 54-91
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

It's needed because HB_UTF8TOSTR() will convert to main CP, but box drawing CP can be setup differently with HB_GTI_BOXCP, that function call will take that into account.

File: cdpdet.prgLines: 501
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_cdpOSLines: 72-92
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns O/S code-page ID.

Function: hb_cdpTermLines: 49-70
Categories:Codepage Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns terminal's code-page ID.
May return NIL.

File: cdpdetc.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __WAPI_GETACPLines: 53-60
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __WAPI_GETOEMCPLines: 62-69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: checkbox.prgLines: 365
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: CheckBoxLines: 62-109
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _CheckBox_Lines: 346-359
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: chrasc.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Strings functions
Function: AscLines: 88-105
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Returns the ASCII value of the leftmost character of any character expression.

Function: ChrLines: 53-85
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Returns a single character that has the numeric ASCII code <nAsciiCode>.

File: chruni.cLines: 710
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_BAtLines: 513-563
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the position number into <cString> where the <cSubString> is found, or zero if it is not found.
Works like hb_At() but operates on byte/binary strings and is Code-Page independent.

Function: hb_BCharLines: 75-85
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an 1 byte string with <nCode> value.

Function: hb_BCodeLines: 104-112
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the value of the 1-st byte in a given <cText> string. (code-page independent byte/binary operation)

Function: hb_BLeftLines: 385-405
Categories:String Byte Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the left-most <nCount> bytes of string <cString>. Not UTF-8 specific.

Function: hb_BLenLines: 131-139
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the length of <cText> in bytes.
Unlike Len() function, hb_BLen() is codepage independent and returns, always, the same length for a given string.

Function: hb_BPeekLines: 173-186
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return value of nPos-th byte in given string as an integer.

Function: hb_BPokeLines: 243-261
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Change nPos-th byte in given string to <nVal> and return modified text.

Function: hb_BRAtLines: 567-617
Compatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as hb_RAt() but for raw/binary strings.
Return 0 if not found.

Function: hb_BRightLines: 437-452
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Extract the rightmost substring of a Byte-Character expression.

Function: hb_BStuffLines: 621-662
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Delete and insert characters in a Byte-String.
Returns a copy of cString with the specified characters deleted and with cInsert inserted.

Function: hb_BSubStrLines: 313-355
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Extract a substring from a Byte-Character string.

Function: hb_UAtLines: 457-509
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Unicode counterpart of 'hb_At()'.
Returns the position in the string <cIntoString> where the entire (and exact) string <cSearchFor> first occurs, or zero if it does not. Search is case sensitive and starts from <nStart> up to <nEnd>.

Function: hb_UCharLines: 57-70
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns string with U+nCode character in HVM CP encoding.

Function: hb_UCodeLines: 90-99
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns Unicode value of 1-st character (not byte) in given string. Similar to 'hb_UTF8Asc()'.

Function: hb_ULeftLines: 359-381
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Left()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_ULenLines: 117-126
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the length of unicode string <cText>, in number of characters, not bytes.

Function: hb_UPeekLines: 144-168
Categories:Strings Unicode
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns unicode value of <n>-th character in given string.

Function: hb_UPokeLines: 191-238
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Change <n>-th character in given string to unicode <nVal> one and return modified text.

Function: hb_URightLines: 409-433
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'Right()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_UStuffLines: 666-709
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:WindowsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Unicode counterpart of 'Staff()'.

Function: hb_USubStrLines: 265-309
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Unicode counterpart of 'SubStr()'.

File: color53.prgLines: 216
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ApplyDefauLines: 151-213
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ButtnDefCoLines: 141-144
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: CheckDefCoLines: 136-139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ComboDefCoLines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetClrBackLines: 106-114
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetClrForeLines: 96-104
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetClrPairLines: 49-57
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetPairLenLines: 84-94
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetPairPosLines: 69-82
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ListBDefCoLines: 126-129
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MenuDefColLines: 146-149
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RadGrDefCoLines: 116-119
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RadItDefCoLines: 121-124
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SetClrPairLines: 59-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: colorind.cLines: 93
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Terminal
Function: HB_COLORINDEXLines: 49-92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)
File: console.cLines: 678
Doc Topic:The runtime library / User Interface
Function: DevOutLines: 504-533
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

writes a single value to the current device (screen or printer), but is not affected by SET ALTERNATE

Function: DevPosLines: 482-492
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Sets the screen and/or printer position

Function: DispOutLines: 535-566
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Write a value to the display.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: DispOutAtLines: 572-603
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Writes a single value to the screen at specific position, but is not affected by SET ALTERNATE.

Function: hb_DispOutAtLines: 607-630
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Displays the value of <expression> at specific screen position, without altering current cursor position(and this is the main difference of hb_DispOutAt() from DispOutAt() function).
Is not affected by SET ALTERNATE setting, which means that output is always directed to screen.

Function: hb_DispOutAtBoxLines: 634-662
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Same as hb_DispOutAt(), but draws with the attribute HB_GT_ATTR_BOX, so we can use it to draw graphical elements.

Function: hb_eolLines: 188-191
Compatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the platform/OS specific EOL (end of line marker, char or pair of chars).

Function: hb_GetStdErrLines: 674-677
Categories:Low Level File Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Return handle for STDER.

Function: hb_GetStdInLines: 664-667
Categories:Low Level File Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Return handle for STDIN.

Function: hb_GetStdOutLines: 669-672
Categories:Low Level File Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Return handle for STDOUT.

Function: HB_OSNEWLINELegacy Level: 4Lines: 196-199
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
typedef struct: HB_PRNPOSLines: 95-99
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: OutErrLines: 308-326
Categories:Output FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Writes a list of values to the standard error device.

Function: OutStdLines: 288-306
Categories:Output FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Writes a list of values to the standard output device.

Function: PColLines: 403-406
Categories:Printer FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the current printer row position

Function: PRowLines: 398-401
Categories:Printer FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Return the current row position of the printhead.

Function: QOutLines: 348-381
Categories:Output FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Writes (with a line feed preceding) a list of values to the current device (screen or printer) and is affected by SET ALTERNATE.

Function: QQOutLines: 328-346
Categories:Output FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Writes a list of values to the current device (screen or printer) and is affected by SET ALTERNATE. No Line feed preceding.

Function: SetPrcLines: 494-502
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Set PRow() and PCol() values.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: __EJECTLines: 383-396
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: copyfile.cLines: 186
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __COPYFILELines: 173-185
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: cputime.cLines: 197
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: datec.cLines: 120
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: CDoWLines: 89-109
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the name of a week day from a date. If <dDate> is an empty date, the function returns a null string ("").

Function: CMonthLines: 74-87
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the name of a month from a date. If <dDate> is an empty date, the function returns a null string ("").

Function: hb_CDayLines: 111-119
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the name of day specified by <nDay>. Valid range [ 1 ... 7 ]. Returns empty string if <nDay> is out of valid range. Runtime error occurs if <nDay> is NIL (i.e. not passed).
Worth noting that the returned value is identical to that of CDoW() but the later accepts a date value as parameter.

File: dates.cLines: 641
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: dateshb.cLines: 609
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Dates functions
Function: CtoDLines: 56-62
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a character string into a Date value. If <cDateString> is not a valid date string or is empty, an empty date is returned.
NOTE: The result is affected by the current SET DATE/SET DATE FORMAT and SET EPOCH settings, which may lead to unexpected/incorrect results. For conversions between DATE to CHARACTER and vice-versa, use DtoS()/StoD() that are independent of those settings.

Function: DateLines: 194-200
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the current system date as reported by the system clock.

Function: DayLines: 160-174
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the numeric day of the month of <dDate>. When <dDate> is an empty date, the function returns zero.

Function: DoWLines: 176-184
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the day of the week as a number between 1 and 7 or 0 if <dDate> is empty. The first day of the week is 1 (Sunday) and the last day is 7 (Saturday).

Function: DToCLines: 78-89
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a date value to string. returned value is formatted in the current date format (default: mm/dd/yy). A null date returns a string of spaces equal in length to the current date format.
NOTE: The result is affected by the current SET DATE/SET DATE FORMAT and SET EPOCH settings, which may lead to unexpected/incorrect results. For conversions between DATE to CHARACTER and vice-versa, use DtoS()/StoD() that are independent of those settings.

Function: DToSLines: 107-117
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns a character string in YYYYMMDD format. If <dDate> is empty returns an eight spaces long string.

Function: hb_CtoDLines: 64-76
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Harbour extension to the CtoD() function. It converts a string <cDate> representing a date to a DATE type value. Additionally, the date format used in <cDate> can be supplied in <cDateFormat>, otherwise the _SET_DATEFORMAT format will be used.

Function: hb_CtoTLines: 417-437
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a timestamp string to timestamp value (valtype=T). By default it uses the _SET_DATEFORMAT and _SET_TIMEFORMAT format strings to do the conversion, but you can specify other formats using <cDateFormat> and <cTimeFormat>.

Function: hb_DateLines: 202-212
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Harbour extension to the Date() function that returns a date value from the supplied day, month and year values. If any of them is invalid or missing, an empty date is returned. If none of them is supplied, the current date is returned.

Function: hb_DateTimeLines: 214-225
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns a timestamp value from the supplied day, month, year, hour, minute, second and second-fragment values. If none of them is supplied, the current date and time is returned.

Function: hb_DtoCLines: 91-105
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Harbour extension to the DtoC() function. It converts a date value <dDate> (or the date value of <tTimeStamp>) to a string. If no date format is supplied the _SET_DATEFORMAT format will be used.

Function: hb_DtoTLines: 227-248
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns a timestamp from the date and time values. <dDate> is a date value and <cnTime> is the time part and could be a number (as from Seconds()) or a string (as from Time()), (see time string format).

Function: hb_HourLines: 468-481
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the hour (HH) part or "member" of a TimeStamp.

Function: hb_MinuteLines: 483-496
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the minute (mm) part (or "member") of a <tTimeStamp>.

Function: hb_MSecToTLines: 355-363
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts milliseconds to <tTimestamp> value.

Function: hb_NToHourLines: 325-333
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Convert the <nTimeDiff> time difference to hours.
The returned value is a floating point number with fractional part representing the rest (decimal remainder) of conversion.
Note 1: new functions, available after [2016-12-15 12:51 UTC+0100]
Note 2: These functions must not be confused with similarly named hb_Hour() since the above ones do convert the numeric time difference (time span) between two timestamps while the other ones just extract specific hours of a given timestamp.

Function: hb_NToMinLines: 315-323
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Convert the <nTimeDiff> time difference to minutes.
The returned value is a floating point number with fractional part representing the rest (decimal remainder) of conversion.
Note 1: new functions, available after [2016-12-15 12:51 UTC+0100]
Note 2: This function must not be confused with similarly named hb_Minutes() since the above ones do convert the numeric time difference (time span) between two timestamps while the other ones just extract specific minutes of a given timestamp.

Function: hb_NToMSecLines: 295-303
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Convert the <nTimeDiff> time difference to milliseconds.
The returned value is an integer which represents milliseconds value.

Function: hb_NToSecLines: 305-313
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Convert the <nTimeDiff> time difference to seconds.
The returned value is a floating point number with fractional part representing the rest (decimal remainder) of conversion.
Note 1: new functions, available after [2016-12-15 12:51 UTC+0100]
Note 2: This function must not be confused with similarly named hb_Sec() since the above ones do convert the numeric time difference (time span) between two timestamps while the other ones just extract specific seconds of a given timestamp.

Function: hb_NtoTLines: 285-293
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts the given numeric time-value <nValue> (which, supposedly, is a Unix time value) to a timestamp (i.e. valtype == T).

Function: hb_SecLines: 498-511
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the seconds (ss) "member" of a tTimeStamp. The returned value is a floating point number (ss.mmm) where the integer part is seconds while the decimal (fraction) part of it represents milliseconds.

Function: hb_SecToTLines: 345-353
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts <nSeconds> seconds to tTimestamp value.

Function: hb_StoDLines: 121-126
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a string representing a date with the format YYYYMMDD to a date value. If no <cDate> is supplied, an empty date string will be returned. Counterpart of the standard DtoS() function.

Function: hb_StoTLines: 453-466
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a datetime string to timestamp value (T).
<cDateTime> should be in one of the above form:
- "HHMM"
- "HH"

Function: hb_StrToTSLines: 555-568
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a string cTimeStamp to tTimeStamp timestamp value. The <cTimeStamp> must have the format: YYYY-MM-DD [H[H][:M[M][:S[S][.f[f[f[f]]]]]]] [PM|AM] or YYYY-MM-DDT[H[H][:M[M][:S[S][.f[f[f[f]]]]]]] [PM|AM].

Function: hb_TSToStrLines: 513-553
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns <cTimeStamp> with the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff. If <lPacked> is .T. empty elements of the timestamp will be stripped out.

Function: hb_TSToUTCLines: 602-608
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a local time tTIMESTAMP to UTC time.

Function: hb_TtoCLines: 395-415
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts date or timestamp values to timestamp formatted strings.

Function: hb_TtoDLines: 250-273
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Extracts date and time information from a timestamp or date value. It returns the date part as a date value. If <@nSeconds> or @<cTime> parameter is passed by reference then it obtains either the number of seconds in given day specified by timestamp value or the time as time string. If no <cTimeFormat> passed, then _SET_TIMEFORMAT is used.

Function: hb_TToHourLines: 385-393
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Calculate/Convert timestamp to hours.
Returns a floating point number, where the fractional part represents the rest (decimal remainder) of the conversion.

Function: hb_TToMinLines: 375-383
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Calculate/Convert timestamp to minutes.
Returns a floating point number, where the fractional part represents the rest (decimal remainder) of the conversion.

Function: hb_TToMSecLines: 365-373
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Calculate/Convert timestamp to milliseconds.
Returns milliseconds as an integer value.

Function: hb_TtoNLines: 275-283
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a date or timestamp value to numeric value. The integer part of returned <nValue> is the date part represented as a Julian date value, and the decimal part is the time part represented as milliseconds
from midnight.
NOTE: The returned nValue must not be confused with Unix time number, since they're totally different!

Function: hb_TtoSLines: 439-451
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a date or timestamp value to string formated as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFFF.

Function: hb_TToSecLines: 335-343
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Calculate/Convert timestamp to seconds.
Returns a floating point number, where the fractional part represents the rest (decimal remainder) of the conversion.

Function: hb_UTCOffsetLines: 589-600
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the UTC offset as a signed number of seconds.

Function: hb_WeekLines: 572-587
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the week number of year, for the given <dDate>. Worth to note that the returned value is ISO 8601 compliant.
With this function can also obtained the year and/or the day-number of the week, into <nYear> and <nDayOfWeek> optional parameters, provided they've been passed by reference.
WARNING! 1st day of the week according to ISO 8601 is _Monday_ (and not _Sunday_, as it's widely regarded to be). This may lead to inaccurate/confusing results when the number returned into <nDayOfWeek> is being used as an argument on calling non-ISO 8601-conforming date functions like, for example, hb_CDay(). In such cases, either use _Dow()_ to determine the day number of the week or alternatively _increment by 1_ the <nDayOfWeek> value or pre-increment it with ++ operator, i.e.: hb_CDay( ++nDayOfWeek ).

Function: MonthLines: 144-158
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns an integer numeric value in the range of zero to 12. A null <dDate> returns zero.

Function: TimeLines: 186-192
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns system time formatted as hh:mm:ss.

Function: YearLines: 128-142
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the year of <dDate> as a four-digit numeric value. An empty dDate returns 0.

File: datesx.cLines: 71
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: StoDLines: 63-68
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a date string to date value formatted as yyyymmdd.

File: dbedit.prgLines: 405
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: dbEditLines: 60-282
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. or .F. if no dbf is open or invalid column specified.
Detailed documentation of this function can be found at this link of Harbour Reference Guide.

File: defpath.cLines: 88
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __DefPathLines: 50-87
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the current default path, if it has been set, or empty string otherwise.

File: defpathu.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DefPathLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: __DefPath
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the current default path, if it has been set, or empty string otherwise.

File: descend.cLines: 90
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DescendLines: 63-89
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an inverted expression of the same data type as the <exp>, except for dates which return a numeric value. A Descend() of CHR(0) always returns CHR(0).
In a string, each byte is recoded as chr(256-asc(Byte)); numberics are *-1; dates become a descending number; logical is flipped.

File: devoutp.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Terminal
Command: DevOutPictLines: 47-53
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)
File: dircmd.prgLines: 141
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __DirLines: 52-87
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: dirdrive.cLines: 133
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DirChangeLines: 70-76
Categories:Deprecated, DOS Clipper Function
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Change the current DOS directory. <cDir> is the name of the directory to change to, including the drive. Returns 0 if successful or -1 if there is an argument error or the DOS error code otherwise.
Used HB_CWD() instead.

Function: DirRemoveLines: 82-0
Translates to the function: hb_DirDelete
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempt to delete <cDir>. returns 0 on success, or a nFError code on failure.

Function: DiskChangeLines: 103-116
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns true .T. if an attempt to change current drive to <cNewDrive> was successful, otherwise returns false .F.. Valid values for <cNewDrive>, which specifies the letter of the target disk drive to change to, are in range A-Z or a-z.

Function: DiskNameLines: 118-128
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the letter of the current drive for OS supporting Drive Letters (DOS / Windows), without a trailing colon.

Function: hb_DirCreateLines: 50-56
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create <cDir>. returns 0 on success, or a nFError code on failure.

Function: hb_DirDeleteLines: 58-64
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempt to delete <cDir>. returns 0 on success, or a nFError code on failure.

Function: IsDiskLines: 88-101
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns `.T.` if a disk drive with given `` letter (in range `A-Z` or `a-z`) is attached and visible to system. This is an undocumented Cl*pper function.

Function: MAKEDIRLines: 81-0
Translates to the function: hb_DirCreate
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create <cDir>. returns 0 on success, or a nFError code on failure.

File: direct.cLines: 181
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DirectoryLines: 172-175
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array of subarrays with filenames matching to <cDirSpec> filter.
Each subarray has the structure: {cF_NAME, nF_SIZE, dF_DATE, cF_TIME, cF_ATTR}.
Wildcards are allowed in <cDirSpec>, e.g: "*.txt" or "*.tx?".
If <cDirSpec> is omitted, the default value is "*.*" (all files).

Function: hb_DirectoryLines: 177-180
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array of files matching the <cDirspec> and <cAttributes> (if any) filters. The structure of array is identical to that of Directory() function, except of the F_DATE element, which here is a timestamp value (valtype: T) whereas in Directory() value is a date (valtype: D).
See also hb_vfDirectory() and hb_DirScan() function, which scans recursively entire working directory tree including subdirectories that may exist inside (or below) it.

File: dirscan.prgLines: 133
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DirRemoveAllLines: 81-111
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function attempts to remove entire <cDir> directory.
Warning - Since this function removes recursively whole directories along with their contents, be extremely careful while using it.
For example, invoking this function like: hb_DirRemoveAll( hb_ps() ) can remove all files and directories (even those marked as hidden, system or read-only) from current working disk! hb_ps() return the drive delimiter symbols, therefore is a root of a drive/partition.

Function: hb_DirScanLines: 75-79
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Similar to hb_Directory() (refer to it for more..) with the difference that it scans not only <cPath> but also all subdirectories below <cPath> (recursively).

Function: hb_FileDeleteLines: 113-132
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Removes files which match given <cFileMask> (it may contain path) and returns .T. if at least one file was deleted. Optional <cAttr> parameter can be used to include system "S" and hidden "H" files. If <cAttr> contains "R" letter then before deleting READONLY attribute is removed.

File: diskspac.cLines: 262
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DiskSpaceLines: 83-261
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of bytes of empty space on the given disk drive.
Optional parammeter <nDrive> is the number of the disk drive to investigate, where 1 is the drive A:, 2 is B:, 3 is C:, etc. If <nDrive> is omitted or specified as 0 (zero) then by default is used the current drive.

File: disksphb.cLines: 399
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DiskSpaceLines: 374-398
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the free space (in bytes) of <cDrive> (default: current working drive) or the type of space specified by <nType>.
If <nDrive> is used, then 1 is A: .. 3 is C: and so on.

Supported types (nType) as defined in header file:

nType Returned value
HB_DISK_AVAIL (0) The amount of space available to the user making the request. This value could be less than HB_DISK_FREE if disk quotas are supported by the O/S in use at runtime, and disk quotas are in effect. Otherwise, the value will be equal to that returned for HB_DISK_FREE.
HB_DISK_FREE (1) The actual amount of free disk space on the drive.
HB_DISK_USED (2) The number of bytes in use on the disk.
HB_DISK_TOTAL (3) The total amount of space allocated for the user if disk quotas are in effect, otherwise, the actual size of the drive.

See also: hb_vfDirSpace() with similar syntax.

File: do.cLines: 111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DOLines: 60-110
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: einstv52.prgLines: 92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __eInstVar52Lines: 52-91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: einstvar.prgLines: 78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __eInstVar53Lines: 52-77
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: einstvau.prgLines: 58
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _eInstVarLines: 50-54
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: empty.cLines: 117
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: EmptyLines: 50-116
Categories:Logical FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. when the passed value is empty, otherwise .F. .
For a string, array, hash expression would be true if the length is 0.

File: errapi.cLines: 1317
Doc Topic:The runtime library / The error API
Function: DOSErrorLines: 467-475
Categories:DOS Clipper Function, Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)

Return the last DOS error number.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: ErrorBlockLines: 430-440
Categories:Warnings and ErrorsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)

Returns the current error handling code block and optionally sets a new <bErrorHandler> to be executed whenever a runtime error occurs. When evaluated, the <bErrorHandler> is passed an error object as an argument by the system.

Function: ERRORNEWLines: 417-420
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
typedef struct: HB_ERRDATALines: 90-94
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
Function: __ERRINHANDLERLines: 425-428
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
Function: __ERRRT_BASELines: 1030-1038
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
Function: __ERRRT_SBASELines: 1040-1048
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
File: errapiu.cLines: 55
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ERRORINHANLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: __ERRINHANDLER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
Function: ERRORINHANDLERLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: __ERRINHANDLER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The error API)
File: errint.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: errintlo.cLines: 143
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: errsys.prgLines: 184
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: ErrorSysLines: 49-53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: file.cLines: 103
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: filebuf.cLines: 1648
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 91-107
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_FILEPOSLines: 920-926
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_FLOCKLines: 84-89
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: filebufd.cLines: 470
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: filehb.cLines: 67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: FileLines: 61-66
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if a file exists. Supports wildcards, does NOT recognize hidden and/or system files. If the <cFileName> does not include a path, then it searches with this order into: the current directory, the directory set with SET DEFAULT, the directories listed in the SET PATH setting.

File: filesys.cLines: 5140
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_DISABLEWAITLOCKSLines: 5136-5139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: fkmax.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: FKLABELLines: 59-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: FKMAXLines: 52-55
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: fmhb.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MemoryLines: 49-52
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an integer value representing (in Kbytes) the amount of memory used/available. The returned memory type, is determined by <nType>. Constants for various memory types, are defined into header file. Note that some of the defined types, may not supported on all platforms.

File: fnsplit.cLines: 73
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FNameMergeLines: 62-72
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Merges <cPath>, <cFileName>, <cFileExtension> and returns produced name. (It's the inverse of hb_FNameSplit()).
Automatically adds directory separator if necessary.
NOTE: The validity of parameters passed are not checked, which means any invalid path, filename or extension will give invalid result.

Function: hb_FNameSplitLines: 50-60
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Splits out the <cFileName> and fills corresponding variables, being passed by reference, with each separate component. (It's the inverse of hb_FNameMerge()).

After execution and provided that relevant parameters have been passed by reference, they will be:
- cFullPathWithDrive = Full path with drive letter in front and a path-separator at end.
- cName = File name without extension.
- cExt = extension of filename, if any.
- cDriveLetter = the drive letter as a single character without drive-delimiter (: in windows)

NOTE: The validity of <cFileName> is not checked, which means incorrectly formed or invalid filenames will give invalid results (effect mainly seen in cFullPathWithDrive content).

File: fscopy.cLines: 211
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FCopyLines: 197-210
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Low level file copy. returns 0 on success, nFError on failure.
If <cDestinationFile> exists, it will be overwritten, unless it is "read only", in which case hb_FCopy() will fail with -1
See also: hb_vfCopyFile() as an alternative if you want to use replaceable IO drivers from contribs, like hbnetio, hbmemio, hbgzio, hbbz2io, hbcomio.

File: fserr.cLines: 220
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: fslink.cLines: 401
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_FLINKLines: 357-370
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_FLINKREADLines: 387-400
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_FLINKSYMLines: 372-385
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: fssize.cLines: 183
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FSizeLines: 177-182
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the size of <cFileName> in bytes. If the specified file does not exist or is empty, returned value is 0 (zero). If optional <lUseDirEntry> parameter is .F., then the file size is determined using internal harbour low-level file access mechanism, otherwise if it's .T. or omitted (in which case it defaults to .T.) the returned file size is that as it's reported by OS's file system (directory entry).

File: fstemp.cLines: 486
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DirTempLines: 477-485
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the full name of temp dir including drive letter and a trailing path-separator (similar to 'hb_GetEnv("temp")' which has no trailing path-separator).

Function: hb_FTempCreateLines: 452-462
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates and opens a temporary file. The file name of the newly created file is unique with a default .tmp extension. To obtain the file name of the temporary file, parameter <cFileName> must be passed by reference and it can be used to remove the temporary file from disk when it is no longer needed.

Function: hb_FTempCreateExLines: 464-475
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Similar to 'hb_FTempCreate()'. Main differences are:
- Convenient recomposition of arguments.
- Added the `` parameter, so no default `.tmp` extension
NOTE: When `` is passed, in order to make a sense, it must include a leading extension separator (f.e.: a dot character `.`) otherwise it will be joined with filename in a single word; (a meaningful extension might be: `".temp"` while a 'fuzzy' one just "temp").

File: gete.cLines: 138
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetELines: 90-0
Translates to the function: GetEnv
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the content of the <cEnvironmentVariable> environment variable. If not found "" will be returned.

Function: GetEnvLines: 58-86
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the content of the <cEnvironmentVariable> environment variable. If not found "" will be returned.

Function: hb_GetEnvLines: 98-126
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the content of the <cEnvironmentVariable> environment variable.
If <cEnvironmentVariable> does not exist, <cDefaultValue> is returned.
If <cEnvironmentVariable> does not exist and no <cDefaultValue> specified an empty string is returned.

Function: hb_SetEnvLines: 128-137
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets or deletes (when <cNewVal> is NIL) process environment variable <cEnvName>.

File: getlist.prgLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __GetListActiveLines: 67-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __GetListLastLines: 70-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __GetListSetActiveLines: 51-63
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: getsys.prgLines: 329
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetActiveLines: 114-142
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: GetApplyKeyLines: 161-174
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: GetDoSetKeyLines: 144-152
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetPostValidateLines: 196-209
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetPreValidateLines: 179-191
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: GetReaderLines: 107-111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RangeCheckLines: 295-328
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadExitLines: 211-212
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Toggle Up arrow and Down arrow as READ exit keys.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: ReadFormatLines: 261-273
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadInsertLines: 214-215
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Toggle the current insert mode for READ and MemoEdit().
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: ReadKillLines: 247-259
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadModalLines: 58-96
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Activate a full-screen editing mode for a GetList.
See Clipper Reference Guide
See extra parameters in Clipper Reference Guide.

Function: ReadUpdatedLines: 233-245
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: UpdatedLines: 217-221
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. when a single Get entry field is edited and changed by the user.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Command: __KillReadLines: 223-231
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __SetFormatLines: 275-287
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: getsys53.prgLines: 163
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: AcceleratorLines: 110-116
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: EraseGetMsgLines: 136-146
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: GUIApplyKeyLines: 62-72
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GUIPostValidateLines: 80-84
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GUIPreValidateLines: 74-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: GUIReaderLines: 50-60
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HitTestLines: 118-124
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadStatsLines: 148-160
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: ShowGetMsgLines: 126-134
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBApplyKeyLines: 98-108
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBReaderLines: 86-96
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: getsyshb.prgLines: 71
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_GetReadVarLines: 47-70
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gt.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:The runtime library / The graphical terminal
Function: DispBeginLines: 50-53
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The graphical terminal)

Begin buffering screen output.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: DispCountLines: 60-63
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The graphical terminal)

Return the number of pending DispEnd() requests.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: DispEndLines: 55-58
Categories:Classic UICompatibility:Clipper
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / The graphical terminal)

Display buffered screen updates.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: gtapi.cLines: 1330
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtapiu.cLines: 155
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtchrmap.cLines: 478
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtclip.cLines: 247
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtfunc.cLines: 152
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GFXPRIMITIVELines: 123-131
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GFXTEXTLines: 133-141
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_gtAlertLines: 114-121
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_GtInfoLines: 91-107
Categories:Graphic Terminal Drivers
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns and/or change many of GT driver settings. This is a sophisticated function with a plethora of accepted values / performed actions.

  • For a quite long list of GTI_* actions, refer to /harbour/include/ header file.
  • For detailed documentation about this function, see this excellent page.
    Just note that not all settings are supported by all GT drivers.
Function: hb_gtLockLines: 143-146
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Locks the current GT console to permit output only from current process (thread), which means that console output from any other thread is blocked.
NOTE: be careful using GT lock and always unlock locked GT!

Function: hb_gtUnlockLines: 148-151
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_GtVersionLines: 109-112
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns GT identifier, e.g.: `WVT`

Function: hb_SetDispCPLines: 51-62
Categories:Codepage Functions, Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Set automatic output (screen) character translation.

Function: hb_SetKeyCPLines: 64-70
Categories:Codepage Functions, Keyboard functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

set automatic input (keyboard) character translation.

Function: hb_SetTermCPLines: 72-89
Categories:Codepage Functions, Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets terminal code-page and enables automatic translation between <cHostCP> (HVM CDP) and <cTermCP> in both, input (keyboard) and output (screen) operations.

PARAMS of the above-mentioned:point_up: three hb_Set...CP() family functions:

  • <cTermCP> is the encoding used on external (terminal) side.
  • <cHostCP> is the encoding used internally; if not given, then the current code page is used. Some of GTs which uses unicode output may ignore <cTermCP>.
  • <lBoxChar> is an optional parameter which interacts with dispbox() output disabling switching to alternate character set in some GTs. It effectively causes that if internal (host) code page contains some letters on the box char positions then they will be shown also by box drawing functions like DispBox() instead of CP437 characters. In some cases it could be useful. By default <lBoxChar> is not set and GTs which can switch between standard and alternate character set (GTCRS, GTSLN) will try to use alternate character set for box drawing functions.
    If <lBoxChar> is .T. then it forces using national letters also in box drawing, thereby disabling CP437 box characters in DispBox() and related functions.
File: gtkbstat.cLines: 116
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtkeycod.cLines: 648
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gtsys.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_GTSYSLines: 73-78
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gttone.cLines: 252
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gui.prgLines: 104
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsDefColorLines: 83-84
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _GetNumColLines: 67-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _IsGraphicLines: 51-55
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _SetVideoModeLines: 57-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CapLengthLines: 93-98
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CapMetricsLines: 100-101
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CaptionLines: 87-91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __GUIColorLines: 80-81
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: gx.cLines: 74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsColorLines: 51-54
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

"Once upon a time, was a little, doggy B/W monitor..." and at that time this function was answering FALSE!

Function: NoSnowLines: 56-60
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

For CGA Monitors

Function: SetModeLines: 62-73
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Change display mode to a specified number of rows and columns.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: hardcr.cLines: 104
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HardCRLines: 90-103
Categories:Conversion Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns <cString> with all all soft carriage returns (Chr(141)) replaced with hard carriage returns (CHR(13)).
(Soft carriage returns are added by 'MemoEdit()' when lines wrap.)

File: hbadler.cLines: 110
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_Adler32Lines: 101-109
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculates and returns the checksum of <cValue> using the Adler-32 checksum algorithm.

File: hbascii.cLines: 138
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIIISALPHALines: 111-116
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIIISDIGITLines: 132-137
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIIISLOWERLines: 125-130
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIIISUPPERLines: 118-123
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIILOWERLines: 81-109
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ASCIIUPPERLines: 51-79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbbffnc.cLines: 272
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_blowfishDecryptLines: 128-168
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decrypts cCipher, using the key cBfKey, prepared with hb_blowfishKey().

Function: hb_blowfishDecrypt_CFBLines: 240-271
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decrypts cCipher, using the key cBfKey, prepared with hb_blowfishKey(), using CFB (cipher feedback) mode instead of ECB (electronic codebook). Returns string decrypted or NIL on error (e.g. wrong parameters).

Function: hb_blowfishEncryptLines: 81-120
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Encrypts cText, using the key cBfKey, prepared with hb_blowfishKey(). The optional lRaw parameter, if set to TRUE (it is FALSE by default), disables ANSI X.923 padding but encode passed string in 8bytes blocks. If last block in string is smaller then it's padded to 8 bytes using Chr(0) and information about original string size is not attached to encrypted data. During decoding only strings which are well padded (N*8 bytes) are accepted and <lRaw> := .T. disables restoring original string size encoded in encrypted string using ANSI X.923 standard, so the size of decrypted string is the same as original one.
NOTE: the size of encrypted data is padded to 64bit (8 bytes) so it's bigger than original one.

Function: hb_blowfishEncrypt_CFBLines: 203-233
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return string encrypted using CFB (cipher feedback) mode or NIL on error (e.g. wrong parameters).

Function: hb_blowfishKeyLines: 62-73
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Generates a key cBfKey from the passed password <cPasswd> for use in the encryption/decryption functions.

File: hbbfish.cLines: 324
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbbfsock.cLines: 369
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SOCKETNEWBFSOCKLines: 344-357
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_SOCKEX_BFLines: 61-75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbbit.cLines: 170
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_BitAndLines: 69-86
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Performs a bitwise AND operation, same as & operator in C language.

Function: hb_BitNotLines: 126-132
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the bitwise complement of <nVal> (all bits are flipped), same as ~ operator in C language.

Function: hb_BitOrLines: 88-105
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Performs a bitwise OR operation, same as | operator in C language.

Function: hb_BitResetLines: 150-156
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the result of setting the bit <nBit> of <nVal> to 0. (<nBit> is ZERO based).

Function: hb_BitSetLines: 142-148
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the result of setting the bit <nBit> of <nVal> to 1 (<nBit> is ZERO based).

Function: hb_BitShiftLines: 158-169
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

returns <nVal> shifted <nBits> bits positions, equivalent of << and >> (LSHIFT/RSHIFT) operators in C.
If <nBits> is a positive integer, bits are shifted to the left (LSHIFT), if is negative, bits are shifted to the right (RSHIFT).

Function: hb_BitTestLines: 134-140
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if the bit <nBit> in <nVal> is set. (<nBit> is ZERO based).

Function: hb_BitXorLines: 107-124
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Performs a bitwise XOR operation, equivalent of <hat> operator in C language.

File: hbbyte.cLines: 120
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ByteSwapILines: 62-71
Categories:Bytewise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a 16-bits signed integer after swapping the two bytes of <nValue>, considering it as a 16-bits number. e.g.: given a number with bytes (1,2) it will return it as (2,1).

Function: hb_ByteSwapLLines: 84-93
Categories:Bytewise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a 32-bits signed integer after swapping the four bytes of <nValue>, considering it as a 32-bits number. e.g.: given a number with bytes (1,2,3,4) it will return it as (4,3,2,1).

Function: hb_ByteSwapLLLines: 106-119
Categories:Bytewise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a 64-bits signed integer after swapping the four bytes of <nValue>, considering it as a 64-bits number. e.g.: given a number with bytes (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) it will return it as (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1).

Function: hb_ByteSwapULines: 95-104
Categories:Bytewise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a 32 bits signed unsigned integer after swapping the four bytes of <nValue>, considering it as a 32 bits number. e.g.: given a number with bytes (1,2,3,4) it will return it as (4,3,2,1).

Function: hb_ByteSwapWLines: 73-82
Categories:Bytewise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a 16-bits unsigned integer after swapping the two bytes of <nValue>, considering it as a 16-bits number. e.g.: given a number with bytes (1,2) it will return it as (2,1).

File: hbcom.cLines: 4521
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_COMLines: 125-150
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbcomhb.cLines: 260
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMCLOSELines: 83-86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMDISCARDCHARLines: 88-91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMERRORCHARLines: 93-96
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMFINDPORTLines: 145-148
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMFLOWCHARSLines: 98-102
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMFLOWCONTROLLines: 104-110
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMFLOWSETLines: 112-115
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMFLUSHLines: 117-120
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMGETDEVICELines: 122-128
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMGETDEVICEHANDLELines: 130-133
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMGETERRORLines: 135-138
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMGETOSERRORLines: 140-143
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMINITLines: 151-155
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMINPUTCOUNTLines: 157-160
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMINPUTSTATELines: 162-165
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMLASTNUMLines: 167-170
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMLSRLines: 172-178
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMMCRLines: 180-186
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMMSRLines: 188-194
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMOPENLines: 196-199
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMOUTPUTCOUNTLines: 201-204
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMOUTPUTSTATELines: 206-209
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMRECVLines: 227-245
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMSENDLines: 247-259
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMSENDBREAKLines: 211-215
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMSETDEVICELines: 217-220
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_COMSETERRORLines: 222-225
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbcrc.cLines: 308
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_CRCLines: 279-292
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the checksum of a string using the CRC-8 algorithm.

Function: hb_CRC16Lines: 269-277
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the checksum of a string using the CRC-16 algorithm.

Function: hb_CRC32Lines: 259-267
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the checksum of a string using the CRC-32 algorithm.

Function: hb_CRCCTLines: 294-307
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the checksum of a string using CRC-8?, cl*pper tools compatible? or what? (clarification needed...). Anyhow, Przemek suggests to not use it.

File: hbdef.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DefaultLines: 50-56
Categories:Null and Nil, VariablesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets the value of variable <xVar> to <xValue> when either the current <xVar> value is NIL or its type is different than <xValue>. If no <xValue> specified then, evidently, the <xVar> becomes NIL. If <xVar> has already a value of same type with <xValue>, no change is done! Note: <xVar> must be passed by reference and be an existing variable (if not exists an RTE occurs).

Function: hb_DefaultValueLines: 58-67
Categories:Null and Nil, VariablesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns <xDefaultValue> if <xValue> is NIL or different type of <xDefaultValue>, otherwise returns <xValue>. It's similar to hb_Default() but not modifying the variable.

Function: __DEFAULTNILLines: 71-75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbdoc.prgLines: 414
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_DirLastModifiedLines: 68-102
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_FilterOutLines: 291-333
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_FromSourceLines: 58-66
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_LoadDirLines: 104-141
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_LoadHBDLines: 379-413
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_SaveHBDLines: 358-377
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __hbdoc_ToSourceLines: 263-289
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbdyn.cLines: 1161
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_DYNARGLines: 113-122
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_DYNVALLines: 102-111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbdynhb.cLines: 121
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_DYNCALLLines: 52-120
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbfeof.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FEofLines: 50-63
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if the file handle is at end-of-file, otherwise .F.
<nHandle> is the handle of an opened file (*see FOpen()*). If the file handle is missing, not numeric, or not open, then function returns `.T.` and sets the value returned by *FERROR()* to -1 or a C-compiler dependent errno value (EBADF or EINVAL). (On a MinGW/Windows build/platform errorcode returned is 6 meaning Invalid Handle.)

File: hbfile.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DirExistsLines: 60-63
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if <cDir> exists. Note: it won't work with wild-cards. Returns .T. if <cDir> exists, otherwise .F.

Function: hb_FileExistsLines: 55-58
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if cFileName exists. Wildcards NOT supported. It does recognize (i.e.: finds) hidden and/or system files. If <cFileName> does not include a path, then it searches ONLY into current working directory (i.e.: ignores any SET DEFAULT and SET PATH setting).

Function: hb_FNameExistsLines: 50-53
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return true if **any kind** of *directory entry* exists with the given name. It doesn't matter if it's a regular file, directory, device, symbolic link or whatever is considered as directory entry, in the file system of host OS. It is somehow similar to hb_FileExists(), which, however, doesn't take into account directories.

File: hbfilehc.cLines: 104
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FNameDirLines: 50-56
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns full-path-name of <cFileName>including drive letter and trailing path-separator.

Function: hb_FNameExtLines: 66-72
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the extension of <cFileName>, if any, including a leading dot separator. e.g. .txt If the elaborated <cFileName> has no extension, an empty string is returned.

Function: hb_FNameExtSetLines: 84-92
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets the extension <cExt> of <cFileName> replacing the old one (if any).

Function: hb_FNameExtSetDefLines: 94-103
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets the extension <cDefExt> of <cFileName> only when it has no extension. Doesn't replace an existent extension.

Function: hb_FNameNameLines: 58-64
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns bare name of <cFileName>, that is, without path and extension.

Function: hb_FNameNameExtLines: 74-82
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the full name of <cFileName>, that is, the file name with extension (if any) but without path.

File: hbfilehi.prgLines: 347
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DirBuildLines: 267-316
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create (or to validate the existence of) the given <cDir> directory hierarchy, by recursively adding (if it doesn't already exist) a new path after creating the parent directory. f.e.: hb_DirBuild("sub1/sub2/sub3/") will create successively, "sub1" (if it doesn't exist), afterwards "sub2" under (or inside) "sub1", afterwards "sub3" under "sub2".
It returns .T. when the directory hierarchy, either exists or was successfully created. Otherwise returns .F.

Function: hb_DirSepAddLines: 221-234
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns <cDir> with a path separator added to the end of it. (if <cDir> already has an ending path separator, nothing added). see also: hb_DirSepDel().

Function: hb_DirSepDelLines: 236-257
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns cDir without path separator at the end of it (if any). The inverse function of 'hb_DirSepAdd()'.

Function: hb_DirSepToOSLines: 259-265
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Replaces the path separators (if any) into <cFileName> with appropriate ones for the O/S used. e.g.: with / for *nix, \ for Win.

Function: hb_DirUnbuildLines: 318-346
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to remove <cDir> and all subdirectories inside it.
the operation acts down-to-top, i.e. at first, attempts to delete the lowermost subdirectory. If succeeds, will continue deleting upper directories until either all subdirectories (including topmost) have been deleted, in which case it will return .T., or until a subdirectory cannot be deleted, for some reason (e.g. because it is not empty or is read-only et.c.) and hence it will return .F.
(might be seen as the inverse of hb_DirBuild())

Function: hb_PathJoinLines: 100-123
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to, safely, join the given paths to form a unified one.
If <cPathRelative> is not a string the returned value is a null string "" otherwise,
returns: <cPathRelative> when it includes a drive letter or starts with a path delimiter (e.g. :\/) or when <cPathAbsolute> is empty or not path or not string;
returns: <cPathAbsolute> properly joined with the <cPathRelelative> at the end. Both paths should be ending with path-separators, in order to be joined correctly. (to ensure this, use hb_DirSepAdd() if needed).

Function: hb_PathNormalizeLines: 50-98
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Normalizes the path designation by converting relative path to absolute

Function: hb_PathRelativizeLines: 125-183
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbgtcore.cLines: 4106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_gtCreateLines: 4048-4063
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GTEXISTSLines: 4090-4095
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GTLISTLines: 4097-4105
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_gtReloadLines: 4040-4046
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_gtSelectLines: 4065-4088
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: _HB_MOUSE_STORAGELines: 3258-3250
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbhex.cLines: 234
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_HexToNumLines: 50-81
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

converts an hexadecimal number into a decimal number.

Function: hb_HexToStrLines: 168-233
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a string of hexadecimal values into it's corresponding bytes stream. The inverse of 'hb_StrToHex()'.

Function: hb_NumToHexLines: 83-122
Categories:Conversion Functions, Numeric FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Transforms a decimal numeric value (or pointer) to a hexadecimal format (string). The length of the resulting string can be defined by <nHexDigits>, However, care must be taken to avoid truncating the returned string that shall happen if the given <nHexDigits> is less than the actual length of the transformed number. On the other hand, if no <nHexDigits> specified,the resulting string is not left-padded with leading zeros (as is the conventional hexadecimal representation format, where a number of zeros, necessary to complete a total length of 8 or 16 and rarely 32 digits, are added to the left of hexadecimal value), which thing, in some specific cases, can be annoying/unwanted. (It's possible, for example, the returned string to have odd number length, which in case you want to parse it into pairs of two will produce unsuitable results).

Function: hb_StrToHexLines: 124-166
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a string (or buffer) into a string of it's corresponding hexadecimal values optionally separated by <cSeparator>. f.e.: hb_StrToHex( "harbour", ":" ) => "68:61:72:62:6F:75:72" or => "686172626F7572" when no ":" separator given.

File: hbi18n1.cLines: 1149
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_ADDTEXTLines: 1027-1069
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_CHECKLines: 1120-1123
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_CODEPAGELines: 971-985
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_CREATELines: 966-969
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_DESCRIPTIONLines: 1009-1025
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_GETTEXTLines: 928-940
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_GETTEXT_STRICTLines: 959-0
Translates to the function: HB_I18N_GETTEXT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_HEADERSIZELines: 1115-1118
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_NGETTEXTLines: 942-957
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_NGETTEXT_STRICTLines: 960-0
Translates to the function: HB_I18N_NGETTEXT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_PLURALFORMLines: 987-1007
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_RESTORETABLELines: 1103-1113
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_SAVETABLELines: 1093-1101
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_I18N_SETLines: 1071-1091
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_I18N_TRANSLines: 147-160
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_PLURAL_FORMSLines: 113-118
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __I18N_HASHTABLELines: 1126-1148
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbi18n2.prgLines: 656
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_i18n_LoadPOTLines: 575-591
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_i18n_SavePOTLines: 593-655
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_hashJoinLines: 504-526
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArrayCleanLines: 327-367
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArrayJoinLines: 528-573
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArrayLoadLines: 92-289
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArraySaveLines: 369-437
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArraySortLines: 306-307
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArrayToHashLines: 439-471
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __i18n_potArrayTransLines: 473-502
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbinet.cLines: 1499
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Inet
Function: HB_INETACCEPTLines: 1201-1233
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETADDRESSLines: 457-472
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCLEANUPLines: 314-317
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCLEARERRORLines: 437-445
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCLEARTIMELIMITLines: 525-533
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCLEARTIMEOUTLines: 500-508
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCLOSELines: 334-352
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCONNECTLines: 1297-1300
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCONNECTIPLines: 1302-1305
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCOUNTLines: 447-455
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCREATELines: 321-332
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETCRLFLines: 1490-1493
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETDATAREADYLines: 970-1008
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETDGRAMLines: 1357-1378
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETDGRAMBINDLines: 1309-1355
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETDGRAMRECVLines: 1431-1486
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETDGRAMSENDLines: 1380-1429
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETERRORCODELines: 403-411
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETERRORDESCLines: 413-435
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETFDLines: 354-367
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETGETALIASLines: 1114-1131
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETGETHOSTSLines: 1095-1112
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETGETRCVBUFSIZELines: 592-608
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETGETSNDBUFSIZELines: 574-590
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETIFINFOLines: 1136-1147
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETINITLines: 299-312
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETISSOCKETLines: 1495-1498
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETPERIODCALLBACKLines: 535-556
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETPORTLines: 474-483
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETRECVLines: 773-776
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETRECVALLLines: 779-782
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETRECVENDBLOCKLines: 903-967
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETRECVLINELines: 894-899
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSENDLines: 1082-1085
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSENDALLLines: 1087-1090
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSERVERLines: 1159-1199
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSETRCVBUFSIZELines: 628-644
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSETSNDBUFSIZELines: 610-626
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSTATUSLines: 371-379
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETSTATUSDESCLines: 383-400
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETTIMELIMITLines: 510-523
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: HB_INETTIMEOUTLines: 485-498
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
typedef struct: HB_SOCKET_STRUCTLines: 61-82
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
File: hbinetz.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_INETCOMPRESSLines: 55-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbini.prgLines: 324
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_iniNewLines: 89-97
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a new hash table (array) to be properly populated and potentially saved to some ini file by other hb_ini\*\*\*() functions.
If the optional <lAutoMain> argument is defined as .T. (which is the default value, if it is not passed at all) then a "Main" key is added to the hash with value an empty hash, which will be the [Main] section of ini file, if saved.

Function: hb_iniReadLines: 99-100
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function actually calls the hb_iniReadStr() and returns the hash table that receives from it!
<cFileSpec> must be either a single ini filename or a path-list-separator separated list of ini files, in which case the first readable ini file, will be used for read.

Function: hb_iniReadStrLines: 102-117
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Processes the cData String and create a hash array.

On error, the function returns NIL. On success, will have a hash array of the following form:

{ "MAIN" => { "Key1" => "Val1", ... , "KeyN" => "ValN" },
"Section1" => { "Key1" => "Val1", ... , "KeyN" => "ValN" },
"SectionN" => { "Key1" => "Val1", ... , "KeyN" => "ValN" }

'MAIN' is the default section (variables that are declared without a section).

Command: hb_iniSetCommentLines: 77-87
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets (optionally) the characters which will be used to comment out a full line and a half (or up to end) line of ini file.
Default values are ; and # respectively.

Function: hb_iniWriteLines: 226-263
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates an INI file from the hash array. Calls the function hb_iniWriteStr() to generate the text that will be written out the the INI file.
xFileName can be a string representing the file name, or a numeric file handle number. After calling this API the file handle will be closed.

Function: hb_iniWriteStrLines: 265-323
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a string from an Ini hash. Used by hb_iniWrite().

File: hbjson.cLines: 758
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_jsonDecodeLines: 744-757
Categories:Conversion Functions, JSONCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decodes the <cJSON> encoded string and stores decoded values into the <xValue> variable (usually a hash array), which must be passed by reference. Returns the number of processed symbols.
Note: (2020/05/20: this entry is under reworking due to several mistakes! a revision is coming soon..)

Function: hb_jsonEncodeLines: 731-742
Categories:Conversion Functions, JSONCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Encodes <xValue> to JSON format. <lHuman> if set to .T., makes the output string more human-readable, (default is .F.). Alternatively, if numeric <nIndent> is used then a value greater than zero defines number of spaces used for indenting, 0 (zero ) disables indenting and -1 means TAB (ASCII:9). Code-blocks are stored as "null", object as arrays (methods are not recorded).
* For a quite good usage example of this function, see this post in harbour-users group.

typedef struct: HB_JSON_ENCODE_CTXLines: 94-104
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hblpp.cLines: 228
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hblpphb.cLines: 299
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPCREATELines: 163-181
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPDESTROYLines: 184-198
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPERRORLines: 201-212
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPRECVLines: 247-269
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPRECVLENLines: 287-298
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPSENDLines: 229-244
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPSENDLENLines: 272-283
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LPPSETLIMITLines: 215-226
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_LPP_GCLines: 123-127
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbmd5.cLines: 469
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_MD5Lines: 453-468
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_MD5Lines: 401-431
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculates and returns the MD5 checksum of <cString>. On error, i.e. wrong params etc., it returns null (empty) string. <lBin> flag controls whether to return binary data or hexadecimal string, default is .F. (i.e. returns hexadecimal string) Note: MD5 algorithm is considered insecure. Use SHA256 or higher. See also: hb_SHA...() family of relevant functions.

Function: hb_MD5FileLines: 433-451
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculates and returns the MD5 checksum of the file <cFileName>. On error, i.e. wrong params etc., it returns null (empty) string. <lBin> flag controls whether to return binary data or hexadecimal string, default is .F. (i.e. returns hexadecimal string) Note: MD5 algorithm is considered insecure. Use SHA256 or higher. See also: hb_SHA...() family of relevant functions.

typedef struct: MD5_BUFLines: 81-85
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbmd5enc.cLines: 136
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_MD5DecryptLines: 103-135
Categories:EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function decrypts the given <cCipher> and returns a text (decrypted text). <cPasswd> is the password used to encrypt/decrypt text. Warning! on wrong call (f.e., when a param(s) omitted or their value types are improper (i.e., not char) the function returns NIL and the same apply to hb_MD5Encrypt(), as well.

Function: hb_MD5EncryptLines: 68-99
Categories:Checksum Functions, EncryptionCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function encrypts the given <cText> and returns a cipher (encrypted text). <cPasswd> is the password used to encrypt/decrypt text. Warning! on wrong call (f.e., when a param(s) omitted or their value types are improper (i.e., not char) the function returns NIL and the same apply to hb_MD5Decrypt(), as well.

File: hbntos.cLines: 112
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ntocLines: 77-111
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function converts the given <nValue> numeric value to a string value, while (trying to) keep all or at least nDecssignificant digits in double numbers, unless <nDecs> is lesser than actual decimal digits of <nValue>, in which case the result will be rounded.
SET DECIMAL setting has no effect on the returned value (ignored),which means that, unlike f.e. Str(), all non-significant digits(e.g.: trailing decimal zeros) will be removed. Likewise, all leading empty spaces will be trimmed.
Returns "stringified" value of <nValue>, preserving all (or at least<nDecs>) significant digits, if any.
Note: validity of <nValue> is not verified, which means that if NIL or non-numeric value was passed, this function (same as hb_ntos()) will return a **null string** and will NOT cause an RTE (*unlike f.e.: Str()*).
This is a new function, available after 2016-06-20 21:59 UTC+0200 commit (it is not available in earlier versions).

Function: hb_ntosLines: 51-75
Categories:Conversion Functions, Numeric FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts any numeric value to a string, trimming all the surplus spaces, equivalent to 'LTrim(Str( nNumber ))'. Returns either "stringified" (converted to string) <nValue> or a null string, if the <nValue> passed is not numeric or NIL (i.e.: not passed). Worth noting that no RTE occurs when improper values passed.

File: hbproces.cLines: 1750
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbprocfn.cLines: 176
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_processCloseLines: 110-122
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Closes an opened process.

Function: hb_ProcessOpenLines: 53-94
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ProcessRunLines: 126-175
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to execute <cCommand> (i.e. an external application or O/S command) and stores its output to <cStdOut> and <cStdErr> variables (they must be passed by reference). It's possible to merge stdout and stderr output by using for 3rd and 4th parameters the same variable, for example: nResult := hb_processRun( cCommand,, @cOutErr, @cOutErr )
See also: hb_Run()

Function: hb_processValueLines: 96-108
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the status (exit code? - OS error?) of <hProcess> process.
note: on Windows platform, to obtain the status, this function uses internally the WaitForSingleObject function. See also the source-code of the function, that might (possibly) help to get a more accurate idea about the returned value.

File: hbrand.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_Rand32Lines: 61-64
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a randomly grabbed integer between 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF inclusive. - (0xFFFFFFFF = 4.294.967.295)

Function: hb_RandStrLines: 66-78
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a string of <nChars> random characters.

File: hbrandom.cLines: 175
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_RandIntLines: 161-164
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an integer random number which, if no parameter argument passed, is 0 or 1, or between 0 and <x> or between <x> and <y>, if relevant params passed.
Same as hb_RandomInt() but uses arc4 internally.

Function: hb_RandNumLines: 125-128
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a floating point random number which is between 0 and 1, when no parameter argument passed, or between 0 and <x> or between <x> and <y> when one or two arguments used respectively.

Note: As we can see looking into the sources, the above two functions use ARC4 based PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator) to generate randomness, while the two below use a Harbour own algorithm (time & stack based). Now, which one of the two methods is more effective (i.e. which one achieves the better randomness) remains to be proved during real-life usage. Either way, the computational methods in generation of "true" random numbers is a quite long-lasting (and debatable) story.(

Function: hb_RandomLines: 120-123
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a (floating point) number <n> so that: 0 <= n < 1 (if no params passed), or 0 <= n < x (if only <x> passed), or x <= n < y (if <x>, <y> passed). Note: value of <y> (if any), is NOT included in values returned.

Function: hb_RandomIntLines: 156-159
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an integer number <n> so that: 1 <= n <= x (when only x passed), or x <= n <= y (when x and y passed), or 0s and 1s almost evenly distributed (when no params passed). Note: values of x,y (if any), are INCLUDED in values returned.

Function: hb_RandomIntMaxLines: 171-174
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

In most environment will return 2147483645

Function: hb_RandomSeedLines: 166-169
Categories:Random GeneratorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Seeds (i.e. initializes) the random number generator used by hb_Rand family functions. It may be invoked once, before calling a 'randomizer' function. If the parameter nSeed is 0, then first call to hb_Random() or hb_RandomInt() activates initialization which generates new seed using current time in milliseconds and HVM stack address (for MT modes). If repeatable results needed from hb_Random() and hb_RandomInt() then the seed should be initialized for each thread with some fixed value i.e. hb_RandomSeed( 123456789 )

File: hbregex.cLines: 578
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Regular expressions
Function: HB_ATXLines: 188-241
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: hb_IsRegexLines: 183-186
Categories:Regular ExpressionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXLines: 479-483
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXALLLines: 538-542
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXATXLines: 516-520
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXCOMPLines: 158-181
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXHASLines: 503-506
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXLIKELines: 498-501
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXMATCHLegacy Level: 4Lines: 491-494
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
Function: HB_REGEXSPLITLines: 509-513
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
File: hbregexc.cLines: 175
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbrunfun.cLines: 91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_RunLines: 58-90
Categories:Process FunctionsPlatform:WindowsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the exit-code (or OS errorlevel) that results by executing (running) of ``.

File: hbsha1.cLines: 99
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_SHA1Lines: 51-98
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculate hash value (digest) of given <cBuffer> according to SHA-1 secure Hash Algorithms.

File: hbsha1hm.cLines: 130
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_SHA1Lines: 51-129
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbsha2.cLines: 238
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_SHA224Lines: 51-96
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculate hash value (digest) of given <cBuffer> according to SHA-224 secure Hash Algorithms.

Function: hb_SHA256Lines: 98-143
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculate hash value (digest) of given <cBuffer> according to SHA-256 secure Hash Algorithms.

Function: hb_SHA384Lines: 145-190
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculate hash value (digest) of given <cBuffer> according to SHA-384 secure Hash Algorithms.

Function: hb_SHA512Lines: 192-237
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculate hash value (digest) of given <cBuffer> according to SHA-512 secure Hash Algorithms.

File: hbsha2hm.cLines: 238
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_SHA224Lines: 51-96
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_SHA256Lines: 98-143
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_SHA384Lines: 145-190
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_HMAC_SHA512Lines: 192-237
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbsocket.cLines: 4194
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbsockhb.cLines: 1523
Doc Topic:The runtime library / sockets functions
Function: hb_socketAcceptLines: 999-1033
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Creates a new socket for each incoming connection and removes the connection from the listening queue. Returns the new socket descriptor for the accepted connection, or null pointer on failure. All further communication with the remote host now occurs via this new socket.

Function: hb_socketAutoFlushLines: 1500-1510
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Enables or disables automatic flushing of written data.
<nTimeout> is timeout for automatic flush operation on written data in milliseconds. <nTimeout> = -1 means wait forever and <nTimeout> = 0 disables auto flush.
Automatic flushing can help in adopting existing code anyhow it may strongly reduce the performance in some filters, i.e. compression filters like ZSOCK have to add special data to the stream after each flush operation so it's suggested to call flush explicitly when we want to force delivering written data to the peer.

Function: hb_socketAutoShutdownLines: 1512-1522
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Allows to enable/disable automatic shutdown, when the connected socket is closed.

Function: hb_socketBindLines: 978-989
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Attempts to associate an address with an existing socket.
<pSocket>, a pointer to a socket that has been opened (created) using hb_socketOpen().
<aAddr>, array defining the address to be used. Structure of array is { nSOCKET_FAMILY, cADDRESS, nPORT }
returns: True on success, false otherwise.

Function: hb_socketCloseLines: 959-968
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Causes the system to release resources allocated to a socket. In case of TCP, the connection is terminated.
In Changelog.txt we read that this function also "executes automatically shutdown() for connected sockets, which is important in windows only, where transmitted data can be lost, without explicit call to shutdown() before close". However, is a good idea, methinks, to explicitly "call hb_socketShutdown() before hb_socketClose() to force output buffer flush in systems like MS-Windows".

Function: hb_socketConnectLines: 1035-1050
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Establishes a direct communication link to a specific remote host identified by its address via a socket.

Function: hb_socketErrorStringLines: 864-891
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketFlushLines: 1492-1498
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Flushes data written to socket.
<lSync> parameter is logical value which can be used to force special synchronization method in some filters. Usually users do not have to use it in normal code.

Function: HB_SOCKETGETALIASESLines: 1391-1408
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetErrorLines: 854-857
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetFDLines: 1423-1426
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetFilterLines: 1438-1444
Categories:Socket Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Returns a filter name used by the <pSocket> socket.

Function: hb_socketGetHostNameLines: 1352-1368
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetHostsLines: 1370-1387
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetIFacesLines: 1411-1421
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetOSErrorLines: 859-862
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetPeerNameLines: 919-943
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetRcvBufSizeLines: 1265-1275
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetSndBufSizeLines: 1253-1263
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketGetSockNameLines: 893-917
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketListenLines: 991-997
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

this function marks <pSocket> as a "passive socket", i.e. prepares the socket for incoming connections. It must be called so that the socket be able to accept connections.
<pSocket>, a pointer to a socket that has been opened (created) using hb_socketOpen().
<nQueueLen>, optional number defining maximum pending connections that can be queued (if not specified, default is 10). Once a connection has been accepted, it is removed from queue, so the length of connection queue is not constant.
returns: True on success, false otherwise.

Function: hb_socketOpenLines: 945-957
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Windows docs: "The function creates a socket that is bound to a specific transport service provider."
Unix manual: "The function creates an endpoint for communication and returns a file descriptor for the socket. The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process."
arguments (all optional):
nDomain, specifies the protocol family of the created socket. For example:
HB_SOCKET_AF_INET for network protocol IPv4 (IPv4-only)
HB_SOCKET_AF_INET6 for IPv6 (and in some cases, backward compatible with IPv4)
HB_SOCKET_AF_UNIX for local socket (using a file)
nType, type of socket that can be one of:
HB_SOCKET_PT_STREAM (reliable stream-oriented service or Stream Sockets)
HB_SOCKET_PT_DGRAM (datagram service or Datagram Sockets)
HB_SOCKET_PT_SEQPACKET (reliable sequenced packet service)
HB_SOCKET_PT_RAW (raw protocols atop the network layer)
HB_SOCKET_PT_RDM (Reliably Delivered Messages)
nProtocol, specifying the actual transport protocol to use. The most common are:
HB_SOCKET_IPPROTO_TCP, HB_SOCKET_IPPROTO_SCTP, HB_SOCKET_IPPROTO_UDP, HB_SOCKET_IPPROTO_DCCP. Default value is 0 (zero) (which is HB_SOCKET_IPPROTO_IP --> Dummy protocol for TCP) and may be used to select a default protocol from the specified nDomain and nType.
returns: pointer to created socket (or null pointer on failure).

Function: hb_socketReadLines: 1446-1470
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Reads from socket stream to <cData> (must be passed by reference). This function is similar to hb_socketRecv() but is always redirected to socket stream filters.

Function: hb_socketRecvLines: 1106-1133
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketRecvFromLines: 1135-1179
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketResolveAddrLines: 1340-1350
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketResolveINetAddrLines: 1318-1338
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSelectLines: 1309-1316
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSelectReadLines: 1285-1291
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSelectWriteLines: 1293-1299
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSelectWriteExLines: 1301-1307
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSendLines: 1052-1081
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSendToLines: 1083-1104
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetBlockingIOLines: 1181-1187
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetBroadcastLines: 1229-1235
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetExclusiveAddrLines: 1205-1211
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetFilterLines: 1428-1436
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Adds or replaces socket filter(s).
<cFilterName> is filter name. It's possible to set many filters in a single hb_socketSetFilter() call, separating filter names with | character, i.e.: pSock := hb_socketSetFilter(pSocket, "ZSOCK|BFSOCK", hParams)
<hParams> is hash array with initialization parameters used by given socket filter. The core implementation recognize the following settings:
"readahead" -> numeric value with size of read ahead buffer
"flush" -> numeric value with auto flush parameter (for more information look at hb_socketAutoFlush())
"redir" -> logical value which can be use to enable/disable hb_socketSend() and hb_socketRecv() redirection to filter stream.

Function: hb_socketSetKeepAliveLines: 1221-1227
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetMulticastLines: 1277-1283
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetNoDelayLines: 1189-1195
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: HB_SOCKETSETNOSIGPIPELines: 1197-1203
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetRcvBufSizeLines: 1245-1251
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetReuseAddrLines: 1213-1219
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketSetSndBufSizeLines: 1237-1243
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketShutdownLines: 970-976
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)
Function: hb_socketWriteLines: 1472-1490
Categories:Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / sockets functions)

Writes <cData> to socket stream. This function is similar to hb_socketSend() but it is always redirected to socket stream filters. Written data is not flushed by default and it should be flushed explicitly by hb_socketFlush(). Automatic flushing can be enabled by hb_socketAutoFlush() function.

File: hbstrfmt.cLines: 517
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: BUFFERTYPELines: 51-56
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrFormatLines: 492-516
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a string with the values of the nParam1, ..., nParamN embedded and formatted according to <%cFormat1...%cFormatX> format specifiers.
It is like the printf() function in C-language, but stripped down to fit the Harbour data types;
currently the format specifiers that are recognized/processed are: %d, %f, %x, %X, %s and %c.

Specifier Parameter type/value description
d integer as a signed decimal number
f non integer (float) decimal number in normal fixed-point notation.
x, X unsigned integer as a hexadecimal number. x uses lower-case letters and X uses upper-case.
s string
c ASCII code (numeric) of single character
File: hbstrsh.cLines: 89
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrShrinkLines: 51-88
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Shrinks the string <cString>, by "eating" (removing) from right side of the string the number of characters specified by <nCount>.
It's similar to Left( cString, Len( cString ) - nCount ) but simpler and faster.
If optional parameter <nCount> is omitted, it defaults to 1. If <nCount> is equal to or greater than Len(<cString>) then a null string is returned.

File: hbtoken.cLines: 356
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ATokensLines: 345-355
Categories:Arrays Functions, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, Token FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array filled with all individual tokens of given <cString> string, that is, all the separate sub-strings that are delimited by either <cDelimiter> or by EOL (end of line) if (instead of <cDelimiter>) <lEOL> has been passed and evaluates to .T.
If neither <cDelimiter> nor <lEOL> specified, then as delimiter is used, by default, an empty space (ASCII char 32).
If <lSkipStrings> is .T. (default=.F.), the quoted sub-strings (if any, inside cString) are not tokenized (i.e. are not searched for <cDelimiter>).
If <lDoubleQuoteOnly> is .T. only the double quote " is considered as a quote sign. This argument is meaningful only when <lSkipStrings>=.T.

  • Notes:
    i. Tokenization is case sensitive, in the (rare) case where <cDelimiter> is a letter-character.
    ii. The delimiters are removed from tokens.*
Function: hb_TokenCountLines: 283-293
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte Functions, Token FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of tokens (i.e. number of individual words in the string, being separated by <cDelimiter> or by a space, if no delimiter given).
NOTE: If <cDelimiter> specified and <cDelimiter> not found in <cString> this function returns 1.

Function: hb_TokenGetLines: 295-309
Categories:String Byte Functions, Token FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the <nToken>'th token in the string.
If there is no <nToken> it returns null string. It will also return a null string if <nToken> == NIL or 0.

Function: hb_TokenPtrLines: 315-343
Categories:String Byte Functions, Token FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the first token found in a string. First, it will search for a token separator starting from <nPos> character and will return the following token (or portion of it). It is 0-based, which means you have to pass <nPos>=0 to get the 1st token. If <nPos> is passed by @reference, it will hold the position from where the next token search will start.

File: hbzlib.cLines: 519
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZCOMPRESSLines: 430-493
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZCOMPRESSBOUNDLines: 413-421
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZCOMPRESSLines: 283-346
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZCOMPRESSBOUNDLines: 242-250
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZERRORLines: 498-506
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZLIBVERSIONLines: 226-237
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZUNCOMPRESSLines: 352-408
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ZUNCOMPRESSLENLines: 256-277
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbzlibc.cLines: 119
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbzlibgz.cLines: 565
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZCLEARERRLines: 555-564
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZCLOSELines: 162-183
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZDIRECTLines: 515-532
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZDOPENLines: 133-157
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZEOFLines: 494-510
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZERRORLines: 537-550
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZFLUSHLines: 405-421
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZGETCLines: 357-373
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZGETSLines: 270-300
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZOPENLines: 96-128
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZPUTCLines: 332-352
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZPUTSLines: 305-327
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZREADLines: 205-236
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZREWINDLines: 452-468
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZSEEKLines: 426-447
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZSETPARAMSLines: 188-200
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZTELLLines: 473-489
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZUNGETCLines: 378-400
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_GZWRITELines: 241-265
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbznet.cLines: 716
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SOCKETNEWZNETLines: 676-704
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_ZNETSTREAMLines: 59-74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: hbzsock.cLines: 574
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SOCKETNEWZSOCKLines: 548-561
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_SOCKEX_ZLines: 72-85
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: idle.cLines: 247
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / Idle states
Function: hb_idleAddLines: 173-196
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

Adds a new background task and return its handle. <bAction> is the code-block being executed during each idle state.

typedef struct: HB_IDLEDATALines: 57-64
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)
Function: hb_idleDelLines: 199-240
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

Deletes a background task with given <nHandle> and returns the code-block associated to this task.

Function: hb_idleResetLines: 161-164
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

It's called from user code to reset idle state.

Function: hb_idleSleepLines: 167-170
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

Put program execution in idle state for the given <nSeconds> period, expressed in seconds.

Function: hb_idleStateLines: 152-158
Categories:Background Processing, Threading
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

Signal that the user code is in idle state which practically means, evaluates a single background task and calls the garbage collector.

Function: hb_ReleaseCPULines: 243-246
Categories:Executable Environment, ThreadingCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Idle states)

Releases a CPU time slice, that is, causes current thread (or application) to relinquish the remainder of its time slice, becoming un-runnable (stop running) for about 20 milliseconds (32 on OS/2).

File: inkey.cLines: 261
Doc Topic:The runtime library / User Interface
Function: hb_keyCharLines: 233-240
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Seems to fetch the <nKey> from the keyboard buffer. But if the buffer is empty seems to do the same as chr() function. Seems to be Unicode and code page compatible.

Function: hb_keyClearLines: 108-111
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Clears all pending keys from keyboard buffer; equivalent to "CLEAR TYPEAHEAD" command.

Function: hb_keyCodeLines: 211-231
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the Ascii code for the provided character, Unicode aware.
It helps replacing Asc() calls in Unicode apps where it's used to convert characters (f.e. hotkeys) to keyboard codes.

Function: hb_keyExtLines: 247-250
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

It extracts function/edit key code value HB_KX_* from Harbour extended key code. If passed keycode is not valid extended keycode which points to function/edit key then 0 is returned.

Function: hb_keyInsLines: 146-177
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Works like hb_KeyPut() but numeric key values are placed at the beginning of keyboard buffer. It does not clear keyboard buffer contents.

Function: hb_keyLastLines: 189-192
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns nCode of last key pressed. Similar to LastKey()

Function: hb_keyModLines: 252-255
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Extracts keyboard modifiers (HB_KF_*) from extended key code.

Function: hb_keyNextLines: 179-182
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns next key of keyboard buffer without removing it.

Function: hb_keyPutLines: 113-144
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Can be used instead of KEYBOARD/__KEYBOARD(), for adding Inkey() codes to the keyboard buffer whose values are outside the range of 1 to 255. <xValue> can be numeric, string or array with string elements. strings are converted internally into key codes before passed to keyboard-buffer.

Function: hb_keySetLastLines: 199-203
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: hb_keyStdLines: 242-245
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Converts Harbour extended key code to Cl*pper inkey code.

Function: hb_keyValLines: 257-260
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Extracts key/character code from Harbour extended key code.

Function: HB_SETLASTKEYLegacy Level: 5Lines: 207-0
Translates to the function: hb_keySetLast
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: InkeyLines: 91-97
Categories:Keyboard functions, Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Pause program execution.
<nSeconds> specifies the number of seconds waiting for a keypress or mouse event. Values in increments as small as one-tenth of a second can be specified. Specifying 0 (zero) halts the program until a key is pressed or an unmasked event occurs. If <nSeconds> is omitted, function returns immediately, i.e. does not wait for a keypress or mouse event.
<nEventMask> specifies which events should be returned. If <nEventMask> is omitted, the value of _SET_EVENTMASK will be used. If _SET_EVENTMASK is not set, the default value that will be used is 128 (keyboard events only).
Returns an integer value from -39 to 386 for keyboard events and integer values from 1001 to 1007 for mouse events. This value identifies either the key extracted from the keyboard buffer or the mouse event that last occurred. If the keyboard buffer is empty, and no mouse events are taking place, returns 0. Returns values for all ASCII characters, Function keys (Fn...), Alt+Function, Ctrl+Function, Alt+Letter, and Ctrl+Letter key combinations.

Function: LastKeyLines: 194-197
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the INKEY() value of the last key fetched from the keyboard buffer by the INKEY() function, or the next
mouse event, or a wait state such as ACCEPT, INPUT, READ, WAIT, ACHOICE(), DBEDIT(), or MEMOEDIT(). Retains its current value until another key is fetched from the keyboard buffer.

Function: NextKeyLines: 184-187
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the value of the next key in the buffer without extracting it.

Function: __KEYBOARDLines: 99-106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: inkeyapi.cLines: 515
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_KEY_VALUELines: 66-72
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: input.prgLines: 56
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __InputLines: 49-53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: iousr.cLines: 769
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 71-76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_IOUSRLines: 62-69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IOUSR_REGISTERLines: 704-752
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IOUSR_SETERRORLines: 755-768
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: is.cLines: 84
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsAlphaLines: 51-56
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is an alphabet character i.e. not a number, punctuation, control etc.

Function: IsDigitLines: 60-65
Categories:Numeric Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is a number digit.

Function: IsLowerLines: 78-83
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is lower-cased.

Function: IsUpperLines: 69-74
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is upper-cased.

File: isprint.cLines: 158
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_IsPrinterLines: 149-152
Categories:Printer Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if <cPrinter> can be used for printing operations. If no <cPrinter> passed, LPT1 is assumed (default).

Function: IsPrinterLines: 154-157
Categories:Printer FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if LPT1 is available for printing operations.

File: itemseri.cLines: 1924
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_DeserializeLines: 1891-1923
Categories:Conversion Functions, Serialization functionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reconstructs the <cSerialized> byte sequence, previously created (serialized) by 'hb_Serialize()', and returns the data in their original structure, (f.e. array, timestamp, object etc).
The optional parameters <cCdpIN> and <cCdpOUT>, if defined, are used for code-page translation in serialization and de-serialization operations. By default VM's code-page is used.

typedef struct: HB_REF_ITEMLines: 188-194
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_REF_LISTLines: 196-201
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_SerializeLines: 1863-1889
Categories:Conversion Functions, Serialization functionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts <xValue> into a sequence of bytes that can be used in various ways, (e.g.: save to disk, transmit across a network et.c.).
<xValue> can be a set of data of different types like an array or object or a complex type like timestamp.
The optional parameters <cCdpIN> and <cCdpOUT>, if defined, are used for code-page translation in serialization and de-serialization operations. By default VM's code-page is used. Harbour does not allow to serialize codeblocks and serialize objects as arrays. The serialized data can be rebuilt, later, to its original form using the supplementary function hb_Deserialize().

File: lang.cLines: 294
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_UserLangLines: 53-293
Categories:Executable Environment, Language FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns system's (OS) language name identifier, for the current user, in the form "ll[-SS]" where ll is language and SS sublanguage identifier. (f.e.: en-US, fr-BE, el-GR etc ). Should not be confused with the value returned by 'hb_langSelect()', albeit they may coincide.

File: langapi.cLines: 496
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_langErrMsgLines: 477-480
Categories:Language Functions, Warnings and ErrorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the error message associated with an error code using the current language selected. <nErrorCode> is one of the generic error codes (EG_...) defined in

Function: hb_langMessageLines: 482-485
Categories:Language Functions, Warnings and ErrorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the (international) text associated with the code <nMsg>. Parameter <cLangID> is an optional language module ID; if not specified the currently selected language module is used. It is similar to NationMsg() but gives access to the whole list of language messages: Day and month names, generic error messages, internal errors, and others...

Function: hb_langNameLines: 472-475
Categories:Language FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the name of the language module in use or specified.

Function: hb_langNewLines: 490-495
Categories:Language FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Dynamically creates new lang module, translating an existing one then registers it. (for usage example, see Harbour's ChangeLog.txt).

typedef struct: HB_LANG_BASELines: 218-223
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_LANG_TRANSLines: 212-216
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __HB_LANGSELECTLines: 461-470
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: langcomp.prgLines: 428
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_langSelectLines: 57-175
Categories:Language FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets <cNewLang> as default language module for national messages like date/month names, internal warnings and errors, etc. Before calling the function, the language module <cNewLang> must have been REQUESTed (e.g.: REQUEST HB_LANG_PT , for Portuguese), otherwise RTE occurs. <cCodepage> is the optional code-page ID into which the language module strings will be automatically converted (encoded) by Harbour. Returns the previous used language ID.

File: langlgcy.prgLines: 106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BE866Legacy Level: 4Lines: 52-52
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BEWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 53-53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BG866Legacy Level: 4Lines: 54-54
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BGISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 55-55
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BGMIKLegacy Level: 4Lines: 56-56
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_BGWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 57-57
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_CS852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 58-58
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_CSISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 59-59
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_CSKAMLegacy Level: 4Lines: 60-60
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_CSWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 61-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_DEWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 62-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_ELWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 63-63
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_ESWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 64-64
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HE862Legacy Level: 4Lines: 65-65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HEWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 66-66
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HR646Legacy Level: 4Lines: 67-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HR852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 68-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HRISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 69-69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HRWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 70-70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HU852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 71-71
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HUISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 72-72
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_HUWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 73-73
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_IS850Legacy Level: 4Lines: 74-74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_LTWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 75-75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_PL852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 76-76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_PLISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 77-77
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_PLMAZLegacy Level: 4Lines: 78-78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_PLWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 79-79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_PTISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 80-80
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_RU866Legacy Level: 4Lines: 81-81
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_RUKOI8Legacy Level: 4Lines: 82-82
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_RUWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 83-83
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SK852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 84-84
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SKISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 85-85
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SKKAMLegacy Level: 4Lines: 86-86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SKWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 87-87
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SL646Legacy Level: 4Lines: 88-88
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SL852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 89-89
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SLISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 90-90
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SLWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 91-91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SR852Legacy Level: 4Lines: 92-92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SRISOLegacy Level: 4Lines: 93-93
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SRWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 94-94
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_SVWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 95-95
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_TR857Legacy Level: 4Lines: 96-96
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_TRWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 97-97
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_UA866Legacy Level: 4Lines: 98-98
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_UADOSLegacy Level: 4Lines: 99-99
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_UAKOI8Legacy Level: 4Lines: 100-100
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_UAWINLegacy Level: 4Lines: 101-101
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_ZHB5Legacy Level: 4Lines: 102-102
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: HB_LANG_ZHGBLegacy Level: 4Lines: 103-106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: left.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_LeftEqLines: 83-93
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. when all characters (with the given order) of <cSubString> matching to leftmost (same length) part of <cString>. Basically it's equivalent to: ( Left( <cString1>, Len( <cString2> ) ) == <cString2> ), but faster and shorter. Can be used f.e. to check if <cString> *begins with* <cSubString>.
Note: Case sensitive!

Function: hb_LeftEqILines: 95-105
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. when all characters (with the given order) of <cSubString> matching to leftmost (same length) part of <cString>. Same as 'hb_LeftEq()' but case insensitive!

Function: LeftLines: 55-81
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Extracts the first <nCount> characters from the left side of <cString>. If <nCount> is larger than the length of <cString>, entire <cString> is returned.

File: len.cLines: 86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: LenLines: 53-85
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte Functions, String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of items contained in a string, array or hash. This means:

  • If argument passed is a string, returned value is the length of string in characters, if current codepage
    supports such functionality, (f.e., "UTF8EX" code-page does support it but "UTF8" does not!)
    So, the same string may have different number of characters with different encoding. (see 'this post' for more..)
  • If argument passed is an array or a hash table, returned value is the number of their elements.
  • If argument passed is empty, function returns 0 (zero).
File: lennum.cLines: 69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: LenNumLines: 50-68
Categories:Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of digits plus the decimal point, the decimal digits and the minus sign (if any) of a number, i.e. the number of characters needed to display/print the number.

File: libname.prgLines: 66
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_libNameLines: 47-65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: libnamec.cLines: 105
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LIBEXTLines: 49-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LIBPOSTFIXLines: 104-0
Translates to the function: HB_LIBSUFFIX
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LIBPREFIXLines: 64-71
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_LIBSUFFIXLines: 99-102
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: listbox.prgLines: 1142
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: ListBoxLines: 69-160
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _ListBox_Lines: 1092-1139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: math.cLines: 735
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ExpLines: 632-660
Categories:Math FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a numeric value that is equivalent to the value of e raised to the specified power.
The maximum value of <nExponent> is 46 otherwise a numeric overflow occurs. It's the inverse function of 'LOG()'.

Function: HB_MATHERBLOCKLines: 580-626
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_MATHERMODELines: 429-436
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_MATHERRDATALines: 67-76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: LogLines: 662-703
Categories:Math FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

Function: SqrtLines: 705-734
Categories:Math FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the square root of <nNumber>. The precision of this evaluation is based solely on the settings of the SET DECIMAL TO command. Any negative number passed as <nNumber> will always return a 0.

File: maxrow.cLines: 101
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Terminal
Function: MaxColLines: 87-100
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)

Return the maximum screen/window column number (zero origin).

Function: MaxRowLines: 62-85
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)

Return the maximum screen/window row number (zero origin).

File: memoedit.prgLines: 369
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBMemoEditorLines: 55-76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MemoEditLines: 315-368
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Display or edit character strings and memo fields.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: memofile.cLines: 143
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_MemoReadLines: 81-84
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the entire content of <cFileName>.
Is identical to MemoRead() except it won't truncate the last byte (on non-UNIX compatible systems) if it's an EOF char.

Function: hb_MemoWritLines: 134-137
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Writes a character string to a text file on disk. If not specified a path, <cFileName> is written to the current directory (ignores SET DEFAULT). If <cFileName> already exists, it is overwritten. Returns .T. on success or .F. on failure.
Note: Unlike MemoWrit(), this function never adds an EOF Chr( 26 ) character at the end of the created file.*

Function: MemoReadLines: 86-89
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the contents of <cFileName> (file of any size limited only by system memory rersouces) as a character string or empty string if <cFileName> not found. If <cFileName> does not contain a path, only the current directory is searched, (SET DEFAULT or SET PATH are ignored). NOTE: {EOF} character, if it exists into the read <cFileName> file, is ignored (i.e. it does not attached at the end of restored cString).
THIS IS NOT A BINARY SINCE CHR(0) will end the file read, use hb_MemoRead() instead.

Function: MemoWritLines: 139-142
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Writes (or save) a memo field or character string to a text file on disk. If not specified a path, <cFileName> is written to the current directory (ignores SET DEFAULT). If <cFileName> already exists, it is overwritten.
NOTE: this function always adds an {EOF} character (Chr(26)) at the end of the created file. In some cases this redundant char could cause troubles, particularly when restoring the original string by using newer Harbour function hb_MemoRead().
Hint: Use either the legacy MemoWrit() / MemoRead() pair of functions or, preferably, the new Harbour functions hb_MemoWrit() / hb_MemoRead() but never a mixture of them! They're not safely interchangeable, due to their mentioned incompatibility.

File: memvarhb.prgLines: 271
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_mvRestoreLines: 161-270
Categories:Memo FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Restores saved memory variables (public, privates) from a .hbv file. Returns: 1st restored value or NIL if no value restored or .F. on error.

Command: hb_mvSaveLines: 74-159
Categories:Memo FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Saves memory variables (public, privates), visible within the current procedure or user-defined function, to a memory file (.hbv). Supports variable names lengthier than 10 chars.

File: menusys.prgLines: 162
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsQuickLines: 128-159
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsShortcutLines: 71-124
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MenuModalLines: 59-60
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ShowMsgLines: 63-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: menuto.prgLines: 317
Doc Topic:The runtime library / User Interface
Function: __AtPromptLines: 26-48
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: __MenuToLines: 50-297
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: minmax.cLines: 173
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MaxLines: 53-110
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Logical Functions, Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the larger numeric, date, datetime or logic value. On logic value larger is .T.

Function: MinLines: 114-172
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Logical Functions, Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the smallest numeric, date, datetime or logic value. On logic value smaller is .F.

File: mlcfunc.cLines: 711
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_EOL_INFOLines: 55-59
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_MLC_INFOLines: 61-79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_MLEvalLines: 552-710
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Enumerates (returns) the number of lines in <cString> following text format rules used by Cl*pper MemoEdit() (unlike of Cl\*pper memo lines functions).
For each line being processed, the <bCode> code-block is evaluated with 2 parameters: |<cLine>, <lSoftCR>|. It recognizes and accepts any EOL (end of lines) just like hb_ATokens( <cText>, .T. ) and strip out or converts CR (soft carriage returns) depending on <lWrap> word wrap mode.

Function: MemoLineLines: 310-412
Categories:Memo Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Extracts the <nLineNumber> line from <cString>.
Default values for optional parameters: <nLineLength>=79, <nLineNumber>=1, <nTabSize>=4, <lWrap>=.T., <cEOL>|acEOLs>=??, <lPad>=.T.
The <cEOL>|acEOLs> and <lPad> parameters are Harbour extensions.
(I can only guess that with <cEOL>|acEOLs> one can specify custom EOLs to be used by the function in determining lines.)

NOTE: is undocumented parameter and will be removed and replaced by other solution in the future.

Function: MLCountLines: 418-430
Categories:Memo Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of lines of <cString>, according to <nLineLength>, <nTabSize>, <lWrap>
and <cEOL> or <acEOLs> optional parammeters.
Default values for optional parammeters when not given: <nLineLength>=79, <nTabSize>=4, <lWrap>=.T., <cEOL>|<acEOLs>]=?? (OS_EOL?).
The <cEOL>|acEOLs> parameter is a Harbour extension (not exists in Cl*pper).
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: MLCToPosLines: 471-503
Categories:Memo Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the byte position of a formatted string based on line and column position.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: MLPosLines: 437-464
Categories:Memo Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Determine the position of a line in a character string or memo field.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: MPosToLCLines: 510-546
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array containing the line and the column values for the specified <nPos> byte position.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: mod.cLines: 113
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ModLines: 62-104
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the remainder of the division of <nNumber1> by <nNumber2>.
NOTE: Mod() is a compatibility function and therefore not recommended. It is superseded entirely by the modulus operator %.

File: mouse53.cLines: 173
Doc Topic:The runtime library / User Interface
Function: HB_MGETBOUNDSLines: 157-167
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: HB_MMIDDLEDOWNLines: 169-172
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MColLines: 89-100
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

This function returns the column position of the mouse cursor. On graphical systems the value represents pixels. On character-based systems the value represents character columns as in Clipper.

Function: MDBLCLKLines: 118-124
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MHIDELines: 58-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MLEFTDOWNLines: 108-111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MPresentLines: 53-56
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Determine if a mouse is present.

Function: MRESTSTATELines: 141-145
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MRightDownLines: 113-116
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns true if the mouse's right button is currently pressed, otherwise, false.

Function: MRowLines: 76-87
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

This function returns the current mouse row cursor position. On graphical systems the value represents pixel rows. On character-based systems the value represents character rows as in Clipper.

Function: MSAVESTATELines: 126-139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MSETBOUNDSLines: 147-153
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: MSetCursorLines: 68-74
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Set/get mouse visibility. The value of optional argument <lVisible> affects the visibility of mouse cursor; if it's TRUE (.T.) the cursor is shown otherwise if it's FALSE (.F.) the mouse cursor is hidden.
Returns the previous (or current, if no change made) visibility state of mouse cursor.

Function: MSetPosLines: 102-106
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Changes the position of the mouse cursor to the new coordinates specified by <nRow> and <nCol> arguments.
It also updates the the values returned by MRow() and MCol() functions.
Visibility of mouse cursor is not affected.

Function: MSHOWLines: 63-66
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: mouseapi.cLines: 344
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: mousehb.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MMIDDLEDOWNLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: HB_MMIDDLEDOWN
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: mtran.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MemoTranLines: 82-114
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a copy of <cString> where all CR/LF (carriage return / line feed) pairs are replaced. If <cReplaceHardCR> not specified defaults to semicolon. If <cReplaceSoftCR> not specified, defaults to single space.

File: natmsg.cLines: 148
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __NATISAFFIRMLines: 78-101
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __NATISNEGATIVELines: 103-128
Categories:Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is a negative answer literal (e.g. 'N' as in No.)

Function: __NATMSGLines: 130-139
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __NATMSGVERLines: 141-147
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: natmsgu.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ISAFFIRMLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: __NATISAFFIRM
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IsNegativeLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: __NATISNEGATIVE
Categories:Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is a negative answer literal (e.g. 'N' as in No.)

Function: NATIONMSGLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: __NATMSG
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _NATMSGVERLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: __NATMSGVER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _NATSORTVERLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: __NATSORTVER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: net.cLines: 160
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: NetNameLines: 151-159
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the current workstation identification.

File: netusr.cLines: 116
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_UserNameLines: 107-115
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns OS Logon user name.

File: objfunc.prgLines: 251
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects
Function: __objAddDataLines: 162-175
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objAddInlineLines: 152-160
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objAddMethodLines: 142-150
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objDelDataLines: 210-220
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objDelInlineLines: 207-208
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objDelMethodLines: 197-205
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objDerivedFromLines: 222-239
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objGetMethodListLines: 104-110
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objGetMsgListLines: 72-102
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objGetPropertiesLines: 241-250
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objGetValueListLines: 112-130
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objHasDataLines: 52-60
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objHasMethodLines: 62-70
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objModInlineLines: 187-195
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objModMethodLines: 177-185
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __objSetValueListLines: 132-140
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
File: oemansi.cLines: 124
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ANSITOOEMLines: 59-89
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_OEMTOANSILines: 91-121
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: oldbox.cLines: 98
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __BOXLines: 53-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __BOXDLines: 69-81
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __BOXSLines: 83-95
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: oldclear.cLines: 70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __ATCLEARLines: 51-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CLEARLines: 63-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: pad.cLines: 51
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: PadLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: PadR
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Right-justifies an expression for a given width.

File: padx.cLines: 283
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_BPadCLines: 269-272
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadC()', but binary (byte) oriented.

Function: hb_BPadLLines: 217-220
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadL()' (binary (byte) oriented).

Function: hb_BPadRLines: 243-246
Categories:String Byte FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadR()' (binary (byte) operation).

Function: hb_UPadCLines: 274-282
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadC()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_UPadLLines: 222-230
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadL()' but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: hb_UPadRLines: 248-256
Categories:Strings UnicodePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Same as 'PadR()'but applicable to UTF8 encoded text.

Function: PadCLines: 259-267
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Centers an expression for a given width.

Function: PadLLines: 207-215
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Left-justifies an expression for a given width.

Function: PadRLines: 233-241
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Right-justifies an expression for a given width.

File: perfuncs.prgLines: 73
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_EndObjectLines: 60-72
Compatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Works in conjunction with hb_SetObject(). Is a Thread safe single stack to push / pop objects. But it seems to be buggy on the pop, since it resizes the list (stack) before getting the last element.

Function: hb_SetObjectLines: 49-58
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: philes.cLines: 634
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: CurDirLines: 287-304
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the name of the current directory of a drive. If the drive <cDrive> does not exist or the root directory is current, CurDir() returns a null string ("").

Function: FCloseLines: 169-182
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns true (.T.) or (.F.) if an error occurred (e.g.: when an invalid handle used).
<nHandle> is the file handle obtained previously from 'FOpen() or 'FCreate()'.

Function: FCreateLines: 74-89
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create a new binary file. returns the file handle number if succesful or -1 on failure and FError() is set to indicate an error code. <cFile> is the name of the file to create. If the file already exists, its length is truncated to zero without warning. <nAttribute> is one of the binary file attributes and can be: 0=Create normal read/write file (default), 1=Create read-only file, 2=Create hidden file, 4=Create system file.
(refer to '' for defined constants).

Function: FEraseLines: 184-197
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns 0 on success or -1 on failure. FError() can be used to determine the nature of the error.
<cFile> is the name of the file to be deleted from disk, including extension, optionally preceded by a drive and/or path specification. The function does not use either SET DEFAULT or SET PATH to locate <cFile>.
Warning! Files must be CLOSED before removing them with FErase().

Function: FErrorLines: 164-167
Categories:DOS Clipper Function, File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the DOS error from the last file operation as an integer numeric value. If there is no error, returns zero.

Function: FOpenLines: 56-72
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a file handle or -1 when the operation fails. The cause of failure can be determined by 'FError()'.

Function: FReadLines: 109-139
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reads <nBytes> characters from a binary file into <cBuffer> variable. Returns the number of bytes read. If the number is less than <nBytes> either the end of file is reached, or a file read error occurred.

Function: FReadStrLines: 232-259
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reads characters from an open binary file beginning with the current file pointer position. Characters are read up to <nBytes> or until a null character CHR(0) is encountered.
All characters are read including control characters except for CHR(0). The file pointer is then moved forward <nBytes>.
If <nBytes> is greater than the number of bytes from the pointer position to the end of the file, the file pointer is positioned to the last byte in the file.

Function: FRenameLines: 199-213
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Changes the name of a specified file to a new name. <cOldFile> is renamed only if it is located in
the current directory or in the specified path. Any SET DEFAULT or SET PATH are ignored.
If the source directory is different from the target directory, the file is moved to the target directory.
In the instance that either <cNewFile> exists or is currently open, function fails and returns -1.
Use FError() to determine the exact error.
Warning! Files must be CLOSED before renaming. Attempting to rename an open file will produce unpredictable results. When a database file is renamed, the associated memo file (if any) must also be renamed otherwise the integrity of database(s) may be compromised.

Function: FSeekLines: 215-230
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Moves the file pointer forward or backward in an open binary file without actually reading the contents.
<nHandle> is the file handle obtained from 'FOpen()', or 'FCreate()'.
<nOffset> is the number of bytes to move the file pointer from the position defined by <nOrigin>.
A positive number moves the pointer forward, and a negative number moves the pointer backward in the file.
<nOrigin> defines the starting location of the file pointer. The default value is zero, representing the
beginning of file. If <nOrigin> is the end of file, <nOffset> must be zero or negative.

Function: FWriteLines: 141-162
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the number of bytes written and should be equal to <nBytes>. If it is lesser or zero, an error occurred.
<nHandle> is the file handle obtained from 'FOpen()' or 'FCREATE()'.
<cBuffer> is the character string to be written.
<nBytes> are the number of bytes to be written beginning at the current file pointer position. If omitted, the entire content of <cBuffer> is written.

Function: hb_CurDriveLines: 306-340
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the current working disk drive as a single capital letter (e.g. C ) and optionally changes it to <cNewDrive>.
Will only work if the OS supports drive letters, meaning Windows only. For other OS, will return an empty string.

Function: hb_cwdLines: 342-357
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Get/Set the Current Working Directory.
If a <cNewDir> argument has been passed, the function attempts to set it as (current) working directory.Whether the new working directory setting was successful or not, can be checked either by using FError() (which will return 0 if successful), or by calling again hb_cwd() without a parameter.
The function always returns the full path of directory that is current upon invocation, (i.e. the path before the possible change is made, when a change is aimed), including drive letter (if the O/S supports that) and a trailing slash (or back-slash).

Function: hb_DirBaseLines: 369-376
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the application's executable base directory (program startup directory).

Function: hb_FCommitLines: 378-389
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

File access system, flushes the buffers and causes all buffered data to be written to an opened file.

Function: hb_FCreateLines: 91-107
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create cFile. Returns handle to created file on success or nFError on failure. File opening flags can be defined with <nOpenFlags>.
No equivalent hb_vf* function.

Function: hb_FGetAttrLines: 425-433
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Retrieves attributes of a file and returns it in nAttr.
See "File attributes flags" section.

Function: hb_FGetDateTimeLines: 463-499
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

It stores date/time of <cFileName> in @<DateTimeStamp> (type="T"). If a 3rd parameter passed then the 2nd will store the date (type="D") and the 3rd the time (type="C") of file.

Function: HB_FISDEVICELines: 516-520
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FLockLines: 391-406
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Locks part or all of a file with <nHandle> handler.

Function: hb_FReadLenLines: 261-280
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a string with length equal or less than <nBytesToRead> or null string if invalid parameters have been passed.

Function: hb_FSetAttrLines: 435-439
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets <nAttr> to <cFileName>.

Function: hb_FSetDateTimeLines: 441-461
Categories:Date and Time Functions, File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets last changed date/time to <cFileName>. If invalid date passed, the current system date/time will be used/set.
If the second parameter is a timestamp (datetime) the third parameter is ignored.

Function: HB_FSETDEVMODELines: 501-514
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FUnlockLines: 408-423
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Unlocks part or all of a file with <nHandle> handler.

Function: hb_osDriveSeparatorLines: 620-628
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the character used by the OS as drive separator; (not sure whether the term 'separator' is accurate here, --perhaps 'suffix' or 'designator' it'd be more proper?).On Windows it'll return : (the colon character) while on OSes that do not support drive letter designators (e.g. Linux), it will return a null character.

Function: hb_osErrorLines: 588-591
Categories:Operating System OS, Warnings and ErrorsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the error code of last I/O operation, as it is identified/reported by OS.

Function: hb_osFileMaskLines: 630-633
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the constant character(s) sequence used as ALL_FILEs wildcard mask, suitable for the running OS, (it is a single asterisk \* for 'NIXes and a dot separated double asterisk \*.\* for WIN).

Function: hb_osPathDelimitersLines: 615-618
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns \/: on windows, / on *nixes.

Function: hb_OsPathListSeparatorLines: 608-613
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the character used as separator in a list of paths. It is semicolon ; on windows, colon : on *nixes.

Function: hb_OsPathSeparatorLegacy Level: 4Lines: 601-604
Categories:Operating System OS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Deprecated! Use hb_ps()

Function: hb_PReadLines: 524-558
Categories:Pipe Functions
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

It can be used for unblocking read from pipes, i.e. using handles returned by hb_processOpen() function. <nPipeHandle> is pipe read handle, <cBuffer> is string variable passed by reference with read buffer, <nBytes> is maximum number of bytes which can be read, <nTimeOut> is timeout in milliseconds to wait for data to read;
this function returns when at least one byte can be read. Returned <nBytesRead> is number of bytes read from the pipe. On error return -1.

Function: hb_ProgNameLines: 359-367
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the executable program name.

Function: hb_psLines: 593-596
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the character used as path separator; usually backslash \ on Windows, slash / on \ *nixes.

Function: hb_PWriteLines: 562-586
Categories:Pipe FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: philes53.cLines: 72
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: FSETDEVMODLines: 54-69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: profiler.prgLines: 670
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileLines: 181-205
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileEntityLines: 95-110
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileFunctionLines: 136-142
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileLowLevelLines: 387-397
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileMethodLines: 151-157
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileOPCodeLines: 166-172
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileReportLines: 434-451
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileReportToArrayLines: 551-563
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileReportToFileLines: 510-522
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileReportToStringLines: 582-588
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBProfileReportToTBrowseLines: 602-617
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: pushbtn.prgLines: 385
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: PushButtonLines: 62-111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _PushButt_Lines: 365-382
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: radiobhb.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RadioButtonLines: 53-54
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: radiobtn.prgLines: 354
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: RadioButtnLines: 61-106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RadioButtoLines: 350-351
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: radiogrp.prgLines: 659
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: RadioGroupLines: 63-130
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _RadioGrp_Lines: 640-656
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: rat.cLines: 146
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_RAtLines: 85-145
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Finds the last (rightmost) match of <cSearchFor> into <cIntoString> in the range <nStart>-<nEnd>. The search is performed from the right to left.

Function: RAtLines: 51-83
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Searches the string <cString> from right to left for the character string <cSearch>.
NOTE: it is case-sensitive.

File: readkey.prgLines: 74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadKeyLines: 49-73
Categories:Classic UI, Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Determine what key terminated a READ.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: readvar.prgLines: 65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ReadVarLines: 47-64
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the current GET/MENU variable name

File: replic.cLines: 94
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Strings functions
Function: ReplicateLines: 53-93
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Returns a character string made up of <nCount> times the <cString>.

File: right.cLines: 88
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RightLines: 55-87
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return a substring beginning with the rightmost character.
For example, Right("ABC", 1) is the same as SubStr("ABC", -1).

File: round.cLines: 97
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: IntLines: 53-71
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the integer part of a numeric value, by truncating (but not rounding) all of its decimal digits (if any). The decimal part is lost.

Function: RoundLines: 73-96
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Rounds off the value of <nNumber> to the number of decimal places specified by <nDecimals>. If the value of <nDecimals> is a negative number, the function will attempt to round <nNumber> in whole numbers. Digits from 5 through 9 will be rounded up (i.e to next greater value), while digits 1...4 will be rounded down (which, in other words, means they will be lost!).

File: rtlshort.cLines: 78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ACCELERATOLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: Accelerator
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: COLORSELECLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: ColorSelect
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Selects the given <nIndexColor> color pair (foreground/background) from the current list of color attributes, as it's been set by a SETCOLOR("...") or by default. Result is that any subsequent screen-output created by a ? or SAY commands will be displayed with the selected color pair.
Constants for <nColorIndex> are defined into as follow:

Constant Value

The ColorSelect() function is similar (yet more powerful) to the functions Enhanced(), Standard(), Unselected() included in the HBCT library. Notable difference is that the later ones return a null string while this one returns NIL.

Function: ERASEGETMSLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: EraseGetMsg
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: FIELDWBLOCLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: FieldWBlock
Categories:Codeblock Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)

Returns a code block accessing the field variable <cFieldName> in the <nWorkArea>, or NIL when an illegal parameter is passed. The code block accepts one parameter used to assign a value to the field.

Function: GETAPPLYKELines: 53-0
Translates to the function: GetApplyKey
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GETDOSETKELines: 54-0
Translates to the function: GetDoSetKey
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GETPOSTVALLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: GetPostValidate
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GETPREVALILines: 56-0
Translates to the function: GetPreValidate
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GUIAPPLYKELines: 57-0
Translates to the function: GUIApplyKey
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GUIPOSTVALLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: GUIPostValidate
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GUIPREVALILines: 59-0
Translates to the function: GUIPreValidate
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: MEMVARBLOCLines: 60-0
Translates to the function: MemvarBlock
Categories:Codeblock Functions, VariablesPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)
Function: READUPDATELines: 61-0
Translates to the function: ReadUpdated
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SETTYPEAHELines: 62-0
Translates to the function: SetTypeahead
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TBCOLUMNNELines: 63-0
Translates to the function: TBColumnNew
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: _NATSORTVELines: 64-0
Translates to the function: _NATSORTVER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __ACCEPTSTLines: 65-0
Translates to the function: __ACCEPTSTR
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CAPLENGTLines: 66-0
Translates to the function: __CapLength
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __CAPMETRILines: 67-0
Translates to the function: __CapMetrics
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __LABELFORLines: 68-0
Translates to the function: __LabelForm
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __MXRELEASLines: 69-0
Translates to the function: __MXRELEASE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __NONOALERLines: 70-0
Translates to the function: __NoNoAlert
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
Function: __REPORTFOLines: 71-0
Translates to the function: __ReportForm
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __SETCENTULines: 72-0
Translates to the function: __SETCENTURY
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)
Function: __SETFORMALines: 73-0
Translates to the function: __SetFormat
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __SETFUNCTLines: 74-0
Translates to the function: __SetFunction
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __TEXTRESTLines: 75-0
Translates to the function: __TextRestore
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XRESTSCRLines: 76-0
Translates to the function: __XRESTSCREEN
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XSAVESCRLines: 77-0
Translates to the function: __XSAVESCREEN
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: run.cLines: 91
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __RUNLines: 61-90
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: samples.cLines: 119
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DaysLines: 94-97
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts <nSecs> seconds to the equivalent number of days.

Function: ElapTimeLines: 99-106
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a time-formatted character string holding the duration of the time interval in the format hh:mm:ss.

Function: SecsLines: 108-111
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts <cTime> to seconds (integer). For empty or invalid <cTime> returns 0.

Function: TSTRINGLines: 113-118
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: savebuff.prgLines: 63
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XSaveGetAttrLines: 59-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XSaveGetCharLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XSaveGetColorLines: 54-57
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: saverest.cLines: 136
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: RestScreenLines: 107-135
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Display a saved screen region to a specified location.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: SaveScreenLines: 90-105
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Saves portion or entire screen.

File: scroll.cLines: 186
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ScrollLines: 107-185
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Scrolls the screen region specified by {nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight} coordinates.nRows and nCols, if defined, specify the number of rows/columns the region will be scrolled and they can be positive or negative to force the scrolling to be up or down and left or right respectively. cnColor is the color designator and cFillChar is the character used to fill the scrolled region.

Function: ScrollLines: 53-105
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Scrolls portion or entire screen.

File: scrollbr.prgLines: 438
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: ScrollBarLines: 61-105
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: scrrow.cLines: 75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ScrMaxColLines: 68-74
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the maximum screen column number. (It's zero origin, which means for a 80 columns screen it shall return 79).

Function: hb_ScrMaxRowLines: 60-66
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the maximum screen row number. (It's zero origin, which means for a 25 rows screen it shall return 24).
Main difference of the above two functions compared to traditional MaxRow()/MaxCol(), is that the hb_ScrMaxCol()/hb_ScrMaxRow() shall always return the max Column/Row numbers of the main window of the application (window 0). By contrast, the MaxRow()/MaxCol() return the current window's max Column/Row numbers, i.e. the Columns/Rows of the window where they're called from.

File: seconds.cLines: 74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_Clocks2SecsLines: 66-73
Categories:Date and Time Functions, HardwareCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns CPU clocks converted to seconds.

Function: HB_MILLISECONDSLines: 61-64
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_SecondsCPULines: 56-59
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reports how many CPU and/or System seconds have elapsed since the beginning of the program execution. See the list for possible value of <nOption> and the returned values:

Value of <nOption> Returned Value
1 User CPU time of the current process
2 System CPU time on behalf of the current process
3 Sum of (1+2) (default value)
11 Sum of the user CPU time of the current + child process
12 Sum of the system CPU time of the current + child process
13 Sum of (11+12)
Function: SecondsLines: 51-54
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the system time as a numeric value in the form sssss.ff (range: 0.00 - 86399.99), which number is in fact, the number of seconds elapsed since midnight, based on a twenty-four hour clock.

File: setcolor.cLines: 113
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ColorSelectLines: 71-75
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Selects the given <nIndexColor> color pair (foreground/background) from the current list of color attributes, as it's been set by a SETCOLOR("...") or by default. Result is that any subsequent screen-output created by a ? or SAY commands will be displayed with the selected color pair.
Constants for <nColorIndex> are defined into as follow:

Constant Value

The ColorSelect() function is similar (yet more powerful) to the functions Enhanced(), Standard(), Unselected() included in the HBCT library. Notable difference is that the later ones return a null string while this one returns NIL.

Function: HB_COLORTONLines: 89-95
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_NTOCOLORLines: 97-112
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SetBlinkLines: 77-87
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Toggles blink state by changes the meaning of the asterisk (*) in a color string. When .T. blinking is on, when .F. background intensity is on. (Default=.T.)

Function: SetColorLines: 66-69
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the current colors and optionally set new colors.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: setcurs.cLines: 75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SetCursorLines: 64-74
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Set the cursor shape.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: setfunc.prgLines: 70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __SetFunctionLines: 49-69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: setkey.cLines: 395
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_SETKEYLines: 59-255
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SETKEYARRAYLines: 259-274
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SETKEYCHECKLines: 352-394
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SETKEYGETLines: 276-296
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SETKEYSAVELines: 298-350
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_SK_DATALines: 67-70
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SetKeyLines: 188-214
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Assign an action block to a key.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: setpos.cLines: 84
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ColLines: 75-83
Categories:Classic UI
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an integer numeric value in the range 0 to Maxcol(), representing the current column position of the cursor.

Function: RowLines: 65-73
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the current screen row.

Function: SetPosLines: 52-63
Categories:Classic UI, Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Move the cursor to a new position.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: setposbs.cLines: 66
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SETPOSBSLines: 55-65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: setta.prgLines: 53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SetTypeaheadLines: 49-50
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha1.cLines: 173
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha1.hLines: 79
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha1hmac.cLines: 195
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha1hmac.hLines: 93
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha2.cLines: 828
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha2.hLines: 112
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha2hmac.cLines: 385
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: sha2hmac.hLines: 140
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: shadow.cLines: 69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_CLRAREALines: 60-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_SHADOWLines: 50-58
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: shadowu.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: DBGSHADOWLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: HB_SHADOW
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: soundex.cLines: 105
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SoundExLines: 52-104
Categories:Conversion Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts <cString> to a four-character code used to find similar-sounding words or names. The first character of the code is the first character of <cString> and the rest three are coded numbers. Vowels are ignored unless they are the first letter of the string.
It's possibly useful function to search for sound-alike english words. Does NOT support characters with codes above 127 in ASCII table.

File: space.cLines: 81
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SpaceLines: 53-80
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a string that contains nNumber space character(s) (ASCII character 32).

File: spfiles.cLines: 223
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: str.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: StrLines: 51-82
Categories:Conversion Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a numeric expression <nNumber> to a character string.
<nLength> is the length of the character string to return, including decimal digits, decimal point, and sign.
<nDecimals> is the number of decimal places to return.

File: strc.cLines: 159
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrCDecodeLines: 83-158
Categories:Encoding, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decodes a string using C compiler rules.
If second parameter <lCont> is passed by reference then it allows to decode multiline strings.In such case, if string ends with unclosed "" quoting then <lCont>is set to .T., so a next call to this function with <lCont> parameter continues string decoding.
The function returns decoded string or NIL on syntax error.

Function: hb_StrDecodEscapeLines: 55-74
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Decodes a string containing \ escape sequences.

File: strcase.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: LowerLines: 53-66
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a replica of <cString> but with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase. All other characters remain the same as in the original string.

Function: UpperLines: 69-82
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a character string to uppercase.

File: strclear.cLines: 74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrClearLines: 50-73
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Safely erases the content of a string variable, replacing every byte of it with Chr(0).
Must be passed by reference

File: strmatch.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_FileMatchLines: 98-105
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if <cPattern> matches to <cFileName>, otherwise returns .F. <cPattern> can contain wildcards

Function: hb_WildMatchLines: 79-87
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Compares <cValue> with <cPattern> which may contain wildcard characters (?*).
When optional parameter <lExact> is TRUE, then it will check if whole <cValue> is covered by <cPattern> else it will check if <cPattern> is a prefix of <cValue>. If the cPattern is an empty string, function returns .T.

Function: hb_WildMatchILines: 89-96
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Case-insensitive, exact match, compares <cValue> with <cPattern> which may contain wildcard characters (?*).
If the cPattern is an empty string, function returns .T.

File: strrepl.cLines: 238
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrReplaceLines: 54-237
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Replaces different sub-strings (characters) in the given <cString>.

  • If 2nd parameter is a string then each character in <cString> which exists in <cSource> at <n> position is replaced by corresponding character at <n> position in <cDest> or string from <acDest>[<n>].
  • If 2nd parameter is an array then each <cString> sub-string which exists in <acSource> at <n> position is replaced by corresponding character at <n> position in <cDest> or string from <acDest>[<n>]. If <n> is longer then LEN() of <cDest> or <acDest> then given character/sub-string is removed from result.
  • If 2nd parameter is a hash table (and 3rd parameter is omitted or is NIL) then each sub-string into <cString> matching a hash key it's replaced by key-value.
    Any not matching or non-character key is ignored while a matching key but with improper value (i.e. not character type value) removes the matched sub-string.

Read also:!msg/harbour-devel/vSzlAkv6h9Y/jkOJhWyDeVEJ

File: strtoexp.cLines: 144
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrToExpLines: 49-143
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts string item to valid expression which can be compiled by macro compiler. String may contain any characters. However, if <lEscaped> passed as .T., the string returned will be prefixed by the escape literal 'e' (e.g.: e"String").

File: strtran.cLines: 191
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Strings functions
Function: StrTranLines: 58-190
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

It searches into <cString> for any occurrence of <cFindString>, and replaces it with <cReplaceWith>. If <cRepLaceWith> is not specified, a NULL byte will replace the <cFindString> or in other words the <cFindString> will be removed.
<nStart> is the starting occurrence to be replaced (default is 1st occurence). <nOccurrences> is the number of occurrences to be replaced (default is all occurences).

File: strutf8.cLines: 88
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrIsUTF8Lines: 49-87
Categories:String UTF8 FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. (true), if <cString> string is UTF-8 encoded. If <cString> is either not UTF-8 encoded or a NULL (empty) string, the function returns .F. (false)!

File: strxor.cLines: 111
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_StrXorLines: 51-110
Categories:Bitwise Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Performs a XOR operation in each character of <cString> with the string or number supplied in <cnBytes>.

File: strzero.cLines: 122
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Strings functions
Function: StrZeroLines: 51-121
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Converts a numeric expression <nNumber> to a character string, padded with leading zero(s).
<nNumber> is the numeric expression to be converted to a character string.
<nLength> is the length of the character string to return, including decimal digits, decimal point, and sign.
<nDecimals> is the number of decimal places to return.

File: stuff.cLines: 114
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: StuffLines: 52-113
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Inserts and/or deletes characters in a string. Basically, inserts <cInsert> character(s) at position <nPos> and concurrently deletes <nDelete> character(s) starting from <nStart> and beyond. Evidently, if <nDelete is 0
no character is deleted. Likewise if <cInsert> is null string "", nothing is inserted.

File: substr.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: SubStrLines: 55-114
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns a sub-string extracted from the string <cString>.
<nStart> is the position of <cString> from which it'll start. <nCount> is the number of characters to be returned and if not given, all characters from <nStart> up to the end of <cString> will be returned.

File: tbcolumn.prgLines: 212
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: TBColumnLines: 54-94
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TBColumnNewLines: 210-211
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tbrowse.prgLines: 2720
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TBMouseLines: 2687-2718
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: TBrowseLines: 105-297
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TBrowseNewLines: 301-302
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tbrowsys.prgLines: 98
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TApplyKeyLines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBAddColLines: 55-56
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBBBlockLines: 58-59
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBCloseLines: 61-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBCreateLines: 64-65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBDelColLines: 67-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBDisplayLines: 70-71
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBEditCellLines: 73-74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBFBlockLines: 76-77
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBGoBotLines: 79-80
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBGoTopLines: 82-83
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBInsColLines: 85-86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBModalLines: 88-89
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBSBlockLines: 91-92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: TBSkipLines: 94-95
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tclass.prgLines: 450
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBClassLines: 68-148
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: teditor.prgLines: 791
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBEditorLines: 66-150
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: text.prgLines: 75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __TextRestoreLines: 65-74
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __TextSaveLines: 52-63
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tget.prgLines: 1977
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: GetLines: 66-216
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GetNewLines: 1975-1976
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tgethb.prgLines: 73
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: hb_GetLines: 49-56
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates a new Get object. For more, inspect tget.prg and tgethb.prg Harbour source files.

File: tgetint.prgLines: 113
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __GetLines: 49-81
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __GetALines: 83-112
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tgetlist.prgLines: 1668
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBGetListLines: 71-141
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tlabel.prgLines: 411
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBLabelFormLines: 95-110
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __LabelFormLines: 399-403
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tmenuitm.prgLines: 218
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: MenuItemLines: 58-92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __MIColumnLines: 189-200
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __MIRowLines: 202-213
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tmenusys.prgLines: 609
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBMenuSysLines: 66-99
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tobject.prgLines: 149
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBObjectLines: 53-130
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tone.cLines: 55
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ToneLines: 50-54
Categories:Sound FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sound a tone with a specified frequency and duration.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: tpersist.prgLines: 252
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBPersistentLines: 53-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tpopup.prgLines: 640
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: PopupLines: 636-637
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: PopupMenuLines: 62-117
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tpopuphb.prgLines: 196
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: hb_PopupMenuLines: 52-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: trace.cLines: 173
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACEFILELines: 105-108
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACEFLUSHLines: 94-98
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACELEVELLines: 110-113
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACELOGLines: 128-138
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACELOGATLines: 140-158
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACELOGLEVELLines: 115-126
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACEMODELines: 100-103
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACESTATELines: 82-86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACESTRINGLines: 160-172
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_TRACESYSOUTLines: 88-92
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: transfrm.cLines: 1014
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TransformLines: 72-1013
Categories:Conversion Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Formats a value based on a specific picture template.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: treport.prgLines: 1228
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBReportFormLines: 145-181
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __ReportFormLines: 1220-1227
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: trim.cLines: 171
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Strings functions
Function: AllTrimLines: 141-170
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Removes all the leading and trailing spaces from the <cString>.
Note: The carriage return, line feed and tab characters (i.e. Chr(13), Chr(10), Chr(9) respectively)
are treated as space characters and are removed. However, other non-printable character (i.e. those below ASCII Chr(32)) are not affected and this fact may be important, particularly with Chr(0), which might cause "unexpected" behavior when the supposedly trimmed string is passed to functions like Empty().

Function: LTrimLines: 87-106
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Removes all leading spaces of <cString>. If the string contains spaces only, a null string ("") is returned.

Function: RTrimLines: 112-132
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Removes all trailing spaces from a string.

Function: TrimLines: 135-0
Translates to the function: RTrim
Categories:String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Strings functions)

Removes all trailing spaces from a string.

File: tscalar.prgLines: 405
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: ARRAYLines: 112-134
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: BlockLines: 241-245
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: CharacterLines: 252-257
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: DateLines: 267-275
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HashLines: 342-346
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: LogicalLines: 353-357
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: NILLines: 364-368
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: NumericLines: 375-379
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: PointerLines: 397-401
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers
Class: ScalarObjectLines: 54-64
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / scalars values
Class: SymbolLines: 386-390
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: TimeStampLines: 294-308
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalara.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBARRAYLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management
File: tscalarb.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBBLOCKLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalarc.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBCHARACTERLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalard.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBDATELines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalarh.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBHASHLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalarl.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBLOGICALLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalarn.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBNUMERICLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalarp.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBPOINTERLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers
File: tscalars.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBSYMBOLLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalart.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBTIMESTAMPLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tscalaru.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HBNILLines: 52-67
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: tsymbol.prgLines: 78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: SymbolLines: 49-62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: ttextlin.prgLines: 65
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: HBTextLineLines: 49-56
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: ttopbar.prgLines: 454
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TopBarLines: 450-451
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Class: TopBarMenuLines: 58-100
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: type.cLines: 62
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: TypeLines: 50-61
Categories:VariablesPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Retrieves the type of an expression.
See Clipper Reference Guide

File: typefile.prgLines: 153
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Command: __TypeFileLines: 52-152
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: val.cLines: 103
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ValLines: 99-102
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Similar to val() but sets the length for numeric result equal to passed string length or to <nLen> parameter if it is large enough to hold the resulted number.

Function: ValLines: 94-97
Categories:Conversion Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a string that represents a number to a numeric value.
The function evaluates one-by-one all the numeric digits (including first decimal point and following decimal digits) up to the end of string. If a non-numeric character or a second decimal point is encountered, process stops and the number already formed (if any) is returned. Empty places (space characters) in the beginning of <cNumber> are ignored.
SET FIXED switch affects the length of decimal places. If is set OFF, all decimal digits in <cNumber> are returned. If SET FIXED is ON, the number of decimal places is determined by SET DECIMALS. In this case, if DECIMALS set are less than the decimal digits of the number, number is rounded down or up, according formal rounding rule (i.e. digits between zero and four (0...4) are rounded down, and digits between five and nine (5...9) are rounded up).
If <cNumber> does not represent a number or the first character is not a number, the return value is 0 zero.
See also hb_Val() Harbour extension function that can handle/modify the length of returned number.

File: valtoexp.prgLines: 207
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_CStrLines: 47-70
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a value of any type into a string expression. Complex types are converted into a descriptive text.

Function: hb_ValToExpLines: 72-74
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a value of any type (including complex types) into a string for serialization. The returned string cExp can be evaluated (f.e. with the macro operator &) to obtain the original value. Optional 2nd parameter <lRaw>, if set to .T., forces all raw serialization format (by default is .F.).
For example, if is an object, and is .T., all properties are exported, even if their value is different than when created.

Function: __itemSetObjLines: 186-195
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __itemSetObjRawLines: 197-206
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __itemSetRefLines: 175-184
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: valtostr.cLines: 69
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_ValToStrLines: 51-68
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a value of any type into a human readable string expression. Complex types are converted to an empty string.

File: valtype.cLines: 171
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Variables management
Function: hb_IsArrayLines: 120-123
Categories:Arrays Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to an array value (valtype "A").

Function: hb_IsBlockLines: 90-93
Categories:Codeblock Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a code-block (valtype "B")

Function: hb_IsCharLines: 110-113
Categories:Memo Functions, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a character value including both strings (valtype "C") and memo (valtype "M") values.

Function: hb_IsDateLines: 75-78
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to date value (valtype "D").

Function: hb_IsDateTimeLines: 80-83
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a timestamp (valtype "T") or a date (valtype "D") value.

Function: hb_IsEvalItemLines: 140-145
Categories:Codeblock Functions, Symbol Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> can be evaluated with the Eval() function (f.e. returns .T. for code-blocks and symbols) (valtypes "B" and "S").

Function: hb_IsHashLines: 130-133
Categories:Hash Array Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a hash value (valtype "H").

Function: hb_IsHashKeyLines: 135-138
Categories:Hash Array Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> can be used as a hash key (valtypes "N", "D", "T", "C" and "P").

Function: hb_IsLogicalLines: 70-73
Categories:Logical Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a logical value (valtype "L")

Function: hb_IsMemoLines: 115-118
Categories:Memo Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a memo value (valtype "M").

Function: hb_IsNILLegacy Level: 5Lines: 58-61
Categories:Null and Nil, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to NIL (valtype "U").

Function: hb_IsNullLines: 147-170
Categories:Arrays Functions, Hash Array Functions, Null and Nil, String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte Functions, String UTF8 Function, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if the length of <xExp>, when is a string, an array or a hash, is zero ( Len() == 0 ).

Function: hb_IsNumericLines: 65-68
Categories:Numeric Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a numerical value (valtype "N") (applicable for both integers and floating point numbers).

Function: hb_IsObjectLines: 125-128
Categories:Classes and Objects, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to an object value (valtype "O").

Function: hb_IsPointerLines: 95-98
Categories:Pointer Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to pointer value (valtype "P").

Function: hb_IsStringLines: 105-108
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to string value (valtype "C").
Note: It will return .F. with memo values (valtype "M).

Function: hb_IsSymbolLines: 100-103
Categories:Symbol Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a symbol value (valtype "S).

Function: hb_IsTimestampLines: 85-88
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to a timestamp (valtype "T).

Function: ValTypeLines: 51-54
Categories:Function Environment, VariablesPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Returns the value type of the <exp> (as a constant (litteral) character).
It's similar to Type() function, however, this one can work with LOCAL and STATIC variables and UDFs while Type() cannot.

Value types supported by Harbour:

Value Type
Character string "C"
Numeric "N"
Date "D"
Boolean (logical) "L"
Memo field (not in a variable) "M"
Array "A"
Code-Block "B"
Object "O"
Undefined (NIL) "U"
Hash table (*) "H"
TimeStamp (*) "T"
Pointer to function, procedure or method (*) "P"
Symbolic name (*) "S"

Types marked with (*) are Harbour extensions.

File: version.cLines: 267
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_BuildDateLegacy Level: 4Lines: 261-264
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns Harbour build DateTime in the form: MONTHNAME N YYYY HH:MM:SS (f.e: May 5 2016 10:04:52)

Function: hb_CompilerLines: 249-252
Categories:CompilerCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the C compiler, f.e. MinGW GNU C 5.3 (32-bit), used to build Harbour executable binaries.

Function: hb_osCPULines: 187-190
Categories:Executable Environment, Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns CPU architecture specifier. E.g. x86 for Intel's 8-16-32-bit processors, x86-64. for intel's 64-bit processors.

Function: hb_osIs64bitLines: 192-195
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on a 64-bit or more OS.

Function: hb_osIsWin10Lines: 232-235
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 10 or newer.

Function: HB_OSISWIN11Lines: 237-240
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_osIsWin2KLines: 207-210
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 2000 or newer.

Function: hb_osIsWin7Lines: 217-220
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 7 or newer.

Function: hb_osIsWin8Lines: 222-225
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 8 or newer.

Function: hb_osIsWin81Lines: 227-230
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 8.1 or newer.

Function: hb_osIsWin9xLines: 197-200
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows 9 or newer.

Function: hb_osIsWinCELines: 242-245
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows CE. Terminated OS.

Function: hb_osIsWinNTLines: 202-205
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows NT or newer. Terminated OS.

Function: hb_osIsWinVistaLines: 212-215
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if on Windows Vista or newer.

Function: hb_PCodeVerLegacy Level: 4Lines: 256-259
Categories:Compiler, Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Compatibility function. Please see / use hb_Version( HB_VERSION_PCODE_VER ).

Function: hb_VersionLines: 63-185
Categories:Executable Environment
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns Harbour version info. where <n> might be:
NIL (empty) -> detailed version descriptor (string)
Please refer to for (a lot) more!

Function: OSLines: 53-56
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the operating system name as a character string.

Function: VersionLines: 58-61
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the Harbour version.

File: vfile.cLines: 919
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfAttrGetLines: 328-336
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Retrieves the file attributes of <cFileName> and store them into <nAttr> variable that must be passed by reference.
This <nAttr> value is a bitwise combination of all file attribute flags that have been set for the file.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfAttrSetLines: 339-343
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to set the <nAttr> flag(s) for file <cFileName>. returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE (i.e. when failed to set new attributes).
- For a complete list of file attributes supported by both the above functions,
see the section /* File attributes flags */ into
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfCloseLines: 519-531
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Closes a previously opened file, denoted by its <pHandle>.
Returns .T. on success, .F. on failure. Using invalid <pHandle> an RTE occurs.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfCommitLines: 851-860
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Permanently writes any pending data (memory buffers) of <pHandle> file to disk.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfConfigLines: 863-880
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Used to setup attributes specific to a "Driver".
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfCopyFileLines: 202-218
Categories:File FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to copy <cFileSrc> source file to <cFileDst> destination file. Both arguments can contain full path designator. Wildcard characters are not allowed.\
returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. Use FError() to retrieve exact O/S error code.
If destination file <cFileDst> exists, it will be overwritten, unless it is _read only_, in which case the function will fail with -1 and FError() should return 05 (Access denied).
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: HB_VFCOPYFILEEXLines: 221-237
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfDirectoryLines: 312-316
Categories:Disks, Drives and Folders, File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns an array of files matching the <cDirspec> and [<cAttributes>] (if any) filters. The structure of array is identical to that of Directory() except of the F_DATE element, which is a timestamp value type (T) whereas in Directory() it is a date (D).
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfDirExistsLines: 259-273
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if a directory specified by <cDirName> exists.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfDirMakeLines: 276-291
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to create a directory with name <cDirName>.
returns 0 on success, -1 on failure; invoke FError() to determine exact reason of failure.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfDirRemoveLines: 294-309
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to remove <cDirName>. It returns 0 on success otherwise -1 value is returned and FError() will return exact OS error code. (e.g. If <cDirName> is not empty hb_vfDirRemove() will fail with -1 and FError() shall return 145.)
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfDirSpaceLines: 319-325
Categories:Disks, Drives and FoldersPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns space info for the given <cDirName>.
If no <nInfoType> supplied it defaults to HB_DISK_AVAIL (i.e. returns available free space).\
Other <nInfoType> specifiers are HB_DISK_FREE, HB_DISK_USEDand HB_DISK_TOTAL.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfEofLines: 827-836
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if the seeking pointer has reached the end of file (EOF), otherwise .F.
<pHandle> (required argument) is the handle of an opened file and if is missing (i.e. not passed) or is not numeric, then (unlike hb_FEof()) an RTE (runtime error) occurs.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfEraseLines: 165-180
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to remove (delete) file <cFileName> from disk.
Returns zero 0 on success, -1 on failure. To determine exact reason of failure, the FError() function can be used.
Typically, hb_vfErase() function shall fail to erase a "Read-Only" file. In that case, in place of hb_vfErase(), could be used the hb_FileDelete() function which can delete such a Read-Only file, by removing "R" attribute before the erase. (Worth to note that hb_FileDelete() itself, calls internally the hb_vfErase() function to finally do the deletion).
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfExistsLines: 138-162
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if <cFileName> exists.
Wildcards are NOT supported but function recognizes hidden and/or system files.
If <cFileName> does not include a path, then tries to locate the file by searching (with this order):

  • into current directory
  • into directory set by SET DEFAULT setting,
  • into directories listed in the SET PATH Harbour setting (not to be confused with PATH envar).

See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfFlushLines: 839-848
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

File Flush. Probably most needed in multi-threading applications and to avoid loss of data in case if system failures.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfHandleLines: 883-888
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the O/S file handle (numeric) of a previously opened (or created/opened) file denoted by its <pHandle> (pointer). Using invalid <pHandle> an RTE occurs.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: HB_VFISLOCALLines: 133-136
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfLinkLines: 408-423
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates a Hard Link between an existing file and a new file. Under MS Windows, is only supported on the NTFS file system, and only for files, not directories.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions
See hard vs symbolic links

Function: hb_vfLinkReadLines: 444-458
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Finds out if a file is actually a link (hard or soft). Return empty if not linked.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions
See hard vs symbolic links

Function: hb_vfLinkSymLines: 426-441
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates a Symbolic Link with the name <cNewFileName>, that points to <cTargetFileName>
NOTE 1: Symbolic Link creation under MS Windows OS, is supported only on Vista and later versions.
NOTE 2: Application must be run with Administrator privileges, otherwise the function will fail to create symbolic link.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfLoadLines: 905-918
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Gets the content of a file. It the file can't be access, NIL will be returned.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfLockLines: 534-554
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfLockTestLines: 580-600
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfMoveFileLines: 240-256
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function allows to move files between different file systems/drives and also different Harbour file IO drivers. This means that file name IO driver prefix is significant in both source and destination file names unless it's local FS operation.
When both file names point to the same Harbour file IO driver, the function attempts to perform a simple rename operation.
If it fails then tries to copy the file to <cFileDst> and remove the source <cFileSrc>.
Return value: 0 on success, -1 on failure. Use FError() to determine the reason of failure.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfOpenLines: 461-516
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to open <cFileName> for I/O operation(s) that are specified by <nModeAttr> (see \include\ for available opening flags).
If <cFileName> cannot be found (f.e. when it doesn't exist) and HB_FO_CREAT is specified in <nModeAttr> the file is created/opened otherwise (file doesn't exist and no HB_FO_CREAT is specified) the function fails and returns NIL.
If <cFileName> parameter has been passed by reference then the function honors SET DEFAULT and/or SET PATH settings (if any), otherwise it seeks for the file either into the directory specified by <cFileName> (if it includes one) or into the current directory (if <cFileName> does not not include a path).
The function returns a handle (pointer) to the newly opened file; if the file couldn't be opened NIL is returned.
NOTE: avoid HB_FO_CREAT and HB_FO_EXCL combination, i.e., hb_vfOpen(<cFile>, HB_FO_CREAT + HB_FO_EXCL),
because, if the the file fails to be opened, the actual reason is not clear (was it due to file creation failure or because the file already exists?). Using of hb_vfExists() to check if the file exists and then hb_vfOpen(<cFile>) or hb_vfOpen(<cFile>, HB_FO_CREAT) to create it if needed, is much more unambiguous and secure.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfReadLines: 603-634
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfReadAtLines: 701-733
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfReadLenLines: 637-663
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfRenameLines: 183-199
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Attempts to rename the given file/directory named <cFileSrc> to new name <cFileDst>.
Returns 0 (zero) on success, non-zero on failure. Use FError() to determine the actual error code.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfSeekLines: 772-791
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfSizeLines: 806-824
Categories:File Functions, Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the size (in bytes) of the file specified by <pHandle> or <cFileName>.
If the specified file does not exist or is empty, returned value is 0 (zero).
If neither filename or handle specified, an RTE occurs (unlike hb_FSize() which returns 0).
If optional <lUseDirEntry> parameter is .F., then the file size is determined using harbour's internal low-level file access mechanism, otherwise if it's .T. or omitted (in which case it defaults to .T.) the returned file size, (I think...) is that as it's reported by OS's file system (directory entry). This parameter is significant only when
the file has been specified by passing a character value parameter <cFileName> (i.e. when <pHandle> used then <lUseDirEntry> is meaningless).
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfTempFileLines: 891-902
Categories:File Functions, Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates a temp file and stores its randomly constructed name into cFileName parameter variable (which must be passed by reference).
Returns a file handler (pointer) on created file or NIL on failure.
NOTE: the temporary file is created always on local system (i.e. without switching to FILE IO redirector), into <cDir> or into user's %TEMP% directory if no <cDir> specified.
It remains opened until it's closed either imperatively (f.e. by using hb_vfClose(<pHandle>)) or by Operating System (upon program termination).
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfTimeGetLines: 346-382
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Retrieves date and time of a given <cFileName> file.
Values are stored in the passed by reference parameters either as a TimeStamp or separate dDate and cTime values.
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Function: hb_vfTimeSetLines: 385-405
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets (changes) date and time of file <cFileName>.
Argument for 2nd parameter can be either a valid TimeStamp or a Date value. If it is of date type (implying it must have been initialized as such before passed), then a 3rd cTime parameter can be optionally used (which may include a milliseconds fraction) to set file-time as well.

- On Windows O/S, after successful completion of this function, both the Last Access Time and Last Write Time are affected (changed) while Creation Time remains unaffected.
- Again on Windows O/S, Windows Explorer, in certain situations, shows up wrong (both Access and Write) dates/times for file, to the contrary of command line where they're displayed correctly. (tested on Windows 7 pro, p.d. - 12/03/2018).

Function: hb_vfTruncLines: 794-803
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfUnlockLines: 557-577
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfWriteLines: 666-698
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfWriteAtLines: 736-769
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: vfilehi.prgLines: 132
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfDirBuildLines: 47-96
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfDirUnbuildLines: 98-126
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_vfNameExistsLines: 128-131
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: wait.prgLines: 78
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __WaitLines: 49-77
Categories:Input FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Undocumented function similar to WAIT command.

File: word.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: WordLines: 54-60
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Convert a floating point number to a 32-bit integer.

File: xhelp.cLines: 77
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XHELPLines: 51-76
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: xsavescr.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
typedef struct: HB_SCRDATALines: 54-61
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XRESTSCREENLines: 93-105
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: __XSAVESCREENLines: 73-86
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Folder: src\rtl\gtcgi\
File: gtcgi.cLines: 459
typedef struct: HB_GTCGILines: 80-92
Folder: src\rtl\gtcrs\
File: gtcrs.cLines: 2864
typedef struct: evtFDLines: 70-78
typedef struct: InOutBaseLines: 107-165
typedef struct: keyTabLines: 99-105
typedef struct: mouseEventLines: 80-97
File: gtcrs.hLines: 235
Folder: src\rtl\gtdos\
File: gtdos.cLines: 1407
Folder: src\rtl\gtgui\
File: gtgui.cLines: 331
typedef struct: _HB_BUTTON_IDLines: 71-76
Folder: src\rtl\gtos2\
File: gtos2.cLines: 1022
typedef struct: HB_OS2_BUTTONSTATELines: 300-311
Folder: src\rtl\gtpca\
File: gtpca.cLines: 919
Folder: src\rtl\gtsln\
File: gtsln.cLines: 1051
File: gtsln.hLines: 245
File: kbsln.cLines: 536
File: keytrans.cLines: 479
File: mousesln.cLines: 519
Folder: src\rtl\gtstd\
File: gtstd.cLines: 768
typedef struct: HB_GTSTDLines: 94-124
Folder: src\rtl\gttrm\
File: gttrm.cLines: 4130
typedef struct: evtFDLines: 244-252
typedef struct: HB_TERM_STATELines: 295-395
typedef struct: keySeqLines: 286-290
typedef struct: keyTabLines: 278-284
typedef struct: mouseEventLines: 254-276
Folder: src\rtl\gtwin\
File: gtwin.cLines: 2253
typedef struct: HB_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEXLines: 100-111
Folder: src\rtl\gtwvt\
File: gtwvt.cLines: 4635
File: gtwvt.hLines: 392
Folder: src\rtl\gtxwc\
File: gtxwc.cLines: 6205
typedef struct: MODIFIERSLines: 138-144
typedef struct: WND_COLORSLines: 146-151
typedef struct: XWC_MWMHintsLines: 2580-2587
typedef struct: XWC_RECTLines: 130-136
typedef struct: XWND_DEFLines: 153-306
File: gtxwc.hLines: 293
Folder: src\rtl\gt_tpl\
File: gt_tpl.cLines: 167
Folder: src\vm\
Doc Topic:The virtual machine
File: arrays.cLines: 1696
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: arrayshb.cLines: 416
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management
Function: AAddLines: 110-125
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

This function attempts to add an element to the end of <aArray> and optionally assigns the value <xValue> to this new element.
If the addition succeeds, the length of the array increases by one and the function returns either the value <xValue>, _if one specified_, or NIL.
Note that the presence of the 2nd argument (or at least the comma next to the 1st one, in which case NIL is implied as xValue) is mandatory, even if a specific xValue is not meant to be simultaneously added, otherwise RTE occurs; in such a case, the effect is identical to _ASize(aArray, Len(aArray)+1)_.

Function: ACloneLines: 404-410
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Duplicates an array (Deep Copy). Works with multidimensional arrays.

Function: ACopyLines: 377-400
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Copy elements from a source array into a target array. Operates only on one-dimensional arrays.

Function: ADelLines: 177-192
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Deletes the element at position <nPosition> from the array <aArray>. All subsequent elements are shifted up by one position so that the last element contains the value NIL. See hb_Adel() for extra functionality.

Function: AEvalLines: 356-375
Categories:Arrays Functions, Codeblock FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Evaluates the <bBlock> for each element into <aArray>, starting from <nStart> and continues until <nCount> elements or all array elements have been evaluated (i.e. processed).
The code-block receives two argument values:
1) the current element being evaluated (value may be of whatever type)
2) the numeric position (index) of that element into the array.
Please note that in case the <nCount> exceeding the array elements the function does not issue any kind of 'out of range' error (practically, it means that the number of evaluations may not necessarily be equal to <nCount>). This behavior stands also for other array functions.

Function: AFillLines: 194-244
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Assigns the value of <xValue> to the <nCount> elements, beginning at position <nStart>. Multi-dimensional arrays cannot be filled using 'AFill()'. Since Arrays (and Objects) are always passed by reference, the return value is the same as the first parameter.

Function: AInsLines: 160-175
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Inserts a new element at <nPosition> into the array <aArray>. All subsequent elements are shifted down by one position so that the last element is lost.
The number of elements remain unchanged. See hb_AIns() which allows auto-sizing of array.

Function: ArrayLines: 76-108
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Returns an array dimensioned according to the passed parameters.
All elements of the array contain the value NIL.

Function: AScanLines: 246-263
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Search into <aArray> for <xSearch> value starting from <nStart> up to <nCount>.
Returns the position of element that matches the searched value or 0 if no match is found.

Function: ASizeLines: 130-150
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Dynamically increases or decreases the size of <aArray> to <nLength> elements.
When the array is enlarged, new elements are added to the end of <aArray> and are initialized with NIL.
When the number of elements is decreased, elements are removed from the end of <aArray> and their values are lost.
Returns reference to sized array.

Function: ATailLines: 152-158
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Returns the value stored in the last element of <aArray>.

Function: hb_AdelLines: 332-351
Categories:Arrays FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Deletes the value of <nElement> of array <aArray>, moves all the following values to the previous position, and assigns the last element a NIL value. Unlike the legacy ADel() function, hb_ADel() provides a third <lAutoSize> parameter which if specified .T. then the last array element is discarded and _the size of array is decreased by one_, otherwise if <lAutoSize> is .F. or not passed at all, the size of array remains unchanged.

Function: hb_AinsLines: 304-330
Categories:Arrays FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Inserts <uValue> in the <nPos> position of the array, moving all the items to the next position. If <lAutoSize> is .T., a new element will be added, making room for the previous last element, else the size of <aArray> won't change and the last item of <aArray> will be lost.

Function: hb_AParamsLines: 412-415
Categories:Function EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Returns an array with the parameters passed to a function. <nLevel> lets you obtain the parameter list of the caller functions up in the call tree.
Note: returns the current values of parameters, which might have been changed by user code, hence and they may be different than original arguments, that had been passed to the given function upon invocation.

Function: hb_AScanLines: 266-283
Categories:Arrays FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Scans the array <aArray> (left to right) trying to locate the <SearchValue>, which can be a simple value or a code block.
Scanning starts either from the 1st or <nStart> element of the <aArray> and continues up to the next <nCount> elements or up to the last element of the array, if no <nCount> specified. When the logical flag <lExact> is specified, overrides the _SET_EXACT setting, which means it directly affects the exactness of comparison.
The function returns the numeric position of the first located element inside the array or 0 (zero), if no matching element found.

Function: hb_RAScanLines: 285-302
Categories:Arrays FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Scans (right to left) for <uValue> into <aArray> and returns <nPosition> of found or <zero> if nothing found.
It's same to hb_AScan(...) but it starts scanning reversely, from right to left (or bottom to top.)

File: asort.cLines: 378
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: ASortLines: 361-377
Categories:Arrays FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Sorts an array entirely or partially. Usage of the code block <bSort> is mandatory when the array is multidimensional, otherwise sorting won't be possible.
The code-block, during the sorting process, receives two elements as block parameters and shall return .T. when they're in order. Example: ASort( aArray, {|x,y| x>y} )

  • Sorting is case sensitive for character elements.
  • Logical value .F. is considered smaller than .T.
  • Order of precedence of different data types:

    • objects, arrays, code-blocks, strings, booleans, timestamps, dates, numbers, hash arrays

    • usage of code-block for sorting arrays with elements of different data type, shall produce RTE without proper handling of block-parameters (i.e., without conversion to same type).

File: break.cLines: 60
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: BreakLines: 56-59
Categories:Program Flow ControlsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Branch out of a BEGIN SEQUENCE...END construct.
<exp> is the value passed to the RECOVER clause, if any, and is NOT optional. if there is no break value must explicitly specified NIL.

File: classes.cLines: 5643
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects
typedef struct: CLASSLines: 143-175
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
typedef struct: HB_CLSCASTLines: 106-110
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
typedef struct: HB_IVARINFOLines: 5045-5051
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: hb_SetClsHandleLegacy Level: 5Lines: 5539-0
Translates to the function: __ObjSetClassHandle
Categories:Classes and ObjectsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)

Real dirty function, though very useful under certain circumstances: It allows to change the class handle of an object into another class handle, so the object behaves like a different Class of object. Based on objects.lib SetClsHandle().
Renamed from the hb_SetClsHandle() function, which is now marked at Legacy Level 5.

typedef struct: INITDATALines: 112-119
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
typedef struct: METHODLines: 121-139
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSADDLines: 4203-0
Translates to the function: __CLSADDMSG
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSHLines: 4347-4353
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSINSTANCELines: 4199-0
Translates to the function: __CLSINST
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSNAMELines: 4207-4211
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSNEWLines: 4195-0
Translates to the function: __CLSNEW
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSSELLines: 4215-4241
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSADDFRIENDLines: 3623-3639
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSADDMSGLines: 3300-3354
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSASSOCTYPELines: 4044-4102
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSCNTCLASSESLines: 4108-4112
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSDELMSGLines: 3648-3661
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSGETANCESTORSLines: 5383-5404
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSGETPROPERTIESLines: 5318-5380
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSINSTLines: 3727-3733
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSINSTSUPERLines: 3949-4038
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSLOCKLines: 3739-3745
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSLOCKDEFLines: 5461-5478
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSMODMSGLines: 3751-3846
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSMSGTYPELines: 5412-5429
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSNEWLines: 3581-3617
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSPARENTLines: 4253-4260
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSPREALLOCATELines: 5438-5458
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSSYNCSIGNALLines: 4289-4294
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSSYNCWAITLines: 4296-4341
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSUNLOCKDEFLines: 5481-5496
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLSVERIFYLines: 5583-5614
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLS_CNTCLSDATALines: 4118-4125
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLS_CNTDATALines: 4144-4151
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLS_CNTSHRDATALines: 4131-4138
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLS_DECDATALines: 4157-4171
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLS_INCDATALines: 4177-4190
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __GETMESSAGELines: 4244-4248
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __GETMSGPRFLines: 5014-5043
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJCLONELines: 3934-3943
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJGETCLSNAMELines: 3853-3865
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJGETIVARSLines: 5241-5248
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJHASMSGLines: 3872-3883
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJHASMSGASSIGNEDLines: 3889-3902
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJRESTOREIVARSLines: 5283-5309
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJSENDMSGLines: 3908-3928
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __OBJSETCLASSLines: 5501-5514
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __ObjSetClassHandleLines: 5522-5538
Categories:Classes and ObjectsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)

Real dirty function, though very useful under certain circumstances: It allows to change the class handle of an object into another class handle, so the object behaves like a different Class of object. Based on objects.lib SetClsHandle().
Renamed from the hb_SetClsHandle() function, which is now marked at Legacy Level 5.

Function: __OBJSETIVARSLines: 5253-5278
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __SENDERLines: 4265-4287
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
File: cmdarg.cLines: 966
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: hb_ACmdLineLines: 745-759
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

It returns an array with all _command line_ parameters. This function returns all parameters, also hidden (internals) ones, just like hb_CmdLine() and hb_argV()/hb_argC() functions, (and unlike hb_AParams(__dbgProcLevel() - 1)).

Function: hb_argCLines: 691-694
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Returns the number of _command line_ arguments passed to the application, including the internal arguments;
Note: the number returned doesn't include the hb_argv(0) (i.e. the name of executable).

Function: hb_argCheckLines: 663-666
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Check if an internal switch has been set when the program started. Internal switch is a command line argument prefixed with a double slash //.
Example of starting a program in command line and setting internal switch:
C:\appls>myprogram.exe //SWITCH1

Function: hb_argShiftLines: 710-743
Categories:Executable Environment, Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Updates the parameters list (that are retrieved/utilized by 'hb_arg*()' family functions) by removing the 1-st one and replacing it by others. If <lShift> is .T. then first non internal parameter is moved to hb_argv(0) (i.e. hb_progname()) and all next are shifted.

Function: hb_argStringLines: 670-686
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Returns the value assigned to <cArg> internal switch. If the <cArg> is not set or has not assigned a value to it, the function returns a NULL string.

Function: hb_argVLines: 700-708
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Returns the <nArg>-th _command line_ argument passed to the application. Calling it with the parameter zero (or no parameter at all) it will return the name of the executable, as written in the command line (including full path).

Function: hb_CmdLineLines: 761-818
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Returns the full command line, i.e.: all command line arguments (parameters).

File: codebloc.cLines: 305
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: debug.cLines: 360
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Debugger
Function: __dbgVMLocalListLines: 225-259
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Variables management

Used internally by the debugger. Source code lacks documentation.

Function: __DBGVMPARLLISTLines: 261-267
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMSTKGCOUNTLines: 128-134
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMSTKGLISTLines: 139-156
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMSTKLCOUNTLines: 185-191
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMSTKLLISTLines: 203-223
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMVARLGETLines: 306-319
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
Function: __DBGVMVARLSETLines: 321-359
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: dlmalloc.cLines: 6372
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: dynlibhb.cLines: 290
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management
Function: HB_LIBERRORLines: 261-268
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: HB_LIBFREELines: 256-259
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: HB_LIBGETFUNSYMLines: 273-289
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: HB_LIBLOADLines: 238-254
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
File: dynsym.cLines: 816
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table
typedef struct: DYNHB_ITEMLines: 53-56
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: hb_IsFunctionLines: 709-716
Categories:Program Flow Controls, Symbol Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)

Returns .T. if the symbol <cFunctionName> has a function/procedure pointer; can be used, f.e., to check if a given <cFunctionName> function has been linked within executable.

typedef struct: HB_SYM_HOLDERLines: 58-64
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __dynsCountLines: 677-681
Categories:Dynamic Symbol TablePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)

How many symbols have been already allocated/stored in dynamic symbol table?

Function: __dynsGetIndexLines: 691-707
Categories:Dynamic Symbol TablePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)

Returns the ordinal index number of the given <cName> into dynamic symbol table.

Function: __dynsGetNameLines: 683-689
Categories:Dynamic Symbol TablePlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)

Returns the name of symbol found in '' position of symbol table.

Function: __DYNSGETPRFLines: 727-750
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __DYNSISFUNLines: 718-725
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __DYNSN2PTRLines: 761-767
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __DYNSN2SYMLines: 752-759
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __DYNSP2NAMELines: 769-775
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: __DYNSVERIFYLines: 810-815
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
File: estack.cLines: 1427
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: eval.cLines: 583
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Codeblocks
Function: hb_ExecFromArrayLines: 400-496
Compatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Codeblocks)

Based on xHarbour's hb_ExecFromArray() by Giancarlo Niccolai This version supports the same syntax though it's independent implementation [druzus]

The following syntax is supported:
hb_ExecFromArray( [, ] )
hb_ExecFromArray( @() [, ] )
hb_ExecFromArray( [, ] )
hb_ExecFromArray( , [, ] )
hb_ExecFromArray( , @() [, ] )
hb_ExecFromArray( )
where is in one of the following format:
{ [, { @() [, { [, { , [, { , @() [,

Function: hb_ExecMsgLines: 570-582
Compatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Codeblocks)

Executes <sFuncSym> with <object> set as QSELF() value.

Function: hb_ForNextLines: 335-378
Categories:Program Flow ControlsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Codeblocks)

This function is a "functionification" of the FOR ... NEXT traditional loop.
It is similar to for(initStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) loop in *C-language* but it's more self-contained, since it includes the processing code that shall be executed during loop.
Executes (evaluates) iteratively the <bCode> code-block until the iteration counter reaches the <nEnd> value, starting from <nStart>.
The <bCode> code-block receives iteratively the successive value of the internal iteration counter as a parameter. If a bEnd code-block (instead of nEnd) is passed as 2nd parameter, it is evaluated first and the value returned by evaluation is used as <nEnd>. This means that <bEnd> should return numeric value, otherwise the function will break-exit immediately, without neither warning or error. When needed, the value returned by hb_ForNext() can be examined to identify the result of <bEnd>
- Reverse iteration is not supported!
- when the 2nd parameter is numeric (and not a code-block) the hb_ForNext() returns NIL.
- If <nStart> is NIL or non-numeric, defaults to 0 (zero).*

File: evalhb.cLines: 77
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: EvalLines: 54-76
Categories:Codeblock FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Evaluates a code block and returns the resulting value of the last expression within the block. Returned value can be of any type.
<bBlock> is the code block to be evaluated, while <BlockArg list> is an optional list of arguments to send to the code block before it is evaluated.

File: extend.cLines: 2630
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Extend System
File: extrap.cLines: 640
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: fm.cLines: 1588
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The memory manager
typedef struct: HB_MEMINFOLines: 290-294
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The memory manager)
typedef struct: HB_MSPACELines: 402-401
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The memory manager)
Function: __FM_ALLOCLIMITLines: 1550-1587
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The memory manager)
File: garbage.cLines: 818
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Garbage Collector
typedef struct: HB_GARBAGELines: 95-102
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Garbage Collector)
Function: hb_gcAllLines: 769-786
Categories:Background ProcessingCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Garbage Collector)

Scans the memory and releases all garbage memory blocks.
If lForce is false it will be faster; by not doing a "SuspendThreads".

Function: HB_GCSETAUTOLines: 789-816
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Garbage Collector)
Function: hb_gcStepLines: 762-765
Categories:Background ProcessingCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Garbage Collector)

Is simply a hb_gcAll(.F.), meaning not forced.

File: harbinit.prgLines: 84
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Command: CLIPPER520Lines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Command: CLIPPER530Lines: 58-59
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Command: __HBVMInitLines: 68-76
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Command: __SetHelpKLines: 79-83
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: hashes.cLines: 1219
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_BASEHASHLines: 69-77
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_HASHPAIRLines: 63-67
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: hashfunc.cLines: 891
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes
Function: hb_HAllocateLines: 856-869
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Pre-allocates space (memory) for <nElements> hash items. It's useful when you intend to add a set of new items because you will save time spent in grabbing each new element separately; preallocating elements may improve speed execution of program.
Note:this function will not "truncate" or release (delete) items, if the <nElements> number is less than the actual item count already into the hash table.*

Function: hb_HashLines: 55-79
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Creates a hash table and, optionally, populates it with elements (pairs of keys and values).
To initialize (create) a hash table, it is recommended to do it in an inline assignment, using the literal {=>} instead of hb_Hash() function. For example: hHash := {=>} or hHash := {"key1"=>"value1"}.
Keys can be of type: string, number, date, timestamp, pointer.
Values can be of almost any type that is supported by Harbour: string, numeric, date, timestamp, logical, pointer, array, hash table, code-block, NIL.

Function: hb_HAutoAddLines: 789-825
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the 'AutoAdd' flag for the hash array.
If the second parameter is not specified, this function will still return the previous setting of the 'AutoAdd' flag.

Note 1: Definition of 'AutoAdd' flag as per
AutoAdd - when set in TRUE (the default), the operation assignment ( as harr["fantasy"] := "fiction" in the above example ) leads to the addition of a new pair, while the FALSE leads to an error.

Note 2: Deprecates hb_HSetBinary() function

Function: hb_HBinaryLines: 757-787
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the 'Binary' flag for the hash array.
If the iFlag is not specified, this function will still return the previous setting of the 'Binary' flag.

Note 1: Definition of 'Binary' flag as per
Binary - when set in TRUE (the default), sorting the array is made in accordance with the weight of the binary code of the character, without taking into account the national code pages and the relevant rules of the sort. This allows you to significantly speed up the manipulation with the hash of arrays.

Note 2: Deprecates hb_HSetBinary() function

Function: hb_HCaseMatchLines: 725-755
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the 'CaseMatch' flag for the hash array.
If the second parameter is not specified, this function will still return the previous setting of the 'CaseMatch' flag.

Note 1: Definition of 'CaseMatch' flag as per
CaseMatch - defines wether to take into consideration the Case character ( big/small ) for sorting or not.

Note 2: Deprecates hb_HSetCaseMatch() function

Function: hb_HClearLines: 333-344
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Deletes all the elements in <hHash> leaving an empty hash table.

Function: hb_HCloneLines: 365-373
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Creates a copy of a hash table.

Function: hb_HCopyLines: 375-406
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Adds entries from the source hash table to the destination hash table.

Function: hb_HDefaultLines: 871-883
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the default value assigned to new keys in a hash table. Returns the previous default value (if any).
This function is not needed if using the hb_HAutoAdd() extended parameters.

Function: hb_HDelLines: 208-220
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Deletes a key and it's associated value from a hash table.
Does not generate an error when unexciting key is passed to hb_HDel().

Function: hb_HDelAtLines: 296-310
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Removes an entry from a hash table, based on its index position.

Function: hb_HEvalLines: 453-489
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Evaluates a code block across the contents of a hash table. It's quite similar to AEval() function but works with hashes, instead of plain arrays.
The code block receives the key, value, and numeric position of every hash element that is being processed( e.g.: {|k,v,i| ... } )

Function: hb_HFillLines: 346-363
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the values of all the keys of <hHash> table to <xValue>.

Function: hb_HGetLines: 111-126
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Gets the value associated to a key. Use hb_HGetDef() instead of this function, to avoid Run Time Error when a value does't exists.

Function: hb_HGetDefLines: 128-147
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns either the value associated to the given key within the <hHash> hash table, or the default value <DefaultValue> if the <Key> doesn't exist. It returns NIL when both the <Key> doesn't exist and no <DefaultValue> has given.

Function: hb_HGetRefLines: 178-191
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns .T. if <xKey> exists. Optionally stores its associated key-value to <xValue> which must be passed by reference to retain the stored value. If the <xKey> is not found, <xValue> will become NIL.
Remark: This function, in functionality terms, might be viewed as a combination of hb_HGet() and hb_HHasKey() functions.

Function: hb_HHasKeyLines: 81-94
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns .T. if <xKey> exists in the hash table and stores its ordinal position to @<nPos> which must be passed by reference to retain the stored position. If the key doesn't exists then <nPos> will be the position of the smaller nearest key.

Function: hb_HKeepOrderLines: 827-854
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the 'KeepOrder' flag for the hash array.
If the second parameter is not specified, this function will still return the previous setting of the 'KeepOrder' flag.

Note 1: This flag controls the order by which the elements are stored in the hash table. If the `KeepOrder` flag is TRUE then the order by which the elements are created or added will be preserved. If it is FALSE, then the elements of the hash table will be sorted (other flags may affect the order such as the `Binary` flag and `CaseMatch` flags). This flag is enabled TRUE by default.

Note 2: Deprecates hb_HSetOrder() function

Function: hb_HKeyAtLines: 222-237
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Retrieves the key at a given position in a hash table. The <nPosition> value must be in the range 1...Len( hHash ). If hash table is empty or <nPosition> is zero or greater than Len( hHash ) then a "Bound error" RTE (RunTime Error) occurs .

Function: hb_HKeysLines: 313-321
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns an array with all the keys (but not the associated values) of a hash table.

Function: hb_HMergeLines: 408-451
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Merges <hsSource> hash into <hsDestination> hash. With the 3rd parameter can be optionally specified the merge mode. When source elements copied will substitute those with the same key in the destination hash table.

Function: hb_HPairAtLines: 263-294
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Will retrieve the key/value pair entry at the nPosition position of hHash, and either set the xKey and xValue parameter if specified, or return a two-dimensional array of the key/value values.

Function: hb_HPosLines: 96-109
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns the position of <xKey> in the hash.

Function: hb_HScanLines: 491-710
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Scans the hash table values searching for <uValue>. Alternatively, you can pass a codeblock <bBlock> that receives the xKey, the value and the position of each element, and should return .T. if a match is found. The range of hash table items to be scanned can be limited by the <nStart> and <nCount> parameters, otherwise all elements are scanned. The logical flag <lExact> determines if an exact matching (or not) shall performed, when searching for strings or datetime or array or hashes.
Returns the numeric position of the located value within the hash table, or zero (0) if nothing found.

Function: hb_HSetLines: 193-206
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets (or adds a new) key/value pair to <hHash> hash table.

Function: hb_HSetDefLines: 149-176
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

This function checks if <xKey> exists and optionally sets the key-value to <xDefVal>.

  • If <xKey> does not exists then adds it to hash array and sets the key-value to <xDefVal>, if passed.
  • If <xKey> exists in hash array and <xDefVal> is given, then it checks if the type of key-value is compatible (i.e. same valtype) with <xDefVal> and if not then replaces key-value with <xDefVal>.
  • If <xKey> exists in hash array and no <xDefVal> is given, then nothing changes.

This function returns the value associated with xKey, which value (after successful function execution) can be either the initial value or the applied <xDefVal> or NIL (when a new <xKey> added while no <xDefVal> value is given). In other words this function it's a combination of hb_HGetDef() and hb_default() and works like the example PRG code, but it is **much faster!**
Note: that's a 'brand-new' function released with this 2018-01-05 14:12 commit., therefore is not available in earlier Harbour 3.2 versions (it doesn't, also, exist in Viktor's (currently archived) fork, Harbour 3.4).

Function: hb_HSortLines: 712-723
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sorts the hast <hHash>.The sort order depends on binary and case sensitivity hash array flags.

Function: hb_HValueAtLines: 239-261
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns the value associated to the key at a given position in a hash table or xNewValue if used to set the xValue. Optionally, you can set the new value <xNewValue> associated to the key at that position.

Function: hb_HValuesLines: 323-331
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns an array with all the associated xValues (not the xKeys) of a hash table.

File: hvm.cLines: 12627
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The pcode
Function: ErrorLevelLines: 12561-12573
Categories:Executable Environment, Warnings and ErrorsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)

Returns and optionally sets the current exit code as a numeric value. It returns zero if no exit code has been set.

Function: hb_ArrayToParamsLines: 12551-12559
Categories:Arrays Functions, Function EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)

Converts array into list of items which can be used as function parameters, array-values or array-indexes in the same way as ... operator.

typedef struct: HB_ENUMREFLines: 4656-4656
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
typedef struct: HB_ITMREFLines: 8421-8396
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
typedef struct: HB_MSGIDXREFLines: 8684-8660
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
typedef struct: HB_MSGREFLines: 8520-8497
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
typedef struct: HB_TSVREFLines: 6596-6572
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __BREAKBLOCKLines: 12529-12532
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGINVOKEDEBUGLines: 12132-12149
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGPROCLEVELLines: 12203-12210
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARGGETLines: 12260-12264
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARGLISTLines: 12241-12258
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARGSETLines: 12266-12276
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARSGETLines: 12181-12185
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARSLENLines: 12168-12176
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARSLISTLines: 12154-12163
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __DBGVMVARSSETLines: 12191-12201
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __OPCOUNTLines: 12356-12360
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Total number of used opcodes by the virtual machine
Function: __OPGETPRFLines: 12362-12384
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __QUITCANCELLines: 12402-12427
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __RECOVERERRORBLOCKLines: 12534-12549
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __SETPROFILERLines: 12344-12354
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __TRACEPRGCALLSLines: 12390-12400
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __vmCountThreadsLines: 12506-12527
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)

Returns the number of active threads.

Function: __VMITEMIDLines: 12459-12476
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The stack
Function: __VMITEMREFSLines: 12478-12497
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __VMKEYPOOLLines: 12441-12452
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __VMMODULESVERIFYLines: 12499-12504
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
Function: __VMNOINTERNALSLines: 12454-12457
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The pcode)
File: hvmall.cLines: 114
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: initexit.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __QUITLines: 50-53
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: initsymb.cLines: 189
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: itemapi.cLines: 3039
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: macro.cLines: 1875
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / Macros
Function: FieldBlockLines: 944-983
Categories:Codeblock Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)

Returns a code block that, when evaluated, sets or gets the value of the given field. If <cFieldName> does
not exist in the specified work area, it returns an empty block.

Function: FieldWBlockLines: 985-1008
Categories:Codeblock Functions, Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)

Returns a code block accessing the field variable <cFieldName> in the <nWorkArea>, or NIL when an illegal parameter is passed. The code block accepts one parameter used to assign a value to the field.

Function: hb_macroBlockLines: 839-848
Categories:Codeblock FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)

Converts the <cExpr> macro expression to codeblock. The created bCodeBlock codeblock does NOT inherit scope and/or attributes of the caller.

Function: HB_SETMACROLines: 1207-1239
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)
Function: MemvarBlockLines: 919-942
Categories:Codeblock Functions, VariablesPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Macros)
File: main.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: maindllh.cLines: 130
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: mainstd.cLines: 96
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: mainwin.cLines: 66
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: memvars.cLines: 1760
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: MEMVARSAVE_CARGOLines: 1388-1367
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVCLEARLines: 1224-1227
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __mvDbgInfoLines: 1229-1255
Categories:VariablesPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Variables management

This is a function was originally created for the debugger, but it can be called even when not compiling in debug mode. This function can be used to list all know public and private variable. Static and local variable have no name once the program is compiled, not in symbol table.

Function: __MVEXISTLines: 1257-1264
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVGETLines: 1266-1320
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVGETDEFLines: 1322-1340
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVPRIVATELines: 1120-1151
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVPUBLICLines: 1089-1118
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVPUTLines: 1342-1383
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVRELEASELines: 1184-1199
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVRESTORELines: 1564-1737
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVSAVELines: 1497-1558
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVSCOPELines: 1201-1222
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVSETBASELines: 1745-1753
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MVXRELEASELines: 1153-1182
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: memvclip.cLines: 75
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MCLEARLines: 70-0
Translates to the function: __MVCLEAR
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MRELEASELines: 71-0
Translates to the function: __MVRELEASE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MRESTORELines: 74-0
Translates to the function: __MVRESTORE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MSAVELines: 73-0
Translates to the function: __MVSAVE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __MXRELEASELines: 72-0
Translates to the function: __MVXRELEASE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __QQPUBLines: 55-64
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: pbyref.cLines: 62
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: hb_PIsByRefLines: 51-61
Categories:Function EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)

Returns .T. if the nParam is passed by reference. nParam is the number indicating the position of a parameter in the parameter list passed to the function where the check is being done.

File: pcount.cLines: 57
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The stack
Function: PCountLines: 52-56
Categories:Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Retrieves the number of arguments passed to a function.

File: proc.cLines: 279
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The stack
Function: HB_METHODNAMELines: 59-64
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)
Function: PROCFILELines: 88-130
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)
Function: ProcLineLines: 73-81
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Gets the line number of the current function on the stack.

Function: ProcNameLines: 66-71
Categories:Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Gets the name of the current function on the stack.

File: procaddr.cLines: 137
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_FUNC_REF_ADDRLines: 52-57
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: pvalue.cLines: 65
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The stack
Function: hb_PValueLines: 52-64
Categories:Function EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Returns the value passed in the <nParam> parameter and optionally assigns a new value to it. It returns the current parameter value (which may not necessarily be the original value passed).

File: pvaluehb.cLines: 63
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: PVALUELines: 60-0
Translates to the function: hb_PValue
Categories:Function EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Returns the value passed in the <nParam> parameter and optionally assigns a new value to it. It returns the current parameter value (which may not necessarily be the original value passed).

File: runner.cLines: 885
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / HRB Support
typedef struct: HB_DYNFLines: 61-66
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)
Function: hb_hrbDoLines: 774-798
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Executes pre-compiled code (p-code) and returns the value resulted by execution (if any). <pHbPCode> is a pointer to harbour p-code previously loaded using hb_hrbLoad() (see below). The optional 2nd parameter <...> is a list of parameters that is passed to and used by executable p-code.
Note: See also the relevant hb_compile*() functions.

Function: hb_hrbGetFunListLines: 843-879
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Returns array of functions defined into p-code that has been loaded in memory pointed by <pHRB>. For available <nType> types, see HB_HRB_FUNC_* constants defined into
HB_HRB_FUNC_PUBLIC - locally defined public functions
HB_HRB_FUNC_STATIC - locally defined static functions
HB_HRB_FUNC_LOCAL - locally defined functions
HB_HRB_FUNC_EXTERN - external functions used in HRB module

Function: hb_hrbGetFunSymLines: 818-841
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Returns symbolic name (type="S") of a function contained into <pHRB> p-code, that is, the 'cFuncName' itself with a prefix '@' and suffix (), e.g.: "myFunc" => @MyFunc().
The returned symbol can be executed using either of the messages sFuncName:EVAL(...) or sFuncName:EXEC(...) or the function Eval( sFuncName, ... ).
If the given function name cannot be found, NIL is returned.

Function: hb_hrbLoadLines: 726-772
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Loads <cHrbFileName> and returns a pointer that can be passed to 'hb_hrbDo()' to execute loaded p-code. <cHrbFileName> is a .hrb file, that is, pre-compiled harbour binary (aka 'p-code'). <xparamList...> is list of parameters that will be passed to the INIT PROCEDURE of loaded p-code.

Function: hb_hrbRunLines: 675-722
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Gets the the data from a .hrb file, as specified by <cHrbFileName>, runs the p-code contained in it and returns the result of execution (if any). Refer to 'hb_hrbLoad()' above for <nOptions> and <xparams,...> explanation.

Function: hb_hrbSignatureLines: 881-884
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Returns HRB file signature.

Function: hb_hrbUnloadLines: 800-816
Categories:HRB Files / PCODECompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)

Unloads (releases) p-code from memory, previously loaded by hb_hrbLoad().

typedef struct: HRB_BODYLines: 68-78
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / HRB Support)
File: set.cLines: 3053
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Settings
typedef struct: HB_SET_LISTENERLines: 63-68
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)
typedef struct: HB_SET_LISTENER_LSTLines: 70-75
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)
Function: SetLines: 1076-1082
Categories:Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)

Inspects and / or changes a system setting; returns the current (old) setting.
Refer to header file for (plenty of) available settings.
Some use / settings here

Function: SetCancelLines: 504-510
Categories:Executable Environment, Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)

Toggle Alt+C and Ctrl+Break as program termination keys.
See Clipper Reference Guide

Function: __SETCENTURYLines: 492-502
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Settings)
File: short.cLines: 51
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Function: __CLASSINSLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: __CLASSINSTANCE
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
Function: __CLASSNAMLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: __CLASSNAME
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Classes and Objects)
File: strapi.cLines: 1064
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: task.cLines: 1148
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_TASKCONDLines: 185-191
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_TASKINFOLines: 136-174
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
typedef struct: HB_TASKMTXLines: 176-183
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
File: thread.cLines: 2764
Doc Topic:The runtime library / Threads
Function: hb_mtvmLines: 2746-2754
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Checks if the application is multi-thread ready, which, by the way, can be enabled by compiling the application with -mt Harbour switch.

typedef struct: HB_MUTEXLines: 1681-1695
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexCreateLines: 2586-2589
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Creates a mutex and returns its handle (pointer).
In general, a mutex is a kind of a flag visible and respected by all running threads. It is used by a thread (which can hold the mutex by locking it) to "inform" the other threads, that it is entering into a critical stage during which it will use and probably alter(!) some shared resources (usually variables with application-wide scope) and because of this, they do not permitted accessing/utilizing of those resources; therefore, they have to wait until the mutex be unlocked. This mechanism prevents the so called "race conditions" that may happen in a multi-threading application.

Function: hb_mutexEvalLines: 2700-2726
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexExistsLines: 2580-2584
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

It returns true if the given <pMutex> parameter is pointer item to a fully functional mutex.
(note: this is a new function added on 2017-07-27 with this commit, therefore not available in earlier builds).

Function: hb_mutexLockLines: 2591-2609
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Locks the <pMutex> for the thread that invokes the lock. Practically this means that the thread will have exclusive access of any shared resource contained in the code following the mutex-locking, until either explicitly unlocks the mutex (by 'hb_mutexUnlock()') or the <nTimeOut> (in milliseconds) elapsed.
Returns .T. on successful locking, .F. otherwise.

Function: hb_mutexNotifyLines: 2622-2628
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexNotifyAllLines: 2630-2636
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexQueueInfoLines: 2728-2744
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexSubscribeLines: 2638-2667
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexSubscribeNowLines: 2669-2698
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_mutexUnlockLines: 2611-2620
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Unlocks a previously locked mutex. Returns .T. on successful unlocking, .F. otherwise.

Function: hb_threadDetachLines: 1463-1479
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Detaches (disconnects) the <pThreadID> thread from current process, leaving it running separately. Detached thread will release all of its resources automatically upon ending running.

Function: hb_threadIDLines: 1300-1323
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns the numeric ID of the the current or <pThreadID> thread into the threads' stack.

Function: hb_threadIsMainLines: 1325-1341
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

It returns true if the given <pThID> thread ID or the current thread (if no ID is given) is main HVM thread.
(note: this is a new function added on 2017-07-27 with this commit, therefore not available in earlier builds).

Function: hb_threadJoinLines: 1433-1461
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Suspends execution of the current thread, until the thread pointed by <pThreadID> ends executing (exit). If @<xRetCode> passed (by reference), obtains the exit (?) code of the joined thread.

Function: hb_threadOnceLines: 1591-1638
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_threadOnceInitLines: 1643-1677
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: hb_threadQuitRequestLines: 1481-1499
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Sends a QUIT request to given <pThreadID> (child) thread, while suspends the execution of current (sender) thread, waiting for the implementation of request (that is, the termination of <pThreadID> thread).

Function: hb_threadSelfLines: 1285-1298
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns either the pointer of thread, from inside which, this function is invoked or NIL if this pointer happens to be NULL.

Function: hb_threadStartLines: 1180-1283
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Attempts to create a new thread and start executing the code specified by <@sStart()>|<bStart>|<cStart> which can be a function Symbol or a code-Block or a function Name. <params,...> is an optional list of parameters passed to the function or code-block. [<nThreadAttrs>], if used, specifies the attributes of thread, as they're defined into
Returns either a pointer to the newly created thread or NIL on failure.

Function: hb_threadTerminateAllLines: 1570-1575
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Sends to all threads a request to complete (terminate) their running and waits until it happens. It can be called only from the main thread.

Function: hb_threadWaitLines: 1501-1560
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Suspends execution of the current thread for <nTimeOut> seconds (or forever, if no time-out specified), waiting for the completion of either the <pThreadID> thread, or one of the threads in the array of pointers <apThreadID>, or all the threads of that array when <lAll> passed as .T..
Returns the ID number of the thread completed, or the total number of the threads completed in the given period (if <lAll>==.T.), or 0 (zero) if none of the requested thread(s) has been completed and the time-out has elapsed.

Function: hb_threadWaitForAllLines: 1563-1568
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Waits until all the threads have finished running.

File: vm.cLines: 172
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine)
Folder: src\vm\maindllp\
File: dllext.cLines: 1066
File: dllpcode.cLines: 241
Folder: tests\
File: achoice.prgLines: 212
Function: cUserFunctionLines: 176-211
Command: MainLines: 10-172
File: achoice2.prgLines: 132
Function: cUFLines: 82-105
Function: cUF2Lines: 110-131
Command: MainLines: 21-77
File: achoice3.prgLines: 70
Function: HotChoiceLines: 43-69
Command: MainLines: 20-41
File: achoice5.prgLines: 18
Command: MainLines: 3-17
File: achoice6.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 8-23
File: adir.prgLines: 52
Command: MainLines: 5-12
File: ains.prgLines: 94
Command: aDumpLines: 64-93
Command: MainLines: 9-62
File: alias.prgLines: 140
Command: MainLines: 9-136
File: aliaslck.prgLines: 110
File: aliasrt.prgLines: 98
Command: MainLines: 1-97
File: altd.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 4-18
File: and_or.prgLines: 45
Function: AndOrLines: 30-44
Function: DispAndReturnNILLines: 24-28
Command: MainLines: 3-22
File: array.prgLines: 13
Command: MainLines: 3-12
File: array16.prgLines: 72
Command: MainLines: 3-57
Function: ReleaseTestLines: 65-71
Function: TestLines: 59-63
File: arrayidx.prgLines: 27
Command: MainLines: 9-26
File: arrays.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 3-55
Function: ReleaseTestLines: 63-69
Function: TestLines: 57-61
File: arreval.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 1-7
File: arrindex.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 1-15
File: asort.prgLines: 64
Function: aDumpLines: 28-38
Command: MainLines: 5-26
Function: xToStrLines: 40-63
File: base64.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 5-37
File: begin.prgLines: 127
Command: Break1Lines: 78-83
Command: Break2Lines: 84-95
Command: Break3Lines: 97-120
Command: Break4Lines: 122-127
Command: MainLines: 7-76
File: big5_gen.prgLines: 310
Function: calc_sizeLines: 239-271
Function: min_sizeLines: 218-237
File: box.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 5-11
File: box2.prgLines: 47
Command: MainLines: 6-46
File: box3.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 1-20
Command: MESSAGELines: 22-29
File: browse.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 5-24
File: brwpos.prgLines: 68
Command: MainLines: 9-22
Function: TestBrwLines: 24-67
File: byref.prgLines: 57
Command: MainLines: 3-19
Command: ref1Lines: 21-28
Command: ref2Lines: 30-37
Command: ref3Lines: 39-49
Command: ref4Lines: 51-56
File: calling.prgLines: 32
Function: FourthLines: 27-31
Command: MainLines: 3-11
Function: SecondOneLines: 13-19
Function: ThirdLines: 21-25
File: cdow.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 1-13
File: cdx.prgLines: 55
Command: MainLines: 5-54
File: cgi.prgLines: 370
Function: ParseStringLines: 85-107
Class: THTMLLines: 109-370
File: checkbox.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 1-31
File: clasinh.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 3-13
Class: TAnyClassLines: 26-30
Class: TClassBaseLines: 15-20
File: clasinit.prgLines: 59
Command: MainLines: 3-21
Function: TFormLines: 23-45
File: clasname.prgLines: 54
Command: MainLines: 9-53
File: classch.prgLines: 53
Command: MainLines: 5-15
Class: TParentLines: 40-46
Class: TTestLines: 19-27
File: classes.prgLines: 52
Command: MainLines: 3-11
Function: TFormLines: 13-33
File: clipper.chLines: 66
File: cls.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 5-21
Class: TestLines: 23-27
File: clsccast.prgLines: 327
Class: myclass1Lines: 300-305
Class: myclass2Lines: 307-312
Class: myclass3Lines: 314-319
Class: myclass4Lines: 321-326
File: clsdata.prgLines: 111
Function: HBObjectLines: 66-80
Command: MainLines: 1-11
Function: TBaseObjectLines: 13-28
File: clsicast.prgLines: 161
Class: myclass1Lines: 134-139
Class: myclass2Lines: 141-146
Class: myclass3Lines: 148-153
Class: myclass4Lines: 155-160
File: clsnv.prgLines: 244
Command: MainLines: 13-24
Class: myclass1Lines: 26-43
Class: myclass2Lines: 99-116
Class: myclass3Lines: 172-189
File: clsscast.prgLines: 360
Class: myclass1Lines: 333-338
Class: myclass2Lines: 340-345
Class: myclass3Lines: 347-352
Class: myclass4Lines: 354-359
File: clsscope.prgLines: 1007
Class: CLS0Lines: 329-343
Class: CLS1Lines: 371-395
Class: CLS2Lines: 424-440
Class: CLSXLines: 304-310
File: cmdarg.cLines: 17
File: cmphello.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 11-18
File: codebl.prgLines: 186
Command: MainLines: 3-38
File: codebl2.prgLines: 48
Command: MainLines: 1-47
File: codebloc.prgLines: 128
Command: MainLines: 7-82
File: color.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 16-44
File: com.prgLines: 46
Command: MainLines: 3-45
File: comments.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 10-18
File: commouse.prgLines: 132
Command: MainLines: 3-131
File: cpinfo.prgLines: 478
File: curdirt.prgLines: 10
Command: MainLines: 1-9
File: cursor.prgLines: 28
Command: CursTestLines: 17-27
Command: MainLines: 1-15
File: dates.prgLines: 88
Command: MainLines: 3-70
Command: TestCenturyLines: 72-87
File: dates2.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 1-37
File: dates3.prgLines: 47
Command: MainLines: 3-41
File: datetime.prgLines: 43
Command: MainLines: 9-42
File: dbeval.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 1-14
File: dbf.prgLines: 190
Command: MainLines: 5-189
File: dbgcls.prgLines: 29
Command: MainLines: 5-13
Class: SomeLines: 15-29
File: dbi.prgLines: 68
Command: MainLines: 5-42
Function: xToStrLines: 44-67
File: db_brows.prgLines: 721
Function: DBFLISTLines: 115-447
Function: DefpictLines: 692-706
Function: FLDCOUNTLines: 457-474
Function: FLDSTRLines: 606-648
Command: MainLines: 81-105
Function: NUM_STRLines: 716-720
Function: VIVNAMESLines: 484-510
Function: WNDVIVODLines: 520-543
File: ddate.prgLines: 33
Command: MainLines: 1-32
File: debug.prgLines: 236
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Debugger
Command: MainLines: 9-57
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Debugger)
File: declare.prgLines: 72
Class: MyClassLines: 22-0
Function: nMyFunLines: 70-71
File: define.prgLines: 41
Command: MainLines: 9-40
File: delim.prgLines: 49
Command: MainLines: 7-48
File: destruct.prgLines: 127
Command: DTORLines: 105-126
Command: MainLines: 12-40
Class: myClassLines: 86-127
File: dev.prgLines: 42
Command: MainLines: 8-41
File: directry.prgLines: 29
Command: MainLines: 5-28
File: diskspac.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 20-31
File: disp.prgLines: 90
Command: MainLines: 9-89
File: docase.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 3-29
File: dupvars.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 5-11
File: dyn.cLines: 28
File: dyn.prgLines: 44
Command: MainLines: 14-43
File: dynobj.prgLines: 160
Command: MainLines: 11-101
Function: PauseLines: 155-159
Function: TFormLines: 103-123
File: dynsym.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 1-19
File: dynwin.prgLines: 108
Command: MainLines: 12-107
File: errsys.prgLines: 18
Command: MainLines: 7-17
File: exit.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 3-24
File: extend1.prgLines: 282
Command: MainLines: 8-281
File: extend2.cLines: 289
File: fib.prgLines: 43
Function: FibILines: 24-42
Function: FibRLines: 12-22
Command: MainLines: 1-10
File: fileio.prgLines: 31
Command: MainLines: 3-30
File: fileio2.prgLines: 28
Command: MainLines: 4-27
File: files.prgLines: 77
Command: MainLines: 18-76
File: flink.prgLines: 48
Command: MainLines: 9-47
File: flock.prgLines: 136
Command: MainLines: 17-127
Command: ShowStatusLines: 129-135
File: for.prgLines: 65
Command: MainLines: 12-46
File: for2.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 1-19
File: foreach.prgLines: 167
Command: MainLines: 3-145
File: foreach2.prgLines: 106
Class: myclass1Lines: 44-0
Class: myclass2Lines: 67-106
File: fornext.prgLines: 39
Command: MainLines: 8-38
File: funcarr.prgLines: 59
Function: aFuncLines: 54-58
Command: MainLines: 9-52
File: fwdref.prgLines: 9
Command: MainLines: 3-8
File: get.prgLines: 35
Command: MainLines: 1-34
File: getblock.prgLines: 59
Command: MainLines: 7-58
File: gfx.prgLines: 105
Command: MainLines: 4-95
Function: PutFrameLines: 97-104
File: gfx2.prgLines: 87
Command: MainLines: 11-86
File: gtapi.cLines: 71
File: gtchars.prgLines: 92
Function: dspboxchLines: 81-91
Command: MainLines: 25-79
File: gtcolors.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 8-29
File: gtkeys.prgLines: 367
Command: MainLines: 27-366
File: gtstd.prgLines: 64
Command: MainLines: 7-57
Function: PosNowLines: 59-63
File: gtwin.prgLines: 70
File: gtxfnt.prgLines: 56
Function: xfontselLines: 52-55
File: guestbk.prgLines: 170
Command: MainLines: 65-164
File: hbdoc.prgLines: 95
Command: MainLines: 10-80
File: hbinline.prgLines: 20
Function: hb_inLineLines: 18-19
File: hello.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: hrb.prgLines: 59
Command: MainLines: 5-52
Function: MsgLines: 54-58
File: hrbext.prgLines: 17
Function: MsgLines: 3-7
Function: Msg2Lines: 9-16
File: hsx.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 12-44
File: html.prgLines: 128
Command: MainLines: 13-33
Class: THTMLLines: 35-128
File: idle.prgLines: 31
Command: MainLines: 1-30
File: ifelse.prgLines: 35
Command: MainLines: 3-12
Command: TestValueLines: 14-34
File: ifinline.prgLines: 23
Command: MainLines: 3-22
File: inherit.prgLines: 312
Function: DisposeLines: 182-194
Command: MainLines: 13-50
Function: NewLines: 135-163
Function: READLines: 200-247
Function: RUNLines: 165-176
Function: TEmptyLines: 56-73
Function: TOnTopLines: 79-89
Function: TTextFileLines: 95-125
Function: WriteLines: 281-285
Function: WriteLnLines: 257-279
File: inhprob.prgLines: 31
Command: MainLines: 3-9
Class: OneLines: 11-17
Class: ThreeLines: 26-30
Class: TwoLines: 19-24
File: inifile.prgLines: 341
Class: TIniFileLines: 48-341
File: inifiles.prgLines: 378
Command: MainLines: 48-75
Class: TIniFileLines: 77-378
File: initexit.prgLines: 65
Command: MainLines: 7-64
File: initproc.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 7-11
File: inkey.prgLines: 267
Command: MainLines: 15-44
Command: NextTestLines: 53-58
Command: ResultsLines: 46-51
Function: TESTLines: 60-74
Command: TEST1Lines: 76-94
Command: TEST2Lines: 96-113
Command: TEST3Lines: 115-131
Command: TEST4Lines: 133-150
Command: TEST5Lines: 152-188
Command: TEST6Lines: 190-202
Command: TEST7Lines: 204-266
File: inline.prgLines: 47
Command: MainLines: 5-14
Function: TFormLines: 16-36
File: inline_c.prgLines: 22
Function: EndDumpTestLines: 20-21
Command: MainLines: 1-7
File: iotcp.prgLines: 261
Command: MainLines: 220-260
File: ipclnt.prgLines: 27
Command: MainLines: 7-26
File: ipsvr.prgLines: 94
Command: MainLines: 10-52
Command: processLines: 54-93
File: keywords.chLines: 6
File: keywords.prgLines: 1047
Function: BEGINLines: 135-167
Function: BREAK_Lines: 172-218
Function: CASELines: 223-277
Function: DO_Lines: 282-416
Function: endLines: 481-521
Function: END_Lines: 427-479
Function: EXTERNLines: 527-582
Function: FORLines: 588-624
Function: INLines: 629-660
Function: includeLines: 665-716
Function: localLines: 722-745
Function: loopLines: 750-798
Command: MACROLines: 1018-1046
Function: NeXTLines: 85-134
Function: NoTestMainLines: 19-76
Function: WHILELines: 418-419
Function: WithLines: 421-422
File: langapi.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 7-37
File: langmsg.prgLines: 189
Command: MainLines: 8-77
File: largefil.prgLines: 45
Function: mainLines: 4-44
File: lbl.prgLines: 10
Command: MainLines: 1-9
File: libname.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 9-23
File: linecont.prgLines: 90
Command: MainLines: 3-82
Function: TEST1Lines: 84-85
Function: TEST2Lines: 86-89
File: lnlenli1.prgLines: 98
Function: LongLine1Lines: 13-97
Command: MainLines: 7-11
File: lnlenli2.prgLines: 15
Function: LongLine2Lines: 13-14
Command: MainLines: 7-11
File: longdev.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 5-36
File: longstr.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 7-13
File: longstr2.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 3-36
File: macro.prgLines: 173
Command: MainLines: 6-52
Function: SubFunLines: 76-98
Function: TValueLines: 54-68
Function: UDFLines: 162-164
Function: UDF2Lines: 170-172
File: math.prgLines: 94
Function: localmatherrLines: 67-93
Command: MainLines: 3-65
File: mem.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 3-13
File: memfile.prgLines: 80
Command: MainLines: 18-74
Function: __mvScopeLines: 77-78
File: memmgr.prgLines: 106
Function: build_modeLines: 79-94
Function: hb_mtvmLines: 102-103
Command: MainLines: 13-77
File: memory.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 6-23
File: memvar.prgLines: 382
Command: DetachMemvarLines: 271-278
Command: MainLines: 32-56
Function: ScopeLines: 75-82
Command: Scope2Lines: 84-90
Function: Scope3Lines: 109-116
Command: Scope4Lines: 118-124
Function: Scope5Lines: 143-150
Command: Scope6Lines: 152-158
Function: Scope7Lines: 177-184
Command: Scope8Lines: 186-192
Command: Test1Lines: 60-73
Command: Test2Lines: 94-107
Command: Test3Lines: 128-141
Command: Test4Lines: 162-175
Command: TEST5Lines: 196-231
Command: Test6Lines: 260-269
Command: Test7Lines: 282-292
Command: Test8Lines: 296-314
Command: Test9Lines: 349-364
Command: UseParamLines: 330-345
Command: UsePrivLines: 316-328
Command: UseRefLines: 252-256
Function: UseVarLines: 233-250
File: menuto.prgLines: 76
Command: MainLines: 7-52
Command: RECURSELines: 54-75
File: money.prgLines: 188
Command: MainLines: 10-31
Class: MoneyLines: 33-65
File: mouse.prgLines: 253
Command: MainLines: 9-47
File: multiarg.prgLines: 34
Command: MainLines: 8-16
Function: ShoutArgLines: 18-33
File: newrdd.prgLines: 384
Command: MainLines: 7-383
File: ntx.prgLines: 79
Command: MainLines: 5-78
File: nums.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 3-19
File: objarr.prgLines: 87
Command: MainLines: 9-72
File: objasign.prgLines: 72
Command: MainLines: 9-63
File: objects.prgLines: 62
Command: MainLines: 6-23
Function: TAnyLines: 25-41
File: omacro.prgLines: 51
Command: MainLines: 6-50
File: onidle.prgLines: 74
Command: MainLines: 3-50
File: op.prgLines: 109
Command: MainLines: 56-65
Class: TCarLines: 69-79
File: os.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: osshell.prgLines: 26
Command: MainLines: 11-25
File: output.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 9-31
File: overload.prgLines: 60
Command: MainLines: 11-37
Class: TStringLines: 39-59
File: parexpr.prgLines: 92
Command: MainLines: 12-85
File: parseini.prgLines: 180
Command: MainLines: 7-179
File: passref.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 3-15
Function: testfunLines: 17-24
File: persist.prgLines: 40
Command: MainLines: 5-21
Class: TestLines: 23-33
Class: Test2Lines: 35-39
File: pipes.prgLines: 194
File: pp.prgLines: 90
Command: MainLines: 3-89
File: ppapi.prgLines: 77
Command: MainLines: 3-76
File: pragma.prgLines: 55
Command: MainLines: 10-54
File: procline.prgLines: 10
Command: MainLines: 1-9
File: procname.prgLines: 36
Function: FiveLines: 27-35
Function: FourLines: 21-25
Command: MainLines: 3-7
Function: ThreeLines: 15-19
Function: TwoLines: 9-13
File: profiler.prgLines: 105
Command: CallMe500TimesLines: 63-65
Command: DoNothingForTwoSecondsLines: 57-61
Command: MainLines: 5-47
File: rdd.prgLines: 46
Command: MainLines: 7-45
File: rdd2.prgLines: 399
Command: ErrorSysLines: 331-335
Command: MainLines: 22-329
File: read.prgLines: 44
Command: MainLines: 5-37
Command: ShowVarLines: 39-43
File: readhrb.prgLines: 171
Function: DecodeScopeLines: 159-170
Command: MainLines: 43-147
Command: PrintItemLines: 149-157
File: recursiv.prgLines: 17
Function: fLines: 14-16
Command: MainLines: 3-12
File: regex.prgLines: 103
Command: MainLines: 4-102
File: regex2.prgLines: 59
Command: MainLines: 7-58
File: returns.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 3-15
Command: TwoLines: 17-31
File: round.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 5-19
File: rpt.prgLines: 10
Command: MainLines: 1-9
File: rto_get.prgLines: 1846
Function: ArrayToListLines: 1671-1682
Function: CallStackLines: 1530-1539
Function: hb_SToDLines: 1828-1835
Command: LogGETVarsLines: 1570-1643
Command: LogMeLines: 1541-1568
Command: MainLines: 67-779
Command: OBJ_CREATELines: 1841-1845
Command: TEST_CALLLines: 1509-1528
Command: TGetAssignLines: 822-1391
Command: TGetTestLines: 1393-1507
Function: TGetTInsLines: 819-820
Command: TGetTOVSLines: 781-817
Function: XToStrLines: 1645-1669
Function: XToStrELines: 1684-1708
Function: XToStrXLines: 1710-1749
File: rto_tb.prgLines: 820
Function: ArrayToEListLines: 685-696
Function: ArrayToListLines: 605-616
Function: hb_SToDLines: 777-784
Command: LogMeLines: 395-422
Command: LogTBCVarsLines: 520-577
Command: LogTBRVarsLines: 424-518
Command: MainLines: 78-274
Command: OBJ_CREATELines: 790-794
Command: TBCAssignLines: 316-339
Command: TBRAssignLines: 276-314
Command: TEST_C_TBCLines: 366-393
Command: TEST_C_TBRLines: 341-364
Function: XToStrLines: 579-603
Function: XToStrELines: 618-642
Function: XToStrXLines: 644-683
Function: __eInstVar53Lines: 798-819
File: say.prgLines: 23
Command: MainLines: 3-22
File: sbar.prgLines: 115
Function: InitScrlBarLines: 27-66
Command: MainLines: 21-25
File: scroll.prgLines: 67
Command: MainLines: 7-59
Function: pauseLines: 61-66
File: sdf.prgLines: 50
Command: MainLines: 8-49
File: seconds.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 5-23
File: server.prgLines: 135
Command: MainLines: 10-107
Command: ProgressLines: 109-134
File: set.prgLines: 89
Command: MainLines: 5-79
Command: testlineLines: 81-88
File: setkeys.prgLines: 107
Command: MainLines: 49-82
File: setmode.prgLines: 76
Command: MainLines: 10-51
Command: TESTBOXLines: 55-75
File: set_num.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 3-11
File: sha1.prgLines: 17
Command: MainLines: 6-16
File: sha2.prgLines: 133
Command: MainLines: 6-14
File: sortbug.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 1-23
File: sound.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 1-13
File: speed.prgLines: 23
Command: MainLines: 1-22
File: speedstr.prgLines: 79
Command: MainLines: 22-71
File: speedtst.prgLines: 1034
Function: cursesinitLines: 1030-1031
Function: f0Lines: 660-661
Function: f1Lines: 663-664
Function: f2Lines: 666-667
Function: f3Lines: 669-670
Function: f4Lines: 672-673
Function: f5Lines: 675-676
Function: f_prvLines: 678-681
Function: thTestLines: 454-463
Function: thTestScaleLines: 465-658
File: statfun.prgLines: 18
Command: MainLines: 3-11
File: statics.prgLines: 69
Function: DetachVarLines: 64-68
Command: MainLines: 9-31
Command: NumStatLines: 47-62
Function: THREELines: 41-45
Function: TwoLines: 33-39
File: statics1.prgLines: 28
Command: MainLines: 7-27
File: statics2.prgLines: 22
Command: TestLines: 7-21
File: statinit.prgLines: 23
Function: HelloLines: 18-22
Command: MainLines: 9-16
File: str.prgLines: 117
Command: MainLines: 1-12
Command: testLines: 14-116
File: strdelim.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 1-15
File: stripem.prgLines: 230
Command: MainLines: 20-42
Class: TTextFileLines: 48-230
File: switch.prgLines: 120
Command: MainLines: 6-119
File: symbolt.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 4-23
File: t1.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 3-14
File: tb1.prgLines: 163
Command: hb_idleSleepLines: 154-160
Command: MainLines: 38-150
File: tbrowse.prgLines: 146
Command: MainLines: 7-132
File: test.prgLines: 23
Command: MainLines: 1-12
File: ticktime.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 1-23
File: transfrm.prgLines: 318
Function: hb_SToDLines: 308-315
Command: MainLines: 10-14
Function: transtestLines: 16-304
File: uc16_gen.prgLines: 477
Function: calc_size04Lines: 391-423
Function: calc_size16Lines: 336-368
Function: min_size04Lines: 370-389
Function: min_size16Lines: 315-334
File: use.prgLines: 59
Command: MainLines: 7-43
Command: mkTestLines: 45-58
File: utf8at.prgLines: 48
Command: MainLines: 9-47
File: varparam.prgLines: 334
Command: MainLines: 5-123
Command: TEST_0_0Lines: 136-145
Command: TEST_0_0vLines: 125-134
Command: TEST_1_0Lines: 161-173
Command: TEST_1_0vLines: 147-159
Command: TEST_1_1Lines: 217-230
Command: TEST_1_1vLines: 232-245
Command: TEST_1_3Lines: 196-215
Command: TEST_1_3vLines: 175-194
Command: TEST_3_0Lines: 289-303
Command: TEST_3_0vLines: 305-319
Command: TEST_3_3Lines: 268-287
Command: TEST_3_3vLines: 247-266
Command: TEST_REFLines: 321-333
File: vars.prgLines: 38
Function: arrvarLines: 31-37
Command: MainLines: 7-22
Function: SubLines: 24-29
File: vec1.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 4-14
File: version.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 9-15
File: video.prgLines: 254
Command: MainLines: 48-70
File: vmasort.prgLines: 86
Command: MainLines: 5-27
File: warnings.prgLines: 244
Function: cOtherFuncLines: 239-240
Function: ExtFunLines: 242-243
Command: MainLines: 54-101
Command: Main1Lines: 127-142
Function: nMyFuncLines: 233-237
Command: SOMEPROCLines: 103-125
Function: SomeTestLines: 196-231
Function: TestLines: 144-145
Function: Test2Lines: 147-156
Function: Test3Lines: 158-194
File: wcecon.prgLines: 106
File: while.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 3-11
File: wvtext.prgLines: 616
Command: hb_GTSYSLines: 339-344
Command: MainLines: 18-286
File: wvt_fs.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 4-31
Folder: tests\bldtest\
File: bldtest.cLines: 97
Folder: tests\hbpp\
File: hbpptest.prgLines: 1251
Command: MainLines: 12-1202
Command: PrePrepareLines: 1204-1213
Function: PreResultLines: 1231-1250
Function: PreRunLines: 1215-1229
File: _pp_test.prgLines: 570
Command: MainLines: 17-569
Folder: tests\mt\
File: mttest01.prgLines: 30
File: mttest02.prgLines: 64
File: mttest03.prgLines: 62
File: mttest04.prgLines: 63
File: mttest05.prgLines: 38
File: mttest06.prgLines: 44
File: mttest07.prgLines: 89
File: mttest08.prgLines: 132
File: mttest09.prgLines: 64
File: mttest10.prgLines: 63
File: mttest11.prgLines: 46
File: mttest12.prgLines: 42
Folder: tests\multifnc\
File: t0.prgLines: 29
File: t1.prgLines: 32
File: t2.prgLines: 19
Folder: tests\rddtest\
File: adscl52.prgLines: 459
Function: test_mainLines: 13-458
File: adscl53.prgLines: 637
Function: test_mainLines: 13-636
File: cdxcl52.prgLines: 458
Function: test_mainLines: 12-457
File: cdxcl53.prgLines: 681
Function: test_mainLines: 12-680
File: ntxcl52.prgLines: 458
Function: test_mainLines: 12-457
File: ntxcl53.prgLines: 458
Function: test_mainLines: 12-457
File: rddmktst.prgLines: 816
Function: test_mainLines: 32-815
File: rddtst.prgLines: 256
Command: mainLines: 80-84
Folder: tests\usrrdd\
File: exarr.prgLines: 139
Command: MainLines: 51-138
File: exfcm.prgLines: 41
Command: MainLines: 3-40
File: exhsx.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 3-44
File: exlog.prgLines: 89
Function: hb_LogRddInheritLines: 86-88
Command: MainLines: 11-45
File: exmemo.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 5-11
File: exrlx.prgLines: 47
Command: MainLines: 3-46
Folder: utils\
Folder: utils\hbi18n\
File: hbi18n.prgLines: 347
Command: MainLines: 62-156
Folder: utils\hbmk2\
File: hbmk2.prgLines: 16965
Doc Topic:Utilities / hbmk2
Function: hbmkLines: 840-841
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_CLines: 9760-9769
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_CPPLines: 9771-9780
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_INSTFILELines: 9802-9811
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_OBJLines: 9792-9800
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_PRGLines: 9749-9758
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbmk_AddInput_RCLines: 9782-9790
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_ArrayToListLines: 9628-9646
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_FindInPathLines: 9622-9622
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_FNameDirExtSetLines: 9624-9624
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_FNameEscapeLines: 9663-9677
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_FNameToSymbolLegacy Level: 4Lines: 9619-9621
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_FuncNameEncodeLines: 9625-9625
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_KEYWLines: 13114-13190
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_MacroLines: 9729-9737
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_OutErrLines: 9709-9717
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_OutErrRawLines: 9689-9697
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_OutStdLines: 9699-9707
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_OutStdRawLines: 9679-9687
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_PathFromWorkdirToCWDLines: 9719-9727
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_PathSepToForwardLines: 9623-9623
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_PathSepToTargetLines: 9739-9747
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_Register_Input_File_ExtensionLines: 9813-9826
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbmk_StrStripQuoteLines: 9626-9627
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_ClipperLines: 15147-15159
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_DirBaseLines: 15135-15139
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_ext_get_listLines: 14307-14320
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_ext_loadLines: 14234-14291
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_ext_unloadLines: 14293-14305
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbshell_gtSelectLines: 15161-15176
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_includeLines: 15094-15108
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: hbshell_include_listLines: 15126-15132
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_ProgNameLines: 15141-15145
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: hbshell_unincludeLines: 15110-15124
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: _APPMAINLines: 653-657
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: __hbmk_fake_entryLines: 660-664
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Command: __hbmk_public_entryLines: 646-650
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Function: __hbshell_pluginLines: 14326-14331
Doc Topic:(Utilities / hbmk2)
Folder: utils\hbtest\
File: hbtest.prgLines: 714
Function: hb_SToDLines: 679-686
Command: MainLines: 105-175
Function: ResultCompareLines: 464-474
Command: TEST_CALLLines: 345-420
Function: TEST_DBFAvailLines: 342-343
Function: TEST_OPT_ZLines: 422-423
Function: XToStrLines: 476-501
Function: XToStrELines: 503-528
Function: XToStrXLines: 530-572
File: rt_array.prgLines: 501
Command: Main_ARRAYLines: 52-400
File: rt_class.prgLines: 1444
Class: CVARSCLASS1Lines: 1173-1178
Class: CVARSCLASS2Lines: 1180-1185
Class: CVARSCLASS3Lines: 1187-1192
Class: CVARSCLASS4Lines: 1194-1199
Class: DTORCLASSLines: 1110-1117
Class: IVARSCLASS1Lines: 1143-1148
Class: IVARSCLASS2Lines: 1150-1155
Class: IVARSCLASS3Lines: 1157-1162
Class: IVARSCLASS4Lines: 1164-1169
Command: Main_CLASSLines: 57-1085
Class: NVCLASS1Lines: 1232-1249
Class: NVCLASS2Lines: 1295-1312
Class: NVCLASS3Lines: 1358-1376
Class: NVCLASS4Lines: 1422-1424
Class: SVARSCLASS1Lines: 1203-1208
Class: SVARSCLASS2Lines: 1210-1215
Class: SVARSCLASS3Lines: 1217-1222
Class: SVARSCLASS4Lines: 1224-1229
File: rt_date.prgLines: 193
Command: Main_DATELines: 52-189
File: rt_file.prgLines: 217
Command: Main_FILELines: 57-210
File: rt_hvm.prgLines: 593
Command: Main_HVMLines: 52-589
File: rt_hvma.prgLines: 641
Command: Main_HVMALines: 52-634
File: rt_init.chLines: 100
File: rt_main.chLines: 66
File: rt_main.hLines: 69
File: rt_math.prgLines: 664
Command: Main_MATHLines: 52-660
File: rt_misc.prgLines: 1237
Command: Main_MISCLines: 59-1069
Command: Main_OPOVERLLines: 1073-1107
File: rt_miscc.cLines: 70
File: rt_mt.prgLines: 123
Command: Main_MTLines: 55-63
File: rt_str.prgLines: 815
Command: Main_STRLines: 56-811
File: rt_stra.prgLines: 534
Command: Comp_StrLines: 250-361
Command: Exact_StrLines: 363-475
Command: Long_STRINGSLines: 524-530
Command: Main_STRALines: 52-248
Command: New_STRINGSLines: 477-522
File: rt_trans.prgLines: 789
Command: Main_TRANSLines: 52-785
File: rt_vars.chLines: 97
Folder: contrib\
Contrib: gtallegFolder: contrib\gtalleg\
Doc Topic:Contrib / gtalleg
File: gtallegd.cLines: 1197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtalleg)
typedef struct: gtAllegKeyLines: 119-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtalleg)
File: ssf.cLines: 212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtalleg)
File: ssf.hLines: 264
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtalleg)
Contrib: gtallegFolder: contrib\gtalleg\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 13
Command: MainLines: 3-12
Contrib: gtqtc - Multi-platform QTFolder: contrib\gtqtc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / gtqtc
File: gtqtc.hLines: 412
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtqtc)
Contrib: gtwvg - Pure console applications instead of GTWVTFolder: contrib\gtwvg\
Doc Topic:Contrib / gtwvg
File: 3state.prgLines: 174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: Wvg3StateLines: 63-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: activex.prgLines: 285
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgActiveXControlLines: 64-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: bitmap.prgLines: 115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgBitmapLines: 59-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: checkbox.prgLines: 192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgCheckBoxLines: 59-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: class.prgLines: 3180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: TBrowseWvgLines: 3146-3152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtBannerLines: 2604-2631
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtBrowseLines: 931-961
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtConsoleLines: 3085-3091
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtDialogLines: 80-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtGetsLines: 1968-1989
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtImageLines: 1742-1753
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtLabelLines: 1368-1383
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: wvtMenuLines: 2913-2934
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtObjectLines: 675-784
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtPanelLines: 1339-1351
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtProgressBarLines: 2825-2847
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtPushButtonLines: 1910-1924
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtScrollBarLines: 2086-2141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtStaticLines: 1783-1810
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtStatusBarLines: 1207-1221
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtTextBoxLines: 2748-2760
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtToolBarLines: 1504-1527
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvtToolButtonLines: 1644-1660
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: combobox.prgLines: 324
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgComboBoxLines: 59-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: crt.prgLines: 974
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgCrtLines: 59-238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: dataref.prgLines: 185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgDataRefLines: 59-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: dialog.prgLines: 215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgDialogLines: 59-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: drawarea.prgLines: 130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgDrawingAreaLines: 59-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: genrc.prgLines: 88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WvgSetAppWindowLines: 70-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: gtwgu.hLines: 427
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: gtwgud.cLines: 2012
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: gtwvg.hLines: 613
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: gtwvgd.cLines: 4635
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: hbgtwvg.chLines: 195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: htmlview.prgLines: 211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgHTMLViewerLines: 75-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: listbox.prgLines: 300
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgListBoxLines: 59-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: menubar.prgLines: 561
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgMenuLines: 499-510
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgMenuBarLines: 59-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: mle.prgLines: 292
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgMLELines: 59-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: paint.prgLines: 724
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvg_DelPaintLines: 174-185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvg_GetPaintLines: 164-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Command: wvg_InsertPaintLines: 204-220
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvg_PurgePaintLines: 187-202
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvg_SetPaintLines: 142-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WvtPaintObjectsLines: 64-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WvtSetPaintLines: 124-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_AddDlgItemLines: 318-379
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_CenterWindowLines: 644-649
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_CreateDialogLines: 381-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_DialogBoxLines: 418-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetClipboardLines: 670-671
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetOpenFileNameLines: 457-484
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetPaletteLines: 566-567
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetRGBColorLines: 572-573
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetRGBColorByStringLines: 592-630
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetSaveFileNameLines: 499-525
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetScreenHeightLines: 638-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetScreenWidthLines: 635-636
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetTitleLines: 535-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_GetWindowHandleLines: 641-642
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_HideLines: 710-711
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Command: wvt_KeyboardLines: 664-668
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_KillTimerLines: 695-696
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_MakeDlgTemplateLines: 239-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_MaximizeLines: 707-708
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_MinimizeLines: 704-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Command: wvt_PaintLines: 56-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Command: wvt_PasteFromClipboardLines: 676-687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_ProcessMessagesLines: 658-662
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_ResetWindowLines: 689-690
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetAltF4CloseLines: 632-633
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetAsNormalLines: 701-702
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetClipboardLines: 673-674
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetCodepageLines: 563-564
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetDlgCoModeLines: 226-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetFontLines: 553-561
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetIconLines: 538-551
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetOnTopLines: 698-699
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetPaletteLines: 569-570
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetTimerLines: 692-693
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetTitleLines: 532-533
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_SetWindowPosLines: 716-717
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_ShowLines: 713-714
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_ShowWindowLines: 719-720
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_UpdateLines: 722-723
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: wvt_WindowCentreLines: 651-656
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: parthdlr.prgLines: 566
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgPartHandlerLines: 59-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: pushbut.prgLines: 274
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgPushButtonLines: 59-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: radiobut.prgLines: 150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgRadioButtonLines: 59-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: scrollbr.prgLines: 325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgScrollBarLines: 59-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: sle.prgLines: 297
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgSLELines: 59-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: statbar.prgLines: 322
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgStatusBarLines: 59-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgStatusBarPanelLines: 273-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: static.prgLines: 287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgStaticLines: 59-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: syswnd.prgLines: 544
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgFontLines: 417-463
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgFontDialogLines: 165-236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgSysWindowLines: 59-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: tabpage.prgLines: 191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgTabPageLines: 59-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: toolbar.prgLines: 433
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgToolBarLines: 59-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgToolBarButtonLines: 396-420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: treeview.prgLines: 429
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgTreeViewLines: 59-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgTreeViewItemLines: 323-358
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wnd.prgLines: 1219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Class: WvgWindowLines: 66-252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgcore.cLines: 2956
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GTINFOEXLines: 2932-2955
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CORELines: 74-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CREATEFONTLines: 2660-2685
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DESTROYPICTURELines: 2710-2714
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBOXGETLines: 914-931
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBOXGROUPLines: 968-982
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBOXGROUPRAISEDLines: 985-999
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBOXRAISEDLines: 934-948
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBOXRECESSEDLines: 951-965
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWBUTTONLines: 1577-1726
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWCOLORRECTLines: 1451-1478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWELLIPSELines: 1362-1379
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWFOCUSRECTLines: 1426-1446
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWGRIDHORZLines: 1484-1528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWGRIDVERTLines: 1532-1573
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWIMAGELines: 1002-1038
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWLABELLines: 1045-1109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWLABELEXLines: 1850-1890
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWLABELOBJLines: 2116-2206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWLINELines: 1167-1357
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWLINEEXLines: 1895-2081
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWOUTLINELines: 1113-1163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWOUTLINEEXLines: 2086-2111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWPICTURELines: 1796-1821
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWPICTUREEXLines: 1826-1845
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWPROGRESSBARLines: 2562-2656
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWRECTANGLELines: 1382-1399
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWROUNDRECTLines: 1402-1423
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWSCROLLBUTTONLines: 2253-2346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWSCROLLTHUMBHORZLines: 2400-2446
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWSCROLLTHUMBVERTLines: 2349-2397
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWSHADEDRECTLines: 2452-2494
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWSTATUSBARLines: 1729-1792
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWTEXTBOXLines: 2500-2558
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWTOOLBUTTONSTATELines: 2212-2248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LOADFONTLines: 2773-2806
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LOADPENLines: 2809-2834
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LOADPICTURELines: 2688-2708
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LOADPICTUREEXLines: 2717-2729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_RESTSCREENLines: 2874-2930
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SAVESCREENLines: 2837-2871
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETBRUSHLines: 883-911
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETPENLines: 853-880
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgcuig.cLines: 1831
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BOXGETLines: 399-419
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BOXGROUPLines: 440-459
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BOXGROUPRAISEDLines: 497-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BOXRAISEDLines: 295-314
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BOXRECESSEDLines: 347-366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CLEARGUIOBJECTSLines: 108-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_COLORRECTLines: 1155-1182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ELLIPSELines: 1038-1062
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_IMAGELines: 1390-1459
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LABELLines: 556-608
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LABELEXLines: 611-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LABELEX2Lines: 668-720
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LINELines: 864-894
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LINEEXLines: 898-924
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_OBJECTLines: 1536-1548
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_OUTLINELines: 774-808
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_OUTLINEEXLines: 811-841
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_PICTURELines: 1321-1353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_PICTUREEXLines: 1355-1387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_RECTANGLELines: 1076-1100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ROUNDRECTLines: 1114-1141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETGOBJDATALines: 179-292
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETGOBJSTATELines: 145-176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SHADEDRECTLines: 1193-1232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TEXTBOXLines: 1255-1297
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgparts.chLines: 219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgutils.cLines: 1327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_APPENDMENULines: 676-0
Translates to the function: WVG_APPENDMENU
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CBADDSTRINGLines: 1183-1189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CBSETCURSELLines: 1191-1194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CHOOSECOLORLines: 215-236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CHOOSEFONTLines: 113-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CLIENTTOSCREENLines: 765-780
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CREATEDIALOGMODALLines: 938-1018
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CREATEMENULines: 666-669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_CREATEPOPUPMENULines: 671-674
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DELETEMENULines: 678-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DESTROYMENULines: 683-686
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DLGSETICONLines: 1199-1222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_DRAWMENUBARLines: 724-729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_ENABLEMENUITEMLines: 688-691
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_ENABLESHORTCUTSLines: 731-741
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETCURSORPOSLines: 782-793
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETFONTHANDLELines: 1224-1235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETFONTINFOLines: 604-619
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETLASTMENUEVENTLines: 693-698
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETMENULines: 812-817
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETPAINTRECTLines: 479-491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETTOOLTIPBKCOLORLines: 431-440
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETTOOLTIPWIDTHLines: 420-429
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_GETXYFROMROWCOLLines: 591-602
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_INVALIDATERECTLines: 743-758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_ISLBUTTONPRESSEDLines: 760-763
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LBADDSTRINGLines: 1160-1166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LBDELETESTRINGLines: 1173-1176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LBGETCOUNTLines: 1168-1171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_LBSETCURSELLines: 1178-1181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_MESSAGEBOXLines: 241-251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETGUILines: 453-463
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETLASTMENUEVENTLines: 700-710
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETMENULines: 625-651
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETMENUKEYEVENTLines: 712-722
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETMOUSEMOVELines: 579-589
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETMOUSEPOSLines: 465-477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETPOINTERLines: 493-577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETPOPUPMENULines: 653-664
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPLines: 272-310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPACTIVELines: 257-267
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPBKCOLORLines: 363-377
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPMARGINLines: 331-345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPTEXTLines: 312-329
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPTITLELines: 397-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_SETTOOLTIPWIDTHLines: 347-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_TRACKPOPUPMENULines: 795-810
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT_UTILSLines: 102-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVT__MAKEDLGTEMPLATELines: 1020-1130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgwin.cLines: 1452
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ANDLines: 528-531
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_APPENDMENULines: 646-659
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BRINGWINDOWTOTOPLines: 452-455
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BUTTON_GETCHECKLines: 907-910
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CALLWINDOWPROCLines: 835-842
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CHECKDLGBUTTONLines: 235-239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CHECKMENUITEMLines: 695-698
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CHECKRADIOBUTTONLines: 246-253
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CHOOSECOLORLines: 564-583
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CLIENTTOSCREENLines: 490-507
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CREATEBRUSHLines: 387-399
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CREATEMENULines: 636-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CREATEPOPUPMENULines: 641-644
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CREATEWINDOWEXLines: 770-790
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DEFWINDOWPROCLines: 827-833
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DELETEMENULines: 680-683
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DELETEOBJECTLines: 185-188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DESTROYMENULines: 685-688
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DESTROYWINDOWLines: 485-488
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DRAWIMAGELines: 368-375
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DRAWMENUBARLines: 750-753
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_DRAWTEXTLines: 404-417
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ENABLEMENUITEMLines: 690-693
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ENABLEWINDOWLines: 480-483
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_FINDWINDOWLines: 585-597
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_FORCEWINDOWTOTOPLines: 1014-1018
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETCLIENTRECTLines: 350-363
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETCURRENTBRUSHLines: 965-968
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETCURRENTFONTLines: 973-976
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETCURRENTOBJECTLines: 957-960
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETDCLines: 377-380
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETDESKTOPWINDOWLines: 442-445
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETDIALOGBASEUNITSLines: 205-208
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETDLGITEMLines: 255-258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 218-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETFOCUSLines: 160-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETMESSAGETEXTLines: 803-810
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETSTOCKOBJECTLines: 180-183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETWINDOWRECTLines: 419-432
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_HIWORDLines: 200-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_INSERTMENULines: 661-678
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_INVALIDATERECTLines: 271-286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISDLGBUTTONCHECKEDLines: 241-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISICONICLines: 912-919
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISMENUITEMCHECKEDLines: 700-714
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISMENUITEMENABLEDLines: 716-729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISWINDOWLines: 475-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ISZOOMEDLines: 921-928
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LBGETCURSELLines: 895-898
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LBGETTEXTLines: 886-893
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LBSETCURSELLines: 900-903
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LOADICONLines: 291-307
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LOADIMAGELines: 315-348
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_LOWORDLines: 195-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_MAKELPARAMLines: 765-768
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_MESSAGEBOXLines: 260-269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_MOVEWINDOWLines: 437-440
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_NOTLines: 538-541
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ORLines: 533-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_POSTMESSAGELines: 1009-1012
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_RELEASEDCLines: 382-385
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SCREENTOCLIENTLines: 509-526
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SELECTOBJECTLines: 190-193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SENDCBMESSAGELines: 1254-1451
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SENDDLGITEMMESSAGELines: 120-145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SENDMESSAGELines: 100-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SENDMESSAGETEXTLines: 792-801
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SENDTOOLBARMESSAGELines: 1050-1235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETBKCOLORLines: 170-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETBKMODELines: 175-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETDCBRUSHCOLORLines: 933-940
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETDCPENCOLORLines: 945-952
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 210-216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETFOCUSLines: 155-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETMENULines: 606-634
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETMENUITEMLines: 731-748
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETPARENTLines: 447-450
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETTEXTCOLORLines: 165-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETTIMERLines: 150-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWLONGLines: 470-473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWPOSANDSIZELines: 1002-1007
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWPOSITIONLines: 996-1000
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWPOSTOBACKLines: 978-982
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWPOSTOTOPLines: 984-988
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWSIZELines: 990-994
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWTEXTLines: 462-468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWNDPROCLines: 812-825
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SHOWWINDOWLines: 760-763
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SLEEPLines: 599-602
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TRACKPOPUPMENULines: 543-562
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TREEVIEW_EXPANDLines: 872-875
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TREEVIEW_SELECTITEMLines: 867-870
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TREEVIEW_SETBKCOLORLines: 853-858
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TVIS_EXPANDEDLines: 877-882
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_UPDATEWINDOWLines: 755-758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvgwing.cLines: 1204
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_ADDTOOLBARBUTTONLines: 991-1045
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_BEGINMOUSETRACKINGLines: 1087-1100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CHOOSEFONTLines: 808-890
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_CREATETOOLTIPWINDOWLines: 1159-1186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_FILLRECTLines: 1075-1085
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_FONTCREATELines: 908-948
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETNMHDRINFOLines: 550-562
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETNMMOUSEINFOLines: 567-581
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_GETNMTREEVIEWINFOLines: 586-601
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_HEIGHTTOPOINTSIZELines: 966-974
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_HINSTANCELines: 128-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_POINTSIZETOHEIGHTLines: 953-961
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_REGISTERCLASS_BYNAMELines: 1050-1070
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETCURRENTBRUSHLines: 976-985
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETTOOLTIPTEXTLines: 1188-1203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_SETWINDOWPROCBLOCKLines: 1130-1145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_STATUSBARREFRESHLines: 523-545
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_STATUSBARSETTEXTLines: 502-521
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Function: WVG_TREEVIEW_ADDITEMLines: 645-664
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
File: wvtwin.chLines: 2906
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvg)
Contrib: gtwvg - Pure console applications instead of GTWVTFolder: contrib\gtwvg\tests\
File: demowvg.prgLines: 612
Command: hb_GTSYSLines: 594-600
Command: MainLines: 65-183
Command: WvtLinesLines: 363-420
Command: WvtNextGetsLines: 232-241
Command: WvtNextGetsConsoleLines: 198-230
Command: WvtNextGets_XLines: 243-319
Command: WvtPartialScreenLines: 321-361
File: demowvg1.prgLines: 200
Function: DispStatusMsgLines: 134-141
Command: hb_GTSYSLines: 191-197
Command: MainLines: 20-58
Function: wvt_PaintLines: 62-66
File: demoxbp.prgLines: 432
Function: hb_GTSYSLines: 422-429
Command: MainLines: 14-257
File: _activex.prgLines: 658
Function: ExecuteActiveXLines: 10-233
File: _cuigdlg.prgLines: 118
Command: ExecGCUILines: 10-20
Command: GCUIConsoleLines: 24-97
File: _dyndlgs.prgLines: 338
Function: DlgSlideShowLines: 281-293
Function: DlgSlideShowProcLines: 295-322
Function: DynDlgProcLines: 118-252
Function: DynWinDialogLines: 28-116
File: _modal.prgLines: 347
Function: CreateOCrtLines: 263-303
Function: DialogAlertLines: 75-261
Command: DoModalWindowLines: 305-346
Function: Just_AlertLines: 37-39
Function: MyAlertLines: 9-27
Function: My_AlertLines: 31-33
File: _tbrowse.prgLines: 1001
Function: ConfigBrowserLines: 953-1000
Command: WvtMyBrowseLines: 32-47
File: _utils.prgLines: 497
Function: BuildWvgToolBarLines: 296-326
Function: ClearStatusMsgLines: 439-448
Function: DispStatusMsgLines: 433-437
Function: GetResourceLines: 470-471
Function: Hb_ClearLines: 277-281
Command: MyErrorLines: 484-496
Function: MyMenuProcedureLines: 283-294
Function: PopupsLines: 364-431
Function: SetFontsLines: 340-350
Function: SetGTLines: 328-338
Function: SetIconsLines: 352-362
Function: SetMouseCheckLines: 239-249
Command: uiDebugLines: 473-482
Function: VouChoiceLines: 261-275
Command: WvtExePictureLines: 462-468
Command: WvtPicturesLines: 450-460
Function: WvtSetBlocksLines: 197-209
Command: WvtSetKeysLines: 36-60
Function: WvtSetObjectsLines: 213-237
Function: WvtWindowExpandLines: 251-259
Command: wvt_KillFocusLines: 100-109
Function: Wvt_MouseLines: 116-193
Function: wvt_PaintLines: 65-73
Command: wvt_SetFocusLines: 81-90
File: _wvtcls.prgLines: 430
Command: DialogWvgClassesOneLines: 13-36
Command: DialogWvgClassesTwoLines: 329-387
File: _xbp.prgLines: 413
Command: demoxbpLines: 9-253
Contrib: gtwvwFolder: contrib\gtwvw\
Doc Topic:Contrib / gtwvw
File: checkbox.cLines: 614
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXCREATELines: 88-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXDESTROYLines: 126-157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXENABLELines: 181-199
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXGETCHECKLines: 264-277
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXSETCHECKLines: 243-256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXSETCODEBLOCKLines: 206-234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXSETFOCUSLines: 162-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXSETFONTLines: 283-335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXSTATUSFONTLines: 337-355
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PGCREATELines: 395-486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PGDESTROYLines: 492-523
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PGGETPOSLines: 594-610
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PGSETPOSLines: 561-588
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PGSETRANGELines: 534-554
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: editbox.cLines: 826
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBCREATELines: 94-236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBDESTROYLines: 241-272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBEDITABLELines: 335-359
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBENABLELines: 309-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBGETSELLines: 591-615
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBGETTEXTLines: 492-541
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBISFOCUSEDLines: 293-301
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBISMULTILINELines: 463-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBSETCODEBLOCKLines: 366-395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBSETFOCUSLines: 277-288
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBSETFONTLines: 405-456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBSETSELLines: 626-646
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_EBSETTEXTLines: 547-582
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_STCREATELines: 649-756
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_STSETFONTLines: 774-825
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_STSETTEXTLines: 759-771
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: gtwvwd.cLines: 10517
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ADDROWSLines: 7380-7484
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ALLOWNONTOPEVENTLines: 7807-7815
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CENTERWINDOWLines: 8200-8207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CLIENTTOSCREENLines: 8109-8129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ENABLEMAXIMIZELines: 7544-7576
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ENABLESHORTCUTSLines: 7885-7891
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETCLIPBOARDLines: 7954-7976
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETFONTINFOLines: 8254-8269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETPALETTELines: 8272-8282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETRGBCOLORLines: 7932-7943
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETROWCOLFROMXYLines: 8239-8251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETSCREENHEIGHTLines: 7862-7865
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETSCREENWIDTHLines: 7856-7859
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETTITLELines: 7910-7918
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETWINDOWHANDLELines: 8183-8188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETXYFROMROWCOLLines: 8221-8233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GET_HND_WINDOWLines: 7140-7146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_INVALIDATERECTLines: 8077-8100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ISLBUTTONPRESSEDLines: 8103-8106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_KEYBOARDLines: 8068-8071
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LCLOSEWINDOWLines: 7175-7207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MAXIMIZELines: 8311-8322
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MAXMAXCOLLines: 7316-7325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MAXMAXROWLines: 7300-7309
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MINIMIZELines: 8297-8302
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MOVE_READYLines: 7148-7157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NCOLOFSLines: 7288-7293
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NNUMWINDOWSLines: 7212-7215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NOCLOSELines: 7492-7502
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NOPENWINDOWLines: 7021-7138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NOSTARTUPSUBWINDOWLines: 7845-7853
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NROWOFSLines: 7277-7282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NSETCURWINDOWLines: 7256-7271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PASTEFROMCLIPBOARDLines: 8038-8066
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PROCESSMESSAGESLines: 7900-7907
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_RECURSECBLOCKLines: 7829-7837
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_RESTORELines: 8332-8337
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETALTF4CLOSELines: 7894-7897
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETCLIPBOARDLines: 7979-8035
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETCODEPAGELines: 8191-8196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETDEFCENTREWINDOWLines: 7647-7655
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETDEFHCENTREWINDOWLines: 7663-7671
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETDEFLINESPACINGLines: 7698-7707
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETDEFLSPACECOLORLines: 7756-7764
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETDEFVCENTREWINDOWLines: 7679-7687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETFONTLines: 8137-8148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETGUILines: 8358-8366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETICONLines: 8151-8163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETLINESPACINGLines: 7718-7744
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETLSPACECOLORLines: 7776-7791
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMAINCOORDLines: 7350-7365
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMOUSEMOVELines: 8210-8218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETPAINTREFRESHLines: 7591-7614
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETPALETTELines: 8288-8294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTITLELines: 8166-8171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETVERTCARETLines: 7623-7639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETWINDOWCENTRELines: 7872-7877
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETWINDOWPOSLines: 8175-8180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETWINSTYLELines: 7516-7533
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SIZE_READYLines: 7159-7168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_UNREACHEDBRLines: 7334-7344
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XREPOSWINDOWLines: 7226-7246
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: hbgtwvw.hLines: 709
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: hbole.hLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: menubar.cLines: 333
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETMENULines: 285-288
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_APPENDMENULines: 86-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CREATEMENULines: 72-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CREATEPOPUPMENULines: 78-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DELETEMENULines: 125-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DESTROYMENULines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWMENUBARLines: 244-250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ENABLEMENUITEMLines: 137-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_ENDMENULines: 253-256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETLASTMENUEVENTLines: 143-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETMENULines: 259-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETSYSTEMMENULines: 325-332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MENUITEM_SETBITMAPSLines: 178-241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NOSYSMENULines: 297-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETLASTMENUEVENTLines: 151-156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMENULines: 47-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMENUKEYEVENTLines: 159-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETPOPUPMENULines: 58-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TRACKPOPUPMENULines: 268-283
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: pushbut.cLines: 941
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBCREATELines: 402-578
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBDESTROYLines: 583-614
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBENABLELines: 651-669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBFINDSTRINGLines: 842-862
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBGETCURTEXTLines: 869-910
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBGETINDEXLines: 813-833
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBISDROPPEDLines: 917-937
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBISFOCUSEDLines: 635-643
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBSETCODEBLOCKLines: 676-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBSETFOCUSLines: 619-630
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBSETFONTLines: 715-767
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBSETINDEXLines: 779-800
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBCREATELines: 91-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBDESTROYLines: 129-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBENABLELines: 197-215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBISFOCUSEDLines: 181-189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBSETCODEBLOCKLines: 222-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBSETFOCUSLines: 165-176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBSETFONTLines: 300-350
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBSETSTYLELines: 280-292
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: statbar.cLines: 709
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBADDPARTLines: 136-211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBCREATELines: 58-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBDESTROYLines: 103-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBGETPARTSLines: 307-314
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBGETTEXTLines: 293-302
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBREFRESHLines: 219-253
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBSETFONTLines: 320-358
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SBSETTEXTLines: 258-288
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBCREATELines: 413-525
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBDESTROYLines: 530-561
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBENABLELines: 665-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBINFOLines: 616-655
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBSHOWLines: 690-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBUPDATELines: 570-610
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: toolbar.cLines: 653
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETTOOLTIPBKCOLORLines: 635-641
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETTOOLTIPWIDTHLines: 626-632
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPLines: 493-535
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPACTIVELines: 470-487
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPBKCOLORLines: 584-594
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPMARGINLines: 556-568
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPTEXTLines: 538-553
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPTITLELines: 610-623
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTOOLTIPWIDTHLines: 570-581
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBADDBUTTONLines: 200-268
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBBUTTONCOUNTLines: 273-287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBCMD2INDEXLines: 447-455
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBCREATELines: 60-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBDELBUTTONLines: 294-323
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBDESTROYLines: 413-426
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBENABLEBUTTONLines: 370-408
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBGETBUTTONRECTLines: 328-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_TBINDEX2CMDLines: 432-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: wvt2wvw.chLines: 251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: wvwdraw.cLines: 2606
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXGETLines: 729-801
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXGET_XPLines: 813-864
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXGROUPLines: 1030-1093
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXGROUPRAISEDLines: 1101-1158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXRAISEDLines: 882-942
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBOXRECESSEDLines: 960-1019
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWBUTTONLines: 2083-2221
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWCOLORRECTLines: 1915-1959
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWELLIPSELines: 1728-1764
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWFOCUSRECTLines: 1874-1906
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWGRIDHORZLines: 1967-2008
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWGRIDVERTLines: 2020-2074
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWIMAGELines: 1182-1289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWIMAGE_RESOURCELines: 1312-1433
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWLABELLines: 1443-1498
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWLABELEXLines: 2387-2424
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWLABELOBJLines: 77-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWLINELines: 1568-1719
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWLINEEXLines: 2431-2566
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWOUTLINELines: 1507-1557
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWOUTLINEEXLines: 2573-2605
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWPICTURELines: 2324-2380
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWPROGRESSBARLines: 614-716
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWRECTANGLELines: 1772-1814
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWROUNDRECTLines: 1827-1866
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWSCROLLBUTTONLines: 270-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWSHADEDRECTLines: 478-533
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWSTATUSBARLines: 2228-2316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DRAWTEXTBOXLines: 541-607
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
File: wvwutils.cLines: 2532
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: ADDTOOLTIPEXLines: 626-670
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: BRINGTOTOP1Lines: 600-618
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: CREATEFONTLines: 1036-1062
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: CREATEHATCHBRUSHLines: 1008-1012
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: CREATEIMAGELISTLines: 676-695
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: CREATESOLIDBRUSHLines: 1001-1006
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: DRAWBITMAPLines: 1259-1278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: DRAWICONLines: 1247-1250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: GETBITMAPSIZELines: 708-720
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: GETICONSIZELines: 722-733
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: GETSYSCOLORLines: 1018-1021
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: IMAGELIST_ADDLines: 697-700
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: IMAGELIST_ADDMASKEDLines: 702-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: INVALIDATERECTLines: 1121-1138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: ISWINDOWLines: 620-623
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: LOADBITMAPLines: 760-772
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: LOADBITMAPEXLines: 774-788
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: LOADICONLines: 1252-1258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: LOADIMAGELines: 736-758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: OPENBITMAPLines: 883-978
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: OPENIMAGELines: 791-881
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: REDRAWWINDOWLines: 1023-1031
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: RGBLines: 1013-1016
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SELECTFONTLines: 1065-1119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SENDMESSAGELines: 574-584
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SETBITMAPRESOURCEIDLines: 1199-1244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SETBKCOLORLines: 991-999
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SETPARENTLines: 586-597
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: SETTEXTCOLORLines: 981-989
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: TOOLBARADDBUTTONSLines: 1140-1197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WINDOW2BITMAPLines: 1279-1301
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_CHECKDLGBUTTONLines: 205-209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_CHECKRADIOBUTTONLines: 218-225
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_CREATEBRUSHLines: 341-350
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_DELETEOBJECTLines: 159-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_DRAWTEXTLines: 357-367
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETCLIENTRECTLines: 294-307
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETDCLines: 323-326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETDIALOGBASEUNITSLines: 177-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETDLGITEMLines: 228-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 189-202
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_GETSTOCKOBJECTLines: 153-156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_INVALIDATERECTLines: 240-243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_ISDLGBUTTONCHECKEDLines: 212-215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_LOADICONLines: 250-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_LOADIMAGELines: 270-291
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_MESSAGEBOXLines: 234-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_MULDIVLines: 171-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_RELEASEDCLines: 329-332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SELECTOBJECTLines: 165-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SENDMESSAGELines: 64-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETBKCOLORLines: 141-144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 183-186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETFOCUSLines: 129-132
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETTEXTCOLORLines: 135-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WIN_SETTIMERLines: 123-126
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBADDSTRINGLines: 1853-1856
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBSETCURSELLines: 1859-1862
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CBVISIBLELines: 474-493
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CHOOSECOLORLines: 1708-1730
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CHOOSEFONTLines: 1632-1701
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CREATEDIALOGDYNAMICLines: 2129-2235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CREATEDIALOGMODALLines: 2238-2308
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CREATEFONTLines: 2484-2516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_CXVISIBLELines: 495-515
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DELETEOBJECTLines: 2310-2313
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_DLGSETICONLines: 1864-1881
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_FILLRECTANGLELines: 1775-1839
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GBCREATELines: 372-399
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETCURSORPOSLines: 2088-2099
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETKEYSTATELines: 2518-2521
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_GETPAINTRECTLines: 1413-1427
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_HIWORDLines: 2528-2531
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_KILLTIMERLines: 1389-1403
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LBADDSTRINGLines: 1842-1845
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LBSETCURSELLines: 1847-1850
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LOADFONTLines: 1542-1578
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LOADPENLines: 1584-1608
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LOADPICTURELines: 1515-1535
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_LOWORDLines: 2523-2526
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MESSAGEBOXLines: 1611-1617
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MOUSE_COLLines: 543-556
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_MOUSE_ROWLines: 559-572
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_NUMBMCACHELines: 1343-1348
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_PBVISIBLELines: 452-472
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_RBCREATELines: 404-437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_RECTANGLELines: 335-338
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_RESTSCREENLines: 2409-2477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SAVESCREENLines: 2358-2398
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETASNORMALLines: 2333-2347
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETBKMODELines: 147-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETBRUSHLines: 1945-1982
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETCONTROLTEXTLines: 439-450
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMAXBMCACHELines: 1324-1338
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETMOUSEPOSLines: 1741-1758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETONTOPLines: 2316-2330
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETPENLines: 1898-1934
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETPOINTERLines: 1430-1509
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SETTIMERLines: 1367-1382
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_SHOWWINDOWLines: 2103-2110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_UPDATEWINDOWLines: 2114-2121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_XBVISIBLELines: 525-540
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW_YESCLOSELines: 52-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Function: WVW__MAKEDLGTEMPLATELines: 1985-2085
Doc Topic:(Contrib / gtwvw)
Contrib: gtwvwFolder: contrib\gtwvw\tests\
File: cb1.prgLines: 125
Command: MainLines: 23-99
File: cb6.prgLines: 309
Function: CBhandlerLines: 121-189
Function: CBreaderLines: 198-260
Command: MainLines: 46-101
File: demo.prgLines: 1283
Function: AddMiscObjectsLines: 1005-1009
Function: CreateToolbarLines: 922-972
Command: debuggingLines: 1267-1273
Function: DEMO_BrowseLines: 480-515
Command: Demo_ConsoleLines: 328-348
Command: Demo_GetLines: 408-476
Command: ErrorSysLines: 1236-1240
Function: HXBscrollerLines: 699-739
Function: lBoxMessageLines: 1095-1100
Function: lDebugLines: 1108-1110
Function: lYesNoLines: 1102-1106
Command: MainLines: 143-301
Function: nAfterInkeyLines: 1015-1031
Function: nCeilingLines: 1170-1200
Function: nMenuCheckerLines: 1038-1094
Command: pauseLines: 1275-1280
Function: ResetMiscObjectsLines: 996-1003
Function: SetDefaultWindowSizeLines: 1205-1232
Function: VXBscrollerLines: 654-695
Function: WVW_KillFocusLines: 905-906
Function: WVW_PaintLines: 866-877
Function: WVW_SetFocusLines: 885-898
Function: WVW_TIMERLines: 909-920
Function: xDebugInfoLines: 1112-1139
Function: xDisableToolbarLines: 974-982
Function: xEnableToolbarLines: 984-992
Function: xHelpLines: 1141-1168
File: drawimg.prgLines: 377
Command: MainLines: 75-161
Class: wGUIObjLines: 167-176
Function: wg_AddWPaintObjLines: 301-342
Function: wg_DelWPaintObjLines: 343-376
Function: wg_ResetWPaintObjLines: 286-297
Class: wPaintObjLines: 180-192
File: eb7.prgLines: 979
Function: AddEBGetLines: 220-261
Command: EBReadGetsLines: 264-276
Command: GetSessionLines: 129-180
Function: inp_handlerLines: 950-962
Command: MainLines: 84-124
Function: MyHelpLines: 182-197
Function: WVW_INPUTFOCUSLines: 915-945
Function: WVW_SETFOCUSLines: 199-207
File: inpfocus.prgLines: 311
Command: MainLines: 41-75
Function: WVW_INPUTFOCUSLines: 236-272
File: maincoor.prgLines: 47
Command: fillscreenLines: 25-46
Command: MainLines: 9-23
File: maximize.prgLines: 137
Command: diminfoLines: 41-45
Command: MainLines: 13-39
Command: updatescrLines: 47-73
Function: WVW_SIZELines: 77-136
File: prog0.prgLines: 403
Function: lBoxMessageLines: 290-336
Function: lMessageLines: 246-253
Function: lYesNoLines: 256-288
Command: MainLines: 18-52
Function: nCeilingLines: 391-402
Function: xBrowse1Lines: 90-175
Command: xGet1Lines: 53-89
Function: ZNEWWINDOWLines: 343-369
Function: ZREVWINDOWLines: 372-389
File: prog1.prgLines: 421
Function: lBoxMessageLines: 304-350
Function: lMessageLines: 260-267
Function: lYesNoLines: 269-302
Command: MainLines: 28-66
Function: nCeilingLines: 409-420
Function: xBrowse1Lines: 105-190
Command: xGet1Lines: 68-104
Function: ZNEWWINDOWLines: 356-385
Function: ZREVWINDOWLines: 388-407
File: prog2.prgLines: 515
Function: AddMiscObjectsLines: 508-512
Function: lBoxMessageLines: 354-400
Function: lMessageLines: 301-317
Function: lYesNoLines: 319-352
Command: MainLines: 26-80
Function: nCeilingLines: 468-479
Function: ResetMiscObjectsLines: 497-506
Function: WVW_PaintLines: 489-495
Function: xBrowse1Lines: 128-236
Command: xGet1Lines: 81-127
Function: ZNEWWINDOWLines: 407-441
Function: ZREVWINDOWLines: 443-466
File: _wvwmous.prgLines: 600
Class: WVWMouseButtonLines: 64-0
Function: wvwm_AddMouseObjectsLines: 408-414
Function: wvwm_nMouseCheckerLines: 507-542
Function: wvwm_nNumMouseObjectsLines: 417-419
Function: wvwm_nObjectTypeLines: 422-424
Function: wvwm_paintLines: 388-396
Function: wvwm_ResetMouseObjectsLines: 399-406
Function: wvwm_SetKeyRepeaterLines: 426-444
Contrib: hbamf - AMF file format handlingFolder: contrib\hbamf\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbamf
File: amf.hLines: 98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
File: amfdec.cLines: 1274
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Function: AMF3_DECODELines: 1222-1273
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
typedef struct: amfContextLines: 22-31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
File: amfenc.cLines: 1463
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Function: AMF3_ENCODELines: 1400-1462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Function: AMF3_FROMWALines: 1139-1398
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
typedef struct: amfContextLines: 27-43
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
File: amfstdio.cLines: 150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Function: AMFSTDIO_READLines: 78-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
File: hbamfobj.prgLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Class: amf_ObjLines: 50-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Class: amf_RawLines: 96-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
File: hbcls.cLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbamf)
Contrib: hbamf - AMF file format handlingFolder: contrib\hbamf\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 41
Command: MainLines: 6-32
Contrib: hbblatFolder: contrib\hbblat\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbblat
File: blatcls.prgLines: 991
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblat)
Class: HBBlatLines: 50-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblat)
File: blatwrp.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblat)
Function: HB_BLATSENDLines: 57-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblat)
File: hbblat.chLines: 159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblat)
Contrib: hbblatFolder: contrib\hbblat\tests\
File: blatcmd.prgLines: 65
Command: MainLines: 49-64
File: test.prgLines: 114
Command: MainLines: 55-113
Contrib: hbblink - Blinker compatibilityFolder: contrib\hbblink\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbblink
File: blinker.prgLines: 428
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliCpuRelLines: 235-236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliDbgHanLines: 87-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliDemDteLines: 98-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliDemDteBasLines: 101-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliDemMinLines: 104-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliDisFrgLines: 114-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliErrNumLines: 120-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliErrPrmLines: 123-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliErrPrmBasLines: 126-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliFunCalLines: 137-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliFunHanLines: 134-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliLibFreLines: 150-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliLibLibLines: 130-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliLibOvrLines: 156-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliLstFrgLines: 164-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMemAvlLines: 170-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMemBlkLines: 176-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMemPakLines: 182-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMemSizLines: 173-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMemUseLines: 193-194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliMgrStsLines: 238-252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliOvlClrLines: 196-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliOvlOpsLines: 199-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliOvlResLines: 202-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliOvlSizLines: 205-206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: BliOvlSusLines: 208-212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliPtrDecLines: 214-215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliPtrIncLines: 217-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliSerNumLines: 220-221
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliSerNumBasLines: 223-224
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliStrFrgLines: 226-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: BliVerNumLines: 232-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: hb_BliDemDteLines: 71-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: hb_BliDemMinLines: 79-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Command: hb_BliVerNumLines: 63-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpAddEnvLines: 254-258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpAddStrLines: 260-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpAddStrBasLines: 267-272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpCurDirLines: 274-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpDisMsgLines: 280-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpEms320Lines: 286-290
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpErrLevLines: 292-293
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpErrMajLines: 295-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpErrMinLines: 298-299
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpFreEmsLines: 301-305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpFreXmsLines: 313-317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpGetKeyLines: 331-335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpGetPidLines: 337-341
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpGetStrLines: 349-350
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpKeyBrdLines: 352-356
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpKeyBrdBasLines: 358-362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpKeyClrLines: 364-368
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpNobOotLines: 370-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpRunCmdLines: 376-390
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpSetEnvLines: 392-403
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpSetPidLines: 405-409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpSetPidBasLines: 411-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpSetStrLines: 417-421
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpSetStrBasLines: 423-427
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpUseEmsLines: 307-311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpUseUmbLines: 325-329
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpUseXmsLines: 319-323
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Function: SwpVidMdeLines: 343-347
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
File: hbblink.chLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbblink)
Contrib: hbbz2io - I/O driver for BZIP2 compressed streamsFolder: contrib\hbbz2io\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbbz2io
File: bz2io.cLines: 733
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2io)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 62-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2io)
Contrib: hbbz2 - bz2 compressionFolder: contrib\hbbz2\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbbz2
File: core.cLines: 375
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Function: HB_BZ2_COMPRESSLines: 260-314
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Function: HB_BZ2_COMPRESSBOUNDLines: 223-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Function: HB_BZ2_UNCOMPRESSLines: 318-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Function: HB_BZ2_UNCOMPRESSLENLines: 235-256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Function: HB_BZ2_VERSIONLines: 217-220
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
File: errint.cLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
File: hbbz2.chLines: 72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbbz2)
Contrib: hbbz2 - bz2 compressionFolder: contrib\hbbz2\3rd\
Contrib: hbbz2 - bz2 compressionFolder: contrib\hbbz2\3rd\bz2\
File: blocksor.cLines: 1095
File: bzlib.cLines: 1573
File: bzlib.hLines: 283
File: bzlib_pr.hLines: 516
File: compress.cLines: 673
File: crctable.cLines: 105
File: decompre.cLines: 647
File: huffman.cLines: 206
File: randtabl.cLines: 85
Contrib: hbbz2 - bz2 compressionFolder: contrib\hbbz2\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 5-13
Contrib: hbcairo - Cairo imagingFolder: contrib\hbcairo\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbcairo
File: context.cLines: 387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CLIPLines: 51-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CLIP_EXTENTSLines: 59-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CLIP_PRESERVELines: 77-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_COPY_PAGELines: 85-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CREATELines: 93-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_FILLLines: 101-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_FILL_PRESERVELines: 109-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_GET_DASHLines: 117-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_GET_LINE_WIDTHLines: 141-147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_IN_FILLLines: 149-155
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_IN_STROKELines: 157-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PAINTLines: 165-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PAINT_WITH_ALPHALines: 173-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_POP_GROUP_TO_SOURCELines: 363-369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PUSH_GROUPLines: 355-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_RESET_CLIPLines: 181-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_RESTORELines: 189-195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SAVELines: 197-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_DASHLines: 205-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_FILL_RULELines: 233-239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_LINE_CAPLines: 241-247
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_LINE_JOINLines: 249-255
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_LINE_WIDTHLines: 257-263
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_MITER_LIMITLines: 265-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_OPERATORLines: 273-279
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_SOURCELines: 379-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGBLines: 281-287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGBALines: 289-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_SURFACELines: 371-377
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_TOLERANCELines: 297-303
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SHOW_PAGELines: 305-311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_STATUSLines: 321-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_STROKELines: 313-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_STROKE_EXTENTSLines: 329-345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_STROKE_PRESERVELines: 347-353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: core.cLines: 404
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_DESTROYLines: 100-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATH_DESTROYLines: 232-243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATH_ITERATOR_CREATELines: 281-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATH_ITERATOR_NEXTLines: 310-331
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SURFACE_DESTROYLines: 170-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
typedef struct: HB_CAIRO_PATH_ITERATORLines: 250-254
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: hbcairo.chLines: 136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: hbcairo.hLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: image.cLines: 66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: paths.cLines: 217
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_APPEND_PATHLines: 50-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_ARCLines: 59-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_ARC_NEGATIVELines: 67-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CLOSE_PATHLines: 75-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_COPY_PATHLines: 83-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_COPY_PATH_FLATLines: 91-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_CURVE_TOLines: 99-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_GET_CURRENT_POINTLines: 107-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_HAS_CURRENT_POINTLines: 122-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_LINE_TOLines: 132-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_MOVE_TOLines: 140-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_NEW_PATHLines: 148-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATH_EXTENTSLines: 156-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_RECTANGLELines: 174-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_REL_CURVE_TOLines: 182-188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_REL_LINE_TOLines: 190-196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_REL_MOVE_TOLines: 198-204
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_TEXT_PATHLines: 206-216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: pattern.cLines: 318
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_CREATE_RGBLines: 178-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_CREATE_RGBALines: 183-186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_DESTROYLines: 100-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_GET_RGBALines: 188-213
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_GET_SURFACELines: 220-239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PATTERN_STATUSLines: 309-317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: pdf.cLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PDF_SURFACE_CREATELines: 50-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PDF_SURFACE_SET_SIZELines: 59-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: png.cLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SURFACE_WRITE_TO_PNGLines: 58-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: ps.cLines: 94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PS_SURFACE_CREATELines: 50-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PS_SURFACE_GET_EPSLines: 83-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PS_SURFACE_SET_EPSLines: 71-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_PS_SURFACE_SET_SIZELines: 59-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: surface.cLines: 56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SURFACE_STATUSLines: 49-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: text.cLines: 167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_FONT_EXTENTSLines: 51-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_GET_FONT_MATRIXLines: 70-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SELECT_FONT_FACELines: 90-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_FONT_MATRIXLines: 102-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_FONT_SIZELines: 126-132
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SHOW_TEXTLines: 134-144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_TEXT_EXTENTSLines: 146-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: transfor.cLines: 150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_GET_MATRIXLines: 51-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_IDENTITY_MATRIXLines: 71-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_ROTATELines: 79-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SCALELines: 111-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_SET_MATRIXLines: 87-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_TRANSFORMLines: 119-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_TRANSLATELines: 143-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
File: util.cLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_STATUS_TO_STRINGLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_VERSIONLines: 54-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Function: CAIRO_VERSION_STRINGLines: 59-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcairo)
Contrib: hbcairo - Cairo imagingFolder: contrib\hbcairo\tests\
File: fancytxt.prgLines: 191
Command: drawLines: 19-60
Command: MainLines: 3-16
Command: map_path_ontoLines: 63-81
File: glyphdbg.prgLines: 83
Command: MainLines: 3-26
Command: path_debugLines: 29-82
File: hellow.prgLines: 39
Command: MainLines: 5-38
File: lightnin.prgLines: 62
Command: DrawLightningLines: 24-61
Command: MainLines: 3-21
File: table.prgLines: 129
Command: MainLines: 3-36
Contrib: hbcomio - I/O driver for serial port streamsFolder: contrib\hbcomio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbcomio
File: comio.cLines: 492
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 58-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomio)
Contrib: hbcomm - Serial communicationFolder: contrib\hbcomm\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbcomm
File: comm.prgLines: 174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: INBUFSIZELines: 146-147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: INCHRLines: 120-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: INIT_PORTLines: 52-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: ISWORKINGLines: 112-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: OUTBUFCLRLines: 108-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: OUTBUFSIZELines: 150-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: OUTCHRLines: 127-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Function: UNINT_PORTLines: 154-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcomm)
Contrib: hbcomm - Serial communicationFolder: contrib\hbcomm\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 98
Command: MainLines: 14-40
Contrib: hbct - Functions compatible with the famous Clipper ToolsFolder: contrib\hbct\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbct
File: addascii.cLines: 134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ADDASCIILines: 50-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: asciisum.cLines: 80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ASCIISUMLines: 50-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ascpos.cLines: 108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ASCPOSLines: 99-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: VALPOSLines: 104-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: atadjust.cLines: 266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATADJUSTLines: 50-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: atnum.cLines: 307
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: AFTERATNUMLines: 293-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATNUMLines: 303-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: BEFORATNUMLines: 298-301
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: atrepl.cLines: 250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATREPLLines: 50-249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: bitnum.cLines: 328
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CLEARBITLines: 225-247
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: INTNEGLines: 291-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: INTPOSLines: 308-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ISBITLines: 273-289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMANDLines: 90-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMHIGHLines: 164-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMLOWLines: 154-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMMIRRLines: 199-223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMNOTLines: 144-152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMORLines: 108-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMROLLines: 174-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMXORLines: 126-142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETBITLines: 249-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: bitstr.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: BITTOCLines: 88-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTOBITLines: 50-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: blank.cLines: 132
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: BLANKLines: 52-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charevod.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHAREVENLines: 120-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARODDLines: 125-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charlihb.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARHISTLines: 57-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSLISTLines: 52-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charlist.cLines: 123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARLISTLines: 114-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARNOLISTLines: 119-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charmirr.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARMIRRLines: 50-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charmix.cLines: 124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARMIXLines: 51-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charone.cLines: 206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARONELines: 197-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDONELines: 202-205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charonly.cLines: 187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARONLYLines: 168-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARREMLines: 178-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDONLYLines: 173-176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDREMLines: 183-186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charop.cLines: 381
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARADDLines: 357-360
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARANDLines: 362-365
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARNOTLines: 367-370
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARORLines: 372-375
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARXORLines: 377-380
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charophb.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARRLLLines: 70-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARRLRLines: 75-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSHLLines: 60-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSHRLines: 65-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSUBLines: 55-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charrepl.cLines: 149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARREPLLines: 50-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charsort.cLines: 171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSORTLines: 91-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: CT_CHARSORTLines: 54-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charsprd.cLines: 125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSPREADLines: 50-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: charswap.cLines: 169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARSWAPLines: 160-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDSWAPLines: 165-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: color.cLines: 116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COLORTONLines: 70-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ENHANCEDLines: 99-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: INVERTATTRLines: 52-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NTOCOLORLines: 81-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: STANDARDLines: 105-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: UNSELECTEDLines: 111-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: count.cLines: 126
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COUNTLEFTLines: 117-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COUNTRIGHTLines: 122-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ct.chLines: 77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ct.hLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ct.prgLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ctexitLines: 66-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ctinitLines: 50-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctc.cLines: 258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSETARGERRLines: 200-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTCEXITLines: 251-257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTCINITLines: 238-249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctchksum.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHECKSUMLines: 49-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctcom.chLines: 93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctcom1.cLines: 519
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_BREAKLines: 216-219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_CLOSELines: 394-400
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_COUNTLines: 82-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_CTSLines: 110-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_DCDLines: 117-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_DEVNAMELines: 509-518
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_DSRLines: 124-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_DTRLines: 155-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_ERRCHRLines: 306-309
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_EVENTLines: 341-345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_FLUSHLines: 96-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_GETIOLines: 481-484
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_GETIRQLines: 495-498
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_HARDLines: 223-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_INITLines: 367-376
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_KEYLines: 349-353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_LSRLines: 204-212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_MCRLines: 172-188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_MSRLines: 192-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_NUMLines: 474-477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_OPENLines: 381-390
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_READLines: 404-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_REMOTELines: 313-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_RINGLines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_RTSLines: 138-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SCOUNTLines: 89-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SENDLines: 445-470
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SETIOLines: 488-491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SETIRQLines: 502-505
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SFLUSHLines: 103-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SKEYLines: 358-362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SMODELines: 320-337
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SOFTLines: 249-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SOFT_RLines: 275-289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_SOFT_SLines: 293-302
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctcom2.cLines: 394
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_CRCLines: 79-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COM_DOSCONLines: 55-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: XMOBLOCKLines: 116-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: XMOCHECKLines: 157-185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ZEROINSERTLines: 189-268
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ZEROREMOVELines: 272-393
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctcrypt.cLines: 130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CRYPTLines: 52-129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctdisk.chLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctdummy.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DSetKBIOSLines: 47-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: cterror.chLines: 707
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctmath.cLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GETPRECLines: 100-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETPRECLines: 83-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctmath.hLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctmath2.cLines: 246
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CeilingLines: 94-128
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the next highest integer that is greater than or equal to <nExp>.

Function: FactLines: 212-245
Categories:Math FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Return the factorial of <nExp>

Function: FloorLines: 58-92
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the nearest integer that is less than or equal to <nExp>.
Same as the Int() function.

Function: Log10Lines: 163-210
Categories:Math FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns base 10 logarithm of a number.

Function: SignLines: 130-161
Categories:Math Functions, Numeric FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Return -1 for negative numbers, -1 for negative numbers, 1 for positive numbers.

File: ctmisc.prgLines: 116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: AlloFreeLines: 52-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CenterLines: 58-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSetCentLines: 94-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSetCursLines: 82-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSetKeyLines: 90-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DosParamLines: 102-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ExeNameLines: 113-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: LToCLines: 98-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctnet.cLines: 243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETCANCELLines: 112-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETDISKLines: 142-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETPRINTERLines: 129-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETREDIRLines: 162-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETRMTNAMELines: 183-207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NETWORKLines: 209-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NNETWORKLines: 232-242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctpad.cLines: 144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PADLEFTLines: 135-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PADRIGHTLines: 140-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctrand.prgLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RandLines: 51-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RandomLines: 47-49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctscan.chLines: 326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctset.cLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctset.hLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctstr.cLines: 436
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSETATMUPALines: 331-345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSETREFLines: 295-309
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: CT_STRLines: 52-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETATLIKELines: 385-435
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctstr.hLines: 91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctstrfil.cLines: 240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CSETSAFETYLines: 89-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILESCREENLines: 208-239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILESTRLines: 143-185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SCREENFILELines: 187-206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETFCREATELines: 69-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: STRFILELines: 131-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctstrfil.hLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: cttime.prgLines: 104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: MillisecLines: 99-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SecToTimeLines: 78-97
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Will convert numeric with 2 decimals to HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS:hh if is true.
Max value can be 23:59:59:99

Function: TimeToSecLines: 48-76
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time Functions
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Will convert HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS:hh to numeric with 2 decimals
Max value can be 86399.99

File: ctvideo.chLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctwfunc.cLines: 475
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTWINITLines: 70-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTWLASTKEYLines: 348-357
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GETCLEARALines: 75-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GETCLEARBLines: 112-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: HBCT_MAXCOLLines: 374-384
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: HBCT_MAXROWLines: 362-372
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETCLEARALines: 80-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETCLEARBLines: 90-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WACLOSELines: 179-182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WALIASLines: 395-408
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WBOARDLines: 153-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WBOXLines: 196-248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WCENTERLines: 337-340
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WCloseLines: 172-177
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Closes the window <nWindowIS> or current window and selects the next window as current window.

Function: WCOLLines: 281-287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WFCOLLines: 313-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WFLASTCOLLines: 329-335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WFLASTROWLines: 321-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WFORMATLines: 250-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WFROWLines: 305-311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WHIDELines: 452-456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WLASTCOLLines: 297-303
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WLASTROWLines: 289-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WLEVELLines: 470-474
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WLISTLines: 420-445
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WMODELines: 145-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WMOVELines: 342-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WNUMLines: 191-194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WOpenLines: 160-170
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Creates/Open a Window

Function: WROWLines: 273-279
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WSelectLines: 184-189
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns and / or selects a window as the current window and optionally bring to front

Function: WSETMOVELines: 132-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WSetShadowLines: 127-130
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WSHADOWLines: 464-468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WSHOWLines: 458-462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WSTEPLines: 137-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: _WSTACKLines: 447-0
Translates to the function: WLIST
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctwin.cLines: 2816
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: HB_CTWDATALines: 82-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: HB_CT_WNDLines: 88-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: HB_GTCTWLines: 126-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ctwin.hLines: 96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: cursor.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RESTCURSORLines: 63-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAVECURSORLines: 49-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: datetime.cLines: 232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: BoMLines: 52-72
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns begin date Of Month, (e.g: 01/MM/YY)

Function: BOQLines: 102-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: BoYLines: 154-174
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the first date of a given year date.

Function: EoMLines: 74-100
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the last day of a given month date.

Function: EOQLines: 126-152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: EoYLines: 176-196
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the last date of a given year date.

Function: WOMLines: 211-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: dattime2.cLines: 430
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: AddMonthLines: 249-296
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Specifies the number of months from the date. If nMonths is positive, AddMonth( ) returns a date that is nMonthsmonths after the date. If nMonths is negative, AddMonth( ) returns a date that is nMonths months before the date. For example, -1 means -31 days.

Function: CToDoWLines: 98-117
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Converts name of day of the week to its ordinal number.

Function: CToMonthLines: 119-137
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Converts name of month to its ordinal number.

Function: DaysInMonthLines: 335-341
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the number of days in month.

Function: DaysToMonthLines: 327-333
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Return total number of days from first of Jan to beginning of <nMonth>. (xhb library, been put here for reminder).

Function: DMYLines: 139-199
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the date as a string in DD Month YY format.
Will be affected by "set century on".
Example: 24. November 2020

Function: DoYLines: 298-313
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns a calendar day number that specifies which day of the year <dDate> represents. If dDate is NULL, the system date is used. An empty or invalid date returns 0.

Function: IsLeapLines: 315-325
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Checks if year of <dDate> is a leap year. If no <dDate> passed, the system date is used.

Function: LASTDAYOMLines: 355-373
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: MDYLines: 201-247
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the date as a string in Month DD, YY or Month DD, YYYY. If <dDate> is NULL, the system date is used.

Function: NToCDoWLines: 375-378
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the day name of <nDayOfWeek>. Returns empty string on empty/invalid (not in range 1-7) <nDayOfWeek>.

Function: NToCMonthLines: 380-383
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

The month name of <nMonth>. Returns empty string on empty/invalid <nMonth> (e.g. not in range 1-12)

Function: QUARTERLines: 343-353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WeekLines: 385-429
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns a sequential week number that designates in which week of the year <dDate> lies.
if <bSWN> is .T. it seems the number of weeks is full weeks since the beginning of the year, not the calendar week number.

File: dattime3.cLines: 212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: CT_DATELines: 65-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETDATELines: 171-211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETTIMELines: 134-169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TimeValidLines: 129-132
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns .T. when <cTime> is a valid time or .F. otherwise.

Function: WaitPeriodLines: 82-98
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Executable EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns .T. , if the time span specified by <nDelay> has not elapsed. <nDelay> is the waiting period given in 1/100 of seconds. Values can range from 1 to 8.640.000 (one day).

File: dbftools.cLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DbfSizeLines: 56-80
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns the size of a dbf file opened in current wrkarea or 0 if no dbf is opened.

Function: FIELDDECILines: 53-0
Translates to the function: FieldDec
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: FIELDNUMLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: FieldPos
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the ordinal position of the field <cFieldName> in the work area. If there is no field with this name returns 0.

Function: FIELDSIZELines: 52-0
Translates to the function: FieldLen
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: disk.cLines: 285
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DIRMAKELines: 64-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DIRNAMELines: 72-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DRIVETYPELines: 95-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMDISKLLines: 148-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TRUENAMELines: 262-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: VOLSERIALLines: 236-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: VOLUMELines: 186-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: dummy.cLines: 223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: envparam.cLines: 150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ENVPARAMLines: 73-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: expand.cLines: 102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: EXPANDLines: 49-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: exponent.cLines: 159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: EXPONENTLines: 102-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: MANTISSALines: 54-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: fcopy.prgLines: 215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileAppendLines: 182-214
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileCCLoseLines: 172-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileCContLines: 135-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileCDaTiLines: 125-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileCOpenLines: 121-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FileCopyLines: 71-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: files.cLines: 312
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DeleteFileLines: 288-291
Categories:File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Returns zero on success or a numeric error code on failure.

Function: FILEATTRLines: 154-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILEDATELines: 168-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILEDELETELines: 233-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILEMOVELines: 280-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILESEEKLines: 147-152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILESIZELines: 161-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILESMAXLines: 293-311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FILETIMELines: 175-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: HB_FFDATALines: 76-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RENAMEFILELines: 286-0
Translates to the function: FILEMOVE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETFATTRLines: 182-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETFDATILines: 194-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: finan.cLines: 326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FVLines: 58-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PAYMENTLines: 152-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PERIODSLines: 199-259
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PVLines: 105-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RATELines: 261-325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: ftoc.cLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTOFLines: 58-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FTOCLines: 49-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: getinfo.prgLines: 105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CountGetsLines: 61-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CurrentGetLines: 64-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetFldColLines: 82-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetFldRowLines: 70-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetFldVarLines: 94-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RestGetsLines: 58-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SaveGetsLines: 50-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: getinput.prgLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetInputLines: 47-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: getsecrt.prgLines: 163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetSecretLines: 51-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: justify.cLines: 160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: JUSTLEFTLines: 151-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: JUSTRIGHTLines: 156-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: keysave.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RestSetKeyLines: 50-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SaveSetKeyLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: keysec.prgLines: 98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KeySecLines: 49-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: keyset.cLines: 100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KSETCAPSLines: 86-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KSETINSLines: 81-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KSETNUMLines: 91-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KSETSCROLLLines: 96-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: keytime.prgLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KeyTimeLines: 49-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: kxlat.prgLines: 487
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetKXLatLines: 349-358
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: GetKXTabLines: 373-383
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: hbct_GetKXLatLines: 428-444
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: hbct_GetKXTabLines: 468-477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: hbct_SetKXLatLines: 387-426
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: hbct_SetKXTabLines: 446-466
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SetKXLatLines: 340-347
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SetKXTabLines: 360-371
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: __hbct_key_c_to_nLines: 318-324
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: __hbct_key_n_to_cLines: 326-338
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: like.cLines: 57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: LIKELines: 49-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: lton.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: LTONLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: maxline.cLines: 77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: MAXLINELines: 49-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: misc1.cLines: 79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: XtoCLines: 49-78
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)

Converts <xExpValue> to string.

File: misc2.cLines: 101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COMPLEMENTLines: 50-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NULLines: 97-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: misc3.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: KBDSTATLines: 51-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: misc4.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ISATLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOOLVERLines: 54-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: num1.cLines: 117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CELSIUSLines: 56-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: FAHRENHEITLines: 83-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: INFINITYLines: 110-116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: numat.cLines: 134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMATLines: 50-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: numbase.cLines: 171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CTONLines: 55-116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NTOCLines: 118-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: numcount.cLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMCOUNTLines: 51-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: numline.cLines: 78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMLINELines: 50-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: pack.cLines: 130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARPACKLines: 49-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARUNPACKLines: 96-129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: pos1.cLines: 189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSALPHALines: 170-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSLOWERLines: 175-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSRANGELines: 180-183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSUPPERLines: 185-188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: pos2.cLines: 377
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSCHARLines: 50-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSDELLines: 129-182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSINSLines: 184-256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSREPLLines: 258-376
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: posdiff.cLines: 197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSDIFFLines: 50-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: POSEQUALLines: 111-196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: print.cLines: 165
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PRINTREADYLines: 84-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PRINTSENDLines: 93-164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PRINTSTATLines: 59-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: range.cLines: 203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RANGEREMLines: 50-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RANGEREPLLines: 115-202
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: relation.cLines: 243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARRELALines: 50-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARRELREPLines: 125-242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: remove.cLines: 141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REMALLLines: 127-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REMLEFTLines: 132-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REMRIGHTLines: 137-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: replace.cLines: 164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REPLALLLines: 150-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REPLLEFTLines: 155-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: REPLRIGHTLines: 160-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: screen1.cLines: 487
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARWINLines: 341-380
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CLEARWINLines: 245-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COLORREPLLines: 451-486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COLORWINLines: 382-419
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: INVERTWINLines: 262-291
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAYSCREENLines: 132-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SCREENATTRLines: 53-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SCREENMIXLines: 72-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SCREENTEXTLines: 421-449
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: UNTEXTWINLines: 293-339
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: screen2.cLines: 455
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CLEARSLOWLines: 240-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAYDOWNLines: 52-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAYMOVEINLines: 164-238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAYSPREADLines: 105-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SCREENSTRLines: 321-366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: STRSCREENLines: 368-409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: __HBCT_DSPTIMELines: 411-454
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: screen3.prgLines: 65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ClearEolLines: 47-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ClEolLines: 55-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ClWinLines: 63-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: scrmark.prgLines: 104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ScreenMarkLines: 50-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: setlast.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETLASTKEYLines: 49-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: setrc.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETRCLines: 49-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: showtime.prgLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ShowTimeLines: 47-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: strdiff.cLines: 165
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: STRDIFFLines: 61-164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: strswap.cLines: 122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: STRSWAPLines: 50-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: tab.cLines: 387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TABEXPANDLines: 50-201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TABPACKLines: 203-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: tempfile.prgLines: 72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TempFileLines: 49-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: token1.cLines: 494
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATTOKENLines: 440-443
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: CT_TOKENLines: 65-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: NUMTOKENLines: 450-453
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENLines: 445-448
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENLOWERLines: 455-458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENSEPLines: 465-493
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENUPPERLines: 460-463
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: token2.cLines: 633
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RESTTOKENLines: 602-632
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SAVETOKENLines: 592-600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENATLines: 545-590
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENENDLines: 508-530
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENEXITLines: 532-543
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENINITLines: 276-407
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENNEXTLines: 409-483
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TOKENNUMLines: 485-506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
typedef struct: TOKEN_POSITIONLines: 65-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: trig.cLines: 554
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ACOSLines: 249-283
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ASINLines: 213-247
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATANLines: 285-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: ATN2Lines: 329-377
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COSLines: 109-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COSHLines: 422-458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: COTLines: 181-211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: DTORLines: 529-553
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: PILines: 68-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: RTODLines: 503-527
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SINLines: 73-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SINHLines: 379-420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TANLines: 145-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: TANHLines: 460-501
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: video.cLines: 211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: CHARPIXLines: 62-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: SETFONTLines: 165-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: VGAPALETTELines: 71-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: VIDEOTYPELines: 139-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: wordrepl.cLines: 149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDREPLLines: 50-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
File: wordtoch.cLines: 131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Function: WORDTOCHARLines: 50-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbct)
Contrib: hbct - Functions compatible with the famous Clipper ToolsFolder: contrib\hbct\tests\
File: addascii.prgLines: 101
Command: MainLines: 52-100
File: afteratn.prgLines: 104
Command: MainLines: 54-103
File: asciisum.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: ascpos.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: atadjust.prgLines: 101
Command: MainLines: 54-100
File: atnum.prgLines: 104
Command: MainLines: 54-103
File: atrepl.prgLines: 74
Command: MainLines: 52-73
File: attoken.prgLines: 87
Command: MainLines: 54-86
File: beforatn.prgLines: 104
Command: MainLines: 54-103
File: charadd.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 54-72
File: charand.prgLines: 72
Command: MainLines: 54-71
File: chareven.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charhist.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: charlist.prgLines: 69
Command: MainLines: 52-68
File: charmirr.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charmix.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: charnlst.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charnot.prgLines: 89
Command: MainLines: 55-88
File: charodd.prgLines: 69
Command: MainLines: 52-68
File: charone.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: charonly.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charor.prgLines: 72
Command: MainLines: 54-71
File: charrem.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charrepl.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: charrll.prgLines: 84
Command: MainLines: 55-83
File: charrlr.prgLines: 84
Command: MainLines: 55-83
File: charshl.prgLines: 84
Command: MainLines: 55-83
File: charshr.prgLines: 84
Command: MainLines: 55-83
File: charslst.prgLines: 69
Command: MainLines: 52-68
File: charsort.prgLines: 77
Command: MainLines: 52-76
File: charsub.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 54-72
File: charswap.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: charxor.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: csetarge.prgLines: 293
Command: MainLines: 56-196
Function: myerrhandlerLines: 198-292
File: csetatmu.prgLines: 67
Command: MainLines: 52-66
File: csetref.prgLines: 67
Command: MainLines: 52-66
File: ctwtest.prgLines: 116
Command: MainLines: 13-104
File: dates4.prgLines: 34
Function: CheckDateLines: 21-33
Command: MainLines: 7-19
File: datetime.prgLines: 1261
Function: addmtestLines: 157-202
Function: bomtestLines: 206-246
Function: boqtestLines: 250-292
Function: boytestLines: 296-338
Function: chkansiLines: 1183-1205
Function: ctodowtestLines: 342-387
Function: ctomonthtestLines: 391-436
Function: d2monthLines: 508-562
Function: dInMonthtestLines: 440-504
Function: dmytestLines: 566-619
Function: doytestLines: 623-667
Function: eomtestLines: 671-716
Function: eoqtestLines: 720-764
Function: eoytestLines: 768-813
Function: isleaptestLines: 817-868
Function: lastdayomtestLines: 872-928
Command: MainLines: 57-153
Function: mdytestLines: 932-979
Function: ntocdowtestLines: 983-1029
Function: ntocmthtestLines: 1033-1079
Function: qtrtestLines: 1083-1128
Function: stodtestLines: 1132-1179
Function: weektestLines: 1209-1260
File: expomant.prgLines: 74
Command: MainLines: 53-73
File: finan.prgLines: 105
Command: MainLines: 55-104
File: math.prgLines: 171
Command: MainLines: 55-162
Command: WAIT4Lines: 164-170
File: num1.prgLines: 99
Command: MainLines: 53-98
File: numline.prgLines: 28
Command: MainLines: 13-27
File: numtoken.prgLines: 82
Command: MainLines: 52-81
File: rangerem.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: rangerep.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 52-72
File: setatlik.prgLines: 76
Command: MainLines: 52-75
File: strdiff.prgLines: 74
Command: MainLines: 52-73
File: tab.prgLines: 159
Command: MainLines: 54-158
File: test.prgLines: 264
Command: MainLines: 4-263
File: token.prgLines: 97
Command: MainLines: 54-96
File: token2.prgLines: 177
Command: MainLines: 60-176
File: tokenlow.prgLines: 86
Command: MainLines: 52-85
File: tokensep.prgLines: 88
Command: MainLines: 54-87
File: tokenupp.prgLines: 86
Command: MainLines: 52-85
File: trig.prgLines: 263
Command: MainLines: 62-254
Command: WAIT4Lines: 256-262
File: valpos.prgLines: 71
Command: MainLines: 52-70
File: wordone.prgLines: 71
Command: MainLines: 52-70
File: wordonly.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: wordrem.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
File: wordrepl.prgLines: 77
Command: MainLines: 52-76
File: wordswap.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 52-69
Contrib: hbcups - CUPS printingFolder: contrib\hbcups\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbcups
File: core.cLines: 119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcups)
Function: CUPSGETDEFAULTLines: 52-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcups)
Function: CUPSGETDESTSLines: 57-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcups)
Function: CUPSPRINTFILELines: 77-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcups)
Contrib: hbcups - CUPS printingFolder: contrib\hbcups\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 41
Command: MainLines: 3-40
Contrib: hbcurl - libcurl bindingsFolder: contrib\hbcurl\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbcurl
File: core.cLines: 2529
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: Curl_Easy_CleanupLines: 773-788
Categories:CurlCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)

As per
This function must be the last function to call for an easy session. It is the opposite of the curl_easy_init function and must be called with the same handle as input that a curl_easy_init call returned.

Function: CURL_EASY_DL_BUFF_GETLines: 2008-2021
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_DUPLICATELines: 765-771
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_ESCAPELines: 2371-2390
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_GETINFOLines: 2035-2369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: Curl_Easy_InitLines: 760-763
Categories:CurlCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)

As per
This function must be the first function to call, and it returns a CURL easy handle that you must use as input to other functions in the easy interface. This call MUST have a corresponding call to curl_easy_cleanup when the operation is complete.

Function: CURL_EASY_PAUSELines: 803-817
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_PERFORMLines: 819-829
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_RECVLines: 856-884
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_RESETLines: 790-801
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_SENDLines: 832-853
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_SETOPTLines: 886-2005
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_STRERRORLines: 2481-2491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_EASY_UNESCAPELines: 2392-2412
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_ESCAPELines: 2505-2515
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_GETDATELines: 2494-2500
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: Curl_Global_CleanupLines: 319-322
Categories:CurlCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)

As per see
This function releases resources acquired by curl_global_init.

Function: Curl_Global_InitLines: 305-317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)

As per
This function sets up the program environment that libcurl needs.
This function must be called at least once within a program (a program is all the code that shares a memory space) before the program calls any other function in libcurl.

Function: CURL_UNESCAPELines: 2518-2528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_VERSIONLines: 2417-2420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Function: CURL_VERSION_INFOLines: 2422-2479
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
typedef struct: HB_CURLLines: 88-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
File: hbcurl.chLines: 582
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbcurl)
Contrib: hbcurl - libcurl bindingsFolder: contrib\hbcurl\tests\
File: ftp_uldl.prgLines: 214
Command: MainLines: 13-204
Contrib: hbdocFolder: contrib\hbdoc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbdoc
File: hbdoc.prgLines: 1337
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: EntryLines: 967-987
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Function: FieldCaptionLines: 1073-1074
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Function: FieldIDListLines: 1070-1071
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Function: IndentLines: 861-937
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Command: MainLines: 104-366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Function: ParseLines: 830-843
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
File: _base.prgLines: 125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: TPLGenerateLines: 53-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
File: _html.prgLines: 601
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: GenerateHTMLLines: 55-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
File: _txt.prgLines: 170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: GenerateAsciiLines: 50-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: GenerateTextLines: 71-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
File: _xml.prgLines: 157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Class: GenerateXMLLines: 50-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbdoc)
Contrib: hbexpat - XML parserFolder: contrib\hbexpat\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbexpat
File: core.cLines: 1186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
typedef struct: HB_EXPATLines: 108-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: HB_XML_EXPATVERSIONINFOLines: 1157-1162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_DEFAULTCURRENTLines: 1059-1071
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_ERRORSTRINGLines: 917-920
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_EXPATVERSIONLines: 1143-1146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_EXPATVERSIONINFOLines: 1148-1155
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_GETBASELines: 978-986
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_GETERRORCODELines: 907-915
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_GETIDATTRIBUTEINDEXLines: 998-1006
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_GETPARSINGSTATUSLines: 1105-1125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_GETUSERDATALines: 811-819
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_PARSELines: 897-905
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_PARSERCREATELines: 735-770
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_PARSERFREELegacy Level: 5Lines: 792-794
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_PARSERRESETLines: 772-789
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_RESUMEPARSERLines: 1089-1103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SET##_nameu_Lines: 116-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETBASELines: 962-976
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETELEMENTHANDLERLines: 821-838
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETENCODINGLines: 1008-1023
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETHASHSALTLines: 1127-1141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETRETURNNSTRIPLETLines: 1045-1057
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_SETUSERDATALines: 797-809
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_STOPPARSERLines: 1073-1087
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: XML_USEFOREIGNDTDLines: 1035-1043
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
File: hbexpat.chLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
File: internal.cLines: 72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: __HB_XML_CDPU16MAPLines: 51-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
File: unitable.prgLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Function: hb_XML_get_unicode_tableLines: 51-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbexpat)
Contrib: hbexpat - XML parserFolder: contrib\hbexpat\3rd\
Contrib: hbexpat - XML parserFolder: contrib\hbexpat\3rd\expat\
File: ascii.hLines: 121
File: asciitab.hLines: 65
File: expat.hLines: 1086
File: expat_co.hLines: 2
File: expat_ex.hLines: 163
File: iasciita.hLines: 66
File: internal.hLines: 125
File: latin1ta.hLines: 65
File: loadlibr.cLines: 147
File: nametab.hLines: 183
File: siphash.hLines: 375
File: utf8tab.hLines: 65
File: winconfi.hLines: 2
File: xmlparse.cLines: 7217
typedef struct: ATTRIBUTE_IDLines: 320-325
typedef struct: BINDINGLines: 230-238
typedef struct: BLOCKLines: 303-307
typedef struct: CONTENT_SCAFFOLDLines: 291-299
typedef struct: DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTELines: 327-331
typedef struct: DTDLines: 348-375
typedef struct: ELEMENT_TYPELines: 339-346
typedef struct: ENTITYLines: 277-289
typedef struct: HASH_TABLELines: 189-195
typedef struct: HASH_TABLE_ITERLines: 216-219
typedef struct: NAMEDLines: 185-187
typedef struct: NS_ATTLines: 333-337
typedef struct: OPEN_INTERNAL_ENTITYLines: 377-384
typedef struct: PREFIXLines: 240-243
typedef struct: STRING_POOLLines: 309-316
typedef struct: TAGLines: 267-275
typedef struct: TAG_NAMELines: 245-252
File: xmlrole.cLines: 1387
File: xmlrole.hLines: 143
File: xmltok.cLines: 1807
File: xmltok.hLines: 346
File: xmltok_i.cLines: 1761
File: xmltok_i.hLines: 74
File: xmltok_n.cLines: 143
File: _hbconf.hLines: 45
Contrib: hbexpat - XML parserFolder: contrib\hbexpat\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 83
Command: MainLines: 9-47
File: tohash.prgLines: 163
Command: MainLines: 19-73
Contrib: hbfbird - Firebird/Interbase RDBMS APIFolder: contrib\hbfbird\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbfbird
File: firebird.cLines: 759
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBCLOSELines: 180-195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBCOMMITLines: 226-241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBCONNECTLines: 145-177
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBCREATEDBLines: 115-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBERRORLines: 198-206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBEXECUTELines: 260-305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBFETCHLines: 462-481
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBFREELines: 483-514
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBGETBLOBLines: 682-758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBGETDATALines: 516-680
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBQUERYLines: 307-460
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBROLLBACKLines: 243-258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Function: FBSTARTTRANSACTIONLines: 208-224
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
File: tfirebrd.prgLines: 1087
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Class: TFbQueryLines: 461-508
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Class: TFbRowLines: 781-804
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Class: TFbServerLines: 65-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfbird)
Contrib: hbfbird - Firebird/Interbase RDBMS APIFolder: contrib\hbfbird\tests\
File: simple.prgLines: 191
Command: MainLines: 3-190
File: stress.prgLines: 137
Command: MainLines: 5-136
File: test.prgLines: 112
Command: MainLines: 3-111
File: testapi.cLines: 424
Contrib: hbfimage - FreeImage graphic library bindingsFolder: contrib\hbfimage\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbfimage
File: core.cLines: 1550
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ADJUSTBRIGHTNESSLines: 1328-1340
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ADJUSTCONTRASTLines: 1343-1355
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ADJUSTGAMMALines: 1313-1325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ALLOCATELines: 287-304
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ALLOCATETLines: 307-325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_APPENDPAGELines: 511-523
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CLONELines: 328-339
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CLOSEMULTIBITMAPLines: 484-495
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_COLORQUANTIZELines: 1096-1108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO16BITS555Lines: 1063-1069
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO16BITS565Lines: 1071-1077
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO24BITSLines: 1079-1085
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO32BITSLines: 1087-1093
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO4BITSLines: 1039-1045
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTO8BITSLines: 1047-1053
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTOGREYSCALELines: 1055-1061
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTORGBFLines: 1131-1137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTOSTANDARDTYPELines: 1140-1151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CONVERTTOTYPELines: 1154-1167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_COPYLines: 1391-1409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_CREATEICCPROFILELines: 971-985
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_DEINITIALISELines: 220-223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_DELETEPAGELines: 543-555
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_DESTROYICCPROFILELines: 988-994
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_DITHERLines: 1114-1126
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_FLIPHORIZONTALLines: 1269-1275
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_FLIPVERTICALLines: 1277-1283
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETBACKGROUNDCOLORLines: 927-942
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETBITSLines: 667-673
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETBLUEMASKLines: 853-859
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETBPPLines: 707-713
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETCHANNELLines: 1370-1382
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETCOLORSUSEDLines: 699-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETCOLORTYPELines: 829-835
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETCOPYRIGHTMESSAGELines: 232-235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETDIBSIZELines: 747-753
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETDOTSPERMETERXLines: 764-770
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETDOTSPERMETERYLines: 772-778
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETFILETYPELines: 611-622
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETGREENMASKLines: 845-851
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETHEIGHTLines: 723-729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETICCPROFILELines: 962-968
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETIMAGETYPELines: 644-650
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETINFOLines: 821-827
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETINFOHEADERLines: 811-818
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETLINELines: 731-737
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETPAGECOUNTLines: 498-508
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETPALETTELines: 756-762
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETPITCHLines: 739-745
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETREDMASKLines: 837-843
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETSCANLINELines: 676-688
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETVERSIONLines: 227-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_GETWIDTHLines: 715-721
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_HASBACKGROUNDCOLORLines: 918-924
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_INITIALISELines: 215-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_INSERTPAGELines: 526-540
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_INVERTLines: 1357-1363
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ISLITTLEENDIANLines: 655-658
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ISTRANSPARENTLines: 910-916
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_LOADLines: 376-393
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_LOADFROMMEMORYLines: 354-373
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_LOCKPAGELines: 558-570
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_MOVEPAGELines: 590-604
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_OPENMULTIBITMAPLines: 459-481
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_PASTELines: 1412-1430
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_RESCALELines: 1290-1306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ROTATECLASSICLines: 1226-1242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_ROTATEEXLines: 1245-1267
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SAVELines: 399-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SETBACKGROUNDCOLORLines: 945-957
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SETDOTSPERMETERXLines: 781-793
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SETDOTSPERMETERYLines: 796-808
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SETOUTPUTMESSAGELines: 268-282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_SETTRANSPARENTLines: 879-891
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_UNLOADLegacy Level: 4Lines: 343-345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_UNLOCKPAGELines: 573-587
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_WINCONVFROMDIBLines: 1466-1501
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_WINCONVTODIBLines: 1436-1462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Function: FI_WINDRAWLines: 1505-1549
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
typedef struct: HB_FIBITMAPLines: 97-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
typedef struct: HB_FI_ERRORLines: 70-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
File: freeimag.chLines: 330
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfimage)
Contrib: hbfimage - FreeImage graphic library bindingsFolder: contrib\hbfimage\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 212
Command: MainLines: 15-202
Contrib: hbformat - Harbour source code formatterFolder: contrib\hbformat\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbformat
File: hbfmtcls.prgLines: 964
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbformat)
Class: HBFormatCodeLines: 62-964
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbformat)
File: hbfuncs.prgLines: 108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbformat)
Command: __hbformat_BuildListOfFunctionsLines: 49-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbformat)
Contrib: hbformat - Harbour source code formatterFolder: contrib\hbformat\utils\
File: hbformat.prgLines: 176
Command: MainLines: 57-107
Contrib: hbfoxpro - FoxPro compatibility 2Folder: contrib\hbfoxpro\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbfoxpro
File: dbfunc.cLines: 197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: FILTERLines: 71-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: FSIZELines: 119-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: NDXLines: 85-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: RELATIONLines: 104-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: __FOX_SEEKLines: 156-196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: __FOX_USEDLines: 151-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
File: dll.prgLines: 129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: fox___DynCallLines: 54-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
File: hbfoxpro.chLines: 125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
File: misc.prgLines: 118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: AElementLines: 113-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: IdLines: 93-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: InsModeLines: 116-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: SysLines: 51-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: __fox_ArrayLines: 110-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
File: miscfunc.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: KEYLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: IndexKey
Categories:Index FunctionPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Returns the key expression of a specified index.
<nOrder> is the ordinal position of the index in the list of opened index files for the current work area. A 0 (zero) value for <nOrder> denotes the current controlling index. If there is no corresponding index or if no database is in use, a null string ("") returned.

Function: LINENOLines: 57-0
Translates to the function: ProcLine
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Gets the line number of the current function on the stack.

Function: PARAMETERSLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: PCount
Categories:Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Retrieves the number of arguments passed to a function.

Function: PRINTSTATUSLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: IsPrinter
Categories:Printer FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Checks if LPT1 is available for printing operations.

Function: PROGRAMLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: ProcName
Categories:Function EnvironmentPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)

Gets the name of the current function on the stack.

Function: SCOLSLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: MaxCol
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)

Return the maximum screen/window column number (zero origin).

Function: SROWSLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: MaxRow
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Terminal)

Return the maximum screen/window row number (zero origin).

Function: VARREADLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: ReadVar
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Return the current GET/MENU variable name

File: occurs.prgLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: fox_AtLines: 60-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: OccursLines: 47-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
File: relfunc.cLines: 86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: BETWEENLines: 50-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Function: INLISTLines: 65-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfoxpro)
Contrib: hbfship - FlagShip compatibilityFolder: contrib\hbfship\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbfship
File: dbsetloc.cLines: 72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: DBSETLOCATELines: 51-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: DBSETLOCATEBLOCKLines: 71-0
Translates to the function: DBSETLOCATE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: exec.cLines: 100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: EXECNAMELines: 61-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: EXECPIDNUMLines: 88-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: fldarr.prgLines: 95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: FieldGetArrLines: 47-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: FieldPutArrLines: 70-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: index.cLines: 100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: INDEXCOUNTLines: 53-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: INDEXNAMESLines: 69-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: isbegseq.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: ISBEGSEQLines: 55-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: isdb.prgLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: IsDbExclLines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: IsDbFLockLines: 55-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: IsDbRLockLines: 58-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: isfunc.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: ISFUNCTIONLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: hb_IsFunction
Categories:Program Flow Controls, Symbol Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)

Returns .T. if the symbol <cFunctionName> has a function/procedure pointer; can be used, f.e., to check if a given <cFunctionName> function has been linked within executable.

File: secondfs.cLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: SecondsCPULines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_SecondsCPU
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reports how many CPU and/or System seconds have elapsed since the beginning of the program execution. See the list for possible value of <nOption> and the returned values:

Value of <nOption> Returned Value
1 User CPU time of the current process
2 System CPU time on behalf of the current process
3 Sum of (1+2) (default value)
11 Sum of the user CPU time of the current + child process
12 Sum of the system CPU time of the current + child process
13 Sum of (11+12)
File: stroccur.prgLines: 66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: StrOccursLines: 48-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: strpeek.cLines: 90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: STRPEEKLines: 53-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: STRPOKELines: 71-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
File: users.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Function: USERSMAXLines: 50-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbfship)
Contrib: hbgd - Thomas Boutell’s GD 2.x library bindingsFolder: contrib\hbgd\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbgd
File: gd.chLines: 127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gd.prgLines: 245
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageCircleLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageEllipseLines: 53-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageFilledCircleLines: 50-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageFromFileLines: 127-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageFTHeightLines: 74-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageFTSizeLines: 91-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageFTWidthLines: 56-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageStringFTLines: 114-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Command: gdImageToFileLines: 194-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Command: gdImageToHandleLines: 224-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: gdImageToStringLines: 174-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gdbar.prgLines: 334
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Class: GDBarLines: 59-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gdbarcod.prgLines: 662
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Class: GDBarCodeLines: 57-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gdchart.prgLines: 949
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Class: GDChartLines: 50-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gdimage.prgLines: 726
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Class: GDImageLines: 50-289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
File: gdwrp.cLines: 2194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTCACHESETUPLines: 1574-1578
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTCACHESHUTDOWNLines: 1580-1584
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETGIANTLines: 1387-1390
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETHEIGHTLines: 1594-1600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETLARGELines: 1377-1380
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETMEDIUMBOLDLines: 1382-1385
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETSMALLLines: 1372-1375
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETTINYLines: 1392-1395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDFONTGETWIDTHLines: 1586-1592
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEALPHALines: 1152-1165
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEALPHABLENDINGLines: 1067-1080
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEARCLines: 816-841
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEBLUELines: 1197-1210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEBOUNDSSAFELines: 1248-1264
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECHARLines: 1420-0
Translates to the function: GDIMAGESTRING
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECHARUPLines: 1445-0
Translates to the function: GDIMAGESTRINGUP
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORALLOCATELines: 1604-1622
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORCLOSESTLines: 1661-1679
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORCLOSESTHWBLines: 1703-1721
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORDEALLOCATELines: 1624-1637
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLOREXACTLines: 1723-1741
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORRESOLVELines: 1743-1761
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOLORSTOTALLines: 1144-1150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOMPARELines: 2062-2071
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYLines: 1839-1864
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYMERGELines: 1958-1985
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYMERGEGRAYLines: 1987-2014
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYRESAMPLEDLines: 1897-1926
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYRESIZEDLines: 1866-1895
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECOPYROTATEDLines: 1928-1956
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECREATELines: 490-502
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECREATEFROMGDLines: 541-544
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECREATEFROMGIFLines: 526-529
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGECREATEFROMPNGLines: 531-534
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Translates to the function: GDIMAGECREATE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEDASHEDLINELines: 625-646
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEDESTROYLegacy Level: 4Lines: 575-577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEELLIPSELines: 918-941
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEFILLLines: 944-961
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEFILLEDARCLines: 843-869
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEFILLEDELLIPSELines: 871-892
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEFILLEDPOLYGONLines: 753-791
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEFILLTOBORDERLines: 894-913
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGDLines: 566-569
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGETCLIPLines: 1118-1140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGETINTERLACEDLines: 1266-1272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGETPIXELLines: 1230-1246
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGETTHICKNESSLines: 1362-1368
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGETTRANSPARENTLines: 1274-1280
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGIFLines: 551-554
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGIFANIMADDLines: 2139-2172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGIFANIMBEGINLines: 2110-2135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGIFANIMENDLines: 2176-2193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEGREENLines: 1182-1195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEINTERLACELines: 2073-2086
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEJPEGLines: 546-549
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGELINELines: 602-623
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEOPENPOLYGONLines: 688-728
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEPALETTECOPYLines: 2016-2028
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEPALETTEPIXELLines: 1326-1342
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEPNGLines: 556-559
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEPOLYGONLines: 648-686
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGERECTANGLELines: 730-751
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEREDLines: 1167-1180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESAVEALPHALines: 1082-1095
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETBRUSHLines: 995-1007
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETCLIPLines: 1097-1116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETPIXELLines: 583-600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETSTYLELines: 1023-1047
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETTHICKNESSLines: 1049-1065
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESETTILELines: 1009-1021
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESHARPENLines: 2045-2058
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESQUARETOCIRCLELines: 2030-2043
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESTRINGLines: 1397-1418
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESTRINGFTCIRCLELines: 1537-1572
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESTRINGFTEXLines: 1449-1535
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESTRINGUPLines: 1422-1443
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESXLines: 1212-1219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGESYLines: 1221-1228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGETRUECOLORLines: 1282-1288
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGETRUECOLORPIXELLines: 1344-1360
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDIMAGEWBMPLines: 561-564
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDTRUECOLORLines: 1801-1816
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDTRUECOLORALPHALines: 1818-1835
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDVERSIONLines: 464-475
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: GDVERSIONNUMBERLines: 477-486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Function: HB_GD_VERSIONLines: 457-462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgd)
Contrib: hbgd - Thomas Boutell’s GD 2.x library bindingsFolder: contrib\hbgd\tests\
File: animgif.prgLines: 89
Command: MainLines: 14-88
File: antialia.prgLines: 91
Command: MainLines: 12-90
File: barcode.prgLines: 94
Command: MainLines: 5-93
File: barcode2.prgLines: 98
Command: MainLines: 5-97
File: cgi.prgLines: 368
Command: EndHTMLLines: 123-128
Function: GetParamsLines: 263-297
Function: GetVarsLines: 225-261
Command: MainLines: 12-106
Command: OutJpgLines: 164-223
Command: OutPhotoLines: 130-162
Command: StartHTMLLines: 108-121
Function: URLDecodeLines: 304-340
Function: URLEncodeLines: 342-367
File: counter.prgLines: 128
Command: MainLines: 19-127
File: fontdpi.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 13-36
File: gdapi.prgLines: 98
Command: MainLines: 12-97
File: gdclass.prgLines: 303
Command: MainLines: 12-302
File: test.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 5-23
File: tostring.prgLines: 39
Command: MainLines: 12-38
File: tpoly.prgLines: 118
Command: DrawFlakeLines: 22-83
Command: KochFlakeLines: 85-117
Command: MainLines: 15-20
Contrib: hbgs - Ghostscript imagingFolder: contrib\hbgs\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbgs
File: core.cLines: 124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgs)
Function: HB_GSLines: 63-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgs)
Function: HB_GSAPI_REVISIONLines: 102-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgs)
Contrib: hbgs - Ghostscript imagingFolder: contrib\hbgs\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 11-24
Contrib: hbgt - Miscellaneous functionsFolder: contrib\hbgt\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbgt
File: asciisgt.cLines: 22
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_ASCIISUMLines: 10-21
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: ascposgt.cLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_ASCPOSLines: 11-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: atdiff.cLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_ATDIFFLines: 11-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: bitflags.cLines: 135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CLRFLAGLines: 76-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_ISFLAGLines: 109-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_NEWFLAGLines: 21-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_SETFLAGLines: 43-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: chareven.cLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHAREVENLines: 11-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: charmixg.cLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHARMIXLines: 11-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: charodd.cLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHARODDLines: 11-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: chrcount.cLines: 31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHRCOUNTLines: 11-30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: chrfirst.cLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHRFIRSTLines: 11-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: chrtotal.cLines: 31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_CHRTOTALLines: 11-30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strasint.cLines: 31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strcount.cLines: 43
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRCOUNTLines: 11-42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strcspn.cLines: 34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRCSPNLines: 11-33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strdiffg.cLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRDIFFLines: 11-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strexpan.cLines: 48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STREXPANDLines: 11-47
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strleft.cLines: 34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRLEFTLines: 11-33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strpbrk.cLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRPBRKLines: 11-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
File: strright.cLines: 34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Function: GT_STRRIGHTLines: 11-33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgt)
Contrib: hbgt - Miscellaneous functionsFolder: contrib\hbgt\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 4-24
Contrib: hbgzio - I/O driver for GZIP compressed streamsFolder: contrib\hbgzio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbgzio
File: gzio.cLines: 721
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgzio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 68-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbgzio)
Contrib: hbhpdf - Libharu bindings (PDF)Folder: contrib\hbhpdf\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbhpdf
File: annot.cLines: 747
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_ANNOT_SET3DVIEWLines: 592-599
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_ANNOT_SETCMYKCOLORLines: 341-355
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_ANNOT_SETGRAYCOLORLines: 360-367
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_ANNOT_SETNOCOLORLines: 372-379
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_ANNOT_SETRGBCOLORLines: 323-336
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_LINEANNOT_SETLEADERLines: 710-717
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_TEXTANNOT_SETICONLines: 75-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: core.cLines: 1499
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
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Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
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Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
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Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
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Function: HPDF_DESTINATION_SETFITBVLines: 1355-1358
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Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETLINECAPLines: 808-811
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETLINEJOINLines: 814-817
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETLINEWIDTHLines: 802-805
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETMITERLIMITLines: 820-823
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETRGBFILLLines: 1105-1108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETRGBSTROKELines: 1111-1114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETROTATELines: 438-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETSIZELines: 432-435
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETSLIDESHOWLines: 794-797
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETTEXTLEADINGLines: 1045-1048
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETTEXTMATRIXLines: 1069-1072
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETTEXTRISELines: 1057-1060
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETWIDTHLines: 406-409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETWORDSPACELines: 1033-1036
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SETZOOMLines: 1434-1441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SHOWTEXTLines: 967-970
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_SHOWTEXTNEXTLINELines: 1081-1084
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_STROKELines: 925-928
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_TEXTOUTLines: 955-958
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_TEXTRECTLines: 1159-1162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_PAGE_TEXTWIDTHLines: 501-504
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_READFROMSTREAMLines: 146-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_RESETERRORLines: 196-199
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_RESETSTREAMLines: 163-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SAVETOFILELines: 121-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SAVETOSTREAMLines: 133-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETCURRENTENCODERLines: 313-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETENCRYPTIONMODELines: 385-388
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETERRORHANDLERLines: 175-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETINFOATTRLines: 326-329
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETINFODATEATTRLines: 342-357
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETOPENACTIONLines: 246-249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETPAGELAYOUTLines: 215-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETPAGEMODELines: 234-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETPASSWORDLines: 360-363
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_SETPERMISSIONLines: 373-376
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USEUTFENCODINGSLines: 1484-1491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_VERSION_TEXTLines: 1394-1397
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: enccns.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USECNSENCODINGSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: enccnt.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USECNTENCODINGSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: encjp.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USEJPENCODINGSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: enckr.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USEKRENCODINGSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: errstr.prgLines: 172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: hb_HPDF_GetErrorStringLines: 53-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: font.cLines: 87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: fontcns.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USECNSFONTSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: fontcnt.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USECNTFONTSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: fontjp.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USEJPFONTSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: fontkr.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_USEKRFONTSLines: 48-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: harupdf.chLines: 905
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: hbhpdf.hLines: 73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: image.cLines: 188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_ADDSMASKLines: 180-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_GETCOLORSPACELines: 148-156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_GETHEIGHTLines: 136-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_GETSIZELines: 116-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_GETWIDTHLines: 130-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_SETCOLORMASKLines: 159-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: HPDF_IMAGE_SETMASKIMAGELines: 171-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: misc.prgLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Function: hb_HPDF_IsVersionLines: 47-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
File: pdfa.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhpdf)
Contrib: hbhpdf - Libharu bindings (PDF)Folder: contrib\hbhpdf\3rd\
Contrib: hbhpdf - Libharu bindings (PDF)Folder: contrib\hbhpdf\3rd\libhpdf\
File: hpdf.hLines: 1568
File: hpdf3dme.cLines: 236
File: hpdf3dme.hLines: 58
File: hpdfanno.cLines: 1167
File: hpdfanno.hLines: 96
File: hpdfarra.cLines: 355
File: hpdfbina.cLines: 121
File: hpdfbool.cLines: 51
File: hpdfcata.cLines: 386
File: hpdfcata.hLines: 94
File: hpdfcfg.hLines: 76
File: hpdfconf.hLines: 86
File: hpdfcons.hLines: 550
File: hpdfdest.cLines: 345
File: hpdfdest.hLines: 45
File: hpdfdict.cLines: 519
File: hpdfdoc.cLines: 2369
File: hpdfdoc.hLines: 163
File: hpdfdocp.cLines: 185
File: hpdfecy.cLines: 636
File: hpdfecyd.cLines: 244
File: hpdfencc.cLines: 36367
File: hpdfencj.cLines: 16133
File: hpdfenck.cLines: 27986
File: hpdfencn.cLines: 15313
File: hpdfenco.cLines: 3003
typedef struct: HPDF_BuiltinEncodingDataLines: 2034-2038
typedef struct: HPDF_UnicodeGryphPairLines: 23-26
File: hpdfenco.hLines: 319
File: hpdfencr.hLines: 160
File: hpdfencu.cLines: 277
typedef struct: UTF8_EncoderAttr_RecLines: 26-30
File: hpdfency.hLines: 70
File: hpdferro.cLines: 119
File: hpdferro.hLines: 204
File: hpdfexda.cLines: 70
File: hpdfexda.hLines: 42
File: hpdfextg.cLines: 154
File: hpdfextg.hLines: 42
File: hpdffdf.cLines: 60
File: hpdffdf1.cLines: 525
File: hpdffdfb.cLines: 4509
typedef struct: HPDF_Base14FontDefDataLines: 4269-4278
File: hpdffdfc.cLines: 475
File: hpdffdfi.cLines: 198
File: hpdffdfj.cLines: 1908
File: hpdffdfk.cLines: 1576
File: hpdffdfn.cLines: 254
File: hpdffdft.cLines: 2276
File: hpdffon1.cLines: 395
File: hpdffonc.cLines: 1087
File: hpdffond.hLines: 407
File: hpdffont.cLines: 232
File: hpdffont.hLines: 116
File: hpdffott.cLines: 409
File: hpdfgsta.cLines: 124
File: hpdfgsta.hLines: 84
File: hpdfimac.cLines: 798
typedef struct: HPDF_Fax3BaseStateLines: 41-55
typedef struct: HPDF_Fax3CodecStateLines: 57-77
File: hpdfimag.cLines: 665
File: hpdfimag.hLines: 100
File: hpdfimap.cLines: 710
File: hpdfinfo.cLines: 173
File: hpdfinfo.hLines: 52
File: hpdflist.cLines: 337
File: hpdflist.hLines: 89
File: hpdfmmgr.cLines: 251
File: hpdfmmgr.hLines: 86
File: hpdfname.cLines: 75
File: hpdfndic.cLines: 238
File: hpdfndic.hLines: 77
File: hpdfnull.cLines: 35
File: hpdfnumb.cLines: 53
File: hpdfobje.cLines: 176
File: hpdfobje.hLines: 605
File: hpdfoutl.cLines: 331
File: hpdfoutl.hLines: 78
File: hpdfpage.cLines: 78
File: hpdfpage.hLines: 39
File: hpdfpago.cLines: 2902
File: hpdfpags.cLines: 1976
typedef struct: HPDF_PageSizeValueLines: 29-32
File: hpdfpags.hLines: 132
File: hpdfpdfa.cLines: 387
File: hpdfpdfa.hLines: 44
File: hpdfreal.cLines: 65
File: hpdfstre.cLines: 1473
File: hpdfstre.hLines: 281
File: hpdfstri.cLines: 203
File: hpdftype.hLines: 566
File: hpdfu3d.cLines: 881
File: hpdfu3d.hLines: 54
File: hpdfutil.cLines: 446
File: hpdfutil.hLines: 166
File: hpdfvers.hLines: 9
File: hpdfxref.cLines: 352
File: t4.hLines: 286
File: _hbhbpdf.cLines: 23
Contrib: hbhpdf - Libharu bindings (PDF)Folder: contrib\hbhpdf\tests\
File: harupdf.prgLines: 1419
Function: DesignHaruPDFLines: 67-170
Command: MainLines: 49-63
File: test.prgLines: 13
Command: MainLines: 3-12
Contrib: hbhttpd - HTTP/HTTPS serverFolder: contrib\hbhttpd\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbhttpd
File: core.prgLines: 1736
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UAddHeaderLines: 1146-1156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UGetHeaderLines: 1136-1144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UHtmlEncodeLines: 1275-1294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UHttpdLines: 33-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UHttpdNewLines: 65-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: ULinkLines: 1333-1335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UOsFileNameLines: 1267-1273
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UParseLines: 1529-1531
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UProcFilesLines: 1354-1483
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UProcInfoLines: 1485-1527
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: URedirectLines: 1158-1166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: USessionDestroyLines: 1258-1265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: USessionStartLines: 1195-1248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: USessionStopLines: 1250-1256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: USetStatusCodeLines: 1130-1134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UUrlChecksumLines: 1337-1339
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UUrlDecodeLines: 1313-1331
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UUrlEncodeLines: 1296-1311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UUrlValidateLines: 1341-1352
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UWriteLines: 1168-1172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
File: log.prgLines: 105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UHttpdLogLines: 51-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
File: widgets.prgLines: 583
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UGetWidgetByIdLines: 547-548
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UProcWidgetsLines: 452-519
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWBrowseLines: 326-335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWBrowseNewLines: 337-338
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Command: UWDefaultHandlerLines: 521-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWFormLines: 155-164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWFormNewLines: 166-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWHtmlLines: 101-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWHtmlNewLines: 109-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWInputLines: 190-199
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWInputNewLines: 201-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWLabelLines: 125-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWLabelNewLines: 135-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWLayoutGridLines: 47-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWLayoutGridNewLines: 56-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWMainLines: 11-18
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWMainNewLines: 20-26
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWMenuLines: 291-298
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWMenuNewLines: 300-301
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWOptionLines: 423-431
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWOptionNewLines: 433-434
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWPasswordLines: 221-228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWPasswordNewLines: 230-236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWSeparatorLines: 274-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWSeparatorNewLines: 280-281
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Class: UWSubmitLines: 247-254
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Function: UWSubmitNewLines: 256-263
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbhttpd)
Contrib: hbhttpd - HTTP/HTTPS serverFolder: contrib\hbhttpd\tests\
File: eshop.prgLines: 398
Command: MainLines: 17-96
Contrib: hblzf - LZF compressionFolder: contrib\hblzf\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hblzf
File: core.cLines: 238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Function: HB_LZF_COMPRESSLines: 95-156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Function: HB_LZF_COMPRESSBOUNDLines: 67-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Function: HB_LZF_DECOMPRESSLines: 159-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Function: HB_LZF_OPTIMIZED_FOR_SPEEDLines: 85-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Function: HB_LZF_VERSIONLines: 79-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
File: hblzf.chLines: 60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hblzf)
Contrib: hblzf - LZF compressionFolder: contrib\hblzf\3rd\
Contrib: hblzf - LZF compressionFolder: contrib\hblzf\3rd\liblzf\
File: crc32.hLines: 66
File: lzf.hLines: 109
File: lzfP.hLines: 197
File: lzf_c.cLines: 292
File: lzf_d.cLines: 186
Contrib: hblzf - LZF compressionFolder: contrib\hblzf\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 134
Command: MainLines: 6-133
File: test2.prgLines: 54
Command: MainLines: 6-26
Contrib: hbmagic - libmagic file identificationFolder: contrib\hbmagic\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmagic
File: core.cLines: 162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_BUFFERLines: 113-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_CHECKLines: 133-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_COMPILELines: 143-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_ERRNOLines: 93-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_ERRORLines: 83-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_FILELines: 103-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_LOADLines: 153-161
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_OPENLines: 75-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: MAGIC_SETFLAGSLines: 123-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
File: hbmagic.chLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
File: hbmagis.prgLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Function: hb_magic_simpleLines: 49-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmagic)
Contrib: hbmagic - libmagic file identificationFolder: contrib\hbmagic\tests\
File: hbmagit.prgLines: 121
Command: MainLines: 55-120
Contrib: hbmemio - Memory I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbmemio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmemio
File: memio.cLines: 1188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 791-796
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
typedef struct: HB_MEMFS_DIRENTRYLines: 115-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
typedef struct: HB_MEMFS_FILELines: 97-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
typedef struct: HB_MEMFS_FSLines: 105-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
typedef struct: HB_MEMFS_INODELines: 85-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmemio)
Contrib: hbmemio - Memory I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbmemio\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 5-19
Contrib: hbmisc - Miscellaneous functionsFolder: contrib\hbmisc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmisc
File: bbabble.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: BUBBLEBABBLEENCODELines: 55-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: calldll.prgLines: 105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: CallDll32Lines: 60-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: hb_DynaCall1Lines: 72-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: PtrStrLines: 103-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: StrPtrLines: 100-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: UnloadAllDllLines: 52-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: dates.cLines: 163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ADaysLines: 115-124
Categories:Arrays Functions, Date and Time Functions, Language FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)

Returns an array with all the days names in the selected current language.

Function: AMonthsLines: 104-113
Categories:Date and Time Functions, Language FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)

Returns an array with all the months names in the selected current language.

Function: HBMISC_DAYSINMONTHLines: 141-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IsLeapYearLines: 126-139
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)

Checks if year of <dDate> is a leap year. If no <dDate> passed, result is .F., which means <dDate> is essential, in order to get correct result.

Function: WoYLines: 156-162
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)

Returns the week number of the year for a given date. It returns ISO-based week number, i.e. in range 1..53, by default (or passing TRUE as second parameter), or in range 1..53 if lIso is FALSE.

File: fcomma.prgLines: 365
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FCOMMA_GETFUNCTABLELines: 335-364
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: ffind.cLines: 138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDATTRLines: 111-116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDDATELines: 125-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDFIRSTLines: 77-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDNAMELines: 104-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDNEXTLines: 97-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDSIZELines: 118-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: FILEFINDTIMELines: 132-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: fileread.prgLines: 248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Class: TFileReadLines: 17-248
Categories:Low Level File FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)

Returns an instance of the File Reader class. See /contrib/hbmisc/doc/en/ht_class.txt for more..

File: hbedit.prgLines: 495
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: EditorAddTextLines: 134-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorCargoLines: 88-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorEditLines: 270-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorFileLines: 206-246
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorGetLineLines: 179-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorGetTextLines: 165-169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: EditorInsTextLines: 150-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: EditorKillLines: 82-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorLCountLines: 174-175
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorModeLines: 112-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorNewLines: 51-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorNextLineLines: 191-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorReadLines: 258-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: EditorSetTextLines: 142-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorSizeLines: 122-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: EditorTitleLines: 98-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: RestBoxLines: 480-485
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: SaveBoxLines: 463-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: hbeditc.cLines: 2605
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_ADDTEXTLines: 307-315
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_BOTTOMLines: 1325-1367
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_BSPACELines: 1858-1866
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_COLLines: 2552-2560
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_CONFIGLines: 499-663
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_DELCHARLines: 1685-1729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_DELLINELines: 2339-2347
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_DELWORDLines: 2350-2413
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_DOWNLines: 1069-1081
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_ENDLines: 1551-1559
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_GETLINELines: 702-742
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_GETNEXTLines: 745-767
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_GETTEXTLines: 666-699
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_GOTOLines: 1408-1416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_HOMELines: 1506-1514
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_INSTEXTLines: 475-495
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_LCOUNTLines: 2574-2582
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_LEFTLines: 1440-1448
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_LENGTHLines: 2596-2604
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_MAXLINELines: 2563-2571
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_NEWLines: 180-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_NWORDLines: 1938-1946
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_PGDOWNLines: 1153-1222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_PGUPLines: 1225-1287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_PUTCHARLines: 2247-2257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_PWORDLines: 2021-2029
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_READTEXTLines: 794-834
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_RETURNLines: 2508-2516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_RIGHTLines: 1474-1482
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_ROWLines: 2530-2538
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_SETTEXTLines: 777-791
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_STABILIZELines: 840-990
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_STABLELines: 2585-2593
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_TABLines: 2278-2286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_TOPLines: 1290-1322
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_UPLines: 1138-1150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_WINCOLLines: 2541-2549
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ED_WINROWLines: 2519-2527
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
typedef struct: HB_EDITORLines: 32-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: hb_f.cLines: 446
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
typedef struct: FT_TEXTLines: 55-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FATEOFLines: 228-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FEOFLegacy Level: 4Lines: 236-0
Translates to the function: HB_FATEOF
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FGOBOTTOMLines: 271-317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FGOTOLines: 239-269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FGOTOPLines: 319-326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FINFOLines: 363-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FLASTRECLines: 328-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FREADANDSKIPLines: 391-445
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FREADLNLines: 202-226
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FRECNOLines: 103-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FSELECTLines: 348-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FSKIPLines: 191-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HB_FUSELines: 76-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: irm.cLines: 345
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
typedef struct: HB_IRMMAPLines: 15-20
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IRMEXECUTELines: 281-291
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IRMMAPCOUNTLines: 338-344
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IRMMAPNEXTLines: 300-311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IRMMAPSKIPLines: 320-334
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: nconvert.prgLines: 232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: BinToDecLines: 138-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DecToBinLines: 99-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DecToHexaLines: 125-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DecToOctalLines: 112-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DecToRomanLines: 174-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: HexaToDecLines: 162-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IsBinLines: 47-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IsDecLines: 73-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IsHexaLines: 86-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: IsOctalLines: 60-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: OctalToDecLines: 150-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: numtxten.prgLines: 98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: NumToTxtENLines: 6-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: numtxthu.prgLines: 116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: NumToTxtHULines: 47-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: numtxtru.prgLines: 679
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DateToTxtRULines: 468-487
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: MnyToTxtRULines: 453-466
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: NumToTxtRULines: 427-442
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: spd.cLines: 673
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: SQL_SPRINTFLines: 192-672
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: strfmt.cLines: 149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: STRFORMATLines: 64-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
typedef struct: STRPARLines: 53-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: stringp.prgLines: 134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: DebugLines: 129-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ToCharLines: 69-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: stringsx.cLines: 110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: ROT13Lines: 86-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: STRDUMPLines: 76-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: STRTOKENLines: 59-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: twirler.prgLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Class: TwirlerLines: 7-22
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
File: udpds.prgLines: 149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: hb_udpds_FindLines: 26-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Function: hb_udpds_StartLines: 93-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Command: hb_udpds_StopLines: 107-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmisc)
Contrib: hbmisc - Miscellaneous functionsFolder: contrib\hbmisc\tests\
File: bubbleb.prgLines: 80
Function: BubbleBabbleEncode_PrgLines: 33-79
Command: MainLines: 9-29
File: calldll.prgLines: 22
Command: MainLines: 9-21
File: hb_f.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 5-35
File: numtxtru.prgLines: 44
Command: MainLines: 7-22
Command: TestLines: 24-43
File: pe.prgLines: 69
Command: MainLines: 3-20
File: readfile.prgLines: 22
Command: MainLines: 7-21
File: rtfclass.prgLines: 135
Command: MainLines: 14-38
Class: TRtfLines: 40-135
File: strfmt.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 4-29
File: twirler.prgLines: 56
Command: MainLines: 7-55
File: udpds.prgLines: 41
Command: MainLines: 7-40
Contrib: hbmlzo - minilzo compressionFolder: contrib\hbmlzo\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmlzo
File: core.cLines: 267
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: HB_LZO1X_1_COMPRESSLines: 109-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: HB_LZO1X_DECOMPRESSLines: 169-202
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: HB_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_SAFELines: 204-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: HB_LZO_COMPRESSBOUNDLines: 61-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: LZO_ADLER32Lines: 258-266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: LZO_VERSIONLines: 241-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: LZO_VERSION_DATELines: 251-254
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Function: LZO_VERSION_STRINGLines: 246-249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
File: hbmlzo.chLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmlzo)
Contrib: hbmlzo - minilzo compressionFolder: contrib\hbmlzo\3rd\
Contrib: hbmlzo - minilzo compressionFolder: contrib\hbmlzo\3rd\minilzo\
File: lzoconf.hLines: 447
File: lzodefs.hLines: 1856
File: minilzo.cLines: 4580
File: minilzo.hLines: 110
Contrib: hbmlzo - minilzo compressionFolder: contrib\hbmlzo\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 119
Command: MainLines: 11-104
Contrib: hbmxml - minixml XML parser/generatorFolder: contrib\hbmxml\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmxml
File: core.cLines: 1886
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
typedef struct: HBMXML_NODELines: 61-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
typedef struct: HB_CBS_VARLines: 68-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
typedef struct: HB_CUSTOM_CBS_VARLines: 76-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
typedef struct: HB_ERROR_CB_VARLines: 82-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: HB_MXMLGETATTRSLines: 1857-1885
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: HB_MXMLGETATTRSARRAYLines: 1827-1855
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: HB_MXMLGETATTRSCOUNTLines: 1817-1825
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: HB_MXMLVERSIONLines: 250-253
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLADDLines: 280-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLDELETELines: 1046-1058
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLELEMENTGETATTRLines: 317-331
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLELEMENTSETATTRLines: 335-351
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLENTITYGETNAMELines: 355-358
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLENTITYGETVALUELines: 362-369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLFINDELEMENTLines: 377-401
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLFINDPATHLines: 405-420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETCDATALines: 424-432
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETCUSTOMLines: 1626-1639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETELEMENTLines: 436-444
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETFIRSTCHILDLines: 448-456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETINTEGERLines: 460-468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETLASTCHILDLines: 472-480
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETNEXTSIBLINGLines: 484-492
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETOPAQUELines: 496-504
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETPARENTLines: 508-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETPREVSIBLINGLines: 520-528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETREALLines: 532-540
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETREFCOUNTLines: 544-552
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETTEXTLines: 556-569
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETTYPELines: 573-581
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLGETUSERDATALines: 585-598
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXDELETELines: 637-649
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXENUMLines: 602-610
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXFINDLines: 614-633
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXGETCOUNTLines: 653-661
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXNEWLines: 665-685
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLINDEXRESETLines: 689-697
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLLOADFILELines: 728-779
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLLOADSTRINGLines: 786-833
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWCDATALines: 837-865
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWCUSTOMLines: 1654-1682
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWELEMENTLines: 869-897
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWINTEGERLines: 901-914
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWOPAQUELines: 918-946
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWREALLines: 950-963
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWTEXTLines: 967-997
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLNEWXMLLines: 1001-1017
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLRELEASELines: 1063-1071
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLREMOVELines: 1034-1042
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLRETAINLines: 1075-1083
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSAVEALLOCSTRINGLines: 1292-1336
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSAVEFILELines: 1338-1371
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSAVESTRINGLines: 1375-1418
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSAXLOADFILELines: 1123-1183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSAXLOADSTRINGLines: 1191-1252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETCDATALines: 1422-1436
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETCUSTOMLines: 1687-1707
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETCUSTOMHANDLERSLines: 1774-1813
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETELEMENTLines: 1440-1454
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETERRORCALLBACKLines: 1478-1504
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETINTEGERLines: 1508-1516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETOPAQUELines: 1520-1534
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETREALLines: 1538-1546
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETTEXTLines: 1550-1564
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETUSERDATALines: 1568-1581
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLSETWRAPMARGINLines: 1585-1588
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLWALKNEXTLines: 1592-1605
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: MXMLWALKPREVLines: 1609-1622
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
File: format.prgLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: mxmlElementSetAttrfLines: 55-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: mxmlNewTextfLines: 64-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Function: mxmlSetTextfLines: 73-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
File: hbmxml.chLines: 91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmxml)
Contrib: hbmxml - minixml XML parser/generatorFolder: contrib\hbmxml\3rd\
Contrib: hbmxml - minixml XML parser/generatorFolder: contrib\hbmxml\3rd\minixml\
File: config.hLines: 127
File: mxml.hLines: 341
File: mxml_att.cLines: 315
File: mxml_ent.cLines: 450
File: mxml_fil.cLines: 3083
typedef struct: _mxml_fdbuf_tLines: 50-56
File: mxml_get.cLines: 453
File: mxml_ind.cLines: 660
File: mxml_nod.cLines: 793
File: mxml_pri.cLines: 324
File: mxml_pri.hLines: 51
File: mxml_sea.cLines: 281
File: mxml_set.cLines: 308
File: mxml_str.cLines: 473
Contrib: hbmxml - minixml XML parser/generatorFolder: contrib\hbmxml\tests\
File: custom.prgLines: 149
Function: load_cLines: 74-78
Command: MainLines: 5-46
Command: my_mxmlErrorLines: 68-72
Function: save_cLines: 80-82
Function: type_cbLines: 128-148
Function: whitespace_cbLines: 84-126
File: reminder.prgLines: 102
Command: MainLines: 6-34
Command: my_mxmlErrorLines: 36-41
Function: type_cbLines: 72-101
File: testmxml.prgLines: 715
Command: MainLines: 34-577
Command: sax_cbLines: 587-598
Function: type_cbLines: 607-625
Function: whitespace_cbLines: 636-714
Contrib: hbmysql - MariaDB/MySQL client APIFolder: contrib\hbmysql\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmysql
File: mysql.cLines: 577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_AFFECTED_ROWSLines: 468-476
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_COMMITLines: 211-225
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_DATA_SEEKLines: 305-313
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_ERRNOLines: 399-407
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_ERRORLines: 409-417
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_ESCAPE_STRINGLines: 534-542
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_FETCH_FIELDLines: 325-351
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_FETCH_ROWLines: 283-303
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_FIELD_COUNTLines: 373-387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_FIELD_SEEKLines: 353-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_GET_HOST_INFOLines: 478-486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_GET_SERVER_INFOLines: 488-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_GET_SERVER_VERSIONLines: 186-209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_INSERT_IDLines: 498-506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_LIST_DBSLines: 419-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_LIST_FIELDSLines: 389-397
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_LIST_TABLESLines: 443-466
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_NUM_FIELDSLines: 363-371
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_NUM_ROWSLines: 315-323
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_PINGLines: 508-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_QUERYLines: 253-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_REAL_CONNECTLines: 156-184
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_REAL_ESCAPE_STRINGLines: 518-532
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_ROLLBACKLines: 227-241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_SELECT_DBLines: 243-251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_STORE_RESULTLines: 263-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Function: MYSQL_USE_RESULTLines: 273-281
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
File: mysql.chLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
File: tmysql.prgLines: 1591
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TMySQLQueryLines: 244-297
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TMySQLRowLines: 56-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TMySQLServerLines: 1176-1212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TMySQLTableLines: 663-689
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
File: tsqlbrw.prgLines: 417
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TBColumnSQLLines: 72-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Class: TBrowseSQLLines: 132-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmysql)
Contrib: hbmysql - MariaDB/MySQL client APIFolder: contrib\hbmysql\tests\
File: dbf2mysq.prgLines: 185
Command: HelpLines: 171-184
Command: MainLines: 51-169
File: test.prgLines: 130
Command: MainLines: 51-129
Contrib: hbmzip - Minizip API bindingsFolder: contrib\hbmzip\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbmzip
File: hbmzip.chLines: 73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
File: mzip.cLines: 1731
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPCLOSELines: 428-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILECLOSELines: 663-669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEFIRSTLines: 493-499
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEGOTOLines: 523-529
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEINFOLines: 536-620
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILENEXTLines: 503-509
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEOPENLines: 624-630
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEPOSLines: 513-519
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPFILEREADLines: 634-659
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPGLOBALINFOLines: 445-489
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_UNZIPOPENLines: 402-424
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPCLOSELines: 265-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPDELETEFILELines: 1721-1730
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPFILECLOSELines: 392-398
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPFILECRC32Lines: 746-759
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPFILECREATELines: 285-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPFILEWRITELines: 365-388
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPOPENLines: 234-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPSTOREFILELines: 1065-1076
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: HB_ZIPSTOREFILEHANDLELines: 1166-1187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
File: mziperr.prgLines: 96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: hb_unzipErrorStrLines: 72-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Function: hb_zipErrorStrLines: 49-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbmzip)
Contrib: hbmzip - Minizip API bindingsFolder: contrib\hbmzip\3rd\
Contrib: hbmzip - Minizip API bindingsFolder: contrib\hbmzip\3rd\minizip\
File: crypt.hLines: 134
File: ioapi.cLines: 278
File: ioapi.hLines: 237
File: unzip.cLines: 2131
typedef struct: file_in_zip64_read_info_sLines: 142-168
typedef struct: unz64_sLines: 173-201
typedef struct: unz_file_info64_internalLines: 134-137
File: unzip.hLines: 438
File: zip.cLines: 2024
typedef struct: curfile64_infoLines: 138-171
typedef struct: linkedlist_dataLines: 131-135
typedef struct: linkedlist_datablock_internalLines: 122-129
typedef struct: zip64_internalLines: 173-189
File: zip.hLines: 363
Contrib: hbmzip - Minizip API bindingsFolder: contrib\hbmzip\tests\
File: myunzip.prgLines: 122
Command: MainLines: 53-121
File: myzip.prgLines: 128
Command: MainLines: 53-127
Contrib: hbnetio - Network I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbnetio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbnetio
File: hbnetio.chLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
File: netio.hLines: 174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
File: netiocli.cLines: 2709
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_CONCLILines: 109-127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_CONDATALines: 137-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 129-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_SRVDATALines: 96-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_CLOSESTREAMLines: 1521-1550
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_CONNECTLines: 1110-1145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_DECODELines: 1061-1105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_DISCONNECTLines: 1214-1229
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_FUNCEXECLines: 1453-1456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_GETCONNECTIONLines: 1185-1210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_GETDATALines: 1557-1596
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_OPENDATASTREAMLines: 1471-1474
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_OPENITEMSTREAMLines: 1489-1492
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_PROCEXECLines: 1434-1437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_PROCEXECWLines: 1444-1447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_PROCEXISTSLines: 1424-1427
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SETPATHLines: 1252-1291
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_TIMEOUTLines: 1233-1250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
File: netiomt.prgLines: 125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: netio_MTServerLines: 58-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
File: netiosrv.cLines: 1820
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_CONSRVLines: 100-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_CONSTREAMLines: 92-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
typedef struct: HB_LISTENSDLines: 121-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_ACCEPTLines: 606-651
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_COMPRESSLines: 656-682
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_LISTENLines: 566-600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_RPCLines: 481-503
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_RPCFILTERLines: 508-530
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SERVEDCONNECTIONLines: 1641-1660
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SERVERLines: 728-1637
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SERVERSTOPLines: 534-547
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SERVERTIMEOUTLines: 551-561
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SRVSENDDATALines: 1709-1745
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SRVSENDITEMLines: 1664-1705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_SRVSTATUSLines: 1750-1819
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Function: NETIO_VERIFYCLIENTLines: 718-724
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnetio)
Contrib: hbnetio - Network I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbnetio\tests\
File: netiomt1.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 15-29
File: netiot02.prgLines: 78
Command: MainLines: 49-77
File: netiot03.prgLines: 213
Command: createdbLines: 112-138
Command: MainLines: 28-110
Function: reg_charstreamLines: 180-185
Function: reg_streamLines: 173-178
Command: testdbLines: 140-171
File: netiotst.prgLines: 138
Command: createdbLines: 78-104
Command: MainLines: 27-76
Command: testdbLines: 106-137
Contrib: hbnetio - Network I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbnetio\utils\
Contrib: hbnetio - Network I/O driverFolder: contrib\hbnetio\utils\hbnetio\
File: hbnetio.prgLines: 887
Command: MainLines: 81-85
Command: netiosrv_MainLines: 87-304
File: _console.prgLines: 265
Command: hbnetiocon_cmdUILines: 29-159
File: _winsvc.prgLines: 95
Command: WinMainLines: 27-81
Contrib: hbnf - Nanforum Library for ClipperFolder: contrib\hbnf\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbnf
File: aading.prgLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AAdditionLines: 20-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: aavg.prgLines: 38
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AAvgLines: 24-37
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: acctadj.prgLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AcctAdjLines: 29-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: acctmnth.prgLines: 82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AcctMonthLines: 25-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: acctqtr.prgLines: 82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AcctQtrLines: 25-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: acctweek.prgLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AcctWeekLines: 25-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: acctyear.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AcctYearLines: 25-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: adapter.prgLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AdapterLines: 47-49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: adessort.prgLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ADesSortLines: 24-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: aemaxlen.prgLines: 51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AEMaxLenLines: 20-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: aeminlen.prgLines: 51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AEMinLenLines: 20-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: alt.cLines: 45
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_ALTLines: 35-44
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: amedian.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AMedianLines: 24-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: anomatch.prgLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ANoMatchesLines: 24-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: any2any.prgLines: 108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_XToYLines: 39-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: aredit.prgLines: 164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ArEditLines: 55-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: asum.prgLines: 45
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ASumLines: 25-44
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: at2.prgLines: 91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_At2Lines: 25-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RAt2Lines: 59-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: bitclr.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_BitClrLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: bitset.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_BitSetLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: blink.prgLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_BlinkLines: 25-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: byt2bit.prgLines: 36
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Byt2BitLines: 22-35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: byt2hex.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Byt2HexLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: byteand.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ByteAndLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: byteneg.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ByteNegLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: bytenot.prgLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ByteNotLines: 23-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: byteor.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ByteOrLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: bytexor.prgLines: 32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ByteXorLines: 25-31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: calendar.prgLines: 138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_CalendarLines: 23-126
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: caplock.cLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_CAPLOCKLines: 33-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: chdir.cLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_CHDIRLines: 25-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: cint86.cLines: 12
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_INT86Lines: 3-11
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: clrsel.prgLines: 615
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ClrSelLines: 63-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: cntryset.prgLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SetCenturyLines: 22-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: color2n.cLines: 36
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_COLOR2NLines: 23-35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ctrl.cLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_CTRLLines: 32-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: d2e.prgLines: 47
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_D2ELines: 25-46
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: datecnfg.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DateCnfgLines: 25-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dayofyr.prgLines: 56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DayOfYrLines: 25-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: daytobow.prgLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DayToBoWLines: 25-40
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dectobin.prgLines: 37
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Dec2BinLines: 22-36
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: default.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DefaultLines: 47-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: descendn.cLines: 66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_DESCENDLines: 22-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dfile.prgLines: 85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DFCloseLines: 74-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DFSetupLines: 29-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dhkey.hLines: 146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: diskfunc.prgLines: 33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DskFreeLines: 30-32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DskSizeLines: 26-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dispc.cLines: 815
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
typedef struct: FT_DISPCLines: 69-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_DISPFILELines: 624-814
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: _FT_DFCLOSLines: 609-622
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: _FT_DFINITLines: 491-607
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dispmsg.prgLines: 167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DispMsgLines: 29-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: dosver.cLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_DOSVERLines: 53-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: e2d.prgLines: 31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_E2DLines: 22-30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: easter.prgLines: 92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_EasterLines: 23-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: elapmil.prgLines: 27
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ElapMinLines: 22-26
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: elapsed.prgLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ElapsedLines: 25-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: eltime.prgLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ElTimeLines: 22-40
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: findith.prgLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_FindIThLines: 22-40
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: firstday.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_FDayLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: floptst.prgLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_FlopTstLines: 59-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ftattr.cLines: 142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_RESTATTLines: 93-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SAVEATTLines: 25-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ftint86.chLines: 73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ftmenuto.chLines: 68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: fttext.cLines: 1063
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FAPPENDLines: 858-918
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FBOFLines: 1026-1031
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FDELETELines: 773-827
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FEOFLines: 1019-1024
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FERRORLines: 700-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FGOBOTLines: 714-729
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FGOBOTTOMLines: 731-0
Translates to the function: FT_FGOBOT
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FGOTOLines: 1033-1062
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FGOTOPLines: 689-698
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FINSERTLines: 829-856
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FLASTRELines: 998-1015
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FLASTRECLines: 1017-0
Translates to the function: FT_FLASTRE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FOFFSETLines: 611-616
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FREADLNLines: 746-771
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FRECNOLines: 707-712
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FSELECTLines: 659-687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FSKIPLines: 733-744
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FUSELines: 618-657
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FWRITELLines: 996-0
Translates to the function: FT_FWRITELN
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_FWRITELNLines: 920-994
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
typedef struct: FT_TEXTLines: 144-157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: gcd.prgLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_GCDLines: 22-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: getenvrn.cLines: 180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_GETELines: 57-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: hex2dec.prgLines: 28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Hex2DecLines: 25-27
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: iamidle.cLines: 68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_IAMIDLELines: 64-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: idle.cLines: 22
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_IDLELines: 18-21
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: invclr.prgLines: 45
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_InvClrLines: 22-44
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: isbit.prgLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_IsBitLines: 22-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: isbiton.prgLines: 27
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_IsBitOnLines: 25-26
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: isprint.cLines: 87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_ISPRINTLines: 75-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: isshare.cLines: 73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_ISSHARELines: 53-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: kspeed.cLines: 60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETRATELines: 28-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: lastday.prgLines: 33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_LDayLines: 26-32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: linked.prgLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_LinkedLines: 28-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: madd.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MAddLines: 25-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: menu1.prgLines: 261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_FillLines: 254-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Menu1Lines: 48-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: menuto.prgLines: 397
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MenuToLines: 125-396
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PromptLines: 60-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: metaph.prgLines: 244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: miltime.prgLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Civ2MilLines: 65-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Mil2CivLines: 34-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Mil2MinLines: 22-24
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Min2MilLines: 26-32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Sys2MilLines: 106-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: min2dhm.prgLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Min2DhmLines: 25-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: mkdir.cLines: 30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MKDIRLines: 26-29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: month.prgLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MonthLines: 25-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: mouse.cLines: 193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MBUTPRSLines: 112-144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MBUTRELLines: 146-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MCONOFFLines: 97-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MDEFCRSLines: 180-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_MGETSENSLines: 69-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: _FT_MSETSENSITIVELines: 55-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: mouse1.prgLines: 228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MCursorLines: 160-172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MDblClkLines: 9-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MGetCoordLines: 101-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MGetPageLines: 218-219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MGetPosLines: 88-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MGetXLines: 212-213
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MGetYLines: 215-216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MInitLines: 139-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MInRegionLines: 76-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MMickeysLines: 81-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MResetLines: 151-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MSetCoordLines: 111-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MSetPageLines: 223-227
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MSetPosLines: 98-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MSetSensLines: 114-129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MShowCrsLines: 174-189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MVersionLines: 131-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MXLimitLines: 190-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_MYLimitLines: 199-206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: n2color.cLines: 40
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_N2COLORLines: 27-39
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: netpv.prgLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NetPVLines: 22-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: nooccur.prgLines: 35
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NoOccurLines: 22-34
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ntow.prgLines: 78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NToWLines: 37-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: numlock.cLines: 60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_NUMLOCKLines: 30-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: nwlstat.prgLines: 32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWLStatLines: 23-31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: nwsem.prgLines: 142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemCloseLines: 98-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemExLines: 70-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemLockLines: 126-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemOpenLines: 42-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemSigLines: 94-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemUnlockLines: 139-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWSemWaitLines: 90-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: nwuid.prgLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_NWUIDLines: 34-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: ontick.prgLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Command: ft_OnTickLines: 61-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: origin.cLines: 23
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_ORIGINLines: 22-0
Translates to the function: hb_ProgName
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the executable program name.

File: page.cLines: 84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_GETVPGLines: 53-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETVPGLines: 73-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: pchr.prgLines: 143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PChrLines: 29-142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: peek.cLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_INPLines: 89-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_OUTPLines: 98-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_PEEKLines: 59-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_POKELines: 73-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: pegs.prgLines: 219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PegsLines: 40-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: pending.prgLines: 63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PendingLines: 25-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: pickday.prgLines: 39
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PickDayLines: 22-38
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: popadder.prgLines: 1318
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AdderLines: 99-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: proper.cLines: 99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_PROPERLines: 57-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: prtesc.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_EscCodeLines: 22-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: prtscr.cLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_PRTSCRLines: 27-40
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: putkey.cLines: 44
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_PUTKEYLines: 32-43
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: pvid.prgLines: 65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PopVidLines: 46-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_PushVidLines: 31-44
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: qtr.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_QtrLines: 25-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: rand1.prgLines: 31
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Rand1Lines: 22-30
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: restsets.prgLines: 37
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RestSetsLines: 26-37
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: rmdir.cLines: 29
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_RMDIRLines: 25-28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: round.prgLines: 103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RoundLines: 29-102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: savearr.prgLines: 156
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RestArrLines: 99-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SaveArrLines: 29-46
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: savesets.prgLines: 41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SaveSetsLines: 29-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: scancode.prgLines: 37
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_ScanCodeLines: 29-36
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: scregion.prgLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RgnStackLines: 51-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_RstRgnLines: 29-45
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SavRgnLines: 24-27
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: setdate.cLines: 101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETDATELines: 79-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: setkeys.cLines: 65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETKEYSLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: HB_SETKEYSAVE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: setlastk.cLines: 65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_LASTKEYLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: hb_keySetLast
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)
File: settime.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETTIMELines: 79-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: shadow.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SHADOWLines: 50-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: shift.cLines: 42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SHIFTLines: 32-41
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: sinkey.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SInkeyLines: 22-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: sleep.prgLines: 33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SleepLines: 19-32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: sqzn.prgLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SqznLines: 19-36
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_UnsqznLines: 38-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: stod.cLines: 28
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_STODLines: 24-27
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: support.cLines: 122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_REBOOTLines: 113-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: _FT_NWKSTATLines: 54-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: _FT_TEMPFILLines: 74-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: sysmem.prgLines: 33
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_SysMemLines: 30-32
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: tbwhile.prgLines: 310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_BrwsWhlLines: 56-257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: tempfile.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_TempFilLines: 41-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: vertmenu.prgLines: 80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_Menu2Lines: 21-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: vidcur.prgLines: 114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_GetVCurLines: 86-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Command: ft_SetVcurLines: 76-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: video1.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_REVATTRLines: 60-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_REVCHRLines: 102-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETATTRLines: 51-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: video2.prgLines: 64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_CLSLines: 47-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_VidStrLines: 53-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_WrtChrLines: 59-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: vidmode.cLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_GETMODELines: 90-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: FT_SETMODELines: 78-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: wda.prgLines: 26
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_AddWkDyLines: 19-25
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: week.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_WeekLines: 25-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: workdays.prgLines: 66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_WorkdaysLines: 25-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: woy.prgLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_DoYLines: 51-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_WoYLines: 23-49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: xbox.prgLines: 122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_XBoxLines: 32-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
File: year.prgLines: 43
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Function: ft_YearLines: 25-42
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbnf)
Contrib: hbnf - Nanforum Library for ClipperFolder: contrib\hbnf\tests\
File: aading.prgLines: 40
Command: MainLines: 3-39
File: aemaxlen.prgLines: 30
Command: MainLines: 3-29
File: aeminlen.prgLines: 33
Command: MainLines: 3-32
File: amedian.prgLines: 31
Command: MainLines: 5-30
File: aredit.prgLines: 67
Command: MainLines: 5-36
Function: TestGetLines: 38-66
File: at2.prgLines: 29
Command: MainLines: 3-28
File: blink.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: calendar.prgLines: 28
Command: MainLines: 5-27
File: clrsel.prgLines: 56
Command: MainLines: 5-55
File: d2e.prgLines: 10
Command: MainLines: 3-9
File: datecnfg.prgLines: 203
Command: MainLines: 47-142
File: dectobin.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 3-11
File: dfile.prgLines: 65
Command: MainLines: 5-64
File: diskfunc.prgLines: 9
Command: MainLines: 3-8
File: dispmsg.prgLines: 66
Command: MainLines: 6-65
File: dosver.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: e2d.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: elapsed.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 3-19
File: findith.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 3-19
File: floptst.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 3-14
File: fttext.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 5-35
File: gcd.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: getenvrn.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 5-24
File: hex2dec.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: isshare.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 3-18
File: linked.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 3-24
File: menu1.prgLines: 133
Function: fubarLines: 123-132
Command: MainLines: 5-121
File: menuto.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 5-37
File: metaph.prgLines: 93
Command: MainLines: 3-92
File: miltime.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 3-36
File: mouse1.prgLines: 198
Command: MainLines: 9-197
File: netpv.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: ntow.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: nwlstat.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: nwsem.prgLines: 48
Command: MainLines: 6-47
File: nwuid.prgLines: 18
Command: MainLines: 3-17
File: ontick.prgLines: 26
Command: MainLines: 9-25
File: pegs.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: pending.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 3-14
File: pickday.prgLines: 9
Command: MainLines: 3-8
File: popadder.prgLines: 43
Command: MainLines: 5-42
File: prtesc.prgLines: 14
Command: MainLines: 3-13
File: rand1.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 7-15
File: savearr.prgLines: 44
Function: DispArrayLines: 29-43
Command: MainLines: 3-27
File: savesets.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 3-11
File: scancode.prgLines: 21
Command: MainLines: 5-20
File: setdate.prgLines: 13
Command: MainLines: 3-12
File: settime.prgLines: 11
Command: MainLines: 3-10
File: sleep.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 5-11
File: sysmem.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: tbwhile.prgLines: 108
Command: MainLines: 12-73
File: tempfile.prgLines: 21
Command: MainLines: 5-20
File: test.prgLines: 33
Command: MainLines: 5-32
File: vertmenu.prgLines: 50
Command: MainLines: 3-35
File: vidmode.prgLines: 9
Command: MainLines: 3-8
File: wda.prgLines: 11
Command: MainLines: 3-10
File: workdays.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: woy.prgLines: 31
Command: MainLines: 3-30
File: xbox.prgLines: 23
Command: MainLines: 3-22
Contrib: hbodbc - ODBC libraryFolder: contrib\hbodbc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbodbc
File: browse.prgLines: 240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: BrowseODBCLines: 56-175
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
File: odbc.cLines: 1219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: HB_ODBCNUMSETLENLines: 1203-1213
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: HB_ODBCSTODLines: 1181-1201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: HB_ODBCVERLines: 1215-1218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
typedef struct: HB_SQLHDBCLines: 195-201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
typedef struct: HB_SQLHENVLines: 147-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
typedef struct: HB_SQLHSTMTLines: 290-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLALLOCCONNECTLines: 397-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLALLOCENVLines: 378-395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLALLOCSTMTLines: 520-538
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLCOLATTRIBUTELines: 837-885
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLCOMMITLines: 1121-1130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLCONNECTLines: 451-485
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLDESCRIBECOLLines: 794-835
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLDISCONNECTLines: 487-502
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLDRIVERCONNECTLines: 417-449
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLERRORLines: 887-919
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLEXECDIRECTLines: 540-557
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLEXECUTELines: 1161-1169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLFETCHLines: 559-567
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLFETCHSCROLLLines: 569-585
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLFREECONNECTLegacy Level: 4Lines: 506-508
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLFREEENVLegacy Level: 4Lines: 510-512
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLFREESTMTLegacy Level: 4Lines: 514-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLGETCONNECTATTRLines: 1063-1090
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLGETDATALines: 587-776
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLGETDIAGRECLines: 921-974
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLGETINFOLines: 992-1013
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLGETSTMTATTRLines: 1092-1119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLMORERESULTSLines: 1171-1179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLNUMRESULTCOLSLines: 778-792
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLPREPARELines: 1143-1159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLROLLBACKLines: 1132-1141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLROWCOUNTLines: 976-990
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLSETCONNECTATTRLines: 1015-1037
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Function: SQLSETSTMTATTRLines: 1039-1061
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
File: sql.chLines: 261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
File: todbc.prgLines: 634
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Class: TODBCLines: 80-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Class: TODBCFieldLines: 58-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbodbc)
Contrib: hbodbc - ODBC libraryFolder: contrib\hbodbc\tests\
File: odbc.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 3-72
File: odbccall.prgLines: 25
Command: MainLines: 3-24
File: todbc.prgLines: 68
Command: MainLines: 3-67
Contrib: hboslib - OSLib compatibilityFolder: contrib\hboslib\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hboslib
File: core.prgLines: 100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_95AppTitleLines: 50-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_95VMTitleLines: 53-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_AutoYieldLines: 56-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_IsMSWinLines: 59-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_IsNTLines: 62-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_IsOS2Lines: 65-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_IsOS2WinLines: 74-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_OsVerMajLines: 77-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_OsVerMinLines: 80-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_WinCBCopyLines: 83-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_WinCBPasteLines: 86-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_WinFullScreenLines: 95-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Function: OL_YieldLines: 98-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hboslib)
Contrib: hbpgsql - PostgreSQL ClientFolder: contrib\hbpgsql\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbpgsql
File: hbpgsql.hLines: 96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
File: postgres.cLines: 1492
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: LO_EXPORTLines: 1300-1308
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: LO_IMPORTLines: 1290-1298
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: LO_UNLINKLines: 1310-1318
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PG_ENCODING_TO_CHARLines: 1439-1442
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQBACKENDPIDLines: 605-613
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQBINARYTUPLESLines: 1056-1064
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCANCELLines: 1334-1355
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCLIENTENCODINGLines: 419-427
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCMDSTATUSLines: 978-986
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCMDTUPLESLines: 988-996
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONNECTDBLines: 276-282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONNECTDBPARAMSLines: 246-274
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONNECTPOLLLines: 334-342
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONNECTSTARTLines: 326-332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONNECTSTARTPARAMSLines: 296-324
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQCONSUMEINPUTLines: 1178-1186
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQDBLines: 439-447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQERRORMESSAGELines: 585-593
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQESCAPEBYTEALines: 1009-1021
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQESCAPEBYTEACONNLines: 1357-1376
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQESCAPESTRINGLines: 998-1007
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQEXECLines: 673-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQEXECPARAMSLines: 683-710
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQEXECPREPAREDLines: 1388-1409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFCOUNTLines: 712-727
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFLUSHLines: 1208-1216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFMODLines: 1096-1104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFNAMELines: 1086-1094
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFNUMBERLines: 1126-1134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFSIZELines: 1106-1114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFTABLELines: 1066-1074
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQFTYPELines: 1076-1084
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQGETCANCELLines: 1320-1332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQGETISNULLLines: 1116-1124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQGETLENGTHLines: 769-789
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQGETRESULTLines: 1168-1176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQGETVALUELines: 746-767
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQHOSTLines: 469-477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQISBUSYLines: 1188-1196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQISNONBLOCKINGLines: 1230-1238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQISTHREADSAFELines: 1446-1453
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQLASTRECLines: 729-744
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQLIBVERSIONLines: 232-239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQMETADATALines: 800-926
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQNFIELDSLines: 1146-1154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQNTUPLESLines: 1136-1144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQOIDSTATUSLines: 1046-1054
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQOIDVALUELines: 1036-1044
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQOPTIONSLines: 499-507
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPARAMETERSTATUSLines: 551-559
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPASSLines: 459-467
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPINGLines: 404-414
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPINGPARAMSLines: 374-402
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPORTLines: 479-487
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPREPARELines: 1378-1386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPROTOCOLVERSIONLines: 561-569
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPUTCOPYDATALines: 1411-1423
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQPUTCOPYENDLines: 1425-1437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQREQUESTCANCELLines: 1198-1206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESETLines: 344-352
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESETPOLLLines: 364-372
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESETSTARTLines: 354-362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESSTATUSLines: 523-526
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESULT2ARRAYLines: 928-956
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESULTERRORFIELDLines: 509-521
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESULTERRORMESSAGELines: 958-966
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQRESULTSTATUSLines: 968-976
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSENDQUERYLines: 1158-1166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSERVERVERSIONLines: 571-583
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSETCLIENTENCODINGLines: 429-437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSETDBLOGINLines: 285-294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSETERRORVERBOSITYLines: 1278-1286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSETNONBLOCKINGLines: 1220-1228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSOCKETLines: 595-603
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSSLATTRIBUTELines: 657-669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSSLINUSELines: 643-655
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQSTATUSLines: 531-539
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQTRACELines: 1251-1262
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQTRACECREATELines: 1242-1249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQTRANSACTIONSTATUSLines: 541-549
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQTTYLines: 489-497
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQUNESCAPEBYTEALines: 1023-1034
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQUNTRACELines: 1264-1272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: PQUSERLines: 449-457
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
File: postgres.chLines: 127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
File: rddcopy.cLines: 447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Function: HB_PQCOPYFROMWALines: 260-446
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
typedef struct: pgCopyContextLines: 55-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
File: tpostgre.prgLines: 1335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Class: TPQQueryLines: 455-520
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Class: TPQRowLines: 1196-1215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Class: TPQServerLines: 57-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpgsql)
Contrib: hbpgsql - PostgreSQL ClientFolder: contrib\hbpgsql\tests\
File: async.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 7-26
File: cache.prgLines: 447
Command: MainLines: 13-57
Function: QuickQueryLines: 416-443
Function: SQLApplyUpdatesLines: 61-133
Command: SQLCloseTempLines: 135-147
Command: SQLCommitTransLines: 403-407
Function: SQLConnectLines: 288-299
Command: SQLDestroyLines: 301-307
Function: SQLExecQueryLines: 322-333
Function: SQLFetchLines: 166-212
Command: SQLFetchAllLines: 214-219
Command: SQLGarbageCollectorLines: 149-164
Function: SQLInTransLines: 400-401
Function: SQLOpenLines: 221-286
Function: SQLPrepareLines: 335-386
Function: SQLQueryLines: 312-320
Command: SQLRollbackTransLines: 409-413
Function: SQLSequenceLines: 389-390
Command: SQLStartTransLines: 392-398
Function: SToQLines: 445-446
File: dbf2pg.prgLines: 269
Command: MainLines: 55-249
File: ping.prgLines: 76
Command: MainLines: 3-53
File: simple.prgLines: 161
Command: MainLines: 3-160
File: stress.prgLines: 108
Command: MainLines: 5-107
File: test.prgLines: 91
Command: MainLines: 3-90
Contrib: hbpipeio - I/O driver for pipe streamsFolder: contrib\hbpipeio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbpipeio
File: pipeio.cLines: 383
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpipeio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 59-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpipeio)
Function: HB_VFFROMPIPESLines: 343-352
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpipeio)
Function: HB_VFOPENPROCESSLines: 356-369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbpipeio)
Contrib: hbpipeio - I/O driver for pipe streamsFolder: contrib\hbpipeio\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 66
Command: MainLines: 12-65
Contrib: hbsms - SMS functionsFolder: contrib\hbsms\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbsms
File: sms.prgLines: 305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: smsctx_CloseLines: 136-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: smsctx_NewLines: 109-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: smsctx_PINLines: 237-250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: smsctx_ReceiveLines: 227-235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: smsctx_SendLines: 153-225
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: sms_ReceiveAllLines: 87-100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Function: sms_SendLines: 72-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsms)
Contrib: hbsms - SMS functionsFolder: contrib\hbsms\tests\
File: send.prgLines: 22
Command: MainLines: 7-21
Contrib: hbsqlit3 - SQLite3 bindingsFolder: contrib\hbsqlit3\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbsqlit3
File: core.cLines: 2552
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
typedef struct: HB_SQLITE3Lines: 89-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
typedef struct: HB_SQLITE3_HOLDERLines: 106-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BACKUP_FINISHLines: 2250-2263
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BACKUP_INITLines: 2211-2233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BACKUP_PAGECOUNTLines: 2280-2293
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BACKUP_REMAININGLines: 2265-2278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BACKUP_STEPLines: 2235-2248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_BLOBLines: 1087-1096
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_DOUBLELines: 1098-1106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_INTLines: 1108-1116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_INT64Lines: 1118-1127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_NULLLines: 1129-1137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_PARAMETER_COUNTLines: 1175-1183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_PARAMETER_INDEXLines: 1191-1205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_PARAMETER_NAMELines: 1213-1221
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_TEXTLines: 1139-1157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BIND_ZEROBLOBLines: 1159-1167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_BYTESLines: 1723-1731
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_CLOSELines: 1709-1717
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_OPENLines: 1655-1685
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_READLines: 1737-1758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_REOPENLines: 1691-1703
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BLOB_WRITELines: 1764-1779
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BUFF_TO_FILELines: 2013-2029
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BUSY_HANDLERLines: 2052-2075
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_BUSY_TIMEOUTLines: 1463-1471
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_CHANGESLines: 1229-1237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_CLEAR_BINDINGSLines: 1023-1031
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_BLOBLines: 1345-1357
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_BYTESLines: 1335-1343
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_COUNTLines: 1261-1269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_DATABASE_NAMELines: 1600-1612
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_DECLTYPELines: 1296-1304
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_DOUBLELines: 1359-1367
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_INTLines: 1369-1377
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_INT64Lines: 1379-1387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_NAMELines: 1312-1320
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_ORIGIN_NAMELines: 1628-1640
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_TABLE_NAMELines: 1614-1626
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_TEXTLines: 1389-1402
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COLUMN_TYPELines: 1286-1294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COMMIT_HOOKLines: 2115-2137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COMPILEOPTION_GETLines: 2450-2457
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COMPILEOPTION_USEDLines: 2441-2448
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_COMPLETELines: 901-913
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_CREATE_FUNCTIONLines: 2467-2508
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_DB_FILENAMELines: 2516-2528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_DB_HANDLELines: 984-994
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_DB_STATUSLines: 2390-2412
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSIONLines: 1432-1444
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ENABLE_SHARED_CACHELines: 1803-1806
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ERRCODELines: 631-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ERRMSGLines: 655-663
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ERRSTRLines: 665-672
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_EXECLines: 820-850
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_EXPANDED_SQLLines: 2536-2551
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_EXTENDED_ERRCODELines: 641-653
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_FILE_TO_BUFFLines: 2002-2011
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_FINALIZELines: 1055-1063
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_GET_AUTOCOMMITLines: 1787-1795
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_GET_TABLELines: 1479-1524
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_INITIALIZELines: 588-595
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_INTERRUPTLines: 2038-2044
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_LAST_INSERT_ROWIDLines: 691-699
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_LIBVERSIONLines: 560-563
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_LIBVERSION_NUMBERLines: 565-568
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_LIMITLines: 2420-2432
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_LOAD_EXTENSIONLines: 1404-1424
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_MEMORY_HIGHWATERLines: 2312-2320
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_MEMORY_USEDLines: 2302-2310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_OPENLines: 751-783
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_OPEN_V2Lines: 785-812
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_PREPARELines: 861-893
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_PROFILELines: 1939-1966
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_PROGRESS_HANDLERLines: 2083-2106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_RESETLines: 1039-1047
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_RESET_AUTO_EXTENSIONLines: 1452-1455
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_ROLLBACK_HOOKLines: 2139-2162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_SET_AUTHORIZERLines: 2170-2193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_SHUTDOWNLines: 597-604
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_SLEEPLines: 680-683
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_SOURCEIDLines: 570-577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_SQLLines: 923-936
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_STATUSLines: 2344-2362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_STATUS64Lines: 2364-2382
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_STEPLines: 1003-1011
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_STMT_READONLYLines: 963-975
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_STMT_STATUSLines: 944-956
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_TABLE_COLUMN_METADATALines: 1542-1590
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_TEMP_DIRECTORYLines: 707-741
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_THREADSAFELines: 2328-2336
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_TOTAL_CHANGESLines: 1245-1253
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_TRACELines: 1968-1995
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: SQLITE3_TRACE_V2Lines: 1872-1906
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
File: errstr.prgLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Function: hb_sqlite3_errstr_shortLines: 50-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
File: hbsqlit3.chLines: 338
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
File: hdbc.prgLines: 584
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTConnectionLines: 53-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTDatabaseMetaDataLines: 538-550
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTPreparedStatementLines: 193-219
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTResultSetLines: 278-344
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTResultSetMetaDataLines: 503-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Class: hdbcSQLTStatementLines: 131-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbsqlit3)
Contrib: hbsqlit3 - SQLite3 bindingsFolder: contrib\hbsqlit3\tests\
File: authoriz.prgLines: 228
Function: AuthorizerLines: 117-125
Function: Authorizer2Lines: 130-138
Function: Authorizer3Lines: 143-150
Function: CallBackLines: 155-166
Command: MainLines: 75-112
File: backup.prgLines: 223
Function: CallBackLines: 149-160
Command: init_traceLines: 66-86
Command: MainLines: 88-144
File: blob.prgLines: 130
Command: MainLines: 51-129
File: demo.prgLines: 299
Command: MainLines: 54-66
Command: t1Lines: 70-79
Command: t2Lines: 83-298
File: hdbc.prgLines: 197
Command: MainLines: 5-196
File: hooks.prgLines: 216
Function: CallBackLines: 107-118
Function: HookCommitNLines: 133-142
Function: HookCommitYLines: 123-131
Function: HookRollbackLines: 143-151
Command: MainLines: 49-102
File: metadata.prgLines: 91
Command: MainLines: 51-60
Command: testLines: 66-90
File: pack.prgLines: 62
Command: MainLines: 49-61
Contrib: hbssl - OpenSSL bindingsFolder: contrib\hbssl\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbssl
File: bio.cLines: 850
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_CLEAR_FLAGSLines: 234-242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_CTRL_PENDINGLines: 388-396
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_CTRL_WPENDINGLines: 398-406
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_DO_CONNECTLines: 789-797
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_EOFLines: 448-456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_FLUSHLines: 408-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_FREELines: 615-627
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_FREE_ALLLines: 630-0
Translates to the function: BIO_FREE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GETSLines: 557-582
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_CLOSELines: 468-476
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_CONN_HOSTNAMELines: 715-723
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_CONN_INT_PORTLines: 754-777
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_CONN_IPLines: 735-752
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_CONN_PORTLines: 725-733
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_FDLines: 288-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_FLAGSLines: 254-262
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_GET_RETRY_REASONLines: 298-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEWLines: 211-217
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_ACCEPTLines: 648-660
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_CONNECTLines: 634-646
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_DGRAMLines: 486-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_FDLines: 498-504
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_FILELines: 506-512
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_MEM_BUFLines: 514-528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_NEW_SOCKETLines: 478-484
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_PUTSLines: 605-613
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_READLines: 530-555
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_RESETLines: 438-446
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_RETRY_TYPELines: 368-376
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SEEKLines: 418-426
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SETLines: 219-232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_CLOSELines: 458-466
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_CONN_HOSTNAMELines: 662-670
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_CONN_INT_PORTLines: 682-693
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_CONN_IPLines: 695-713
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_CONN_PORTLines: 672-680
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_FDLines: 278-286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_FLAGSLines: 244-252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_NBIOLines: 779-787
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_RETRY_READLines: 318-326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_RETRY_SPECIALLines: 308-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SET_RETRY_WRITELines: 328-336
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SHOULD_IO_SPECIALLines: 358-366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SHOULD_READLines: 338-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SHOULD_RETRYLines: 378-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_SHOULD_WRITELines: 348-356
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_TELLLines: 428-436
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_TEST_FLAGSLines: 264-276
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_VFREELines: 629-0
Translates to the function: BIO_FREE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: BIO_WRITELines: 584-603
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_LOAD_BIO_STRINGSLines: 799-802
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
typedef struct: HB_BIOLines: 53-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: err.cLines: 209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_ERROR_STRINGLines: 85-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_FREE_STRINGSLines: 205-208
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_FUNC_ERROR_STRINGLines: 101-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_GET_ERRORLines: 66-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_GET_ERROR_LINELines: 111-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_GET_ERROR_LINE_DATALines: 151-164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_LIB_ERROR_STRINGLines: 96-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGSLines: 51-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_ERRORLines: 71-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_ERROR_LINELines: 122-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_ERROR_LINE_DATALines: 166-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_LAST_ERRORLines: 76-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_LAST_ERROR_LINELines: 133-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PEEK_LAST_ERROR_LINE_DATALines: 181-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_PRINT_ERRORSLines: 56-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_REASON_ERROR_STRINGLines: 106-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: evp.cLines: 114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_LOAD_EVP_STRINGSLines: 74-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_BYTESTOKEYLines: 89-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CLEANUPLines: 67-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_FREELines: 79-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: evpciph.cLines: 1244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHERFINALLines: 949-976
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHERFINAL_EXLines: 978-1010
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHERINITLines: 871-888
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHERINIT_EXLines: 890-914
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHERUPDATELines: 916-947
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZELines: 432-437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_CIPHERLines: 580-591
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_CLEANUPLines: 517-0
Translates to the function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_RESET
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_CTRLLines: 564-578
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_INITLines: 516-0
Translates to the function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_RESET
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_KEY_LENGTHLines: 538-549
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_NEWLines: 479-494
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_RESETLines: 498-514
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_SET_KEY_LENGTHLines: 551-562
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_SET_PADDINGLines: 519-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_FLAGSLines: 453-458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_IV_LENGTHLines: 446-451
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTHLines: 439-444
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_MODELines: 460-470
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_NIDLines: 425-430
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_CIPHER_TYPELines: 472-477
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECRYPTFINALLines: 808-835
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECRYPTFINAL_EXLines: 837-869
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECRYPTINITLines: 732-748
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECRYPTINIT_EXLines: 750-773
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECRYPTUPDATELines: 775-806
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCRYPTFINALLines: 669-696
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCRYPTFINAL_EXLines: 698-730
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCRYPTINITLines: 593-609
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCRYPTINIT_EXLines: 611-634
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCRYPTUPDATELines: 636-667
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_GET_CIPHERBYNAMELines: 409-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_GET_CIPHERBYNIDLines: 417-423
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_OPENFINALLines: 1207-1234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_OPENINITLines: 1153-1172
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_OPENUPDATELines: 1174-1205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SEALFINALLines: 1119-1151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SEALINITLines: 1012-1084
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SEALUPDATELines: 1086-1117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_CREATELines: 496-0
Translates to the function: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_NEW
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: OPENSSL_ADD_ALL_CIPHERSLines: 53-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: evpenc.cLines: 271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECODEFINALLines: 243-270
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECODEINITLines: 197-208
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DECODEUPDATELines: 210-241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCODEFINALLines: 168-195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCODEINITLines: 110-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCODEUPDATELines: 123-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_ENCODE_CTX_NEWLines: 91-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_EVP_ENCODE_CTX_CREATELines: 108-0
Translates to the function: EVP_ENCODE_CTX_NEW
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: evpmd.cLines: 643
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DIGESTFINALLines: 418-450
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DIGESTFINAL_EXLines: 452-481
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DIGESTINITLines: 355-375
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DIGESTINIT_EXLines: 377-396
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_DIGESTUPDATELines: 398-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_GET_DIGESTBYNAMELines: 208-214
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_GET_DIGESTBYNIDLines: 216-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_BLOCK_SIZELines: 256-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_CLEANUPLines: 306-0
Translates to the function: EVP_MD_CTX_RESET
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_COPYLines: 321-333
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_COPY_EXLines: 335-353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_CREATELines: 280-0
Translates to the function: EVP_MD_CTX_NEW
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_INITLines: 305-0
Translates to the function: EVP_MD_CTX_RESET
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_MDLines: 308-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_NEWLines: 263-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_CTX_RESETLines: 282-303
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_NIDLines: 231-240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_PKEY_TYPELines: 242-247
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_SIZELines: 249-254
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_MD_TYPELines: 224-229
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SIGNFINALLines: 539-566
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SIGNINITLines: 483-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SIGNINIT_EXLines: 498-517
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_SIGNUPDATELines: 519-537
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_VERIFYFINALLines: 631-642
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_VERIFYINITLines: 568-588
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_VERIFYINIT_EXLines: 590-609
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_VERIFYUPDATELines: 611-629
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: OPENSSL_ADD_ALL_DIGESTSLines: 58-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: evppkey.cLines: 498
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ASSIGNLines: 195-207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ASSIGN_DHLines: 245-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ASSIGN_DSALines: 227-243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ASSIGN_RSALines: 209-225
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_BASE_IDLines: 152-167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_BITSLines: 182-193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_CTX_NEWLines: 263-280
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_DECRYPTLines: 395-462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_DECRYPT_INITLines: 376-393
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ENCRYPTLines: 308-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_ENCRYPT_INITLines: 282-299
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_NEWLines: 142-145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_SIZELines: 169-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: EVP_PKEY_TYPELines: 147-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: hbssl.chLines: 354
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: hbssl.hLines: 239
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: pem.cLines: 201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: ERR_LOAD_PEM_STRINGSLines: 92-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: rand.cLines: 95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_ADDLines: 56-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_EVENTLines: 71-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_POLLLines: 61-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_SCREENLines: 85-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_SEEDLines: 51-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RAND_STATUSLines: 66-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: rsa.cLines: 232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RSA_PRIVATE_DECRYPTLines: 135-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RSA_PRIVATE_ENCRYPTLines: 168-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RSA_PUBLIC_DECRYPTLines: 200-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RSA_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTLines: 103-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: RSA_SIZELines: 93-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: ssl.cLines: 1742
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SSL_APPLINKLines: 114-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SSL_STATICLines: 123-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: OPENSSL_VERSIONLines: 132-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMLines: 165-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBERLines: 160-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSLEAY_VERSIONLines: 179-190
Translates to the function: OPENSSL_VERSION
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ACCEPTLines: 299-310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ADD_CLIENT_CALines: 1461-1473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ALERT_DESC_STRINGLines: 897-900
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ALERT_DESC_STRING_LONGLines: 902-905
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ALERT_TYPE_STRINGLines: 907-910
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_ALERT_TYPE_STRING_LONGLines: 912-915
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CHECK_PRIVATE_KEYLines: 999-1010
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CLEARLines: 312-323
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CLEAR_NUM_RENEGOTIATIONSLines: 1211-1222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CONNECTLines: 397-408
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_COPY_SESSION_IDLines: 849-861
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_DO_HANDSHAKELines: 462-473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_DUPLines: 278-297
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CERTIFICATELines: 1421-1432
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHERLines: 449-460
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHERSLines: 1514-1541
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHER_BITSLines: 778-795
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHER_LISTLines: 797-808
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHER_NAMELines: 823-834
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CIPHER_VERSIONLines: 836-847
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CLIENT_CA_LISTLines: 1543-1570
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_CURRENT_CIPHERLines: 765-776
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTLines: 1224-1235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_ERRORLines: 1012-1023
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_FDLines: 1025-1036
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_MODELines: 1393-1404
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_OPTIONSLines: 1289-1300
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_PEER_CERTIFICATELines: 1434-1445
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_PSK_IDENTITYLines: 984-995
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_PSK_IDENTITY_HINTLines: 971-982
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_QUIET_SHUTDOWNLines: 1064-1075
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_RBIOLines: 371-382
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_READ_AHEADLines: 1090-1105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_RFDLines: 1038-1049
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_SHARED_CIPHERSLines: 863-880
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_SHUTDOWNLines: 1077-1088
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_SSL_METHODLines: 721-763
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_STATELines: 1107-1118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_VERIFY_MODELines: 1120-1131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_VERIFY_RESULTLines: 1237-1248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_VERSIONLines: 436-447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_WBIOLines: 384-395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_GET_WFDLines: 1051-1062
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_INITLines: 108-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_IN_ACCEPT_INITLines: 1133-1144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_IN_BEFORELines: 1146-1157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_IN_CONNECT_INITLines: 1159-1170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_IN_INITLines: 1172-1183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_IS_INIT_FINISHEDLines: 1185-1196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_LOAD_CLIENT_CA_FILELines: 1572-1594
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_NEWLines: 258-276
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_NUM_RENEGOTIATIONSLines: 1198-1209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_PEEKLines: 632-664
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_PENDINGLines: 342-353
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_READLines: 598-630
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_RENEGOTIATELines: 475-486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_RSTATE_STRINGLines: 917-928
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_RSTATE_STRING_LONGLines: 930-941
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_REUSEDLines: 1250-1261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_ACCEPT_STATELines: 1263-1274
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_BIOLines: 355-369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_CIPHER_LISTLines: 810-821
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_CONNECT_STATELines: 1276-1287
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_FDLines: 501-514
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_MODELines: 1380-1391
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_MSG_CALLBACKLines: 1681-1713
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_MTULines: 1406-1419
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_OPTIONSLines: 1302-1313
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_QUIET_SHUTDOWNLines: 1328-1339
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_READ_AHEADLines: 1341-1352
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_RFDLines: 516-529
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_SHUTDOWNLines: 1354-1365
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_SSL_METHODLines: 704-719
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_TLSEXT_HOST_NAMELines: 882-895
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_VERIFYLines: 1315-1326
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_VERIFY_RESULTLines: 1367-1378
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SET_WFDLines: 531-544
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SHUTDOWNLines: 410-421
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_STATELines: 328-339
Translates to the function: SSL_GET_STATE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_STATE_STRINGLines: 943-954
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_STATE_STRING_LONGLines: 956-967
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_TOTAL_RENEGOTIATIONSLines: 488-499
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_CERTIFICATELines: 1447-1459
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_CERTIFICATE_ASN1Lines: 1630-1641
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_CERTIFICATE_FILELines: 1475-1486
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEYLines: 1643-1657
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEY_ASN1Lines: 1617-1628
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEY_FILELines: 1488-1499
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY_ASN1Lines: 1596-1615
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY_FILELines: 1501-1512
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_VERSIONLines: 423-434
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WANTLines: 546-557
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WANT_NOTHINGLines: 559-570
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WANT_READLines: 585-596
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WANT_WRITELines: 666-677
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WANT_X509_LOOKUPLines: 572-583
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_WRITELines: 679-702
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: sslciph.cLines: 92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CIPHER_DESCRIPTIONLines: 49-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CIPHER_GET_BITSLines: 63-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CIPHER_GET_NAMELines: 77-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CIPHER_GET_VERSIONLines: 85-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: sslctx.cLines: 845
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_ADD_CLIENT_CALines: 598-610
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_ADD_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERTLines: 643-655
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_ADD_SESSIONLines: 205-217
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_CHECK_PRIVATE_KEYLines: 272-283
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_FLUSH_SESSIONSLines: 233-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_CLIENT_CA_LISTLines: 612-641
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_MODELines: 571-582
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_OPTIONSLines: 519-530
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_QUIET_SHUTDOWNLines: 285-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_SESSION_CACHE_MODELines: 246-257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_TIMEOUTLines: 166-177
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_GET_VERIFY_MODELines: 298-309
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_NEED_TMP_RSALines: 480-491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_NEWLines: 134-147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_REMOVE_SESSIONLines: 219-231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_ACCEPTLines: 311-322
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_ACCEPT_GOODLines: 324-335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_CACHE_FULLLines: 350-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_CB_HITSLines: 363-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_CONNECTLines: 376-387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_CONNECT_GOODLines: 389-400
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_GET_CACHE_SIZELines: 415-426
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_HITSLines: 428-439
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_MISSESLines: 441-452
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_NUMBERLines: 454-465
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_CACHE_SIZELines: 493-504
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SESS_TIMEOUTSLines: 467-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_CIPHER_LISTLines: 192-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_DEFAULT_READ_AHEADLines: 506-517
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_MODELines: 558-569
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_OPTIONSLines: 532-543
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_QUIET_SHUTDOWNLines: 545-556
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_CACHE_MODELines: 259-270
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_SSL_VERSIONLines: 149-164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_SET_TIMEOUTLines: 179-190
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATELines: 584-596
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATE_ASN1Lines: 735-746
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATE_FILELines: 657-668
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_PRIVATEKEYLines: 748-762
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_PRIVATEKEY_ASN1Lines: 722-733
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_PRIVATEKEY_FILELines: 683-694
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_CTX_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY_ASN1Lines: 709-720
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: sslsess.cLines: 188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_CMPLines: 93-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_GET_TIMELines: 135-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_GET_TIMEOUTLines: 148-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_HASHLines: 161-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_NEWLines: 82-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_SET_TIMELines: 109-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: SSL_SESSION_SET_TIMEOUTLines: 122-133
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: ssl_hb.cLines: 195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SSL_READ_ALLLines: 52-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SSL_READ_LINELines: 122-194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: ssl_hbcon.prgLines: 92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: hb_SSL_connect_inetLines: 77-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: hb_SSL_connect_socketLines: 60-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: hb_SSL_newLines: 48-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: ssl_inet.cLines: 147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_INETSSL_ACCEPTLines: 143-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_INETSSL_CONNECTLines: 137-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: ssl_sock.cLines: 642
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SOCKETNEWSSL_ACCEPTLines: 627-630
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: HB_SOCKETNEWSSL_CONNECTLines: 621-624
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
typedef struct: HB_SSLSTREAMLines: 57-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
File: x509.cLines: 164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
typedef struct: HB_X509Lines: 60-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: X509_GET_ISSUER_NAMELines: 123-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: X509_GET_PUBKEYLines: 152-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: X509_GET_SUBJECT_NAMELines: 110-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Function: X509_NAME_ONELINELines: 136-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbssl)
Contrib: hbssl - OpenSSL bindingsFolder: contrib\hbssl\tests\
File: bio.prgLines: 24
Command: MainLines: 7-23
File: crypt.prgLines: 98
Command: MainLines: 7-97
File: digest.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 7-72
File: encode.prgLines: 43
Command: MainLines: 7-42
File: inetssl.prgLines: 203
Command: MainLines: 19-55
File: pem.prgLines: 77
Command: MainLines: 7-64
File: test.prgLines: 102
Command: MainLines: 9-101
Contrib: hbtcpio - I/O driver for TCP streamsFolder: contrib\hbtcpio\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbtcpio
File: tcpio.cLines: 405
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtcpio)
typedef struct: HB_FILELines: 61-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtcpio)
Function: hb_vfFromSocketLines: 380-390
Categories:Low Level File Functions, Socket FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtcpio)

Converts socket created by socket open into TCPIP virtual file which works just like files created by hb_vfOpen( "tcp:...", ... )
See Explanation About hb_vf* functions

Contrib: hbtest - Regression test frameworkFolder: contrib\hbtest\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbtest
File: core.prgLines: 266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtest)
Command: hbtest_CallLines: 68-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtest)
Command: hbtest_SetupLines: 56-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtest)
File: hbtest.chLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtest)
Contrib: hbtest - Regression test frameworkFolder: contrib\hbtest\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 51
Command: MainLines: 3-42
Contrib: hbtinymtFolder: contrib\hbtinymt\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbtinymt
File: core32.cLines: 153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
typedef struct: HB_TINYMTDATALines: 52-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_32DOUBLELines: 147-152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_FLOATLines: 112-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_FLOAT01Lines: 119-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_FLOAT12Lines: 126-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_FLOATOCLines: 133-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_FLOATOOLines: 140-145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_GENERATE_UINT32Lines: 105-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_INITLines: 60-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT32_INIT_BY_ARRAYLines: 81-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
File: core64.cLines: 147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
typedef struct: HB_TINYMTDATALines: 53-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_DOUBLELines: 113-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_DOUBLE01Lines: 120-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_DOUBLE12Lines: 127-132
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_DOUBLEOCLines: 134-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_DOUBLEOOLines: 141-146
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_GENERATE_UINT64Lines: 106-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_INITLines: 61-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Function: TINYMT64_INIT_BY_ARRAYLines: 82-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtinymt)
Contrib: hbtinymtFolder: contrib\hbtinymt\3rd\
Contrib: hbtinymtFolder: contrib\hbtinymt\3rd\tinymt\
File: tinymt32.cLines: 147
File: tinymt32.hLines: 258
File: tinymt64.cLines: 131
File: tinymt64.hLines: 235
Contrib: hbtinymtFolder: contrib\hbtinymt\tests\
File: test32.prgLines: 43
Command: MainLines: 8-27
File: test64.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 3-21
Contrib: hbtip - Use hbcurl insteadFolder: contrib\hbtip\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbtip
File: base64u.prgLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_base64DecodeUrlLines: 50-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_base64EncodeUrlLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: cgi.prgLines: 497
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPCgiLines: 54-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: client.prgLines: 853
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPClientLines: 69-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_SSLLines: 841-842
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: __tip_SSLConnectFDLines: 844-852
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: encb64.prgLines: 73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPEncoderBase64Lines: 49-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: encoder.prgLines: 88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPEncoderLines: 54-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_GetEncoderLines: 78-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: encqp.prgLines: 130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPEncoderQPLines: 51-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_QPDecodeLines: 107-129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_QPEncodeLines: 71-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: encurl.prgLines: 68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPEncoderUrlLines: 49-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: encurlc.cLines: 159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_URLDECODELines: 111-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_URLENCODELines: 51-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: ftpcli.prgLines: 799
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPClientFTPLines: 64-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: httpcli.prgLines: 596
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPClientHTTPLines: 51-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: log.prgLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPLogLines: 51-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: mail.prgLines: 680
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPMailLines: 53-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_GetNameEmailLines: 655-664
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_GetRawEmailLines: 644-653
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: __tip_FAttrToUmaskLines: 666-679
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: mailassy.prgLines: 230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: hb_MailAssembleLegacy Level: 4Lines: 49-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_MailAssembleLines: 53-212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: mailsend.prgLines: 275
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: hb_SendMailLegacy Level: 4Lines: 50-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_MailSendLines: 83-274
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: mime.cLines: 782
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
typedef struct: EXT_MIME_ENTRYLines: 200-205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
typedef struct: MIME_ENTRYLines: 59-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_FILEMIMETYPELines: 733-781
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_FILENAMEMIMETYPELines: 712-731
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_MIMETYPELines: 693-710
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: misc.cLines: 277
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_CRLFLines: 193-196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_HTMLSPECIALCHARSLines: 95-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_JSONSPECIALCHARSLines: 198-276
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: TIP_TIMESTAMPLines: 56-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: popcli.prgLines: 458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPClientPOPLines: 52-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: sessid.prgLines: 113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_CheckSIDLines: 80-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_DateToGMTLines: 103-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_GenerateSIDLines: 53-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: smtpcli.prgLines: 335
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TIPClientSMTPLines: 54-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: thtml.chLines: 290
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: thtml.prgLines: 4500
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: ANSIToHtmlLegacy Level: 4Lines: 4221-4266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: HtmlToANSILegacy Level: 4Lines: 4208-4214
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: HtmlToOEMLegacy Level: 4Lines: 4217-4218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: OEMToHtmlLegacy Level: 4Lines: 4269-4270
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: THtmlCleanupLines: 1585-1586
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: THtmlDocumentLines: 100-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: THtmlInitLines: 1564-1583
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: THtmlIsValidLines: 1604-1622
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: THtmlIteratorLines: 308-332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: THtmlIteratorRegexLines: 472-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: THtmlIteratorScanLines: 425-433
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: THtmlNodeLines: 516-600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: THtmlTagTypeLines: 1588-1602
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_HtmlToStrLines: 4360-4364
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Function: tip_StrToHtmlLines: 4367-4410
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: tip.chLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
File: url.prgLines: 223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Class: TUrlLines: 59-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtip)
Contrib: hbtip - Use hbcurl insteadFolder: contrib\hbtip\tests\
File: base64.prgLines: 91
Command: MainLines: 12-90
File: dbtohtml.prgLines: 109
Command: MainLines: 6-108
File: email.prgLines: 92
Command: MainLines: 12-91
File: ftp_adv.prgLines: 66
Command: MainLines: 7-65
File: ftp_dl.prgLines: 48
Command: MainLines: 5-47
File: ftp_ul.prgLines: 50
Command: MainLines: 7-49
File: http_adv.prgLines: 62
Command: MainLines: 10-61
File: http_cli.prgLines: 34
Command: MainLines: 8-33
File: http_qry.prgLines: 47
Command: MainLines: 10-46
File: mimetype.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 5-19
File: test.prgLines: 13
Command: MainLines: 6-12
File: timestmp.prgLines: 17
Command: MainLines: 7-16
File: tipmail.prgLines: 56
Command: MainLines: 10-55
File: tipmmail.prgLines: 100
Command: MainLines: 10-84
File: tipwget.prgLines: 151
Command: MainLines: 53-143
File: url.prgLines: 22
Command: MainLines: 7-21
Contrib: hbtpathy - Telepath(y) emulation libraryFolder: contrib\hbtpathy\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbtpathy
File: telepath.chLines: 114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
File: telepath.prgLines: 745
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: bin_andLines: 734-735
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: bin_notLines: 743-744
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: bin_orLines: 737-738
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: bin_xorLines: 740-741
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_baudLines: 70-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Command: tp_clearinLines: 388-395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_closeLines: 110-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Command: tp_clrkbdLines: 397-401
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_crc16Lines: 403-405
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_crc32Lines: 407-409
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_ctrlctsLines: 478-501
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_ctrldsrLines: 613-614
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_ctrldtrLines: 513-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_ctrlrtsLines: 505-506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_debugLines: 714-718
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Command: tp_delayLines: 96-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_errmsgLines: 695-696
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_errorLines: 692-693
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_fifoLines: 698-699
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_flushLines: 586-607
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_inchrsLines: 362-370
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_infreeLines: 372-378
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_inkeyLines: 93-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_isctsLines: 574-584
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_isdcdLines: 538-548
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_isdsrLines: 562-572
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_isriLines: 550-560
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_keybdLines: 704-705
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_lookforLines: 352-360
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_mstatLines: 677-678
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_noteoffLines: 683-684
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_ontimeLines: 686-687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_openLines: 153-203
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_outchrsLines: 701-702
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_outfreeLines: 380-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_recvLines: 205-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_recvtoLines: 264-344
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_reopenLines: 137-151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_rzmodemLines: 689-690
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_sendLines: 239-251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_sendsubLines: 254-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_setportLines: 620-621
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_sharedLines: 617-618
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_szmodemLines: 680-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Command: tp_uninstallLines: 722-726
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_waitforLines: 412-474
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
File: tp_idle.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Function: tp_idleLines: 50-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbtpathy)
Contrib: hbtpathy - Telepath(y) emulation libraryFolder: contrib\hbtpathy\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 73
Command: MainLines: 63-72
Contrib: hbunix - Unix specific functionsFolder: contrib\hbunix\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbunix
File: chdir.cLines: 59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_CHDIRLines: 49-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: chroot.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: UNIX_CHROOTLines: 49-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: daemon.cLines: 76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: UNIX_DAEMONLines: 34-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: hbposix.hLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: posix.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: posix_GetPIDLines: 49-52
Categories:Executable EnvironmentPlatform:Unix / LinuxCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)

Unix only!. Get the PID (Process ID), as an integer.

File: posixerr.cLines: 95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
typedef struct: HB_POSIXERRDATALines: 51-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_ERRNOLines: 91-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: sleep.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_SLEEPLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
File: uidgid.cLines: 100
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_GETEGIDLines: 64-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_GETEUIDLines: 54-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_GETGIDLines: 59-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_GETUIDLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_SETEGIDLines: 93-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_SETEUIDLines: 77-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_SETGIDLines: 85-91
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Function: POSIX_SETUIDLines: 69-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbunix)
Contrib: hbunix - Unix specific functionsFolder: contrib\hbunix\tests\
File: daemon.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 11-37
File: getpid.prgLines: 16
Command: MainLines: 11-15
Contrib: hbwin - Windows APIFolder: contrib\hbwin\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbwin
File: axcore.cLines: 680
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: IDispatchVtblLines: 223-232
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: ISinkLines: 236-245
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_AXINITLines: 122-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __AXDOVERBLines: 175-216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __AXGETCONTROLLines: 165-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __AXREGISTERHANDLERLines: 602-679
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: axfunc.prgLines: 57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_axGetControlLines: 47-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbole.chLines: 141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbolesrv.cLines: 909
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: IClassFactoryVtblLines: 508-515
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: IDispatchVtblLines: 192-201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: IHbClassFactoryLines: 518-521
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: IHbOleServerLines: 204-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLESERVERINITLines: 831-906
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbsim.chLines: 127
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbwapi.hLines: 165
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbwin.chLines: 819
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbwin.hLines: 97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: hbwinole.hLines: 171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: mapi.cLines: 231
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_MAPISENDMAILLines: 79-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: oemansi.cLines: 107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ANSITOOEMLines: 52-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OEMTOANSILines: 80-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: oleauto.prgLines: 131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Class: win_oleAutoLines: 51-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_oleCreateObjectLines: 121-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_oleGetActiveObjectLines: 109-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: olecore.cLines: 2891
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HB_OLELines: 83-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HB_OLEDATALines: 91-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HB_OLE_PARAM_REFLines: 1671-1676
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLEAUTO___ONERRORLines: 2203-2361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLEAUTO___OPINDEXLines: 2364-2461
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLECLASSEXISTSLines: 1901-1918
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLEERRORLines: 2121-2124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OLEERRORTEXTLines: 2131-2179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLECREATEOBJECTLines: 1921-1966
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEENUMCREATELines: 2030-2094
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEENUMNEXTLines: 2097-2118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEGETACTIVEOBJECTLines: 1969-2027
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEGETNAMEIDLines: 2464-2483
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEINVOKEGETLines: 2577-2580
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEINVOKEMETHODLines: 2572-2575
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEINVOKEPUTLines: 2582-2585
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEISDISPLines: 1896-1899
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEVARIANTGETTYPELines: 2598-2604
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEVARIANTGETVALUELines: 2589-2595
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEVARIANTNEWLines: 2607-2863
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEVARIANTNIL2NULLLines: 2874-2879
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __OLEVARIANTNULLDATELines: 2866-2871
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: oleuuid.cLines: 66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_alloc.cLines: 258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_commctrl.cLines: 1225
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_ADDLines: 61-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_COPYLines: 93-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_CREATELines: 107-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DESTROYLines: 117-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DRAGENTERLines: 123-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DRAGLEAVELines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DRAGMOVELines: 137-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DRAWLines: 150-158
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DRAWEXLines: 162-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_DUPLICATELines: 184-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_ENDDRAGLines: 195-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_GETICONLines: 215-220
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_LOADIMAGELines: 257-277
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_MERGELines: 280-289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_READLines: 293-295
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_READEXLines: 300-302
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_REMOVELines: 306-310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_REPLACELines: 313-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_WRITELines: 385-387
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_IMAGELIST_WRITEEXLines: 392-394
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_ADDITEMLines: 689-703
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_ADJUSTRECTLines: 528-546
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_CREATELines: 679-686
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_DELETEITEMLines: 502-505
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_DESELECTALLLines: 615-621
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETCURFOCUSLines: 591-594
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETCURSELLines: 422-425
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETITEMLines: 427-434
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETITEMRECTLines: 441-454
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETROWCOUNTLines: 456-459
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_GETTOOLTIPSLines: 571-578
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_HITTESTLines: 512-517
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_INSERTITEMLines: 402-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_REMOVEIMAGELines: 557-560
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETCURFOCUSLines: 598-601
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETCURSELLines: 417-420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETITEMLines: 478-491
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETITEMSIZELines: 550-553
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETPADDINGLines: 564-567
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TABCTRL_SETTOOLTIPSLines: 582-587
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_EDITLABELLines: 720-723
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_EXPANDLines: 738-741
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETBKCOLORLines: 744-751
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETCHILDLines: 764-767
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETCOUNTLines: 770-773
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETINDENTLines: 808-811
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETITEMLines: 834-839
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETPARENTLines: 927-930
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_GETROOTLines: 945-948
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_HITTESTLines: 1003-1006
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_INSERTITEMLines: 1009-1012
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SELECTLines: 1031-1034
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SELECTITEMLines: 1043-1046
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETBKCOLORLines: 1063-1070
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETIMAGELISTLines: 1093-1096
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETINDENTLines: 1099-1102
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETITEMLines: 1127-1130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETITEMSTATELines: 1143-1152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETLINECOLORLines: 1155-1162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETTEXTCOLORLines: 1175-1182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SETTOOLTIPSLines: 1185-1192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SHOWINFOTIPLines: 1206-1209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TREEVIEW_SORTCHILDRENLines: 1213-1216
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_err.cLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HB_WAPIERRDATALines: 50-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_misc.cLines: 144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_mmsystem.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_PLAYSOUNDLines: 51-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_shellapi.cLines: 135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ISUSERANADMINLines: 116-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SHELLEXECUTELines: 54-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SHELLEXECUTE_WAITLines: 80-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winbase_1.cLines: 473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_FREELIBRARYLines: 202-208
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETCOMMANDLINELines: 50-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETLONGPATHNAMELines: 316-339
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMODULEHANDLELines: 233-242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETPROCADDRESSLines: 210-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSHORTPATHNAMELines: 303-314
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_LOADLIBRARYLines: 191-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_MULDIVLines: 244-247
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETERRORMODELines: 182-189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETLASTERRORLines: 174-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winbase_2.cLines: 176
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_FORMATMESSAGELines: 65-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETLASTERRORLines: 50-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRINGLines: 130-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_QUERYDOSDEVICELines: 140-175
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SLEEPLines: 125-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winbase_mutex.cLines: 129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEMUTEXLines: 87-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_OPENMUTEXLines: 99-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_RELEASEMUTEXLines: 116-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_wingdi.cLines: 864
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ABORTDOCLines: 420-428
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ARCLines: 833-849
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEDCLines: 365-379
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEFONTLines: 699-723
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEHATCHBRUSHLines: 689-697
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEPENLines: 672-677
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATESOLIDBRUSHLines: 679-687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ELLIPSELines: 851-863
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ENDDOCLines: 410-418
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ENDPAGELines: 440-448
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_EXTTEXTOUTLines: 564-614
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_FILLRECTLines: 791-801
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETBKCOLORLines: 662-670
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETBKMODELines: 460-468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETDEVICECAPSLines: 470-478
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMAPMODELines: 494-506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETTEXTALIGNLines: 518-526
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETTEXTCOLORLines: 626-634
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETTEXTFACELines: 636-650
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_LINETOLines: 781-789
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_MOVETOEXLines: 760-779
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_RECTANGLELines: 819-831
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_RESETDCLines: 381-394
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ROUNDRECTLines: 803-817
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SELECTOBJECTLines: 735-758
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETBKCOLORLines: 652-660
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETBKMODELines: 450-458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETMAPMODELines: 480-492
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETTEXTALIGNLines: 508-516
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETTEXTCOLORLines: 616-624
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_STARTDOCLines: 396-408
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_STARTPAGELines: 430-438
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TEXTOUTLines: 528-562
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __WAPI_DEVMODE_GETLines: 342-363
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __WAPI_DEVMODE_NEWLines: 276-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: __WAPI_DEVMODE_SETLines: 308-340
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_wingdi_font.cLines: 116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ADDFONTRESOURCELines: 49-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winnetwk.cLines: 74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winnls.cLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETACPLines: 49-52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETOEMCPLines: 54-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winuser_1.cLines: 820
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_APPENDMENULines: 619-646
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CHECKMENUITEMLines: 543-554
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEMENULines: 467-473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEPOPUPMENULines: 475-481
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_CREATEWINDOWEXLines: 130-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DELETEMENULines: 569-577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DESTROYMENULines: 483-489
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DESTROYWINDOWLines: 156-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DRAWMENUBARLines: 508-515
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DRAWTEXTLines: 181-204
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ENABLEMENUITEMLines: 533-541
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ENABLESCROLLBARLines: 209-226
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_FINDWINDOWLines: 114-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETACTIVEWINDOWLines: 402-405
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETDESKTOPWINDOWLines: 101-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETKEYSTATELines: 96-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMENULines: 670-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMENUITEMCOUNTLines: 716-728
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMENUITEMIDLines: 730-745
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMENUITEMINFOLines: 649-652
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETMENUSTATELines: 697-714
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSCROLLBARINFOLines: 230-248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSCROLLINFOLines: 252-267
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSCROLLPOSLines: 270-286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSCROLLRANGELines: 289-315
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSUBMENULines: 500-506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETSYSTEMMENULines: 491-498
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_INSERTMENULines: 589-617
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ISICONICLines: 70-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ISMENULines: 660-668
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ISWINDOWLines: 164-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ISZOOMEDLines: 79-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_LOADBITMAPLines: 416-426
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_LOADIMAGELines: 431-449
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_LOADMENULines: 453-465
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_MESSAGEBEEPLines: 106-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_REMOVEMENULines: 579-587
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SCROLLDCLines: 320-323
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SCROLLWINDOWLines: 327-330
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SCROLLWINDOWEXLines: 334-337
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETACTIVEWINDOWLines: 407-413
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETFOCUSLines: 394-400
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETMENULines: 683-695
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETMENUITEMINFOLines: 654-657
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETSCROLLINFOLines: 341-349
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETSCROLLPOSLines: 352-360
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETSCROLLRANGELines: 363-372
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETWINDOWPOSLines: 56-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SHOWSCROLLBARLines: 375-392
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SHOWWINDOWLines: 172-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_TRACKPOPUPMENULines: 517-531
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winuser_2.cLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_MESSAGEBOXLines: 49-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wapi_winuser_dlg.cLines: 161
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_COMBOBOX_ADDSTRINGLines: 152-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_DIALOGBOXPARAMLines: 91-103
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_ENDDIALOGLines: 107-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETDLGITEMLines: 145-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_GETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 128-142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WAPI_SETDLGITEMTEXTLines: 115-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wce_sim.prgLines: 210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Class: wce_SimLines: 51-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wce_simc.cLines: 153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WCE_SIMDEINITIALIZELines: 69-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WCE_SIMINITIALIZELines: 55-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: wce_smsc.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WCE_SMSSENDMESSAGELines: 56-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_bmp.cLines: 228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_BITMAPISSUPPORTEDLines: 156-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_BITMAPTYPELines: 83-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_DRAWBITMAPLines: 164-227
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_LOADBITMAPFILELines: 90-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_bmpd.cLines: 317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HB_PNG_READLines: 175-181
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_BITMAPDIMENSIONSLines: 271-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_com.cLines: 884
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMCLOSELines: 176-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMDEBUGDCBLines: 752-872
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMDTRFLOWLines: 498-551
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMERRORLines: 732-740
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMERRORCLEARLines: 719-730
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMFUNCLASTLines: 742-750
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMISVALIDLines: 712-717
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMOPENLines: 66-174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMPURGELines: 324-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMQUEUESTATUSLines: 348-389
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMREADLines: 225-255
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMRECVLines: 257-286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMRTSFLOWLines: 443-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMSETDTRLines: 420-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMSETQUEUESIZELines: 691-710
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMSETRTSLines: 394-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMSETTIMEOUTSLines: 650-689
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMSTATUSLines: 288-322
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMWRITELines: 200-223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_COMXONXOFFFLOWLines: 553-595
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_dlg.cLines: 305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETOPENFILENAMELines: 291-294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETSAVEFILENAMELines: 301-304
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTDLGDCLines: 59-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_evnt.cLines: 120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REPORTEVENTLines: 50-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_misc_1.cLines: 251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ANSITOWIDELines: 109-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_HINSTANCELines: 152-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_HIWORDLines: 184-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_HPREVINSTANCELines: 161-168
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_LOADRESOURCELines: 55-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_LOWORDLines: 179-182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_N2PLines: 142-145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_NCMDSHOWLines: 170-177
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_P2NLines: 147-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_QPCOUNTER2SECLines: 235-250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SYSREFRESHLines: 189-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_UNICODELines: 133-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_WIDETOANSILines: 121-131
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_misc_2.cLines: 107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_RUNDETACHEDLines: 49-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_os.prgLines: 139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_osNetRegOkLines: 60-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_osNetVRedirOkLines: 115-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_osc.cLines: 213
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS10Lines: 116-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS2000Lines: 66-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS2000ORUPPERLines: 71-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS2003Lines: 86-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS7Lines: 101-104
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS8Lines: 106-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS81Lines: 111-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS95Lines: 126-129
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS98Lines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSIS9XLines: 121-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISMELines: 136-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISNTLines: 51-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISNT351Lines: 56-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISNT4Lines: 61-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISTSCLIENTLines: 141-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISVISTALines: 91-94
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISVISTAORUPPERLines: 96-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISWINXPORUPPERLines: 81-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSISXPLines: 76-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_OSVERSIONINFOLines: 151-212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_prn1.cLines: 723
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ABORTDOCLines: 123-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ARCLines: 683-696
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_BITMAPSOKLines: 364-369
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_CREATEDCLines: 65-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_CREATEFONTLines: 273-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_DELETEDCLines: 131-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ELLIPSELines: 698-707
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ENDDOCLines: 107-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ENDPAGELines: 143-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ENUMFONTFAMILIESLines: 557-585
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_ENUMFONTSLines: 540-555
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_FILLRECTLines: 634-655
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETCHARSIZELines: 236-253
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETDEVICECAPSLines: 255-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETPRINTERFONTNAMELines: 348-362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_GETTEXTSIZELines: 202-234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_LINETOLines: 657-665
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_RECTANGLELines: 667-681
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SETBKMODELines: 709-722
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SETCOLORLines: 587-606
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SETMAPMODELines: 262-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SETPENLines: 608-632
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_STARTDOCLines: 84-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_STARTPAGELines: 136-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_TEXTOUTLines: 150-200
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_prn2.cLines: 612
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTDATARAWLines: 461-528
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTEREXISTSLines: 77-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTERGETDEFAULTLines: 200-207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTERLISTLines: 530-611
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTERPORTTONAMELines: 314-358
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTERSTATUSLines: 247-312
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTFILERAWLines: 362-459
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_prn3.cLines: 234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_PRINTERSETDEFAULTLines: 225-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_reg.prgLines: 263
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regDeleteLines: 117-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regGetLines: 170-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Command: win_regPathSplitLines: 58-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regQueryLines: 140-162
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regReadLines: 101-107
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regSetLines: 212-262
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: win_regWriteLines: 109-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_regc.cLines: 266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGCLOSEKEYLines: 262-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGCREATEKEYEXLines: 73-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGDELETEKEYLines: 242-250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGDELETEVALUELines: 252-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGOPENKEYEXLines: 95-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGQUERYVALUEEXLines: 111-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_REGSETVALUEEXLines: 182-240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_rpc.cLines: 110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_UUIDCREATESTRINGLines: 56-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_shell.cLines: 293
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: HANDLETOMAPPINGSLines: 146-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
typedef struct: SHNAMEMAPPINGLines: 135-141
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SHELLNOTIFYICONLines: 86-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SHFILEOPERATIONLines: 212-292
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_svc_1.cLines: 257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICEGETSTATUSLines: 159-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICESETEXITCODELines: 182-194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICESETSTATUSLines: 168-180
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICESTARTLines: 210-256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICESTOPLines: 196-208
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_svc_2.cLines: 285
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICECONTROLLines: 181-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICEDELETELines: 132-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICEINSTALLLines: 53-130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Function: WIN_SERVICERUNLines: 220-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_tbmp.prgLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Class: win_BMPLines: 51-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_tcom.prgLines: 233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Class: win_ComLines: 66-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
File: win_tprn.prgLines: 839
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Class: win_PrnLines: 69-209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbwin)
Contrib: hbwin - Windows APIFolder: contrib\hbwin\tests\
File: activex.prgLines: 72
Command: EventLines: 50-58
Class: HActiveXLines: 26-35
Command: MainLines: 10-24
File: dlg.prgLines: 68
Function: DialogFuncLines: 31-67
Command: MainLines: 24-28
File: eventlog.prgLines: 15
Command: MainLines: 9-14
File: mapimail.prgLines: 42
Command: MainLines: 5-41
File: mutexwin.prgLines: 22
Command: MainLines: 5-21
File: ole.prgLines: 510
Command: MainLines: 12-74
File: olesrv1.prgLines: 160
Command: DllMainLines: 20-107
Class: OleNetioSrvLines: 110-120
File: olesrv2.prgLines: 45
Command: DllMainLines: 12-29
File: olesrv3.prgLines: 33
Command: DllMainLines: 13-24
Function: MyMethodLines: 27-28
File: olesrv4.prgLines: 69
Command: DllMainLines: 16-20
Class: infoClsLines: 58-65
Class: OleObjServerLines: 23-29
Class: timerClsLines: 50-56
File: oletst1.prgLines: 40
Command: MainLines: 14-39
File: oletst2.prgLines: 33
Command: MainLines: 11-32
File: oletst3.prgLines: 29
Command: MainLines: 11-28
File: oletst4.prgLines: 46
Command: MainLines: 11-45
File: pdfcreat.prgLines: 85
Command: MainLines: 19-84
File: prn1.prgLines: 154
Command: MainLines: 3-27
File: prn2.prgLines: 49
Command: MainLines: 3-29
File: prn3.prgLines: 45
Command: MainLines: 11-21
File: prn4.prgLines: 20
Command: MainLines: 11-19
File: prngdi.prgLines: 67
Command: MainLines: 12-66
File: registry.prgLines: 46
Command: MainLines: 6-45
File: serial1.prgLines: 78
Command: MainLines: 49-77
File: serial2.prgLines: 241
Command: MainLines: 49-240
File: service.prgLines: 143
Command: MainLines: 136-140
Command: SrvMainLines: 104-132
File: shfileop.prgLines: 44
Command: MainLines: 11-43
File: simwce.prgLines: 70
Command: MainLines: 11-69
File: sysdir.prgLines: 17
Command: MainLines: 11-16
File: uuid.prgLines: 19
Command: MainLines: 11-18
Contrib: hbxdiff - libxdiff diffingFolder: contrib\hbxdiff\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbxdiff
File: core.cLines: 641
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
typedef struct: HB_MMFLines: 73-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
typedef struct: HB_MMF_HOLDERLines: 78-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_BDIFFLines: 480-513
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_BDIFF_TGSIZELines: 589-597
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_BPATCHLines: 555-585
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_DIFFLines: 406-441
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_FREE_MMFILELines: 182-193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_INIT_MMFILELines: 163-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_MMFILE_CMPLines: 320-329
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_MMFILE_COMPACTLines: 335-357
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_MMFILE_ISCOMPACTLines: 198-206
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_MMFILE_SIZELines: 308-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_PATCHLines: 445-471
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_RABDIFFLines: 521-551
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_READ_MMFILELines: 222-272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_SEEK_MMFILELines: 210-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Function: XDL_WRITE_MMFILELines: 276-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
File: hbxdiff.chLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxdiff)
Contrib: hbxdiff - libxdiff diffingFolder: contrib\hbxdiff\3rd\
Contrib: hbxdiff - libxdiff diffingFolder: contrib\hbxdiff\3rd\libxdiff\
File: winconfig.hLines: 47
File: xadler32.cLines: 71
File: xadler32.hLines: 35
File: xalloc.cLines: 52
File: xbdiff.cLines: 316
typedef struct: bdfile_tLines: 32-37
typedef struct: bdrecord_tLines: 26-30
File: xbdiff.hLines: 41
File: xbpatchi.cLines: 337
typedef struct: mmoffbuffer_tLines: 29-32
File: xdiff.hLines: 136
File: xdiffi.cLines: 557
typedef struct: xdpsplit_tLines: 35-38
File: xdiffi.hLines: 61
File: xemit.cLines: 133
File: xemit.hLines: 35
File: xinclude.hLines: 75
File: xmacros.hLines: 52
File: xmerge3.cLines: 67
File: xmissing.cLines: 93
File: xmissing.hLines: 57
File: xpatchi.cLines: 642
typedef struct: hunkinfo_tLines: 43-47
typedef struct: patchstats_tLines: 49-51
typedef struct: patch_tLines: 53-61
typedef struct: recfile_tLines: 37-41
typedef struct: recinfo_tLines: 32-35
File: xprepare.cLines: 457
typedef struct: xdlclassifier_tLines: 39-45
typedef struct: xdlclass_tLines: 31-37
File: xprepare.hLines: 36
File: xrabdiff.cLines: 382
typedef struct: xrabcpyi_arena_tLines: 70-73
typedef struct: xrabcpyi_tLines: 64-68
typedef struct: xrabctx_tLines: 57-62
File: xrabply.cLines: 299
File: xtypes.hLines: 69
File: xutils.cLines: 581
File: xutils.hLines: 48
File: xversion.cLines: 28
File: _hbconf.hLines: 91
Contrib: hbxdiff - libxdiff diffingFolder: contrib\hbxdiff\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 37
Command: MainLines: 5-36
File: test2.prgLines: 50
Command: MainLines: 5-49
File: test3.prgLines: 30
Function: DiffLines: 21-29
Command: MainLines: 3-19
Contrib: hbxpp - Xbase++ compatibilityFolder: contrib\hbxpp\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbxpp
File: binnumx.cLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: BIN2FLines: 98-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: Bin2ULines: 51-69
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)

Converts a four byte binary number (Valtype()=="C") to a numeric value (Valtype()=="N").
The parameter <c32bitUnsignedLongInteger> is usually the return value of function U2Bin().

Function: F2BINLines: 89-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: U2BinLines: 71-78
Categories:Binary Functions, Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)

Returns four bytes character string that contain 32-bit encoded unsigned long integer (least significant byte first).

Function: W2BinLines: 80-87
Categories:Binary FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)

Returns two bytes character string that contain 16-bit encoded unsigned short integer (least significant byte first).

File: browdbx.prgLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: xpp_TBrowseDBLines: 52-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbcmdx.cLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DBPACKLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbPack
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
Function: DBZAPLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbZap
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)
File: dbdetacx.cLines: 51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DBRELEASELines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbDetach
Categories:Table FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

The function detaches a work-area from current thread and move it to special hidden holder.
If no <nWorkArea>|<cAlias> specified, then the current work-area is used by default; if no work-area is in use (i.e. no file is open in area), a runtime error occurs (RTE: DBCMD/2001).
Before detaching, all relations (parent and child) to detached workarea are cleared. Detached work-area can be restored from holder using hb_dbRequest() function (see bellow). For a working sample of "dbDetach/dbRequest" functions, see this sample found into Harbour/tests/mt/ folder).

Function: DBREQUESTLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_dbRequest
Platform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The RDDs)

Restores <cAlias> area from the holder (see hb_dbDetach() above) and attach it to calling thread.
If no <cAlias> specified, then the oldest detached area into holder's queue is tried to be restored (FIFO method).
If either the <cAlias> specified cannot be found or there is no area in the queue, the function will fail and return a .F. value. If the function succeeds, returns .T. and the restored work-area becomes current.
The <lFreeArea> argument determines whether a new area or the current one will be used for restore. Default is .F., which means the restore will be done in the current work area, and any other file that might be open in this area, will be closed (worth to note that this closing will be done even if the function fails to restore the requested alias, --presumably because it's always being performed, before the restore attempt).
<@xCargo> can be used to retrieve a possibly transmitted message/data between threads / processes.
4-th parameter <lWait> flag specifies whether the function should wait (when lWait == .T.) until the requested working area becomes available or return immediately, (when lWait == .F., which is the default).
Alternatively, instead of a Boolean flag, this 4-th parameter accepts a numeric value specifying timeout in seconds waiting for the requested area to become available, before returning.

File: dbfuncsx.prgLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: xpp_dbUseAreaLines: 66-88
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: _dbExportLines: 47-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbjoinx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbJoinLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dblistx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbListLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbsortx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbSortLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbstruxx.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbCopyExtStructLines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbCopyStructLines: 49-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbtotalx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbTotalLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dbupdatx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: dbUpdateLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dll.chLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dllx.cLines: 215
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DLLCALLLines: 103-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DLLEXECUTECALLLines: 204-214
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DLLLOADLines: 98-0
Translates to the function: HB_LIBLOAD
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: DLLPREPARECALLLines: 148-202
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: DLLUNLOADLines: 99-0
Translates to the function: HB_LIBFREE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
typedef struct: HB_DLLEXECLines: 60-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: dmlb.chLines: 56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: hbxpp.chLines: 97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: idlex.cLines: 56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: SLEEPLines: 52-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: mousex.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: NumButtonsLines: 51-54
Categories:Mouse FunctionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)

Returns the number of buttons that a mouse has!

Function: SETMOUSELines: 56-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: oemansix.cLines: 117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: CONVTOANSICPLines: 86-116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: CONVTOOEMCPLines: 54-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: philesx.cLines: 86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: CURDRIVELines: 51-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: runshell.prgLines: 86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: RunShellLines: 47-85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: tbcolumx.prgLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: xpp_TBColumnLines: 50-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: tbrowsex.prgLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: xpp_TBrowseLines: 55-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: tgetx.prgLines: 84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: xpp_GetLines: 49-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: thfuncx.prgLines: 99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: ThreadIDLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: ThreadObjectLines: 50-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: ThreadWaitLines: 60-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: ThreadWaitAllLines: 82-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: thread.chLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: tthreadx.prgLines: 305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: SignalLines: 56-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: ThreadLines: 86-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: typefilx.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: _TypeFileLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: wafuncx.cLines: 78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: WORKSPACELISTLines: 64-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: xppop.prgLines: 79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: ArrayLines: 73-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Class: CharacterLines: 66-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
File: xppopc.cLines: 155
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: XPP_INCLUDELines: 139-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Function: XPP_INDEXLines: 59-137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbxpp)
Contrib: hbxpp - Xbase++ compatibilityFolder: contrib\hbxpp\tests\
File: dllcall.prgLines: 100
Command: MainLines: 46-99
File: opover.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 5-11
Contrib: hbzebra - Barcode creating functionsFolder: contrib\hbzebra\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbzebra
File: codabar.cLines: 174
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_CODABARLines: 165-173
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: code11.cLines: 167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_CODE11Lines: 158-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: code128.cLines: 395
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_CODE128Lines: 386-394
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: code39.cLines: 210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_CODE39Lines: 201-209
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: code93.cLines: 263
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_CODE93Lines: 254-262
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: core.cLines: 279
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_DESTROYLines: 251-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_GETCODELines: 272-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_GETERRORLines: 263-269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: coredraw.cLines: 137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_DRAWLines: 124-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: datamtrx.cLines: 501
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
typedef struct: DATAMATRIX_SIZELines: 77-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_DATAMATRIXLines: 492-500
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: eanupc.cLines: 417
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_EAN13Lines: 378-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_EAN8Lines: 388-396
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_UPCALines: 398-406
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_UPCELines: 408-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: hbzebra.chLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: hbzebra.hLines: 97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: itf.cLines: 151
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_ITFLines: 142-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: msi.cLines: 164
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_MSILines: 155-163
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: pdf417.cLines: 1403
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_PDF417Lines: 1394-1402
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
File: qrcode.cLines: 1302
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: HB_ZEBRA_CREATE_QRCODELines: 1293-1301
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
typedef struct: QRBLOCKPARAMLines: 76-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
typedef struct: QRLEVELLines: 83-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
typedef struct: QRVERSIONLines: 89-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: _QR_CHECK_VERSION_TABLELines: 390-393
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: _QR_FORMAT_CRCLines: 450-453
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Function: _QR_VERSION_CRCLines: 444-447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbzebra)
Contrib: hbzebra - Barcode creating functionsFolder: contrib\hbzebra\tests\
File: cairo.prgLines: 103
Command: DrawBarcodeLines: 49-89
Command: MainLines: 4-46
File: harupdf.prgLines: 108
Command: DrawBarcodeLines: 51-95
Command: MainLines: 10-49
File: wingdi.prgLines: 136
Command: DrawBarcodeLines: 85-127
Command: MainLines: 10-81
Contrib: hbziparc - HBZIPARC zip compressionFolder: contrib\hbziparc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / hbziparc
File: ziparc.prgLines: 503
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_GetFileCountLines: 92-108
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_GetFilesInZipLines: 130-185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_GetZipCommentLines: 74-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Command: hb_SetBufferLines: 213-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_SetDiskZipLines: 195-201
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Command: hb_SetZipCommentLines: 66-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_UnzipAllFileLines: 481-482
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_UnzipFileLines: 386-476
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_UnzipFileIndexLines: 478-479
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipDeleteFilesLines: 485-502
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipFileLines: 235-384
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipFileByPKSpanLines: 232-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipFileByTDSpanLines: 225-229
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipTestPKLines: 187-193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: hb_ZipWithPasswordLines: 110-128
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Command: SetZipReadOnlyLines: 58-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Function: TransferFromZipLines: 203-211
Doc Topic:(Contrib / hbziparc)
Contrib: hbziparc - HBZIPARC zip compressionFolder: contrib\hbziparc\tests\
File: unzipa.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: zipa.prgLines: 21
Command: MainLines: 3-20
Contrib: rddads - RDD for the Advantage Database ServerFolder: contrib\rddads\
Doc Topic:Contrib / rddads
File: ads.chLines: 327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: ads1.cLines: 5874
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCUSTOMIZEAOFLines: 5819-5873
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETRELKEYPOSLines: 5799-5807
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETRELKEYPOSLines: 5809-5817
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: HB_RDDADSREGISTERLines: 5754-5757
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
typedef struct: RDDADSDATALines: 79-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: adsfunc.cLines: 2519
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSADDCUSTOMKEYLines: 786-810
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSAPPLICATIONEXITLines: 291-300
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSBEGINTRANSACTIONLines: 1661-1664
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSBLOB2FILELines: 559-577
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCACHEOPENCURSORSLines: 1759-1762
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCACHEOPENTABLESLines: 1754-1757
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCACHERECORDSLines: 1694-1703
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCHECKEXISTENCELines: 2338-2349
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCLEARAOFLines: 838-846
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCLOSEALLTABLESLines: 1434-1437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCLOSECACHEDTABLESLines: 2399-2414
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCLRCALLBACKLines: 1555-1567
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCOMMITTRANSACTIONLines: 1666-1669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCONNECTLines: 1209-1222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCONNECT60Lines: 1924-1947
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCONNECTIONLines: 1602-1607
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCONVERTTABLELines: 1472-1490
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCOPYTABLELines: 1455-1470
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCOPYTABLECONTENTSLines: 2259-2289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCREATEFTSINDEXLines: 2416-2445
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCREATESAVEPOINTLines: 2447-2456
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSCREATESQLSTATEMENTLines: 1276-1327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDADDINDEXFILELines: 1878-1888
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDADDTABLELines: 1852-1865
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDADDUSERTOGROUPLines: 1902-1911
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDCREATELines: 1949-1967
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDCREATELINKLines: 2469-2481
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDCREATEUSERLines: 1969-1980
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDDELETEUSERLines: 1982-1990
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDDROPLINKLines: 2497-2506
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDGETUSERPROPERTYLines: 2167-2189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDMODIFYLINKLines: 2483-2495
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDREMOVEINDEXFILELines: 1890-1900
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDDREMOVETABLELines: 1867-1876
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDECRYPTRECORDLines: 1157-1165
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDECRYPTTABLELines: 1137-1145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDELETECUSTOMKEYLines: 812-836
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDELETEFILELines: 2351-2359
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDIRECTORYLines: 2291-2336
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDISABLEENCRYPTIONLines: 1117-1125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSDISCONNECTLines: 1224-1252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSENABLEENCRYPTIONLines: 1099-1115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSENCRYPTRECORDLines: 1147-1155
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSENCRYPTTABLELines: 1127-1135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSEVALAOFLines: 848-871
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSEXECUTESQLLines: 1385-1418
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSEXECUTESQLDIRECTLines: 1329-1364
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSFILE2BLOBLines: 579-598
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETAOFLines: 893-929
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETAOFNOOPTLines: 948-979
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETAOFOPTLEVELLines: 931-946
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETCONNECTIONTYPELines: 310-333
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETFILTERLines: 1058-1097
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETHANDLETYPELines: 1622-1628
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETLASTERRORLines: 1631-1645
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETMEMODATATYPELines: 342-362
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETNUMACTIVELINKSLines: 1810-1821
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETNUMINDEXESLines: 1591-1600
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETNUMOPENTABLESLines: 1647-1654
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETRECORDCOUNTLines: 600-629
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETSERVERNAMELines: 2385-2397
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETSERVERTIMELines: 383-410
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETTABLEALIASLines: 873-891
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETTABLECHARTYPELines: 493-507
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSGETTABLECONTYPELines: 364-381
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSINTRANSACTIONLines: 1676-1682
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISCONNECTIONALIVELines: 1609-1620
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISEMPTYLines: 1765-1781
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISENCRYPTIONENABLEDLines: 1167-1179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISEXPRVALIDLines: 1577-1588
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISINDEXEDLines: 1569-1574
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISNULLLines: 1783-1808
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISRECORDENCRYPTEDLines: 1181-1193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISRECORDINAOFLines: 981-995
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISRECORDLOCKEDLines: 431-452
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISRECORDVALIDLines: 998-1021
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISSERVERLOADEDLines: 302-308
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISTABLEENCRYPTEDLines: 1195-1207
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSISTABLELOCKEDLines: 414-429
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSKEYCOUNTLines: 687-784
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSKEYNOLines: 632-684
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSLOCKINGLines: 454-460
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSPREPARESQLLines: 1366-1383
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSREFRESHAOFLines: 1023-1031
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSREFRESHRECORDLines: 1444-1452
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSREGCALLBACKLines: 1524-1553
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSREINDEXLines: 1710-1715
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSRESTRUCTURETABLELines: 2240-2256
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSRIGHTSCHECKLines: 462-468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSROLLBACKLines: 1684-1687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSROLLBACKSAVEPOINTLines: 2458-2467
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETAOFLines: 1033-1056
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETCHARTYPELines: 470-490
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETDATEFORMATLines: 267-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETDEFAULTLines: 509-520
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETDELETEDLines: 535-545
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETEPOCHLines: 280-289
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETEXACTLines: 547-557
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETFILETYPELines: 245-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETINDEXDIRECTIONLines: 2508-2518
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETSEARCHPATHLines: 522-533
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSETSERVERTYPELines: 262-265
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSSHOWERRORLines: 1656-1659
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSTESTLOGINLines: 2204-2238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSTESTRECLOCKSLines: 237-243
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSUNLOCKRECORDLines: 335-340
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSVERIFYSQLLines: 1420-1432
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSVERSIONLines: 1717-1752
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSWRITEALLRECORDSLines: 1439-1442
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
typedef struct: HB_ADSDATALines: 136-143
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: adsmgmnt.cLines: 642
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGCONNECTLines: 52-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGDISCONNECTLines: 60-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETACTIVITYINFOLines: 122-230
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETCOMMSTATSLines: 232-261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETCONFIGINFOLines: 268-354
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETHANDLELines: 67-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETINSTALLINFOLines: 94-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETLOCKOWNERLines: 426-460
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETLOCKSLines: 567-598
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETOPENINDEXESLines: 534-565
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETOPENTABLESLines: 464-494
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETOPENTABLES2Lines: 496-532
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETSERVERTYPELines: 86-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGGETUSERNAMESLines: 362-413
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGKILLUSERLines: 78-83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGRESETCOMMSTATSLines: 263-266
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Function: ADSMGSETHANDLELines: 72-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: adsx.cLines: 1870
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
typedef struct: ADSXAREALines: 105-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
typedef struct: MIXKEYLines: 73-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
typedef struct: MIXTAGLines: 80-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: rddads.hLines: 220
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
File: unixutils.hLines: 2
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddads)
Contrib: rddads - RDD for the Advantage Database ServerFolder: contrib\rddads\tests\
File: datad.prgLines: 163
Command: MainLines: 11-152
Command: ShowAdsErrorLines: 154-162
File: manage.prgLines: 250
Command: MainLines: 57-249
Contrib: rddbm - Raw bitmap filters for Harbour RDDsFolder: contrib\rddbm\
Doc Topic:Contrib / rddbm
File: bmdbfcdx.prgLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
File: bmdbfnsx.prgLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
File: bmdbfntx.prgLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
File: bmdbfx.cLines: 807
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_DBGETFILTERARRAYLines: 309-355
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_DBSEEKWILDLines: 66-177
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_DBSETFILTERARRAYLines: 357-388
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_DBSETFILTERARRAYADDLines: 390-415
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_DBSETFILTERARRAYDELLines: 417-442
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
typedef struct: BM_FILTERLines: 185-189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Function: BM_TURBOLines: 179-182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddbm)
Contrib: rddmiscFolder: contrib\rddmisc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / rddmisc
File: arrayrdd.prgLines: 2053
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: ARRAYRDD_GETFUNCTABLELines: 1465-1520
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_EraseArrayRddLines: 1530-1602
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_FileArrayRddLines: 1609-1656
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Command: hb_SetArrayRddLines: 1660-1673
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: dbtcdx.prgLines: 74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: DBTCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 64-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: fptcdx.prgLines: 74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: FPTCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 64-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: hscdx.prgLines: 285
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: HSCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 262-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Command: hsx_CloseLines: 190-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hsx_CreateLines: 154-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hsx_FileLines: 226-238
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hsx_GetLines: 240-251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hsx_HandleLines: 212-224
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Command: hsx_OpenLines: 172-188
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: logrdd.prgLines: 468
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddActiveLines: 280-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddLogFileNameLines: 244-260
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddMsgLogBlockLines: 298-314
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddTagLines: 262-278
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddUserLogBlockLines: 316-332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: hb_LogRddValueToTextLines: 334-346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: LOGRDD_GETFUNCTABLELines: 214-240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: rlcdx.prgLines: 223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: RLCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 205-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: smtcdx.prgLines: 74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: SMTCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 64-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
File: vfpcdx.prgLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Function: VFPCDX_GETFUNCTABLELines: 58-70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddmisc)
Contrib: rddsql - SQL MIX Database DriverFolder: contrib\rddsql\
Doc Topic:Contrib / rddsql
File: hbrddsql.hLines: 241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddsql)
File: sqlbase.cLines: 1282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddsql)
Function: SQLBASELines: 1225-1227
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddsql)
File: sqlmix.cLines: 2149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddsql)
Function: SQLMIXLines: 2093-0
Translates to the function: SQLBASE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / rddsql)
Contrib: rddsql - SQL MIX Database DriverFolder: contrib\rddsql\tests\
File: arrayrdd.prgLines: 33
Command: MainLines: 5-30
Command: RDDSYSLines: 32-33
Contrib: sddfbFolder: contrib\sddfb\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddfb
File: core.cLines: 595
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddfb)
Function: HB_SDDFB_REGISTERLines: 103-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddfb)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 61-64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddfb)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 66-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddfb)
Contrib: sddmyFolder: contrib\sddmy\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddmy
File: core.cLines: 629
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddmy)
Function: HB_SDDMY_REGISTERLines: 112-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddmy)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 64-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddmy)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 69-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddmy)
Contrib: sddmyFolder: contrib\sddmy\tests\
File: test1.prgLines: 53
Command: MainLines: 13-44
Contrib: sddociFolder: contrib\sddoci\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddoci
File: core.cLines: 669
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddoci)
Function: HB_SDDOCI_REGISTERLines: 142-145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddoci)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 93-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddoci)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 98-101
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddoci)
Contrib: sddociFolder: contrib\sddoci\tests\
File: test1.prgLines: 49
Command: MainLines: 8-48
Contrib: sddodbcFolder: contrib\sddodbc\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddodbc
File: core.cLines: 883
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddodbc)
Function: HB_SDDODBC_REGISTERLines: 150-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddodbc)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 108-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddodbc)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 114-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddodbc)
Contrib: sddodbcFolder: contrib\sddodbc\tests\
File: test1.prgLines: 32
Command: MainLines: 8-31
File: test2.prgLines: 38
Command: MainLines: 8-37
Contrib: sddpgFolder: contrib\sddpg\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddpg
File: core.cLines: 584
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddpg)
Function: HB_SDDPG_REGISTERLines: 122-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddpg)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 81-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddpg)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 86-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddpg)
Contrib: sddsqlt3Folder: contrib\sddsqlt3\
Doc Topic:Contrib / sddsqlt3
File: core.cLines: 678
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddsqlt3)
Function: HB_SDDSQLITE3_REGISTERLines: 117-120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddsqlt3)
typedef struct: SDDCONNLines: 65-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddsqlt3)
typedef struct: SDDDATALines: 70-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / sddsqlt3)
Contrib: sddsqlt3Folder: contrib\sddsqlt3\tests\
File: test.prgLines: 49
Command: MainLines: 8-48
Contrib: xhb - Compatibility layer with the xHarbourFolder: contrib\xhb\
Doc Topic:Contrib / xhb
File: arrayblk.prgLines: 49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_ArrayBlockLines: 47-48
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: bkgtsks.cLines: 458
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVELines: 431-443
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDADDLines: 398-413
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDDELLines: 416-428
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDRESETLines: 391-394
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDRUNLines: 367-379
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDRUNFORCEDLines: 382-388
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
typedef struct: HB_BACKGROUNDTASKLines: 65-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BACKGROUNDTIMELines: 446-457
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: cgi.chLines: 106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: classex.chLines: 178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: cstruct.chLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: cstruct.prgLines: 620
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CStructureLines: 298-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_CStructureCSyntaxLines: 207-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CStructureFromIdLines: 348-383
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CStructureIdLines: 173-205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CTypeArrayIdLines: 385-444
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_Is_CStructureLines: 446-447
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_MemberLines: 154-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: __ActiveStructureLines: 71-152
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: __init_LONGLONGsLines: 61-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: cstructc.cLines: 1381
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers
Function: HB_ARRAYTOSTRUCTURELines: 932-955
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
Function: HB_POINTER2STRINGLines: 1325-1338
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
Function: HB_SIZEOFCSTRUCTURELines: 257-275
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
Function: HB_STRING2POINTERLines: 1340-1348
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
Function: HB_STRUCTURETOARRAYLines: 1295-1323
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
Function: __CSTR_COPYTOLines: 1350-1380
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers)
File: datesxhb.cLines: 115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HMS2DLines: 99-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: TIMEOFDAYLines: 82-97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: TSSECSLines: 77-80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: TTODLines: 108-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: dbf2txt.cLines: 273
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: DBF2TEXTLines: 148-272
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: dbgfx.prgLines: 125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_EmptyLogFileOnOffLines: 81-89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_ToLogFileLines: 91-124
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_ToLogFileOnOffLines: 71-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_ToOutDebugLines: 63-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_ToOutDebugOnOffLines: 53-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: dbgfxc.cLines: 130
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: decode.prgLines: 224
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_DecodeLines: 56-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_DecodeOrEmptyLines: 193-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: dirrec.prgLines: 87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: DirectoryRecurseLines: 69-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: diskhb.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GetVolInfoLines: 49-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: dumpvar.prgLines: 412
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_DumpVarLines: 66-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: __OutDebugLines: 50-58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: filestat.cLines: 299
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FILESTATSLines: 83-298
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: fparse.cLines: 640
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FCHARCOUNTLines: 568-618
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FLINECOUNTLines: 524-566
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FPARSELines: 323-398
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FPARSEEXLines: 400-464
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FPARSELINELines: 620-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FWORDCOUNTLines: 466-522
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: freadlin.cLines: 234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_FREADLINELines: 157-233
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcommon.chLines: 59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcompat.chLines: 568
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcompat.hLines: 112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcomprs.chLines: 68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcomprs.prgLines: 178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CompressLines: 60-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CompressBufLenLines: 164-177
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CompressErrorLines: 156-157
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_CompressErrorDescLines: 160-161
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_UncompressLines: 125-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbcrypt.cLines: 420
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_CRYPTLines: 387-400
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_DECRYPTLines: 406-419
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbctypes.chLines: 85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbdll.chLines: 139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbfast.hLines: 2
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hblog.chLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hblog.prgLines: 809
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_BldLogMsgLines: 172-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_CloseStandardLogLines: 108-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_InitStandardLogLines: 56-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogChannelLines: 299-319
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogConsoleLines: 410-423
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_LogDateStampLines: 193-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogDbfLines: 590-609
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogDebugLines: 778-789
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogFileLines: 482-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LoggerLines: 203-220
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogSysLogLines: 720-731
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_OpenStandardLogLines: 86-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_SetStandardLogStyleLines: 125-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_StandardLogLines: 156-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_StandardLogAddLines: 92-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_StandardLogNameLines: 141-154
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hblogdef.chLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hblognet.prgLines: 317
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogEmailLines: 51-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HB_LogInetPortLines: 198-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbnxs.hLines: 116
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hboutdbg.cLines: 241
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_OUTDEBUGLines: 236-240
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_OUTDEBUGNAMELines: 229-234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbrpc.chLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbserv.cLines: 1094
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_ISSERVICELines: 812-815
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_POPSIGNALHANDLERLines: 873-901
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_PUSHSIGNALHANDLERLines: 841-870
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SERVICEGENERATEFAULTLines: 1066-1073
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SERVICEGENERATEFPELines: 1075-1080
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SERVICELOOPLines: 825-839
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SIGNALDESCLines: 908-1058
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_STARTSERVICELines: 734-781
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
typedef struct: S_TUPLELines: 101-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbserv.chLines: 85
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbserv.hLines: 58
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbstruct.chLines: 77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbstruct.prgLines: 113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: hb_HashAddMemberLines: 47-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbsyslog.cLines: 184
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SYSLOGCLOSELines: 98-122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SYSLOGMESSAGELines: 124-183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_SYSLOGOPENLines: 67-96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbxml.cLines: 2312
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_DATAREADLines: 2204-2237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_ADD_BELOWLines: 659-662
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_CLONELines: 694-697
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_CLONE_TREELines: 731-734
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_INSERT_AFTERLines: 589-592
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_INSERT_BEFORELines: 567-570
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_INSERT_BELOWLines: 620-623
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_TO_STRINGLines: 2255-2282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_UNLINKLines: 515-518
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HBXML_NODE_WRITELines: 2287-2311
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_XMLERRORDESCLines: 2242-2250
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbxml.chLines: 93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hbxml.hLines: 228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hjwindow.prgLines: 408
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TJSWindowLines: 51-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: hterrsys.prgLines: 236
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetCorruptFuncLines: 179-185
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetErrorFooterLines: 187-189
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: htjlist.prgLines: 299
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TJSListLines: 55-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: html.chLines: 753
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: htmlclrs.chLines: 193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: htmlform.chLines: 291
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: htmutil.prgLines: 847
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: BackButtonLines: 55-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: BackFormButtonLines: 70-92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: Greek2HtmlLines: 834-846
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: HtmlBrowseLines: 138-205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: htmlBrowseSqlLines: 209-284
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: InitGreekLines: 731-825
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: JWindowLines: 288-361
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: PutCounterLines: 94-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: inet.hLines: 53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: math.chLines: 2
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: regexrpl.prgLines: 80
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_regexReplaceLines: 51-79
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: sprintf.prgLines: 198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: sprintfLines: 47-197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: stream.prgLines: 273
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FileReaderLines: 55-56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: FileWriterLines: 58-59
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TStreamLines: 61-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TStreamFileReaderLines: 123-138
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TStreamFileWriterLines: 195-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: tcgi.prgLines: 258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CgiParseVarLines: 247-257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ParseStringLines: 212-237
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TCgiLines: 51-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: tedit.prgLines: 687
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlFormObjectLines: 684-686
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: THtmlControlLines: 59-148
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: THtmlFormLines: 393-461
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: tfile.prgLines: 509
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TCgiFileLines: 54-135
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: tframe.prgLines: 228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: THtmlFrameSetLines: 52-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: thtm.prgLines: 2333
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: Any2StrLines: 2298-2300
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlAny2StrLines: 2302-2332
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlDecodeUrlLines: 2131-2197
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlFormNameLines: 2108-2110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: HtmlJSCmdLines: 2207-2221
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlLinkStyleLines: 2229-2244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlPadLLines: 2252-2269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlPadRLines: 2277-2294
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlPageHandleLines: 2096-2098
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HtmlPageObjectLines: 2119-2121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: THtmlLines: 67-269
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: traceprg.prgLines: 199
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: TraceLogLines: 119-160
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: xhb_SetTraceLines: 57-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: xhb_SetTraceFileLines: 77-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: xhb_SetTraceStackLines: 92-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: trpc.prgLines: 1677
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TRPCFunctionLines: 200-222
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TRPCServeConLines: 367-428
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TRPCServiceLines: 1187-1264
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: trpccli.prgLines: 1082
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TRPCClientLines: 51-191
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: ttable.chLines: 195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: ttable.prgLines: 1521
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GetTableLines: 464-473
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HBFieldLines: 482-496
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HBOrderLines: 1453-1480
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HBRecordLines: 506-517
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HBTableLines: 596-754
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: IsLockedLines: 388-392
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetAppendLines: 350-366
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetCommitAllLines: 376-386
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetDbUseLines: 63-123
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetDeleteLines: 289-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetErrorLines: 394-396
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetFileLockLines: 339-348
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: NetFlushLines: 368-374
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetFuncLines: 230-255
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetLockLines: 125-228
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetOpenFilesLines: 256-285
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetRecallLines: 308-325
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NetRecLockLines: 327-337
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetNetDelayLines: 398-406
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetNetMsgColorLines: 408-416
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: TableNewLines: 427-462
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: txml.prgLines: 449
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TXMLDocumentLines: 347-372
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TXmlIteratorLines: 162-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TXmlIteratorRegexLines: 304-310
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TXmlIteratorScanLines: 265-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TXMLNodeLines: 52-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: txtline.cLines: 299
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_READLINELines: 213-298
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_TABEXPANDLines: 184-210
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: usrrdd.chLines: 2
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: win32prn.chLines: 437
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: wintypes.chLines: 109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xcstr.prgLines: 581
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CStrToValLines: 62-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: PrgExpToValLines: 284-286
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: StringToLiteralLines: 119-142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToArrayLines: 290-296
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToBlockLines: 300-306
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToCharacterLines: 310-316
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToDateLines: 320-354
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToHashLines: 397-403
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToLogicalLines: 407-442
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToNumberLines: 446-482
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToObjectLines: 486-536
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToPrgLines: 146-280
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToTimeStampLines: 358-393
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ValToTypeLines: 540-580
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xdbmodst.prgLines: 259
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: dbImportLines: 151-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: dbMergeLines: 155-258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: dbModifyStructureLines: 58-149
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhb.chLines: 92
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhb.hLines: 81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbarr.cLines: 254
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: AMERGELines: 157-195
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: AREMOVELines: 154-0
Translates to the function: ASPLICE
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ASPLICELines: 55-150
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: RASCANLines: 253-0
Translates to the function: hb_RAScan
Categories:Arrays FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Arrays management)

Scans (right to left) for <uValue> into <aArray> and returns <nPosition> of found or <zero> if nothing found.
It's same to hb_AScan(...) but it starts scanning reversely, from right to left (or bottom to top.)

Function: XHB_ADELLines: 197-218
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_AINSLines: 220-251
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbarrex.cLines: 78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ALENALLOCLines: 64-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ASIZEALLOCLines: 51-61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbat.cLines: 213
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ATILines: 173-212
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ATSKIPSTRINGSLines: 145-170
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbbit.cLines: 205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_BITANDLines: 191-194
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_BITORLines: 196-199
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_BITXORLines: 201-204
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbcls.chLines: 119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbcomp.prgLines: 145
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: ArrayLines: 119-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: BlockLines: 139-144
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: CharacterLines: 74-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: HashLines: 127-137
Translates to the function: hb_Hash
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Creates a hash table and, optionally, populates it with elements (pairs of keys and values).
To initialize (create) a hash table, it is recommended to do it in an inline assignment, using the literal {=>} instead of hb_Hash() function. For example: hHash := {=>} or hHash := {"key1"=>"value1"}.
Keys can be of type: string, number, date, timestamp, pointer.
Values can be of almost any type that is supported by Harbour: string, numeric, date, timestamp, logical, pointer, array, hash table, code-block, NIL.

Class: NumericLines: 97-117
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbcopyf.cLines: 193
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_COPYFILELines: 180-192
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbctbit.cLines: 258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMANDXLines: 162-169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMMIRRXLines: 229-257
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMNOTXLines: 189-196
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMORXLines: 171-178
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMROLXLines: 198-227
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: NUMXORXLines: 180-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbdate.cLines: 56
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CTOTLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: hb_CtoT
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a timestamp string to timestamp value (valtype=T). By default it uses the _SET_DATEFORMAT and _SET_TIMEFORMAT format strings to do the conversion, but you can specify other formats using <cDateFormat> and <cTimeFormat>.

Function: DATETIMELines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_DateTime
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns a timestamp value from the supplied day, month, year, hour, minute, second and second-fragment values. If none of them is supplied, the current date and time is returned.

Function: HOURLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_Hour
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the hour (HH) part or "member" of a TimeStamp.

Function: MINUTELines: 51-0
Translates to the function: hb_Minute
Categories:Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Returns the minute (mm) part (or "member") of a <tTimeStamp>.

Function: STOTLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: hb_StoT
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a datetime string to timestamp value (T).
<cDateTime> should be in one of the above form:
- "HHMM"
- "HH"

Function: TTOCLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: hb_TtoC
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts date or timestamp values to timestamp formatted strings.

Function: TTOSLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: hb_TtoS
Categories:Conversion Functions, Date and Time FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dates functions)

Converts a date or timestamp value to string formated as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFFF.

File: xhbdepr.prgLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_ANSIToOEMLegacy Level: 4Lines: 61-65
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_BuildDateLegacy Level: 4Lines: 78-79
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)

returns Harbour build DateTime in the form: MONTHNAME N YYYY HH:MM:SS (f.e: May 5 2016 10:04:52)

Function: hb_OEMToANSILegacy Level: 4Lines: 68-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_osNewLineLegacy Level: 4Lines: 56-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_osPathSeparatorLegacy Level: 4Lines: 53-54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_PCodeVerLegacy Level: 4Lines: 75-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_regexMatchLegacy Level: 4Lines: 81-84
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbenum.cLines: 67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_ENUMINDEXLines: 52-66
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhberr.prgLines: 673
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: xhb_ErrorLogLines: 61-72
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: xhb_ErrorSysLines: 74-78
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: __ErrorBlockLines: 637-639
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: __MinimalErrorHandlerLines: 641-672
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhberrc.cLines: 167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SETERRORMODELines: 159-166
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhberror.cLines: 370
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_ERRORNEWLines: 273-305
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbfs.cLines: 77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: DISABLEWAITLOCKSLines: 76-0
Translates to the function: HB_DISABLEWAITLOCKS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: ISDIRLines: 75-0
Translates to the function: ISDIRECTORY
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISDIRECTORYLines: 50-73
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbfunc.cLines: 346
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CSTRLines: 228-0
Translates to the function: hb_CStr
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a value of any type into a string expression. Complex types are converted into a descriptive text.

Function: CURDIRXLines: 200-226
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: DEFAULTLines: 345-0
Translates to the function: __DEFAULTNIL
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: HB_ARRAYIDLines: 230-235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_BITISSETLines: 335-0
Translates to the function: hb_BitTest
Categories:Bitwise FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns .T. if the bit <nBit> in <nVal> is set. (<nBit> is ZERO based).

Function: HB_CHECKSUMLines: 183-0
Translates to the function: hb_Adler32
Categories:Checksum FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Calculates and returns the checksum of <cValue> using the Adler-32 checksum algorithm.

Function: HB_CMDARGARGVLines: 94-0
Translates to the function: hb_ProgName
Categories:Executable EnvironmentCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Returns the executable program name.

Function: HB_CREATELEN8Lines: 144-161
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_DESERIALBEGINLines: 173-179
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_DESERIALNEXTLines: 181-0
Translates to the function: hb_Deserialize
Categories:Conversion Functions, Serialization functionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Reconstructs the <cSerialized> byte sequence, previously created (serialized) by 'hb_Serialize()', and returns the data in their original structure, (f.e. array, timestamp, object etc).
The optional parameters <cCdpIN> and <cCdpOUT>, if defined, are used for code-page translation in serialization and de-serialization operations. By default VM's code-page is used.

Function: HB_EXECLines: 250-271
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_FUNCPTRLines: 337-0
Translates to the function: __DYNSN2SYM
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / Global Symbols Table)
Function: HB_F_EOFLines: 185-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_GETLEN8Lines: 163-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_HASHIDLines: 237-242
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_ISBYREFLines: 319-327
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_LIBDOLines: 334-0
Translates to the function: DO
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: hb_osNewLineLegacy Level: 4Lines: 305-308
Categories:Operating System OSCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)

Returns the character used as end-of-line marker. Deprecated! Use hb_eol() instead of this "exceptionally long and hard to type" function.

Function: HB_OSPATHSEPARATORLegacy Level: 4Lines: 310-313
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_POINTER2STRINGLines: 63-76
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers
Function: hb_SetCodepageLines: 344-0
Translates to the function: hb_cdpSelect
Categories:Codepage FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Set/get current code-page being used by application.
<cNewCPID> (must be in uppercase!) is an optional code-page ID to become current.
Important: before invoking the function (for set), you must, previously, REQUEST the linkage of proper code-page object you intend to use; this can be done using the statement:
REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_ITWIN (for italian "win" code page.)
The function returns the previous (old) code-page.
NOTE: The hb_cdpSelect() function has the same functionality as Set(_SET_CODEPAGE) function (cited below for convenience).

  • SET(_SET_CODEPAGE, [<cCDP>])--> <cPrevCDP>
    set/get internal HVM codepage which is used in string comparison operation
    functions like UPPER()/LOWER()/ISALPHA()/ISUPPER()/ISLOWER()/ISDIGIT()/...
    and also as default CP for RDD when new table is open and for GT in
    HB_SETTERMCP()/HB_SETDISPCP()/HB_SETKEYCP(). Some GTs also use it even
    without calling above functions.

See also, an interesting post in harbour-users group regarding code-pages.

Function: HB_STRING2POINTERLines: 78-86
Doc Topic:The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Pointers
Function: HB_VMMODELines: 97-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HEXTONUMLines: 339-0
Translates to the function: hb_HexToNum
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

converts an hexadecimal number into a decimal number.

Function: HEXTOSTRLines: 341-0
Translates to the function: hb_HexToStr
Categories:Conversion FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a string of hexadecimal values into it's corresponding bytes stream. The inverse of 'hb_StrToHex()'.

Function: ISPOINTERLines: 343-0
Translates to the function: hb_IsPointer
Categories:Pointer Functions, Type Checking FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Variables management)

Determines if <xExp> evaluates to pointer value (valtype "P").

Function: LIBFREELines: 333-0
Translates to the function: HB_LIBFREE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: LIBLOADLines: 332-0
Translates to the function: HB_LIBLOAD
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Dynamic libraries management)
Function: METHODNAMELines: 331-0
Translates to the function: HB_METHODNAME
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The stack)
Function: NUMTOHEXLines: 340-0
Translates to the function: hb_NumToHex
Categories:Conversion Functions, Numeric FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Transforms a decimal numeric value (or pointer) to a hexadecimal format (string). The length of the resulting string can be defined by <nHexDigits>, However, care must be taken to avoid truncating the returned string that shall happen if the given <nHexDigits> is less than the actual length of the transformed number. On the other hand, if no <nHexDigits> specified,the resulting string is not left-padded with leading zeros (as is the conventional hexadecimal representation format, where a number of zeros, necessary to complete a total length of 8 or 16 and rarely 32 digits, are added to the left of hexadecimal value), which thing, in some specific cases, can be annoying/unwanted. (It's possible, for example, the returned string to have odd number length, which in case you want to parse it into pairs of two will produce unsuitable results).

Function: STRTOHEXLines: 342-0
Translates to the function: hb_StrToHex
Categories:Conversion Functions, String ANSI/Codepage FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a string (or buffer) into a string of it's corresponding hexadecimal values optionally separated by <cSeparator>. f.e.: hb_StrToHex( "harbour", ":" ) => "68:61:72:62:6F:75:72" or => "686172626F7572" when no ":" separator given.

Function: VALTOPRGEXPLines: 338-0
Translates to the function: hb_ValToExp
Categories:Conversion FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Converts a value of any type (including complex types) into a string for serialization. The returned string cExp can be evaluated (f.e. with the macro operator &) to obtain the original value. Optional 2nd parameter <lRaw>, if set to .T., forces all raw serialization format (by default is .F.).
For example, if is an object, and is .T., all properties are exported, even if their value is different than when created.

Function: WILDMATCHLines: 182-0
Translates to the function: hb_WildMatch
Categories:String ANSI/Codepage Functions, String Byte FunctionsPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Compares <cValue> with <cPattern> which may contain wildcard characters (?*).
When optional parameter <lExact> is TRUE, then it will check if whole <cValue> is covered by <cPattern> else it will check if <cPattern> is a prefix of <cValue>. If the cPattern is an empty string, function returns .T.

Function: XHB_MEMOWRITLines: 287-293
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_NETNAMELines: 276-282
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB__KEYBOARDLines: 108-142
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: __SENDRAWMSGLines: 244-248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbfunp.prgLines: 55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: gtGetClipboardLines: 50-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: gtGetClipboardSizeLines: 51-51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: gtPasteClipboardLines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: gtSetClipboardLines: 49-49
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: inetDestroyLines: 54-55
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbgt.cLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GFXPRIMITIVELines: 50-0
Translates to the function: HB_GFXPRIMITIVE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GFXTEXTLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: HB_GFXTEXT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
Function: GTPROCESSMESSAGESLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: NextKey
Categories:Keyboard functionsPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / User Interface)

Returns the value of the next key in the buffer without extracting it.

Function: HBCONSOLELOCKLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: hb_gtLock
Categories:Classic UIPlatform:All
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Locks the current GT console to permit output only from current process (thread), which means that console output from any other thread is blocked.
NOTE: be careful using GT lock and always unlock locked GT!

Function: HBCONSOLEUNLOCKLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: hb_gtUnlock
Categories:Graphic Terminal low-level
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: xhbhash.cLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HALLOCATELines: 68-0
Translates to the function: hb_HAllocate
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Pre-allocates space (memory) for <nElements> hash items. It's useful when you intend to add a set of new items because you will save time spent in grabbing each new element separately; preallocating elements may improve speed execution of program.
Note:this function will not "truncate" or release (delete) items, if the <nElements> number is less than the actual item count already into the hash table.*

Function: HCLONELines: 63-0
Translates to the function: hb_HClone
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Creates a copy of a hash table.

Function: HCOPYLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: hb_HCopy
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Adds entries from the source hash table to the destination hash table.

Function: HDEFAULTLines: 69-0
Translates to the function: hb_HDefault
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the default value assigned to new keys in a hash table. Returns the previous default value (if any).
This function is not needed if using the hb_HAutoAdd() extended parameters.

Function: HDELLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: hb_HDel
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Deletes a key and it's associated value from a hash table.
Does not generate an error when unexciting key is passed to hb_HDel().

Function: HDELATLines: 59-0
Translates to the function: hb_HDelAt
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Removes an entry from a hash table, based on its index position.

Function: HEVALLines: 66-0
Translates to the function: hb_HEval
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Evaluates a code block across the contents of a hash table. It's quite similar to AEval() function but works with hashes, instead of plain arrays.
The code block receives the key, value, and numeric position of every hash element that is being processed( e.g.: {|k,v,i| ... } )

Function: HFILLLines: 62-0
Translates to the function: hb_HFill
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the values of all the keys of <hHash> table to <xValue>.

Function: HGETLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: hb_HGet
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Gets the value associated to a key. Use hb_HGetDef() instead of this function, to avoid Run Time Error when a value does't exists.

Function: HGETCASEMATCHLines: 70-0
Translates to the function: hb_HCaseMatch
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets the 'CaseMatch' flag for the hash array.
If the second parameter is not specified, this function will still return the previous setting of the 'CaseMatch' flag.

Note 1: Definition of 'CaseMatch' flag as per
CaseMatch - defines wether to take into consideration the Case character ( big/small ) for sorting or not.

Note 2: Deprecates hb_HSetCaseMatch() function

Function: HGETKEYATLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: hb_HKeyAt
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Retrieves the key at a given position in a hash table. The <nPosition> value must be in the range 1...Len( hHash ). If hash table is empty or <nPosition> is zero or greater than Len( hHash ) then a "Bound error" RTE (RunTime Error) occurs .

Function: HGETKEYSLines: 60-0
Translates to the function: hb_HKeys
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns an array with all the keys (but not the associated values) of a hash table.

Function: HGETPAIRATLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: hb_HPairAt
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Will retrieve the key/value pair entry at the nPosition position of hHash, and either set the xKey and xValue parameter if specified, or return a two-dimensional array of the key/value values.

Function: HGETPOSLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: hb_HPos
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns the position of <xKey> in the hash.

Function: HGETVALUEATLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_HValueAt
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns the value associated to the key at a given position in a hash table or xNewValue if used to set the xValue. Optionally, you can set the new value <xNewValue> associated to the key at that position.

Function: HGETVALUESLines: 61-0
Translates to the function: hb_HValues
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns an array with all the associated xValues (not the xKeys) of a hash table.

Function: HHASKEYLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_HHasKey
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns .T. if <xKey> exists in the hash table and stores its ordinal position to @<nPos> which must be passed by reference to retain the stored position. If the key doesn't exists then <nPos> will be the position of the smaller nearest key.

Function: HMERGELines: 65-0
Translates to the function: hb_HMerge
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Merges <hsSource> hash into <hsDestination> hash. With the 3rd parameter can be optionally specified the merge mode. When source elements copied will substitute those with the same key in the destination hash table.

Function: HSCANLines: 67-0
Translates to the function: hb_HScan
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Scans the hash table values searching for <uValue>. Alternatively, you can pass a codeblock <bBlock> that receives the xKey, the value and the position of each element, and should return .T. if a match is found. The range of hash table items to be scanned can be limited by the <nStart> and <nCount> parameters, otherwise all elements are scanned. The logical flag <lExact> determines if an exact matching (or not) shall performed, when searching for strings or datetime or array or hashes.
Returns the numeric position of the located value within the hash table, or zero (0) if nothing found.

Function: HSETLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: hb_HSet
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Sets (or adds a new) key/value pair to <hHash> hash table.

Function: HSETVALUEATLines: 57-0
Translates to the function: hb_HValueAt
Categories:Hash Array FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The virtual machine / The Harbour item / Hashes)

Returns the value associated to the key at a given position in a hash table or xNewValue if used to set the xValue. Optionally, you can set the new value <xNewValue> associated to the key at that position.

File: xhbhasha.cLines: 235
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAADELATLines: 142-153
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAAGETKEYATLines: 81-98
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAAGETPOSLines: 156-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAAGETREALPOSLines: 174-187
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAAGETVALUEATLines: 101-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HAASETVALUEATLines: 121-139
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HGETAACOMPATIBILITYLines: 226-234
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HGETVAAPOSLines: 190-205
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HSETAACOMPATIBILITYLines: 208-223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbhashp.cLines: 77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HGETPARTITIONLines: 70-76
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HSETPARTITIONLines: 54-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbi18n.cLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: I18NLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: HB_I18N_GETTEXT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: xhbinet.cLines: 89
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: INETACCEPTLines: 80-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETACCEPT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETADDRESSLines: 59-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETADDRESS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCLEANUPLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLEANUP
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCLEARERRORLines: 57-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLEARERROR
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLEARPERIODCALLBACK
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLEARTIMELIMIT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCLEARTIMEOUTLines: 63-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLEARTIMEOUT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCLOSELines: 52-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCLOSE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCONNECTLines: 81-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCONNECT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCONNECTIPLines: 82-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCONNECTIP
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCOUNTLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCOUNT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCREATELines: 51-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCREATE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETCRLFLines: 87-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETCRLF
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETDATAREADYLines: 74-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETDATAREADY
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETDGRAMLines: 84-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETDGRAM
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETDGRAMBINDLines: 83-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETDGRAMBIND
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETDGRAMRECVLines: 86-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETDGRAMRECV
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETDGRAMSENDLines: 85-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETDGRAMSEND
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETERRORCODELines: 55-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETERRORCODE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETERRORDESCLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETERRORDESC
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETFDLines: 53-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETFD
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETGETALIASLines: 78-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETGETALIAS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETGETHOSTSLines: 77-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETGETHOSTS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Translates to the function: HB_INETPERIODCALLBACK
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETGETTIMELIMITLines: 65-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETTIMELIMIT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETGETTIMEOUTLines: 62-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETTIMEOUT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETINITLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETINIT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETISSOCKETLines: 88-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETISSOCKET
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETPORTLines: 60-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETPORT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETRECVLines: 70-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETRECV
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETRECVALLLines: 71-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETRECVALL
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETRECVENDBLOCKLines: 73-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETRECVENDBLOCK
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETRECVLINELines: 72-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETRECVLINE
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSENDLines: 75-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETSEND
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSENDALLLines: 76-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETSENDALL
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSERVERLines: 79-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETSERVER
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Translates to the function: HB_INETPERIODCALLBACK
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSETTIMELIMITLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETTIMELIMIT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSETTIMEOUTLines: 61-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETTIMEOUT
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
Function: INETSTATUSLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: HB_INETSTATUS
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Inet)
File: xhbini.cLines: 52
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_READINILines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_iniRead
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

This function actually calls the hb_iniReadStr() and returns the hash table that receives from it!
<cFileSpec> must be either a single ini filename or a path-list-separator separated list of ini files, in which case the first readable ini file, will be used for read.

Function: HB_SETINICOMMENTLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_iniSetComment
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Sets (optionally) the characters which will be used to comment out a full line and a half (or up to end) line of ini file.
Default values are ; and # respectively.

Function: HB_WRITEINILines: 51-0
Translates to the function: hb_iniWrite
Categories:INI FilesCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Creates an INI file from the hash array. Calls the function hb_iniWriteStr() to generate the text that will be written out the the INI file.
xFileName can be a string representing the file name, or a numeric file handle number. After calling this API the file handle will be closed.

File: xhbinkey.chLines: 97
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbinkey.prgLines: 54
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetInkeyAfterBlockLines: 52-53
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SetInkeyBeforeBlockLines: 49-50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbis.cLines: 183
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISALNUMLines: 91-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISASCIILines: 177-182
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISCNTRLLines: 131-136
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISGRAPHLines: 142-147
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISPRINTLines: 154-159
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISPUNCTLines: 166-171
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISSPACELines: 106-114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ISXDIGITLines: 120-125
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbkey.cLines: 122
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_INKEYLines: 113-121
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_KEYTRANSLines: 108-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbmemo.prgLines: 519
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: xhb_MemoEditLines: 399-518
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: xhb_TMemoEditorLines: 53-71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbmisc.prgLines: 69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: OccursLines: 50-68
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbmsgs.cLines: 638
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_DECLines: 472-489
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_DIVLines: 526-565
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_EEQUALLines: 113-140
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_EQUALLines: 142-169
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_GREATERLines: 250-273
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_GREATEREQLines: 275-298
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_HASHERRORLines: 53-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_INCLines: 453-470
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_INCLUDELines: 92-111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_INDEXLines: 307-385
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_LESSLines: 200-223
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_LESSEQLines: 225-248
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_MINUSLines: 420-451
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_MODLines: 567-606
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_MULTLines: 491-524
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_NOTEQUALLines: 171-198
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_PLUSLines: 387-418
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_POWLines: 608-637
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbmt.prgLines: 119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GetSystemThreadIdLines: 117-118
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_MutexTimeOutLockLines: 114-115
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_MutexTryLockLines: 111-112
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: IsSameThreadLines: 79-81
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: IsValidThreadLines: 83-93
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: KillThreadLines: 95-99
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: StartThreadLines: 49-57
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Command: StopThreadLines: 101-106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SubscribeLines: 59-67
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SubscribeNowLines: 69-77
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: ThreadSleepLines: 108-109
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbmtc.cLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: DESTROYMUTEXLines: 66-69
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GETCURRENTTHREADLines: 51-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadSelf
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns either the pointer of thread, from inside which, this function is invoked or NIL if this pointer happens to be NULL.

Function: GETTHREADIDLines: 52-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadID
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns the numeric ID of the the current or <pThreadID> thread into the threads' stack.

Function: JOINTHREADLines: 54-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadJoin
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Suspends execution of the current thread, until the thread pointed by <pThreadID> ends executing (exit). If @<xRetCode> passed (by reference), obtains the exit (?) code of the joined thread.

Function: KILLALLTHREADSLines: 55-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadTerminateAll
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Sends to all threads a request to complete (terminate) their running and waits until it happens. It can be called only from the main thread.

Function: NOTIFYLines: 58-0
Translates to the function: hb_mutexNotify
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: NOTIFYALLLines: 59-0
Translates to the function: hb_mutexNotifyAll
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)
Function: THREADGETCURRENTLines: 64-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadID
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns the numeric ID of the the current or <pThreadID> thread into the threads' stack.

Translates to the function: hb_threadID
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Returns the numeric ID of the the current or <pThreadID> thread into the threads' stack.

Function: WAITFORTHREADSLines: 56-0
Translates to the function: hb_threadWaitForAll
Categories:MultithreadingPlatform:AllCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Threads)

Waits until all the threads have finished running.

File: xhbmvinf.cLines: 75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: __MVSYMBOLINFOLines: 51-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbole.prgLines: 261
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CreateObjectLines: 248-249
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: CreateOleObjectLines: 254-255
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: GetActiveObjectLines: 251-252
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: OleDefaultArgLines: 257-258
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: TOleAutoLines: 135-167
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbolec.cLines: 71
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: __OLEPDISPLines: 57-62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbprn.cLines: 70
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbproc.cLines: 51
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_CLOSEPROCESSLines: 50-0
Translates to the function: hb_processClose
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)

Closes an opened process.

Function: HB_OPENPROCESSLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_ProcessOpen
Categories:Process FunctionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library)
File: xhbqself.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_QSELFLines: 54-82
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbregx.cLines: 50
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_ISREGEXSTRINGLines: 49-0
Translates to the function: hb_IsRegex
Categories:Regular ExpressionsCompatibility:Web App
Doc Topic:(The runtime library / Regular expressions)
File: xhbsave.cLines: 120
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_RESTSCREENLines: 107-119
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_SAVESCREENLines: 90-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbscr.cLines: 61
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: SCROLLFIXEDLines: 52-60
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbtedit.prgLines: 3092
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: XHBEditorLines: 90-244
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbtrim.cLines: 114
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_ALLTRIMLines: 84-113
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_RTRIMLines: 55-75
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: XHB_TRIMLines: 78-0
Translates to the function: XHB_RTRIM
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbver.chLines: 87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbver.prgLines: 111
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: hb_BuildInfoLines: 51-110
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbwin.cLines: 83
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: MESSAGEBOXLines: 63-74
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhbwith.cLines: 106
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_QWITHLines: 87-90
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_RESETWITHLines: 97-105
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: HB_WITHOBJECTCOUNTERLines: 92-95
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xhwinprn.prgLines: 137
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: Win32BmpLines: 133-134
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Class: Win32PrnLines: 67-87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xstrdel.cLines: 87
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: STRDELLines: 50-86
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xthrow.cLines: 64
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Function: THROWLines: 51-63
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xwin_reg.cLines: 62
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
File: xwin_ver.cLines: 96
Doc Topic:(Contrib / xhb)
Contrib: xhb - Compatibility layer with the xHarbourFolder: contrib\xhb\tests\
File: compress.prgLines: 72
Command: MainLines: 11-71
File: copyfile.prgLines: 8
Command: MainLines: 3-7
File: decode.prgLines: 76
Command: MainLines: 49-75
File: dll.prgLines: 12
Command: MainLines: 7-11
File: regexrpl.prgLines: 71
Command: MainLines: 11-70
File: xml1.prgLines: 68
Command: MainLines: 5-67